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16359693 No.16359693 [Reply] [Original]

why is the fear of God the beginning of wisdom?

>> No.16359698

It's not. Fear of my God is the beginning of control.

>> No.16359702

You're just playing language masturbation to say the same thing

>> No.16359704

To Fear/ Revere God is about following his commands. And since God knows best because He is God, following Him leads you on the path of perfection

>> No.16359715

You're admitting that you don't know anything.
Kinda stupid but that's basically what it is.

>> No.16359725

To fear god is to know your place in the universe. It is to know that you will die and be forgotten. It is to know that all your dreams, hearts, pain and joy is nothing. It is the beginning of wisdom because it takes you out of your idea of "self" and "ego" and shows you how small and insignificant you really are. Now you can start asking the really important questions

>> No.16359728

So be humble?

>> No.16359760

I'm not saying the same thing.

>> No.16359902


>> No.16360007

you must not fear God, but your own stupidity which might cause pain to people around you. you must love truth above anything else. you must take full responsibility for what you say. be serious. life is survival, and strength is in truth.

>> No.16360014

If you fear god you will be wise and not sin

>> No.16361713

a bit of all of that...
>Jupiter with his bolts, from which the most Important auspices were drawn, had struck down the first giants and driven them under the earth to hide in the caves of the mountains, By striking them down to this fashion he had given them the opportunity of becomIng lords of the fields of those lands where they found themselves settled in hiding, and thereby they became the lords in the first commomweaths, and because of thiS ownership, [when they approved or authorized anything] each of them was said to become Its "fundis" In the sense of its "auctor" From their private authority within the family came, With the union of the familIes, as we shall see, the civil or publIc authority of their ruling heroic senates, as set for in their medal (of which there are so many examples among those of the Greek commonwealths reproduced in Goltz) depicting three human thighs United to the center with the soles of the feet on the circumference ThiS Signifies the ownership of the fields of each region or territory or distric of each commonwealth this is now called eminent domain and is Signified by the hieroglyph of the pome which today surmounts the crowns of civil powers, as will be set forth later The [fact that the legs to the medal are three in number] lends particular strength to this interpretacion, as the Greeks were accustomed to express the superlative by the number three, as the French now say "tres" for ''very'' By the same figure of speech, Jupiter's thunderbolt was called three furrowed because It furrowed the air most forcefully (Thus the Idea of furrowmg was perhaps first applied to air, then earth and finally water) Similarly Neptune's trident was so called because, as we shall see, It was a most powerful hook for biting or grappling ships, and Cerberus was called three throated as having an enormous gullet

>> No.16361843

>495 The first founders of humanity applied themselves to sensory topics, by which they brought together those properties or qualities or relations of individuals and species which were, so to speak, concrete.

>496 So that we may truly say that the first age of the world occupied itself with the primary operation of the human mind.

>497 And first it began to hew out topics, which is an art of regulating the primary operation of our mind by noting the commonplaces that must all be run over in order to know all there is in a thing that one desires to know well

>498 Divine Providence gave good guidance to human affairs when it aroused human minds first to topics rather than to criticism, for acquaintance with things must come before judgment of them. Topics has the function of making minds inventive, as criticism has that of making them exact. And in those first times all things necessary to human life had to be invented, and invention is the property of genius. In fact, whoever gives the matter some thought will observe that not only the necessaries of life but the useful, comfortable, pleasing and even luxurious and superfluous, had already been invented in Greece before the advent of the philosophers, as we shall show later when we speak of the age of Homer. On this point we have set forth an axiom above [215]: namely, that "children are extraordinarely gifted in imitation" that "poetry is nothing but imitation" and that "the arts are only imitations of nature and consequently in a certain sense are real poetry." Thus the first peoples, who were the children of the human race, founded first the world of the arts; then the philosophers, who came a long time afterwards and so may be regarded as the old men of the nations, founded the world of the sciences, thereby making humanity complete.

>> No.16361854
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I wrote this for another thread
>The point is that religion does not grow from the people or the world. Lowering metaphysics to the worldly is just man lowering truth to himself, which is retarded. Mystical reality is tangible and beyond the world, which is why paganism is a failure because it's just humans realizing their actions have metaphysical weight and they can manipulate things (which is why paganism is almost inseparable from occultism). Abrahamism and Dharmism are useful because they don't stoop the mystical to man's level, they offer historicity, cosmology, and worldview without shackeling man with worldly chains. Also, speaking purely to abrahamism, there is nothing separates man from the rest of Creation. The idea that man is above Creation is not Christian, the only reason man is different from the rest of Creation is that this sinful mess is our fault and so we have an obligation to steward. The nature-man dichotomy was the folly of romanticism and is not real.
Or you could just ignore all of this and go read some Hesse, which is probably better for your spiritual health than throwing rocks at trees and playing with a dangerous spirituality that "comes from man".
The last bit was just a refutation of the pagan's use of ecological concern as a motivation for their spirituality. Essentially, the understanding that God is not in or of the world is the first step in approaching and appreciating the mystical.

>> No.16361942

498 Providence gave good guidance to human affairs when it aroused human minds first to topics rather than to criticism, for acquaintance with things must come before judgment of them. Topics has the function of making minds inventive, as criticism has that of making them exact. And in those first times all things necessary to human life had to be invented, and invention is the property of genius. In fact, whoever gives the matter some thought will observe that not only the necessaries of life but the useful, comfortable, pleasing and even luxurious and superfluous, had already been invented in Greece before the advent of the philosophers, as we shall show later when we speak of the age of Homer. On this point we have set forth an axiom above [215]: namely, that "children are extraordinarely gifted in imitation" that "poetry is nothing but imitation" and that "the arts are only imitations of nature and consequently in a certain sense are real poetry." Thus the first peoples, who were the children of the human race, founded first the world of the arts; then the philosophers, who came a long time afterwards and so may be regarded as the old men of the nations, founded the world of the sciences, thereby making humanity complete.

>> No.16362268

You're going into uncharted territory. Only a fool would let something other than love, good judgement and humility be his guiding light in darkness

>> No.16362344

I agree with that, I'm not a paganist larper, but theres a kind of "historic growth" or maturity goin on... just by lookin at the aztecs you can clearly see that there are form of religions that are just evil theres no other word for it. this kind of evil was also present in canaan-phoenicia and also in some europe/nordic religions where human sacrifices were practiced even with children, even bolivia had sacrifices of children where they used coke-leaf to soothe them before killing them... even rome with all its civilization they still had an uncivilized barbarism that would be considered an absolute evil thing if it was seen today. this is one of the reason it would be impossible to really revive paganism

>> No.16362693
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Exactly, it deserves more mention beyond just being evil or barbaric though. From a Christian perspective, without getting into "muh devil" too much, early pagan practices had real effects and the people were conscious (although uneducated) about what they were doing. If you look at indigenous prehistory, most spiritualities revolve around the necromancy and the use of favors with "gods" to make things happen. This is where occultism, understanding spirituality in terms of manipulation and benefit, comes from. In reality what we see is that these people, through the use of blood sacrifices and psychedelia, are actually having the opposite affect done to them, they're manipulated by their "gods" because they cannot move beyond their worldly spirituality. If you watch contemporary shamans, and the effect ayahuasca has on their brains, they actively interact and are consumed by the presence of their deities. This is what demons do, they're parasitic, which is why one must always be careful when leaving their mind and soul open to tampering (mediation or foreign rituals). Paganism isn't evil solely because of its practices, but because it limits its scope to occultism and is condemned to forever live in and be of the world.

>> No.16362721

so do you believe that vedic monotheism (i.e the adoration of the One God as can be seen in the Bhagavad Gota) is just an exception?

>> No.16362746

God is public good manifested. To be good means to submit to a moral code and fear the consequences of antisocial behavior.

>> No.16362828

I'm not well educated on the dharmic worldview. It is irreconcilable with Abrahamism, but I believe it calls upon some semblance of the Truth.
>Modern man, instead of attempting to raise himself to truth, seeks to drag truth down to his level.