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16359522 No.16359522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aged like milk.

>> No.16359532
File: 871 KB, 640x360, based peterson quotes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help us, doctor petersen!

>> No.16359533
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG BROS zizek Peterson debate
please go back to 2016. Yes I know this debate didn't take place in 2016 but you're exuding incredible post 2016 /pol/ tourist normie energy right now

>> No.16359551

i agree with you anon but pls stop posting basedaks. they’re the worst

>> No.16359560

>le hot take without any kind of argumentation post

>> No.16359589


>> No.16359602

where are they anon

>> No.16359626

>Peterson = dead
>zizek = some hole in Slovenia having a stroke
This what happens when you go against god

>> No.16359643

Whoa guys reddit sucks not like my hacker known as anonymous le ebin pool is closed pedobear based oldfag anime forum hahahaha right guys

>> No.16359659

yikes said the narwhal bacon

Edit: First page we did it reddit!

Edit 2: Thanks for the gold keanu big chungus!

>> No.16359738
File: 105 KB, 1000x500, 1600086433572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burning down american cities
>inb4 th-thats not real m-marxism

>> No.16359772

what's a trained Marxist, somebody who has studied Marx's work? lol

>> No.16359776

I'm sure that's a real quote.

>> No.16359784

We should burn down American cities but not in the name of Marxism insallah

>> No.16359788

did you even listen to what zizek said?
there are no marxists, only impotent shitlib moralizers in academia. left is totally marginalized

>> No.16359798

I am going to split your head open with an axe nigger and ejaculate into your cranial cavity

>> No.16359801

>burning down American cities
how is that not a good thing, anon? It seems just to me, wouldn't you agree that the just is also good?

>> No.16359813
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>> No.16359817

she looks like a badly rendered GTA character.

>> No.16359824

I was pretty happy when I heard they burned down the precinct in Minneapolis, then the Portland cops teargassed people until the city council had to take their toys away.

>> No.16359825

Wow I love stupid purity tests and language games

>> No.16359831

likewise, sir. I too agree that the use of violence solves most of this earth's problems, although I am not a person of colour, but alas tis but a small insignificant detail in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.16359832

>not knowing the difference between libs and leftists.

>> No.16359834

>impotent shitlib moralizers
Correct, that has been every Leftist in the West, ever.

>left is totally marginalized
The term "Leftist" was created to refer to Liberals. You are a Liberal, you just have certain aesthetic preferences.

>> No.16359841

it's not a language game. leftism is an economic program. liberalism on the other hand considers that the only thing wrong with our current economic system is too few blacks and women in positions of power

>> No.16359846

>aesthetic preferences
I would kill everyone who shares your opinion if I had political power

>> No.16359847

>Posts polbait thread on /lit/ barely any responses
>Posts the same garbage on /tv/, 160 replies

Maybe /lit/ isn't so shit after all.

>> No.16359854

There is actual video of her saying it.

>> No.16359857

>where are the Marxists
Working for the Ford Foundation to write non-partisan policy advice for elected officials to promote equitable, just, and inclusive political outcomes.

>> No.16359859

This has more responses than other threads in the catalog. /tv/ is just an add toner fast board so obviously it'll have more replies because a lot more people use it

>> No.16359860
File: 57 KB, 261x193, 1586543156167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I realize that second part wasn't in greentext and expressed the sincere opinions of a fellow Anon

>> No.16359861

Oh, ok.

>> No.16359868

>I'm sure that's a real quote.
I'm sure you're a flaming faggot but I don't have video to prove it. Anyway, here's the BLM cunt:


>> No.16359873

I'm this guy. You don't have to repeat yourself. I don't care.

>> No.16359875

The postmodern neo-Marxists are taking over our universities. They are not trying to make the students smarter, but instead to make them into "disaffected" victims of political correctness. They are trying to prevent students from speaking their minds. This includes creating a new Orwellian system where everyone has to "think for themselves." (Emphasis added).

I am sure that the new Orwellian university-in-the-cloud model will allow the new neo-Marxists to gain even greater influence.

>> No.16359890


>> No.16359900


>> No.16359901

>for the last 50 years koch brothers have been opening think tanks, news channels and funding universities in order to normalize their radical right-wing vision and force unfettered capitalism and destroy every institution in america
>oh noes the evil marxists are taking over universities!

>> No.16359918

Yeah, they've taken over. That's why economics majors all get trained in how to stage a Marxist revolution now, and don't actually learn any other economics.

>> No.16359923

The mayor let them have it back when he felt personally threatened (after what was the most poorly executed political stunt I've ever seen). I think he only took them away again since he knows the protests are dying down.

>> No.16359924

>t. LARPer
You'd be starving to death in a gulag if anything approximating your political ideology came anywhere near power, you bourgeoisie Liberal.

>> No.16359936

True, but the protesters did still manage to get the PD to lose funding.

>> No.16359939

>Marxism is strictly limited to economics and nothing else
brainlet take. Do better /lit/

>> No.16359991

>>Marxism is strictly limited to economics and nothing else
marxism literally says that all culture is a consequence of the economy.

>> No.16360052

And how exactly that disproves what I just said?

>> No.16360056

I'd volunteer for the infernal columns, those always need people

>> No.16360088

Marxism is good.

>> No.16360128

You say Marxism isn't only about the economy. But since Marx makes every single thing ever about the economy Marxism must be about the economy under Marxist definition.

>> No.16360236

Marxism pretends to explain:
>Human relations
>Power dynamics
Yet somehow we should reduce it to a mere economic theory or paradigm? Nah. It doesn't matter if some people consider it to be just that. It's not. Hell, some even consider Marxism to be "scientific" ... newsflash: it's fundamentally esoteric. Culture is a consequence of biology. There's no other way around it.

>> No.16360301

>Marxism ends with Marx and isn't an evolving tradition that is still ongoing.

>> No.16360326

>not realizing BLM is a CIA psyop

>> No.16360328

>validating the suspicion I've had that Marxism is a noxious parasitic amorphous entity that mutates when under threat for survival

>> No.16360329

These things are all, to some degree, encompassed in the field of economics. Economics is not a very limited field, because when you talk about buying and selling things, you're already talking about the "history" of buying and selling things, and what that has to do with the "culture" of those times and places, and the "relationships" between buyers and sellers, etc. If a text is "limited to economics" it is necessarily also going to incorporate history at some point, but that doesn't mean it isn't still an economics book, rather than a historical work.

>> No.16360395

BLM is hand tuned to spark Republican outrage. The Democratic party (which BLM is a wing of given their usage of ActBlue) is definitely not a Marxist institution.

>> No.16360403

>one uses Marxist to mean anything
>one uses Marxist to mean nothing

>> No.16360404

BLM is a right wing movement.

>> No.16360412

Define “rightwing.” Oh, you can’t? How pitiful.

>> No.16360416

The absolute state of politics. Do you have any grey matter left with all those brain worms?

>> No.16360425

Don’t material conditions create pressures to incentivize certain traits?

>> No.16360471

I think that's just the nature of any intellectual movement.

>> No.16360487
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x720, Dont Forget Peterson.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /prayers4peterson/ on the daily?

>> No.16360528

These are fake idpol marxists, with absolutely zero class consciousness.

>> No.16360554

>get btfod
>actually i dont care

>> No.16360610

how did it age like milk?

>> No.16360648

Well, evolution is a process more than a specific condition. The result are successful genes that evolved in a certain environment. When we talk about biology in this context we mostly mean genetic traits and reproductive strategies.
Those things next to the geographic landscape, climate and resources available, force humans to organize and thrive (or perish) in a certain way, so the premise still stands: Biology (material conditions) comes first, Culture follows.

>> No.16360756

I think we agree for the most part. Economy isn't (and never pretended to be) hard science, but that doesn't mean it can't be grossly reductionist at times.
Marxism was a bold attempt to explain the world, but fell flat because people back then didn't know the things we do now, scientific knowledge has improved greatly ever since.

>> No.16360764

you can't explain culture trough biology.
modern humans are genetically indistinguishable from humans 100000 years ago, but their cultures are completely different

>> No.16360780

>muh pure Aryan skull shape

>> No.16360802

I'd say that's a bit of a reduction. Marxism was an attempt to explain recent history through economics, and then to use that to influence contemporary politics, and it did have a large influence, but not the one Marx wanted.

>> No.16360818

Galaxy brain take

>> No.16360827

Zizek is a tranny now

>> No.16360846

>marx hinges on the only thing he got completely wrong

>> No.16360882

marx got everything completely right.
meanwhile all you offer are some magic lines that were never measured, can never be measured or derived theoretically and can't predict anything.
kys rightoid you "people" make me sick

>> No.16360921

Judging by this thread, Peterson should have just linked this board.

Christ, what a disgusting bunch of materialists.

>> No.16360953

he put your daddy into a coma

>> No.16361025

Marxism is basically dead in America, and at the university level got bastardized immediately.

You might be thinking of Japan though, which actually does have a very Marx dominated higher education system.
>source: Introduction by Gavin Walker to Kojin Karatani's Marx and Makoto Itoh's Value and Crisis

>> No.16361072

>modern humans are genetically indistinguishable from humans 100000 years ago
What humans are you referring to. Not even all modern humans living today are the same. Besides, the environment (geography, climate, resources, predators - also material conditions) still plays a big role

>but their cultures are completely different
In a way, yes. But remember: Some things like traditional gender roles still exist.
Don't conflate changes in culture with improved material conditions (due to technological advancement for the most part)
Today we know a whole lot about black holes and supernovas, and yet we still uphold superstitious beliefs, so in a lot of ways we are in the same mental spot as hunter gatherers.

>> No.16361089

o i am laffin

>> No.16361107


>Anything that discredits my movement is a conspiracy by the Illuminati

God you people are depressing. I can't wait until China gets their shit together and we'll have a worthy opponent again.

>> No.16361196

Robert's third law

>> No.16361219

>it did have a large influence, but not the one Marx wanted.
Yup. Marxism's predictive power puts it on the level of Astrology.

>> No.16361265

Marx wasn't right that a revolution would happen in England, but he was completely right that the profit motive would continue to trump any concept of "rational self-interest" in the market place. Capital doesn't care about sustainability, nor does it care about the worker.

>> No.16361286

what an original thought!

>> No.16361300

I know, right?

>> No.16361322

Americans should be banned from using political terms because they don't know what they mean. Any time an American says something like "liberal" or "Marxist" or even "leftist" I know this person has absolutely no idea what they're spewing and are just regurgitating retard talking points. Americans do not know leftism. Americans don't know what communism is. Americans don't know who Marx is beyond maybe they know he wrote a pamphlet.

Peterson is just a grifting retard.

>> No.16361337

>Peterson is a grifting retard
True, plus he got grifted by his own daughter, so bad it put him in the hospital.

>> No.16361422

I grow weary of arguing with subhumans like you. fuck off and die.

>> No.16361435

>omg some people use words differently than I do
You are basically a retarded infant

>> No.16361655

Shut the fuck up, burgoid. Words have meaning for a reason.

>> No.16361680

>blacks being blacks is the fault of the CIA
Lol, just lol

>> No.16361716
File: 1.43 MB, 853x1067, 123123213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is absolutely nothing wrong in the USA
>I-Its just niggers being niggers

>> No.16361729

Are you telling the CIA is also behind the BLM protests in Europe?

>> No.16361962

in the West the strength of the Communist party is more or less inversely related to "how capitalist" the country in question is and how early that came to be the case.

>> No.16362003
File: 84 KB, 310x310, bin lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftism does not work.

>> No.16362209

You people will say this and then talk about the opression of women and niggers just like them

>> No.16362243

>distributes hard drugs in ghettos

>> No.16362271

any idea that is both revolutionary and also non-authoritarian leftist is inherently broken, when will you commie retards accept the facts?

>> No.16363365


>Implying any of the BLM rioters have read a book

Okay sonny.

>> No.16363462

Peterson is Canadian

>> No.16363491

Peterson's god existed in pill form.
Zizek's god exists as a Subway™ sandwich.

>> No.16363505
File: 973 KB, 1539x1213, Zizek's Merger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Zizek was right.
But his synthetic solution between nationalism and socialism has a very unpalatable name.

>> No.16363523

Everyone on earth should receive "training" in Marxism. Doesn't mean jack shit if you ignore everything Marx said.

>> No.16363531

this anon knows

>> No.16363533

edit: thanks guys my wife will let me use my switch now.

>> No.16363545


Left Wing Nationalism.

>> No.16363556

Meaning is a site of contestation between differing discursive communities.

>> No.16363570

if the world is made right again insallah the only marxists will explain is why they shouldn't be lynched on the spot

>> No.16363582

marxism is just a jewish agenda, any insight into the writing of marx on central banking reveals this. wherever you find a large concentration of jews, the word marxism will show up and they contort it based on the demographics in any respective country

>> No.16363588

literally "not a real communist" I would call it a movie but that might go as far as calling them peace loving heros.

>> No.16363601

m-m-mega cope

>> No.16363613

He's right tho?
There isn't anything even remotely marxist about the american "left", all its fights are ideological, there is absolutely 0 talk about class related issues and economics, it's all propaganda from the establishment, same as calling every right winger a nazi or an incel, so they can work undisturbed while people wage a civil war over ideological issues.
Really, the closest thing to a marxist in America is Sanders and he's been viciously sabotaged by both parties and the media.

Basically americans are brainwashed retards and Peterson is an establishment lapdog who should stick to self helping books for teenagers.

>> No.16363639

>Culture is a consequence of biology.
>What is a social relationship, and why material relation of production have tremondously more impact on culture than genetic differences?
Playing the ethno-nationalist nazi is cool, speeches, cool uniforms, i get it, but when one understands the relation of production, and the base/superstructure dynamics, it gets very old. By the way, evo-psychology is mostly flawed, because it never take into consideration, for it's explanation, the material condition of production, which are, are we in antique slavery? Feudalism? Capitalism? Human behaviors are not the same in all those modes of production. Obviously, owning a slave is totally immoral in Capitalism, and a major crime, but it's, on the contrary, perfectly fine and natural under slavery mode of production. Did human change genetically between one and the other? Did human become biologically less agressive, more empathic? No. Because man is a social being. whom social relationship can vary a lot. Man is not an ant, or a bee, whose behaviors are very predictable, and the same in most of the natural conditions: it either work, or it doesn't. Man, on the other hand, have tremendous adaptability, and the consequence from this adaptability, is that his social relationship, and thus his living conditions, can vary a lot, without his DNA having to be modified.

>> No.16363640

The anti-fragile System would quickly identify it as NatSoc or NatBol and crush it down immediately.

I think a viable synthesis exists here, but it's sadly gonna die on the battlefield of linguistic semantics.

>> No.16363659

not wrong though, "marxism" in the current year must be understood as an euphemism for "jewish antics" or "continued existance of the jewish race". He is correct in admonishing Peterson and Peterson is wrong in being a cuck. We'll be having no more euphemisms from now on, no more cucking.

>> No.16363664

Honestly I think the post-ideological solution is to just not name it but have it exist as a type of polymorphic meme.
A sign without a signifier.

>> No.16363685

Boiling it all down to the relations of production is every bit as reductive as biological determinism.

>> No.16363686

Does their radical right-wing vision includes violent racially motivated riots? Because this is the shit happening and it's not because of that.

>> No.16363693

>We'll be having no more euphemisms from now on, no more cucking.
It's great that you woke up anon, and decided to abolish Capitalism.

>> No.16363711

>Koch brothers
>radical right wing
This whole left wing right wing thing is a pointless shitshow honestly. Can anyone define for me what exactly it is that makes "more money please yum yum" a conservative value?

>> No.16363718

>Boiling it all down to the relations of production is every bit as reductive as biological determinism.
I just re-read my thread, just to be sure, but no, i didn't wrote this.
However, it definitively has most of the importance on the living conditions, especially on the aspects of how man manage his time (wage cucking it). Also his health (big pharma), his diet (processed food), among other things.

>> No.16363732

>This whole left wing right wing thing is a pointless shitshow honestly.
It is both the right wing and the left wing of economic reproduction. They are both into Capitalism frame.

>> No.16363745

Even the leftists are into race science now, the fact that marxism holds no weight on the left compared to identity politics pretty much proves all politics is biological struggle of the races. Marxism is the last stand of implicit white identity.

>> No.16363779

>can't explain culture through biology
>everything about cooking is related to our omnivore origins and what foods taste good to a plains ape
>people love to watch their team compete in athletic events (tribal warfare origins)
>music is something we can only make because we have adept ears, vocal cords, and brains capable of processing melody
>everything we've built can only be explained by us being the only animal with a brain capable of planning to do it
Nah you're right cave paintings were caused by material conditions.

>> No.16363799

Marxism is not an effective means of analysis or mobilization under post industrial conditions. Faith in man is to naive and modernist, at least epstein and pinker and the harvard evopsych crowd are honest they rip us all off with their superior azkhenazi iq and dedicate thier time to mating with the maximum possible amount of nubile females without regard for the future of the species

>> No.16363821

Can you stop abusing commas and start writing in complete sentences, or do you not own the means to do so?

>> No.16363857

White settlers and labour aristokkkracy are not the working class

>> No.16363866

>The entire later half of the 20th century
yes, the CIA and by extension all the three letter agencies have a big hand in how shitty blacks are.

>> No.16363917

The Kochs exist in a milieu that was founded on "more money yum yum consume and expand and consume and expand". They represent the american right wing in that along with their extreme libertarian rhetoric they also promote goof ball american evangelist christianity, and facile americana nationalism among other right wing rallying points.
Dont be obstinate .

>> No.16363925

I thought americans liked commas, because if not used, they don't understand the meaning of a sentence. In any case, i'm not really in the mood.
Spotted the negro juvenile. Read Marx young negro.

>> No.16363932

>Marxism is not an effective means of analysis or mobilization under post industrial conditions.
How has class warfare diminished at all in a service economy?

>> No.16363954

>How has class warfare diminished
You mean that thing we arent supposed to talk about now because it diminishes black voices or some shit?

>> No.16363957

This post aged like milk.

>> No.16363969

>>How has class warfare diminished
>You mean that thing we arent supposed to talk about now because it diminishes black voices or some shit?
It's exactly this. LGBT, feminism, and multiculturalism are diversion from class struggle. Feminism and multiculturalism (mass immigration), have the other advantage, more objective, to decrease wage, and thus make more profit.

>> No.16364053

Why cant white guy marxists take the logical jump already and become ? Do they suffer from white nationalists syndrome? The lgbtsjwtfnpc crowd will want you dead no matter how much you grovel and apologize.

>> No.16364061

Why cant you just become white nationalosts already its the logical thing to do, do you suffer from stockholm syndrome?

>> No.16364122

I was. Radical Marxism, as someone who has read and understand (i guess) Marx, is the logical continuity of ethno-nationalism. Not the other way round. You natsoc think we were either born Marxist, or brainwashed, or that we have never encountered, nor read, nor had any previous sympathy for natsoc. But you fail to realize that many radical Marxist are previous natsoc. Mostly because natsoc, in case you didn't realize, and you probably didn't, natsoc is still Capitalism.

>> No.16364138

Natsoc was never supposed to be anticapitalism, it was just suppose to have a powerful dictator who could reign in the excesses of capitalism and help the proles.

>> No.16364160

They haven't but their handlers have
The riots aren't some spontaneous occurrence, They're backed up by the media, corporations, and a retainer of lawyers

>> No.16364182

>help the proles.
Crystal nacht, and purge of the SA and the left wing of the NSDAP party, in order to satisfy the Capitalist.

>> No.16364187

By help the proles I mean like the national projects and housing, the interest-free loans, the subsidies for children, the hitler youth stuff, etc.

>> No.16364214

>hitler youth stuff
Sure they were helped, most of them were dead by 1945.
Okay that was easy, but still. Hitler probably didn't die.

>> No.16364225

The war is obviously not what I'm talking about
>national projects and housing, the interest-free loans, the subsidies for children,

>> No.16364244

Yes i know about that. The roads also. Still, it's Capitalism. A particular layout of Capitalism, but still Capitalism. Someone ambitious will want to abolish Capitalism. Not reorganize it.

>> No.16364583

>Playing the ethno-nationalist nazi is cool, speeches, cool uniforms, i get it
Calm your tits. Acknowledging reality as it is, like being aware of IQ differences between the races, does not mean you have to go full 1488 right away. There are a few steps in between. For example, most people know women aren't on par with men in practically anything that doesn't involve reproduction, yet in most cultures, contrary to what Feminism have told us, they're catered, valued and praised, while in contrast, the majority of men through history have rightly won a less appealing prize: their disposable status (again, an evolutionary difference coded into culture)

>Man, on the other hand, have tremendous adaptability, and the consequence from this adaptability, is that his social relationship, and thus his living conditions, can vary a lot, without his DNA having to be modified.
That's Lysenkoism. Never go full Lysenkoism, comrade. Man as an individual and man as a social being are two completely different animals from a epistemological perspective. Social disciplines often tend to conflate them, as does ideology. True science does not.

>> No.16364624

Any good evopsych would obviously take into account the plasticity of human behavior while noting persistent features.

>> No.16364651

Is it a marxist trait to talk about shit you know nothing about?

>> No.16364665

>Any good evopsych would obviously take into account the plasticity of human behavior while noting persistent features.
You mean like showing the full graph? Sure. Omitting data would be dishonest and straight-up malpractice.

>> No.16364677

Larry Summers' 2004 letter on IQ differences between the sexes nearly got him ousted from the harvard presidency. He came from the world bank and went on to serve as an adviser to the obama administration. Robert Trivers noted sociobiologist wrote a book, the folly of fools the logic of deceit and self deception in human life. His thesis: we evolved to deceive ourselves in order to better deceive others. In 1982, Huey Newton expelled him from the black panther party 'for his own good'. And of course we all know mr epstein.

Todays left arent marxists third worldists or even blank slate liberal egalitarians as much as they are a well oiled patronage machine that depends on identitarian essentialisms. Its the right who insist in playing a classical liberal game of 'meritocracy' which has long outlived its usefulness Its like the marxists who insist on playing chess when everybody is already playing go.

Maybe the point is, any way you go about it jews are using their superior azkhenazi iq to fuck us all in the ass. The classical liberal with the hook shaped nose, and the grizzled old school orthodox marxist professor the sociobiologist justifying his perfectly natural preference for nubile aryan teens, the woke ad exec, and the (((national populist)))), the nyt editor and the hollyweird creep,

>> No.16364681

Capitalism isn't right wing. It's a liberal, tradition eroding ideology.

>> No.16364687

All three of these replies seem to have little to do with my post, which was just a general and uncontroversial statement. Plasticity of behavior is even part of the normal sociobiology of other animals.

>> No.16364697

Playing checkers when everyone is already playing go. Im just telling ya they're gonna fuck you in the ass kiddo

>> No.16364711

Just marry a jew already you obsessive autist

>> No.16364736
File: 193 KB, 718x710, 1596152208222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16364897

The whole spectrum of political economy is Capitalist. It is about organizing production, in a Capitalistic way, i.e with wage labor, private property of the means of production, a free market, a State. The whole spectrum is alienated.

>> No.16364925

You worded it in a very gay Marxist way but I agree with that assessment

>> No.16364930

Birds can make music too...
Some birds just make noises. That isn't music.

>> No.16364948

it's funny how the poltards can recognize how organizations and groups are bringing "degeneracy" upon white people but they lack any ability to see how the same was done in black communities
these niggas actually colour blind Lmao

>> No.16364960

>there are no marxists, only impotent shitlib moralizers in academia. left is totally marginalized
Holy fuck just give it up you fucking serpent, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.16364972
File: 98 KB, 600x723, gigachad 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is a shill.
Zizek is a shill.
>pic related
Both of them are shills working for the same tribe from different sides. Stop supporting pseudo-intellectual, fraudulent academics. Read. Meditate. Get fit. And think for yourself.

>> No.16365010

I don't think the real "racist" posts are genuine, it's either memes or intentionally sowing division. Why would my fellows who are also enslaved be my enemy? They can only keep us down while we are divided.

>> No.16365022

blacks are the only ones with enough balls to fight the police. white "radicals" hand themselves over as soon as they see flashing lights.

>> No.16365059

based midwit pretending to be chad

>> No.16365096

The real redpill is the Arabs. Once /pol/ and Arabs recognise they are on the same side, it's over. Of course, j have an overwhelming influence in "right wing" groups to ensure this doesn't happen.

>> No.16365102

I think they're just not intelligent enough to realize it's a bad idea. I genuinely cannot make sense of the way they behave around cops otherwise

>> No.16365128

They grow up in an environment where men are expected to respond aggressively to challenges (both real and perceived) rather than submit to authority in even the most petty of situations.

>> No.16365138
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>since everybody is shilling for something, you'll somehow preserve your intellectual integrity by not taking part in any discussion and creating instead your own solipsistic bubble
Behold the "just be yourself bro" cope for /lit/fags

>> No.16365160

I agree Working class whites need to unite with their black muslim and latin brethtren so as to better bash the queers and gas the jews

>> No.16365169
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The disconnect in this thread is amazing. We have marxists in all black, clad in hammer and sickle, burning down American cities and a bunch of mouthbreathers playing word-games as if that's going to change the reality of the situation.

>> No.16365181

Every time I come into these threads, I rip my dick off in anger at the fucking gymnastics these cunts go to to avoid admitting there are tons open Marxists in the Humanities.

>> No.16365200
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>what is third position
You are such a retard. Understanding that Peterstein and Zizek are are just two sides of the same shekel does not mean that you can't take part in discussion.

>> No.16365216

>he doesn't know most marxtards are self-hating bourgeois millenial/zoomer reddit bugmen

>> No.16365248
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>No, those aren't Marxists, those are just dumb libshit cucks.
Explain the difference.

>> No.16365295
File: 107 KB, 588x800, disgusted cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are ugly though.
>sloped forehead
>hooked nose
>droopy eyes
>usually fat
>no personality unless you count anxiety and neuroticism as a "personality"

>> No.16365339

If you'd actually read you'd see that I did not make music making exclusive to humans. Birds also have well developed ears and a more complex organ called the syrinx for vocalizations. They also have unique synapse mutations that let them be intelligent without having a huge brain. Maybe shut the fuck up and read something, nigger.

>> No.16365353

He's right to the extent that "the left" barely exists anymore. The people who are supposed to be representing the left are completely aligned with all the big corporations. Why is that?

>> No.16365377
File: 53 KB, 600x800, the death of white civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the communist revolution in Russia have an equivalent of the soi latte sipping, midwit soulless bugmen who support communism today?

>> No.16365541

yes they were called libs and were executed :)

>> No.16365566

>le orwellian conspiracy
I'm pretty sure de US will destroy itself, because of the stupidity of is own people, before any other country makes something against them.

>> No.16365605
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Why are liberals and leftists in America so obsessed with racial justice and equality? They never shut the fuck up about it.
People always say that Europe is cucked, but I know some German and Swedish guys, and they are sort of leftist, but not like the burger left. The European ones, from what I have seen, are far more reasonable and less fucking annoying.

>> No.16365626

Because America made the historically unprecedentedly idiotic decision of importing a genetically intellectually inferior slave population and then freeing them in the midst of an orgy of democratic suffrage and egalitarian ideology that soon turned masochistic when reality failed to correspond to their ridiculous utopian delusions, all helped along by the bagelmeisters who saw it as a great opportunity.

>> No.16365631

The collective black has been psychically fucked since their freedom. They've become slaves in their minds, a result of mass adaptation to the abuse.

>> No.16365632

It’s a CIA psyops, cat-poster. It’s always been like this. They want us fighting each other and never organizing a labor movement

>> No.16365652
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Yeah, but what I'm saying is that the leftists in Europe, in my experience, don't seem nearly as insufferable, retarded, and utterly fucking insane as these American leftists.
I think this one German leftist I know even sort of implied one time that blacks are less intelligent than whites, although maybe I was just misinterpreting what he meant.

>> No.16365656

>muh all powerful CIA pulling every string

>> No.16365666

I never called them all powerful. There’s obvious signs of string pulling if you bothered to look.
This year for instance.

>> No.16365673

Because they didn't treat their slaves like shit. America unprecedentedly industrialised the fuck out of slavery. Treating slaves like livestock. Godless fucking country.

>> No.16365683

>He's right to the extent that "the left" barely exists anymore.
If by left you mean Marxists, then yeah, he pretty much, not in a subtle way, Fukuyama'ed himself and all his comrades from orbit. Based cokehead.

>> No.16365689

No they didn't, most of their slaves were fine

>> No.16365715

Germans literally committed one of the first genocides of the 20th century against Africans. What are you even talking about?

>> No.16365726
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Explain this, Petersonfags. Why are you defending a spineless, anti-intellectual, dishonest coward?

>> No.16365736

Don't forget how eager they are to call everybody nazis without the slightest bit of proof

>> No.16365738

It's nothing more than a case of the right selling the rope that that left intends to hang them with. Any money going to universities does nothing more than prop up the communist agenda and bloated semi-pro sports leagues.

>> No.16365750
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Liberals and moderate "conservatives" are just Marxists but slower.

>> No.16365759

not lit. gtfo

>> No.16365780

Oppression of women and niggers as a symptom OF the way the economy moves money and products from person to person, yes.

>> No.16365804
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What if I don't think women and niggers deserve the same rights that white men have?

>> No.16365824

America was probably the least bad place to be a slave, Brazil or anywhere in the Caribbean were vastly worse

>> No.16365835

>"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal..."
>Ayo, so why don't we be equal yet?
It's that simple.

>> No.16365848
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>"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal..."
so fucking gay and self-evidently false

>> No.16365855

Nonsensical statement.

>> No.16365894

I guess it sounded good to Jefferson at the time.

>> No.16366070

>Y’know. I’m glad Barrack Obama repealed habeas corpus!
>Fuck all the First Amendment

>> No.16366096

That's a fucking piss poor cope and you know it, communigger fuck

>> No.16366178

Unironically communist subversion as co--opted by capitalist power. The universities churn out these useful idiots who then maintain the political power structure.

>> No.16366184
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That was equal parts entertaining, edifying, and depressing. What a read.

>> No.16366221

Put it this way: if you don't receive rigorous Marxist training within two days, I'll smash your fucking face in. Capiche?

>> No.16366227

Social democracy, the ideology of American liberals, is conservative.

>> No.16366240
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Imagine being so poor that you can't even afford basic Marxist training. So embarrassing.

>> No.16366261

Omg based and true

>> No.16366280

Class reductionism has the advantage of being true.

>> No.16366311
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Bringing class to a racewar is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

>> No.16366341

If that's what if comes to, homo sapiens are better off going extinct. Maybe the dolphins can carry the torch.

>> No.16366347


>> No.16366370

There will be no exploration of the stars. It's simply too hard.

>> No.16366377

Species cuck
Prove it

>> No.16366381
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Dare to imagine a world free of cultural marxism

>> No.16366425

>i'd kill every living person to stop those nasty White people who just want to be left alone :(

>> No.16366437

Bottlenose pride ocean wide

>> No.16366445

You're the one advocating a race war, brainiac.

>> No.16366448

>cultural marxism
No such thing.

>> No.16366468

Any racewar initiated by White people is self defense at this point. Scurry back to whatever shithole your disgusting ancestors fled from.