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16358951 No.16358951 [Reply] [Original]

Can you point to anything you've read that has had an actual impact on you?

>> No.16358967

I changed my steam name to Zarathustra

>> No.16358978

sydhartha basically helps you accept that life it the good and the bad, and you need to take it all in, all the suffering and all the joy, etc. budhism introduction, its a good read if you feel in the need for a new perspective

>> No.16358981
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Everything impacts you.

>> No.16359026

I read Pillars of the Earth when I was younger. Set me on the path of obsession with the Norman Conquest.

>> No.16359377

I remember reading the last bit in the will to power after dealing with horrible mental anguish for almost a year and I was close to bittersweet tears. I wouldn't say it was the turning point - obviously maximizing impact works by you putting in more work with anything you read, or do, rather than waiting to read a book that will take you aback.

>> No.16359389

made me laff
lmao haha

>> No.16359393

No book has ever been the one that made a massive impact. But the collective influence of everything I've read has been quite meaningful

>> No.16359415

The Lord of the Rings, The Brothers Karamazov, Gravity’s Rainbow and A Thousand Plateaus. Those four have each ushered in a new stage of my understanding and experience of the world.

>> No.16359549
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pic related turned me into a smoking nightwalking vampire LARPer

>> No.16359580
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>> No.16359635


>> No.16359922
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What is the best Quran to get?

>inb4 the desert squiggles one

>> No.16359945

It's trash.
Get an Orthodox Study Bible, and bear your cross with Christ.

>> No.16359970
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Real Christians do not belong to a church. The early church was a bastradization of the message of Christ, trying to turn it into laws and ceremonies instead of a message about peace and love and salvation. No schism or reform will fix this as that is still a church, which to Christianity is meaningless.

>> No.16360030

Okay but what about those works has influenced you?

>> No.16360032

Recently, A Portrait of the Artist ans a Young Man.
Read if maybe 4-5 years later than what would be ideal but I'm a late bloomer so it evens out.

>> No.16360074


>> No.16360078

You are lost because you have obviously not understood the OT and it's relation to the new, such as the passing down of the rites of the priesthood of Melchizedek (bread and wine) through St James the Just (first bishop of Jerusalem) , and that these rites have to be accomplished to honour the Lord and be a part of His people.
I would advise to strongly reconsider what you have just said, Christ brought us a Church so that we may follow his path.

>> No.16360080

My ex once hit me in the head with a copy of Infinite Jest

>> No.16360086

SAS she ever arrested?

>> No.16360100

The Bible, of course, but also Cat's Cradle when I was a kid. It put the idea of magnanimous, unknowable powers behind God's works in my mind.

>> No.16360107

Bible obviously.

>> No.16360116

I died immediately so I never saw whether or not justice was served

>> No.16360134

Courts and police are useless. We have God to serve us with justice.

>> No.16360148

I'm convinced at this point, Christianity cannot exist with a material aesthetic/ritual culture. Any theology surrounding this is retarded, it should just be mandated with room for added complexity. It should be a Euro-centric as well.

>> No.16360456

In my youth mostly Sarte, Camus and Dostojewski I guess, then Nietzsche, Hesse, Stirner, Milton, Miller, Musil
You should take life with humor, neither hate it nor love it and integrate important experiences into becoming who you are. Also trusting your intuition and differentiating between the advices of your gut, your heart and your head

>> No.16360463

This. My discord pfp is heroditus

>> No.16360568

I read LOTR when I was very young, and I think it’s always inspired a love of nature and mysticism/fantasy. Brothers Karamazov came at a time when I was questioning the world around me and looking for something substantive from a book for the first time, beyond just my enjoyment of the read. It showed me Christianity in a new light, and flipped on its head any preconceptions I had of religion. Gravity’s Rainbow showed me how to embrace the world in its infinite complexity, to immerse myself in my environment. A Thousand Plateaus changed the way I read everything, and showed me a new world of ideas waiting to be formed. It was one of the most hopeful and optimistic books I have ever read.

These aren’t intended to be accurate representations of what these books are supposed to do or be about, but more the effect and the feeling they have given me as I read them.

>> No.16360582

Arthur John Arberry's version is known to be the most beautiful and direct. If you are going into it as a literature work, then this version is the best..

>> No.16360872

Nothing I have ever read has made as much an impact on me and my worldview as having a 100 lb. pallet of pizza boxes land on me and dislocate my hip.

>> No.16360888

Everything I've ever read to some extent.

>> No.16360902

If such a comical accident didn't have a profound impact on you then I'd be worried

>> No.16360924

No if I am being honest, yes if I am being dishonest

>> No.16360945

Reading the Bell Jar made me decide to be less of a faggot

>> No.16361058
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Read this book when I was a kid, just some obscure expanded universe bullshit. But it was written by what I'd assume to be a very unhappy author and it fucked with my head. The story follows a chimp in a colony. The chimp girl he likes marries someone else and then he gets his balls chewed off by leeches as he's crossing a river, and he forges onward because he's on a mission (to fight Alien dinosaurs or something).

Somehow I came to expect this to be my life, and it feels that way. I am a castrated cuck chimpanzee marching towards my death. It's a feel

>> No.16362257


>> No.16362354

Of course, every book I enjoy inspires my imagination and sharpens my mind in the short-term. Nothing as concrete as making me turn my life around or something, like I've installed a personality software update, but I don't think that's fair to expect from a work of art.

>> No.16362413

I read this when i was young and it became the basis for my political worldview

>> No.16362431
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forgot pic

>> No.16362500
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>inb4 pop psychology gonzo journalism
it's entertaining for the most part, and introduced me to memory techniques I still use today

>> No.16362621
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Aurelius' Meditations started it all for me.

>> No.16362795

Moby Dick
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16362829
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Plato's Timaeus and Parmenides, as well as Heraclitus' fragments and the New Testament.

>> No.16362850

moby dick, Discourses, The things they carried, sirens of titan, blood meridian, count of monte Cristo, brothers Karamazov, james stewart calculus, oddessy, for whom the bell tolls, on killing, the ranger handbook, animal farm, lolita, east of eden, do androids dream of electric sheep, franeknstein... to name a few. thats off the top of my head.

>> No.16362859

Many such cases.

>> No.16362885

yes, a book about personal investing that basically helped me to get financial independence
it means i never have to rely on a job, or worry about money, or be indebted to anyone, ever again

>> No.16362900

Philosophy has left me a deranged husk.

>> No.16362929


>> No.16362960

In different ways: Stainless Steel Rat, War and Peace, Dune series, Starship Troopers,
Brothers Karamazov, Les Miserables.