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File: 246 KB, 1200x1839, thus-spoke-zarathustra-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16358618 No.16358618 [Reply] [Original]

I'm crying bros

>> No.16358627
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It is indeed a very beautiful book.

>> No.16358628

Yeah, amazing book. And it gets better every time you read it

>> No.16358632

boomer book club

>> No.16358634

Where the zoomer goes the zoomer destroys, for his mind knows nothing else.

>> No.16358637

Its so fucking good. After reading Augustine, I have a much greater appreciation for how much Nietzsche fucking hates the church. I re-read the Birth of Tragedy recently, too, and its definitely flawed but there's some great stuff in there. At the very least he's not as dry and incomprehensible as a lot of other dead Germans like Heidegger or Kant.

>> No.16358698
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It's actually a sequel to Plato's allegory of the cave.

>> No.16358703


i love how impotent worms will always made up some retarded fan fiction where they are the power trippers.

>> No.16358717


>> No.16358725

Nice. I read it not long ago and some parts bored me and I couldn't focus. But the last part really tied the whole book together and was very good.
100% will reread.

>> No.16359071


>> No.16359604

>I'm 18 bros

>> No.16359822

the duality of man

>> No.16360722


>> No.16360730


>> No.16360765

Overrated and for niggers. Much of it is sounding nice rather than being it; but there is some true beauty in it.

>> No.16360773

>At the very least he's not as dry and incomprehensible as a lot of other dead Germans like Heidegger or Kant.
Do you need help understanding Kant and Heidegger?

>> No.16360803


>> No.16360823

I understand Kant well enough, but he's a terrible writer.

I don't understand how someone could have the patience for Heidegger. I could probably come to some understanding of his work if I tried, but nothing has made me want to try.

>> No.16360832


>> No.16360844


>> No.16360858

U understand Kant well enough, right?
What a fag. How old are u, 21?

>> No.16360862

>How old are u, 21?

>> No.16360864

My God, your reasoning, its convinced me. Faggot.

>> No.16360870

where is the best place to aim with a 9mm pistol for a clean suicide? Mouth, or temple?

>> No.16360877

Well firstly you should read more of the Greeks, most well known for Heidegger are of course the presocratics and Plato and Aristotle. Who you should read anyway.

Just watch these videos to understand Heidegger:

>> No.16360879

>terrible writer.
Yeah he's such a terrible writer.
Do you notice how embarrassing you sound? We are really in a place full of children who overestimate themselves.

>> No.16360885

Fuck off 15 year old retard

>> No.16360899

>I understand Kant well enough, but he's a terrible writer.
t. public school educated

>> No.16360919

Heidegger (a Nazi btw) = "Onthology. The nature of an object outside of one's own subjective perception." Why bother with it nowadays, can you tell me? And what does that have to do with the Greeks? What are you kids doing all the time? What is your goal?Please don't waste your time.

>> No.16360938

I mean in terms of prose, Kant is a bad writer. His prose is far more complicated than the ideas expressed in them.

I think its moronic to feel embarrassed on an anonymous board. Its really stupid how everyone is always attempting to do some kind of public humiliation here, even though we're not in public.

Thanks, I'll actually take a look at these. Lately I've been re-visiting the Socratic dialogues.

>> No.16360968

>Kant is a terrible writer
This is actually what they told me in Catholic school.

>> No.16360989

>I think its moronic to feel embarrassed on an anonymous board.

That's a really good point actually, since half in this forum is totally superstitious and obsessed with some kind of madness. I bet many here feel personally touched by a some kind of supernatural force.

>> No.16361043


>> No.16361061
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, cool pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with underage is illegal.

>> No.16361066

stick to reading reddit posts

>> No.16361091
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Of course Catholics are going to take a stand against the man who proved morality comes from logic and not from God.

>> No.16361130

>Heidegger (a Nazi btw) = "Onthology. The nature of an object outside of one's own subjective perception."

>Why bother with it nowadays, can you tell me? And what does that have to do with the Greeks? What are you kids doing all the time? What is your goal?Please don't waste your time.
Because it is true, and the true is good. Heidegger wants to raise the question of the meaning of being to the same ability of articulation, or linguistic consciousness of being, which the Greeks had in their poetry and philosophy, to put it crudely. Enjoying myself. Being a Christian. Wasting time is something I consistently check in philosophy.

>> No.16362251

>reading the worst translation

>> No.16362652

which translation do you recommend?

>> No.16362818


>> No.16362848

>Thanks, I'll actually take a look at these. Lately I've been re-visiting the Socratic dialogues.
Welcome anon, and yeah they're great, just don't forget to get into Plato's harder later dialogues at some point. Heidegger literally said they were the greatest formulations of the question of being and time in all of the Occident.

>> No.16362894

Why do zoom zooms care if an author is living or dead?

>> No.16362998

By terrible, he means boring. That's why he initially said dry.

>> No.16363416

>tfw leant my copy to a friend who never return it