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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 960x769, claire-abbott-on-beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16358137 No.16358137 [Reply] [Original]

I need some horror kino immediately and I'm not afraid to clickbait to get it.

>> No.16358168


I have been reading Cyclonopedia lately, but... it’s more philosophy than plot, to say the least.

>> No.16358169

youre on the wrong board

>> No.16358234
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Already read it. Good book.

>> No.16358322

my god is that a female specimen?

>> No.16358659

No she has a dick. Its even better

>> No.16358662

google crash space by bakker, free pdf, fucking KINO bro trust me

>> No.16358719

Also why don't they do this before they leave their house

>> No.16358727

it only lasts so long, ur meant to reapply every hour

>> No.16359695

I bet your (at least functionally) a women.
Read the silence of the lambs next. DFW even put in on his lists.
Remember though, its denegerate shit.

>> No.16359737

The Trial of Henry Kissinger

>> No.16361377

Read it. Fantastic book.

>> No.16361396

HORROR, not some nerd war book [double middle fingers emojis]

>> No.16361947

Interesting read. Not bad, but I was looking for something a bit longer. Novella or novel length.

>> No.16362295


Here ya, go.

>> No.16364147

With a body like that, why wear clothes?

>> No.16364163

dios mio...

>> No.16364627

She is french for sure. I can tell with the face only. She should be forcible breed. Those milkers and this face is what we need. We need thousands more like that. She is my cloning specimen.

>> No.16364668

He’s killed millions and he’s still alive and respected. That’s a sick horror

>> No.16364839

It's difficult to see how eugenics isn't widely supported. People just want to live like this I guess.

>> No.16364938

Algernon Blackwood - "The Willows", "The Wendigo"
Robert W. Chambers - The King In Yellow
William Hope Hodgson - The House on the Borderland
M. R. James - Ghost Stories of an Antiquary
Thomas Ligotti - Grimscribe: His Lives and Works
H. P. Lovecraft - "The Call of Cthulhu", At the Mountains of Madness
Arthur Machen - The Great God Pan, "The White People"
Edgar Allan Poe - "The Masque of the Red Death", "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar", "The Black Cat"

>> No.16365112

Lol that took an unexpected turn. Post more?

>> No.16365590
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>> No.16367765

Based as fuck
>House on the borderland
The last half is exceptionally boring.

>> No.16367837

Depends. Do you want surreal horror or the horror of real life?

>> No.16367867

leave the house every once in a while

>> No.16367870
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>> No.16368067

Thanks for this anon
Didn't know the abyss was a book

>> No.16368077

This chart is so fucking bad, i still think it’s a joke

>> No.16368139

it's still not a chart

>> No.16368181
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I thought this book was quite good and it's written by the finest writer of paperback originals in America.

>> No.16368194

Peter Watts rifters trilogy isn't explicitly horror, but it is horrifying to see what things are like in a world where materialists are right and the mind is just the brain.

>> No.16368219

Lafcadio Hearn, Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Brian McNaughton, Dan Simmons, M.R. James, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry James, Ann Radcliffe, Poe, Aleister Crowley, E.F. Benson, Doyle, Wilkie Collins, W.H. Hodgson, C.A. Smith, Machen, Stoker, Horacio Quiroga, Mathew Lewis, Maturin, Saki, Joe Schreiber (only if you like Star Wars), Alberto Laiseca, William Beckford, Donald Wandrei, Frank Belinap Long.

>> No.16369209
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I'm reading some more short horror fiction at the moment starting with Books of Blood.

>> No.16369450
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Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian

Is it kino? Most definitely

is it horror? Up for debate, but no book has turned my stomach like this son of a bitch

>> No.16369477


>> No.16370998

Books aren't scary. Sorry bros.

>> No.16371043

Teatro Grottesco is alright

this isn't a chart, this is some anon's to-read list

>> No.16371058

it's better cosmic horror than anything that tries to be

>> No.16371327

Jesus christ why can't this board just read another book. Its not fucking horror you imbecile

>> No.16371515

> horror kino
Go the fuck back to /tv/ you autistic manchild.

>> No.16371521

>American Psycho

>> No.16371525

Horror is a pleb and inherently nihilistic genre.

>> No.16371561

I have friends who are friends with claire. she is 16 in this picture

>> No.16371566

Shut up tranny. Lucky I don’t uppercut your teeth into fairy dust lol

>> No.16371766

It spooked me anon

>> No.16372136


>> No.16372199

horror doesn't necessarily mean scary
it's more about having characters plopped into a situation of despair and wondering if they manage to make it out alive

>> No.16372307

nope, horror mean something has to jump out at me
things can't jump out of books
....unless maybe it's a pop-up book....hmmm
any scary pop-up books /lit/?

>> No.16372379

any comfy halloween reads
specifically halloween as a setting

>> No.16374011

Conversations in a dead language, Noctuary. Thomas Ligotti.

>> No.16374767
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>> No.16374774

that's just tragedy but with a more obvious conclusion.

>> No.16374862

>The way she squeezes the bottle between her thighs
Immm gonnnaaa cooooom

>> No.16374958

>horror doesn't necessarily mean scary

agreed. it's about a certain mood and a feel. going into the pet cemetery in the dead of night, climbing over the deadfall branches -- it's not necessarily "scary" to the reader, but it's got that sweet horror feel, and that's usually enough. it's how the pleasures of genre work; but the best genre work also has strong thematic content, as indeed Pet Semetary does.

>> No.16374969

hawthorne, young goodman brown.

it remains a rather chilling yarn, with a strong horror vibe, not specifically halloween in the narrative, but evocative of the feels associated with halloween.

>> No.16375480

fuck off trannyfly, Kissinger was an IR genuis and is directly responsible for many positive outcomes for the western bloc

>> No.16376114
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>I bet your (at least functionally) a women.
>a women

>> No.16376228

>inherently nihilistic

Christnigger detected.

>> No.16376751

all fiction is nihilistic except the bible

>> No.16376922

I haven't read any "good" horror aside Lovecraft then. What do you recommend?

>> No.16377341
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The Valancourt Book of Horror Stories

>> No.16377751

guys i really like big bobs

>> No.16378139
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Robert Aickman has some good ghost stories.

>> No.16378942
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I really enjoyed a book called The Search for William Tully by Wm. Hallahan.

Discovered the book via this blogpost (this is a great horror blog, btw):

The book satisfies in just the way the post describes.

Stephen King is controversial on this board, to say the least, but when he's good, he's good. Salem's Lot and Pet Semetary are v. good, imo. I would rank for the former as one of the best horror novels written.

It's all a matter of taste, and horror fans often seem to disagree on what's good and what's not. But those are a few that I've enjoyed; ymmv.

(pic related by hawthorne = cool horror story)

>> No.16378956

*Joseph Tully

>> No.16379069

John Langan and Adam Nevill have good cosmic horror

>> No.16379266

Shut the fuck up, butterface

>> No.16379335

Peter Straub. Ghost Story and the Blue Rose Trilogy (Koko, Mystery, The Throat).

>> No.16380002

Sheridan Le Fanu -- Uncle Silas, In a Glass Darkly
M.R. James -- The Collected Ghost Stories of M.R. James
T.E.D. Klein -- The Ceremonies, Dark Gods
Thomas Ligotti -- The Nightmare Factory, Teatro Grottesco
Arthur Machen -- The White People, The Hill of Dreams, The Great God Pan
Algernon Blackwood -- The Listener and Other Stories, The Lost Valley and Other Stories

>> No.16380133
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>> No.16380271
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>Joe R. Lansdale
Good choice.

>> No.16380358

>The Institution

>> No.16380393

Something wicked this way comes. Pretty comfy, strong halloween vibes

>> No.16381173
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Robert McCammon

>> No.16381224

i imagined having sex with her and it was like okay. just a penis in a vagina like any other.

>> No.16381238
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>big bobs
That's a very specific taste, anon

>> No.16382045

Edge of Dark Water is not horror, is it?

Lansdale's Night They Missed the Horror Show is a great non-supernatural horror story.

>> No.16382055


McCammon's They Thirst is good vampire novel, but not as good as Salem's Lot.

>> No.16382850
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I've been unsettled whilst reading a book, spooked sometimes, most definitely. But I have never read a book, of a character in his very self,
that I have felt that genuine, animalistic, primal fear ever before. That kind of fear you thought only made in the time of stone tools that cavemen felt when chased by some great tiger or wolf or mammoth; and perhaps never again.

But no, and it is the great and pale and hairless devil that is Judge Fucking Holden that reawakened that sleeping runner called Fear within me to beyond depths of rationale forgotten in pursuits to survival where only one ultimate truth be laid bare in perfect execution. War is God.

>> No.16382987


>> No.16382996
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When I was young, my mother would read this this fucking terrifying book called 'There was a Dark, Dark Wood' where it basically followed a rhythm that went:

'There was a dark, dark [noun], and in that [noun], there was a dark, dark [noun]".

Beginning in a wood, then a house, a study, a bookcase, a shelf, a box, and in that box was... A POP-UP GHOST, O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!

>> No.16383025


>> No.16383038

How does r/nosleep rate in horror literature?

>> No.16383040
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'Salem's Lot needed a better climax tbqh. Idk, I guess that's what you get when you make the antagonist too OP

>> No.16383058

So, so, sooo much trash written by literally children. There's a couple gems if you search hard enough though

>> No.16383063
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>> No.16383096

Stephen King The Revival

>> No.16383419
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I've already read all of Stephen King's novels

>> No.16383521

>'Salem's Lot needed a better climax tbqh.

That's a fair point; I know where you're coming from, although I did find it satisfying the last time I read it a couple of years ago -- the characters lost, and those not lost, and the mini-apocalyptic conflagration, added up to a pretty satisfying resolution I thought.

>> No.16383923
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I want to read a spooky book during the month of October and I've narrowed my choices down to Hell House by Richard Matheson or House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. Which one should I choose?

>> No.16384139


>> No.16384366

Hell house is more your typical, "horror movie" fare. It has a fun premise and characters, and will entertain you.
House of Leaves is a more interesting read and bends the medium of literature. I was more genuinely spooked by it, both by the overall impression the book leaves with you, as well as the account of The Navidson Record. Good stuff.
HoL definitely get a physical copy.

>> No.16384422
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>Hell House by Richard Matheson

Good read, good ghost story/haunted house feels; it's all good except for the final twist, pic related, which is hard to take come from a top-notch writer like Matheson.

Haven't read the other book