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File: 147 KB, 300x412, Urantia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16354857 No.16354857 [Reply] [Original]

Want to know about this book? You have found the right thread!
If you have questions about God, religion, or life in general, it is likely to have some profound insights for you.

>The discernment of supreme beauty is the discovery and integration of reality: The discernment of the divine goodness in the eternal truth, that is ultimate beauty. Even the charm of human art consists in the harmony of its unity.


>> No.16354863

Worthless. May as well read poojeet philosophy.

>> No.16354895
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Please share how you came to such a determination so we may gauge the worth of your comment.

94:3.1.While the highest phase of Brahmanism was hardly a religion, it was truly one of the most noble reaches of the mortal mind into the domains of philosophy and metaphysics. Having started out to discover final reality, the Indian mind did not stop until it had speculated about almost every phase of theology excepting the essential dual concept of religion: the existence of the Universal Father of all universe creatures and the fact of the ascending experience in the universe of these very creatures as they seek to attain the eternal Father, who has commanded them to be perfect, even as he is perfect.

94:3.2.In the concept of Brahman the minds of those days truly grasped at the idea of some all-pervading Absolute, for this postulate was at one and the same time identified as creative energy and cosmic reaction. Brahman was conceived to be beyond all definition, capable of being comprehended only by the successive negation of all finite qualities. It was definitely a belief in an absolute, even an infinite, being, but this concept was largely devoid of personality attributes and was therefore not experiencible by individual religionists.

>> No.16354900


>> No.16354909

Being cheeky cannot make up for lack of substance.

>> No.16354959


>> No.16354987
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94:3.3.Brahman-Narayana was conceived as the Absolute, the infinite IT IS, the primordial creative potency of the potential cosmos, the Universal Self existing static and potential throughout all eternity. Had the philosophers of those days been able to make the next advance in deity conception, had they been able to conceive of the Brahman as associative and creative, as a personality approachable by created and evolving beings, then might such a teaching have become the most advanced portraiture of Deity on Urantia since it would have encompassed the first five levels of total deity function and might possibly have envisioned the remaining two.

94:3.4.In certain phases the concept of the One Universal Oversoul as the totality of the summation of all creature existence led the Indian philosophers very close to the truth of the Supreme Being, but this truth availed them naught because they failed to evolve any reasonable or rational personal approach to the attainment of their theoretic monotheistic goal of Brahman-Narayana.

>> No.16355055
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94:3.5.The karma principle of causality continuity is, again, very close to the truth of the repercussional synthesis of all time-space actions in the Deity presence of the Supreme; but this postulate never provided for the co-ordinate personal attainment of Deity by the individual religionist, only for the ultimate engulfment of all personality by the Universal Oversoul.

94:3.6.The philosophy of Brahmanism also came very near to the realization of the indwelling of the Thought Adjusters, only to become perverted through the misconception of truth. The teaching that the soul is the indwelling of the Brahman would have paved the way for an advanced religion had not this concept been completely vitiated by the belief that there is no human individuality apart from this indwelling of the Universal One.

>> No.16355084

what the fuck is this weird schizo shit? go fuck yourself you little stupid faggot.

>> No.16355103

>94:3.3.Dr Juice Puff Daddy was conceived as the SHABANG, the infinite IT IS (BASED), the primordial creative potency of the potential cosmos penis, the Universal Danny Tanner existing static and potential throughout all of everything ever holy fuck amirit guys, hold on I’m not finished. Had the philosophers of those days, bunch of faggots, been able to make the next advance in mannequins, had they been able to conceive of the Notorious BIG pussy slayer as associative and creative and sexy af, as a personality approachable by created and evolving police officers, then might such a teaching have become the most advanced portraiture, dibs (MY WORD, DONT USE IT) of Deity on Urantia, or my moms house whatever, since it would have encompassed the first five levels of my allowance for bullshit and might possibly have envisioned the remaining two, brb chef bf made palak paneer and I am so hungry for nigger penis, I mean Indian food!

>> No.16355107
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>You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one's belief.

>> No.16355115


>> No.16355145
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You of Urantia have allowed much that is at once vulgar and unkind to become confused with your humor, but on the whole, you are to be congratulated on a comparatively keen sense of humor. Some of your races have a rich vein of it and are greatly helped in their earthly careers thereby. Apparently you received much in the way of humor from your Adamic inheritance, much more than was secured of either music or art.

>> No.16355151
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>> No.16355187
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This is the artist of OP pic, whose art has been greatly influenced by the Urantia papers



>> No.16355188


>> No.16355257


>> No.16355284

Heretical nonsense.

>> No.16355340
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>The Urantia Book is noted for its high level of internal consistency and an advanced writing style

It is far too coherent and sophisticated to be nonsense.

>> No.16355610

Why does any of this matter? We all die at the end anyways.

>> No.16355950
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1:0.6.This is the true meaning of that divine command, "Be you perfect, even as I am perfect," which ever urges mortal man onward and beckons him inward in that long and fascinating struggle for the attainment of higher and higher levels of spiritual values and true universe meanings. This sublime search for the God of universes is the supreme adventure of the inhabitants of all the worlds of time and space.

160:1.15.My philosophy gave me the urge to search for the realities of true attainment, the goal of maturity. But my urge was impotent; my search lacked driving power; my quest suffered from the absence of certainty of directionization. And these deficiencies have been abundantly supplied by this new gospel of Jesus, with its enhancement of insights, elevation of ideals, and settledness of goals. Without doubts and misgivings I can now wholeheartedly enter upon the eternal venture.

>> No.16356015

what does it say about the jews?

>> No.16356119

A lot actually
>In ancient times the Jews were famed as much for military valor as for theologic peculiarities.

121:2.1.The Jews were a part of the older Semitic race, which also included the Babylonians, the Phoenicians, and the more recent enemies of Rome, the Carthaginians. During the fore part of the first century after Christ, the Jews were the most influential group of the Semitic peoples, and they happened to occupy a peculiarly strategic geographic position in the world as it was at that time ruled and organized for trade.

97:9.29.And so does the truth about the Jewish people disclose that much which has been regarded as sacred history turns out to be little more than the chronicle of ordinary profane history. Judaism was the soil out of which Christianity grew, but the Jews were not a miraculous people.

>> No.16356134

Sacred and Profane History
97:8.1.The custom of looking upon the record of the experiences of the Hebrews as sacred history and upon the transactions of the rest of the world as profane history is responsible for much of the confusion existing in the human mind as to the interpretation of history. And this difficulty arises because there is no secular history of the Jews. After the priests of the Babylonian exile had prepared their new record of God's supposedly miraculous dealings with the Hebrews, the sacred history of Israel as portrayed in the Old Testament, they carefully and completely destroyed the existing records of Hebrew affairs—such books as "The Doings of the Kings of Israel" and "The Doings of the Kings of Judah," together with several other more or less accurate records of Hebrew history.

97:8.2.In order to understand how the devastating pressure and the inescapable coercion of secular history so terrorized the captive and alien-ruled Jews that they attempted the complete rewriting and recasting of their history, we should briefly survey the record of their perplexing national experience. It must be remembered that the Jews failed to evolve an adequate nontheologic philosophy of life. They struggled with their original and Egyptian concept of divine rewards for righteousness coupled with dire punishments for sin. The drama of Job was something of a protest against this erroneous philosophy. The frank pessimism of Ecclesiastes was a worldly wise reaction to these overoptimistic beliefs in Providence.

>> No.16356142

This doesn't answer my question. In the face of death, "spiritual values" and "universe meanings" disappear just the same as material items. What makes the hunt for "higher knowledge" any better than laying in your bed rotting away? To say one is better than the other is throw some personal or societal significance into the mix, which is once again is irrelevant in the face of death.

>> No.16356168

It states the personality and soul survive death, life goes on but with a non-physical body.

0:5.10.4. Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to "do the will of the Father in heaven," so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual—it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

0:5.11.Personality. The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The personality is the unique bestowal which the Universal Father makes upon the living and associated energies of matter, mind, and spirit, and which survives with the survival of the morontial soul.

0:5.12.Morontia is a term designating a vast level intervening between the material and the spiritual. It may designate personal or impersonal realities, living or nonliving energies. The warp of morontia is spiritual; its woof is physical.

>> No.16356199

so what does a urantian do exactly? do you just read this book over and over and post about it on imageboards or what

>> No.16356353

All of which in unfalsifiable, which is not something to build "meaning" on.

>> No.16357389
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>> No.16358161

Why not just call it "The Book of Earth?" I would buy a leather bound copy of that. Good gift for a grandma.

KJV is perfect as a foundational holy book, and warrants no replacement.

I wonder how many have actually bought the book. I saw a meme a while ago trying to shill for it; somebody should make a "virgin urintia" vs. "Chad KJV."

>> No.16358249
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Its a good gift for everyone, even 'real' men.
Theres a lot of redpills in it concerning the Bible.
> Psalms constitutes the most valuable and helpful assortment of devotional sentiments ever assembled by man up to the times of the twentieth century
>Almost the whole of the New Testament is devoted, not to the portrayal of the significant and inspiring religious life of Jesus, but to a discussion of Paul's religious experience and to a portrayal of his personal religious convictions

159:4.3."These writings are the work of men, some of them holy men, others not so holy. The teachings of these books represent the views and extent of enlightenment of the times in which they had their origin. As a revelation of truth, the last are more dependable than the first. The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin, but mistake not, they do constitute the best collection of religious wisdom and spiritual truth to be found in all the world at this time.

>> No.16358613
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5:4.3.God is not only the determiner of destiny; he is man's eternal destination. All nonreligious human activities seek to bend the universe to the distorting service of self; the truly religious individual seeks to identify the self with the universe and then to dedicate the activities of this unified self to the service of the universe family of fellow beings, human and superhuman.

5:4.4.The domains of philosophy and art intervene between the nonreligious and the religious activities of the human self. Through art and philosophy the material-minded man is inveigled into the contemplation of the spiritual realities and universe values of eternal meanings.

>> No.16359137

I have too much on my immediate plate to read it any time soon, but I’ll eventually check it out.
Doesn’t it have some weird divergences into insisting on the genetic inferiority of brown people?