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16354591 No.16354591 [Reply] [Original]

And it's about time - that angry little Godless Irishman has annoyed people for decades:

>RADA students demand George Bernard Shaw's name be dropped from drama school's theatre because of playwright's support for eugenics and fascism

>Students at RADA have called for George Bernard Shaw's name to be removed from the drama school's theatre because of his support for eugenics.

>The students have demanded the playwright's name be removed from the George Bernard Shaw Theatre (GBS Theatre) as part of an anti-racism action plan.

>They have also asked the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) to stop performing Restoration comedies due to their association with the Empire, the Telegraph reported.

>The anti-racism action plan has been drawn up by RADA's student body and argues that 'RADA celebrates historical figures who embraced racist ideologies'.

>Speaking of re-naming the GBS Theatre, the plan says: 'This man spoke in support of eugenics and fascism.'

>RADA has promised to act on the students's action plan, saying in a statement that it recognised that the school 'has been and currently is institutionally racist'.

>Irish playwright Bernard Shaw controversially supported eugenics in his writings and lectured for the Eugenic Education Society, which aimed to teach the public about the practice.

>Shaw, who wrote more than 60 plays, even voiced praise for Hitler in 1935, as well as expressing admiration for Mussolini and Stalin.


>> No.16354609

If you’re going to get angry about fascist authors and poets, get ready to wipe most of the modernist canon lol

>> No.16354669

Yes. That's the goal.

>> No.16354693

Wasn’t he a socialist though?
I mean, if he were fascist, /lit/ would have three threads a week about him. But I barely see one a years

>> No.16354702
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Wasn’t he a socialist though?
I mean, if he were fascist, /lit/ would have three threads a week about him. But I barely see one a years

>> No.16354759

He was socialist in a very cynical way. A lot of this comes up in his play 'Major Barbara.' He saw charity and efforts to 'uplift' the poor as a kind of mirror-image of the cruel industrialists who underpaid and exploited their workers. His solution was to decrease the overall stock of poor over time through a reduction in birth rates among the poor (part of his eugenics scheme) along with a kind of de-financialization of the poor (ie, no more ripping them off for usury), with the government helping to manage them through economic policy. His ideas about the financial system overlapped a bit with Ezra Pound, another cancelled writer.

>> No.16354836

Great movie. David Lean to thank for that of course

>> No.16354851

>Ireland suddenly taking a stance on Hitler

>Ireland maintained a public stance of neutrality to the end, by refusing to close the German and Japanese Legations, and the Taoiseach Éamon de Valera signed the book of condolence on Adolf Hitler's death on 2 May 1945, and personally visited Ambassador Hempel, following the usual protocol on the death of a Head of State of a state with a legation in Ireland. President Hyde visited Hempel separately on 3 May.[46] The visits caused a storm of protest in the United States.[47] Irish envoys in other nations did likewise, but no other Western European democracies followed Ireland's example.[48]

>De Valera denounced reports of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp as "anti-national propaganda"; according to Paul Bew, this was not out of disbelief but rather because the Holocaust undermined the assumptions underlying Irish neutrality: moral equivalence between the Allies and the Axis, and the idea that the Irish were the most persecuted people in Europe.[49]

>> No.16354864

He was talking about the lumpenproles, not actual working people.

>> No.16355254

/lit/'s a li'l haven of lumpens, anon. You're aware of this, right?
And what precisely is wrong with the politically inactive poor? Especially in a fradulent age where one side's school marmishly (and ignorantly) self righteous and the other side an even more ignorant politico-demoniacal manifestation of the WWE?
It's not that the world is 'crazy' so much as batshit stupid.

>> No.16355342

>/lit/'s a li'l haven of lumpens
They let you post on /lit/ from prison?

>politically inactive poor
No, lumpenproles = the criminal underclass. They're as sociopathic as the rich, just with less money.

>> No.16355614

Why is a fascist considered worse than a reactionary. I mean, almost every pre-1800 author would have disagreed with liberalism and democracy as fascists did.

>> No.16355722

To Marx Stirner was a lumpen
Ultimately what lumpen came to mean were those poor who didn't give a fuck about Marx, his program, or the more numerous opposition(s) either for that matter

>> No.16355784

>To Marx Stirner was a lumpen
Wasn't Stirner a con artist who leeched off the inheritances of various women?

>> No.16355839

Sounds pretty based, to me.

>> No.16355884

He was writing in the 20s and 30s. Fascism and socialism were being discussed before the holocaust and Stalinism, so they traded ideas and everyone entertained them equally. I don’t think he’s committed to either.

>> No.16355890

I don't deny the criminal underworld involvement in the lumpen scene, anon. I'm just saying that it was its indifference to political matters that ultimately rankled Marx

>> No.16355892

The delusion that modern leftists have anything to do with socialist groups of centuries past will never stop being funny. One of the biggest socialist groups in the UK had eugenics as its other major policies. One of the founders of socialism wrote against women’s rights. Engels thought homosexuality was anti worker bourgeois hedonism

>> No.16355898

No, I think it's more that they make no positive contribution to the economy. They constitute their own parasite class, along with the capitalists.

>> No.16355907

All those positions are perfectly consistent with anticapitalism. Just as bourgeois liberalism is perfectly consistent with capitalism.

>> No.16355920

Yes, not only consistent, but perhaps necessary. Of course modern socialists fall into hysterics the second you mention something like not flooding the country with scab labor, so reading a lot of work by the original socialist groups must be verboten. I wonder if they have reading lists or summaries purposely designed to omit these facts.

>> No.16355922

He was based Wagnerian(even if he did interpret it in a economic sense).

>> No.16355924

Go and read The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism, Capitalism, Sovietism and Fascism

>> No.16355936

Yes, he was a Fascist. He praises all of the movements of Fascism throughout Europe and seemed opposed to any ideas of "egalitarianism", so almost certainly yes a Fascist. But Fascist not as a cause but a logical good and hence not tied to it as "his movement" like a Hitler. He also takes some lit knowledge to find and understand and spend time on which most plebs are filtered by hence it only has good anons talking of it and not threads persistently.

>> No.16355958

He didn't sugarcoat any of it either.

>> No.16355975

Lmao definition of a madman, though to a degree I disagree with his morality the sentiment of justifying your existence still in relation to the social is right.

>> No.16355988

Odd that history shows quite clearly that though that capitalist über class *can* be gotten rid of (kill them, i.e. take complete advantage of their inbred civility) the 'parasite' under class swells as a result.
People gonna people, anon.

>> No.16355995
File: 280 KB, 608x790, OpenBorders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're delusional. Open borders is a rightwing, Koch-brothers supported position.

>> No.16356039

>l. Open borders is a rightwing, Koch-brothers supported position.
So said Sanders, to the scandal of the left

>> No.16356049

Nope. Get out of your /pol/ bubble.

>> No.16356230

>Shaw espoused racial equality, and inter-marriage between people of different races.[304] Despite his expressed wish to be fair to Hitler,[177] he called anti-Semitism "the hatred of the lazy, ignorant fat-headed Gentile for the pertinacious Jew who, schooled by adversity to use his brains to the utmost, outdoes him in business".[305] In The Jewish Chronicle he wrote in 1932, "In every country you can find rabid people who have a phobia against Jews, Jesuits, Armenians, Negroes, Freemasons, Irishmen, or simply foreigners as such. Political parties are not above exploiting these fears and jealousies."[306]

>> No.16356452
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Love this. Whenever liberals say that socialism and fascism are two sides of the same coin, the socialists kick off and start screaming the roof down. Now, when we take a cliched socialist sentiment about contributing to society, suddenly the author is fascist and must be cancelled. The quote here is clearly directed at capitalists, landlords, and so on who do not labour themselves in the way employees or tenants do. Socialists have always argued that if you do not contribute to society as a labourer, then you are of the parasite class of capital owners. The disabled and so on are unable to work, not unwilling, and a distinction was always made here. In fact a classic socialist demand was social insurance for those unable to work... The capitalist, speculator, landlord, etc is being asked to justify his social utility with the implication being that their wealth comes at the expense of others in a society. I disagree with this arithmetic, but I believe that I have read enough to at least understand the basic socialist case.

If you take the retarded BLM arguments out of context they can be used to justify genocide and killing of all kinds. Every runt communist comes out with this sort of argument, and gets defensive when they realise that this violent ideology could one day apply to one of their own protected classes...

Most of these activists are just opportunists looking around for things to dismantle. It's so much easier to destroy than to create, and easier still to replace originality with controversy.

>> No.16356631

Not surprised. He's already an under represented great playwright unless one happens to be from Toronto. Anyone out there ever attend the Summer Shaw festival there?

>> No.16356658

nice try bud

>> No.16356666

>he wants to kill equally, now I can like him!
lol libtards

>> No.16356678

T.bh we would only lose about a dozen valuable authors, however each and every one of those would be a terrible loss.