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16353020 No.16353020 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Bible about?

>> No.16353044

Christian schizo writings who thought the world would be ending in their lifetimes.

As for the OT, it's Jewish schizo writings who thought the world was ending in their lifetimes

>> No.16353061

It's like how star was was originally about luke, but then there was a prequel and it's actually about his father the whole time and his hero's journey.

>> No.16353090

>OT Prophets literally only predicted the collapse of the Kingdom of Judea
>Jesus only predicts the destruction of the second temple
Anon, do you understand what metaphor is?

>> No.16353102


>> No.16353113
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>> No.16353132


>> No.16353134

History of the relationship between God and Humanity

>> No.16353144
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God hates fags.

>> No.16353173
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The Bible is not a novel. It is a library of texts that authoritatively record the relationship of the Supreme God and His chosen people. The record begins at the creation of the world and concludes at the end of time.

>> No.16353173,1 [INTERNAL] 

There are no chosen people in the Old Testament. There is only a chosen city and Yah saying he "chose" some Chaldeans and Syrians to do one thing or other. Then Jews show up halfway through the text and slowly get attrited to genocide, leaving off where Yah says she's gonna finish them off if they cross into Egypt one more time, and then at the very end the Jews cross over into Egypt. This explains Jews' neurosis and constant plotting to genocide other races.

>> No.16353943

Bible is about Bible.

>> No.16353952

the ot was a precursor to the nt, the nt was a precursor to the works of cormac mccarthy

>> No.16354061
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Where do dinosaurs fit in? No seriously its bugging the fuck out of me, I think the orthodox views on things are damn convincing until I hit the snag of the existence of dinosaurs.

>> No.16354078

Morality is just a societal stand-in for love extended to the whole human race, despite any faults that they may have. And pursuit of that love leads to eternal fulfillment of the self, in other words, the heaven withing.

>> No.16354087

Don’t turn a blind eye to science and fact so so you can indulge in a sense of community and tradition without any thought on your end.

>> No.16354099

the genesis creation myth hasnt been considered historical by church authorities for about 1600 years now; burger televangelists notwithstanding.

not a christfag btw

>> No.16354113

OT begins with the creation of the world and the now famous "fall" of man, then the story focus on the adventures of the jewish people and how they go from being nomads to conquerors. then the jews get capture by the babylonians and after years have passed the jews are allowed to re built their temple, which they do and the OT ends with god getting angry at jews again and promising he is going to destroy the world again.

the NT is firstly about the life of jesus, then it briefly talks about the apostles who are close friends jesus made when he was alive, the apostles spread jesus teachings and then the book changes perspective to a man named paul, who at first hated jesus but then converted and after being imprisoned he sends letters to people teaching and providing guidance. finally the bible ends with a prophecy about the end of the world and exactly how everything is going to happen. at the end, the universe itself is destroyed and god recreates a new heavenly jerusalem where he, jesus and all those worthy will spend eternity.

>> No.16354126

I don't plan to, as it stands right now I fully believe dinosaurs existed and the earth isn't 6 thousand years old. However I am willing to entertain the idea as other ideas I held as truth fell apart while studying theology especially form an orthodox stand point. So I was actually curious if they had an answer to the dinosaur question as to me its a pretty big lynch pin to the thology.

Adam and Eve's existence and the fall are CRUCIAL to Christian doctrine and hand waving it away at metophor makes the whole religion fall apart as far as I'm concerned. My issue is from a metaphysics point of view and moral point of view I think a lot of Christianity fits and works but if its foundation is allegory and evolution reigns supreme I see no way out of a materialist nihilistic mindset.

>> No.16354128
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>All expressions of faith are valid except the Church
>All traditions have value except those of the Church
>All religions (or no religion) have equal claim to the knowledge of Truth except the Church

>> No.16354204

>waving it away as metaphor
it's not metaphor, it's theology. i know thats not satisfying. the greek gods would present themselves to humans only in alternate forms, because if they revealed themselves to them in their full godly nature, the humans wouldnt be able to survive the encounter. religion points to a truth beyond words, and beyond individual, personal, worldly understanding. the sacred texts are made up of words, but the words are not their substance. the buddha points at the moon and tells his disciples dont look at my finger you fucking morons look at the MOOOON

you're trying to make-sense-of-it but there's no rhyme or reason and what you're looking for is something beyond, or above, or below, or inbetween rhyme and reason

>> No.16354368

You could credit this to whomever is selling the Bible to OP offline. If they’re Evangelical or TradCath (don’t kill me, y’all), then they’re pushing a library of texts in dialogue with each other (doesn’t that sound more pleasant than “rife with contradictions?”) as a court document that swears to literal, literal, literal truth.

>> No.16354403

On this topic. why did the goths and germans hate faggots so much while the greeks didnt?

From my reading of roman christiandom they were relitively ambivalent about faggots, but once more germans got into it it got increasingly anti-faggot.

Like that whole thing when a chariot racer gayraped a man and the local greeks wanted him released from prison so they could watch him in a race, but the gothic guards hated the faggot and killed him. even though both parties were largely christian.

>> No.16354422

The same reason Greeks were millennia ahead of Germans in mathematics and philosophy.

>> No.16354463

>Christ was a Jew
>All of his followers during his lifetime were Jews
>Saul (Paul) who was the biggest influence in spreading Christianity to the gentiles was also a Jew

>> No.16354666

i think the insistence on the literal truth in scripture is better understood as an insistence on the importance of faith in a (this) particular form to achieve an understanding of truth of a certain kind, some sort of revelatory experience that puts you into an eternal now as cheesy as that sounds.

i also think that you're right - i mean you're obviously right in what you're saying - one of the great weaknesses of traditional faith in modern times is that it's lost all explanatory power and things are moving too fast to amend it. but i wouldn't disregard the spiritual wealth found in scriptures christian or otherwise because of it, and the chief theologians throughout the ages certainly weren't morons.

there's something lost in what
called the materialist nihilistic mindset and i don't believe it's merely an illusion that's lost, because ultimately the particular illusion (religion) is somewhat irrelevant, what's important and lost nowadays is faith proper, salvation, a way to reconciliating being with goodness, to have faith you need to have faith "in" something though, and while dogmatic scriptures will ultimately not be satisfactory to sceptics it might light the way and help you find something that rings true and carries a promise of salvation within your own travels

i heard a derrida quote a while ago about all religion being poetry about the weak call of god (justice, beauty) supposed to inspire you to realise it in the world, i liked that

none of this is to refute what you said, i'm just thinking out lout

>> No.16354670

Jewish schizo writing remolded by Roman defectors into a religion for all of us goy cattle.

>> No.16354797

good post

>> No.16355312

Read the creation myth as an allegory of the awaking of sapience in the early form of homo sapiens and it still works 100%, and is a beautifully metaphorically true story.