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/lit/ - Literature

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16352906 No.16352906 [Reply] [Original]

>Our most popular intellectuals are people like Neil Degrass Tyson, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Chompsky, Nick Land, Peterson, Zizek, Sharpio, and Dawkins
>The most popular modern philosophies are Determinism, Materialism, Nihilism, and people believing that they don't have any influence on themselves or the world
>Everybody just doesn't mention the simple fact we exist and are aware of it, that reality is right before us, and nobody seems to emphasize the incredible importance of this seemingly simple thing
>The domestic spying, facking, floridization, climate change, illuminatti, deep state, big business in Government, unnecessary wars, unnecessary laws, all those issues are psyoped away by a mixture of controlled news, hypnotizing advertisements, and an internet which uses targeted media tailored for individuals using algorithms based off NSA collected data
How did it get to this? What do we do?

>> No.16352923

>Our most popular intellectuals are people like Neil Degrass Tyson, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg
oh i am laffin.
get the fuck out of here pseud

>> No.16352924

The european """enlightenment""" and the industrial revolution. It's over let the others be they are a lost cause. Safe your own soul

>> No.16352929


>> No.16352930

I didn't say best I said most popular, specifically on 4chan

>> No.16352933

>That guy who scans your post for the one mis-spelled word, to write off your entire argument.

>> No.16352938
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>> No.16352943

>>Our most popular intellectuals are people like Neil Degrass Tyson, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Chompsky, Nick Land, Peterson, Zizek, Sharpio, and Dawkins
Yeah bro totally, not like every other period in history has had pop scientists/philosophers. Let me guess you like Freud?

>> No.16352955

Because talking about real issues is how you get a bullet to the head

>> No.16352961

if i wanted to begin my own journey to redpilling myself, where would i start?

>> No.16352965

Start with the Greeks

>> No.16352969
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Our most popular intellectual is Taleb.

>> No.16352971
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inb4 Jew, materialist, etc. If you read him you'll see the stuff he's slandered with is mostly bullshit and most people don't actually understand his historical materialism.

>> No.16352980

>The bible
>The bhagavad gita
>The greeks
>Being and Time
Work through these now by one. Most of these and dry and academic in nature so if you get bored here is some supplementary fiction
>moby dick
>brothers kamarakov
>crime and punishment
>paradise lost

>> No.16352985

Manufacturing consent
A people's history of the U.S.

>> No.16352992

Marx looked like he had breath and if he was alive today would 100% browse reddit DO NOT READ

>> No.16352995

> 1
> 2
I'm a Marxist too but that author just blatantly lies, don't bother. The best book that redpilled me about America is "Response to Industrialism 1885-1914".
> 3

>> No.16353005

>bad breath*

>> No.16353097

You're correct. That doesn't mean it was a good thing back then, either. I have yet to read Frued. Who would you say are the true great intellectuals in this time?
Also correct.
Try Promethius Rising
Forgot about him, thank you for mentioning.
I don't like communism but still encourage reading it to understand it

>> No.16353137
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Real intellectuals are out there anon, you just need to find them.

>> No.16353149

>Neil Degrass Tyson, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Chompsky, Nick Land, Peterson, Zizek, Sharpio, and Dawkins

>> No.16353161

I didn't say that I think they're very smart, but unfortunately many do, and so I ask how it came to this, see?

>> No.16353164

what is the difference between an intellectual and a psuedo-intellectual?

>> No.16353189

Intelligence, which is a genuine passion for learning and actually trying to learn and teach what you care about

>> No.16353463
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Do you guys actually have a reason for trashing this post or are you just coping
you can't fix it. Do not exhaust your body beating ceaselessly against the waves, and do not let yourself be swept away in the current either. Instead, find the ever shrinking shore and stand there as long as there is land to stand on. Reject it all, live in the forests. For although they will unfortunately cease to be if modern civilization continues to, you are fortunate enough to still have them.

>> No.16353625

>Do you guys actually have a reason for trashing this post or are you just coping
This is a trash post by a /pol/tard who is trying to post /pol/ shit under the pretext of it being about literature.
I can't wait for the election to be fucking over.

>> No.16354312

>Linkola flavored ecofatalism


most of our biggest current ecological problems are going to be solved with tech during the next 50 years

>> No.16354333

Read Bataille

>> No.16354423
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>Neil Degrass Tyson, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Chompsky, Nick Land, Peterson, Zizek, Sharpio, and Dawkins
Most of these are entertainers or are known simply because they're rich celebrities.
>The most popular modern philosophies are Determinism, Materialism, Nihilism, and people believing that they don't have any influence on themselves or the world
It really is surprising how none sees any problems with this desu but they're conditioned that way. Even the most engaged people (politically) just screech on social media or stand around with signs in the streets.

>> No.16354443
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>> No.16354696


>> No.16354706

Lol this has to be bait

>> No.16354793

Nick Land is not popular