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File: 95 KB, 850x400, 180ECC81-7CF1-4D28-BE94-D95F2FBBDC99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16352561 No.16352561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was her problem?

>> No.16352586

>oy vey. us whites, amirite guys?

>> No.16352595

She's right. Colonialism was a mistake and they will all go to hell.

>> No.16352656

shes kinda right though
it was the whitey who opened the pandora's box of INDUSTRALIZATION

>> No.16352679

More like the pandora's box of universal suffrage and human rights

>> No.16352720
File: 56 KB, 608x558, IMG_20200522_020647_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than doubles life expectancy
>ends slavery
>invents penecillin
>invents system of economics that pulls countless people out of poverty ever since
>invents human rights
>invents refrigiator
>invents waterpurifier
>invents a million things making life easier
>invents animal rights
>invents recycling
>invents wymmins rights


>> No.16352740

Ted's proven right again.

>> No.16352756
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Inevitably, someone would have done the same. Does this make a difference? Is it okay for me to murder someone since they would die at some point anyhow?

Moral relativism has always existed.

>> No.16352762

Shit was going to happen no matter what, other races just didnt beat us to the punch. This is nearly but muh noble savages tier

>> No.16352790
File: 524 KB, 711x1220, Screenshot_20200913-125920_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't right wingers understand metaphors?

>> No.16352823
File: 109 KB, 682x827, DgGxAxSWsAA_XcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to be racist against whites.

>> No.16352834

holy kek

>> No.16352863

Both bad things

>> No.16352957


>> No.16352998
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>> No.16352999

Is she Jewish?

>> No.16353018
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Take a guess.

>> No.16353041

The nose knows

>> No.16353122

She was a lesbian. They're the most confused people on the planet with some of the biggest egos on top of that.

>> No.16353153
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Does /pol/ quote a literal-who when they reference her or is she some big player in Israel or something?

>> No.16353158

Penis envy

>> No.16353176
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>> No.16353446
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>> No.16353459

That is a really inept non-defense

>> No.16353464

one of the few things Freud got right

>> No.16353470

i started reading the quote but then realized she was a woman and disregarded her opinion

>> No.16353473

>X board is one person meme but irl

>> No.16353478

Took a while to realize it didn't it lmao

>> No.16353501


>> No.16353506

>backtracking this hard to defend some kike's indictment of God's favorite race

>> No.16353528

White people why do you hate yourselves so much?

Sincrely, black anon

>> No.16353861

>Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book Skin in the Game criticizes Sontag and other people with extravagant lifestyles who nevertheless declare themselves "against the market system". Taleb assesses Sontag's shared New York mansion at $28 million, and states that "it is immoral to be in opposition to the market system and not live (somewhere in Vermont or Northwestern Afghanistan) in a hut or cave isolated from it." Taleb also argues that it is even more immoral to "claim virtue without fully living with its direct consequences."[40][41]

>> No.16353883
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>> No.16353906
File: 63 KB, 500x745, 82FB2DE2-D1BA-4659-B613-5812EC208DA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it evident to anyone else that it is those “Jews” who have renounced their own culture that move with such fervor to deconstruct all others? The most observant Orthodox Jews keep to their own and attend to their own business. But it is these “liberated” Jewish women who have shed all outward appearances of their devotion to God who lead the charge to dismantle whatever society houses them (and the centerpiece of their plans is always the delegitimization of the Church). At least a Jew who studies Torah searches for God and the Spirit may move in him to accept Christ’s invitation to meet his Father. But these “liberated” Jews are those
>which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>> No.16353913

All of these things have made life worse though

>> No.16353932

>observant Orthodox Jews keep to their own and attend to their own business

No, they're fucking cancerous in their own way.

>take over school boards
>reroute municipal tax money toward their own enclaves
>notorious slumlords

>> No.16353941

Educate me further. I do not live in a community with a substantial Orthodox presence.

>> No.16354077

Look up any news story involving Lakewood, New Jersey for an example of how they operate.

They're like enclaves of extremely well-organized gypsies.

>> No.16354086

Being a jew

>> No.16354242

Her problem was that she was a fucking anti-communist liberal fascist piece of shit who hated poor people and made it all about race and identity politics when it's really all about class oppression.

>Not only is Fascism (and overt military rule) the probable destiny of all Communist societies — especially when their populations are moved to revolt — but Communism is in itself a variant, the most successful variant, of Fascism. Fascism with a human face.

>> No.16354255

lmao. its says literally the same thing, but more with more words, what are you trying to prove?

>> No.16354267

Didn't even need to check the wiki on this one.

>> No.16354277

Penis envy

>> No.16354327

Yes. Why should the human ego exist if we're not going to use it to break out of homeostasis?

>> No.16354351

sounds just about as compelling as capitalism in decay.

Litterally everything in fascism.

>Capitalism that is too capital
>Communism that is to communal

>> No.16354353
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Is this really that common or is she an edgelord outlier?

>> No.16354360

>creates wage labor
>overuse of antibiotics leading to widespread resistance; unhealthy people are kept alive without having to adjust their lifestyle -> overpopulation
>consequence of abandoning slavery
>no basis other than belief, leads to overpopulation
>wasteful food industry, people buy more food than they consume, less local fresh foods, directly leads to plastic crisis we have today
>sanitation was enough in civilizations that weren't overpopulated
>easy = good? leads to modern condition
>solution to problem that western consumerism created
>that concept comes and goes in history

>> No.16354385

wtf I like susan sontag now

>> No.16354395

I'm trying to understand these people. Can anyone help me figure this out. When she says "White people" she clearly refers to a race, not a culture or nationality. She is very open about the fact that it's race, as are many leftists today. But this seems to contradict their united belief that people are products of their environments, not genes, and that races don't exist.

How do they reconcile their views?

>> No.16354429

>and that races don't exist.
They only mean that in a biological sense. They believe that in a social sense race is very real.

>> No.16354439

they can hold two contradicting views simultaneously

>> No.16354471

You can't seriously think that qualifies as anything but extremely weak rationalization.

>> No.16354488

Why do they criticise and group together all Whites regardless of culture, affiliation or heritage then?

>> No.16354516

Schrödinger's race.

>> No.16354534

Because that's White's self definition in its legitimating discourse which they seek to disrupt.

>> No.16354551

Liberals are cognitive dissonance personified. Another example is when they say that morality is arbitrary/relative and then hold racism/homophobia as inherently immoral/evil. Stirnerists outside of 4chan also do that.

>> No.16354556

Leftists and minorities are eternally butthurt that whites won the darwinistic struggle of life. They literally seethe at the fact that we won.

>> No.16354850

She’s Jewish. They’ve been trying to convince gentile whites to hate themselves for years

>> No.16354886

>we won
>past tense
Are you suggesting the struggle is over? For, on the contrary, it continues.

>> No.16354904

Liberals are going to be so disappointed when the Chinese become the dominant race and undo all the social progress that whites have accomplished