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16350640 No.16350640 [Reply] [Original]

What books prove Free Will is real? Recommend me some pro-Free Will books.

>> No.16350661

The first quote sounds good right up until the innocent person is you.

>> No.16350669
File: 27 KB, 486x486, galen strawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. You do what you do because of the way you are.
>2. To be truly morally responsible for what you do you must be truly responsible for the way are - at least in certain crucial mental respects.
>3. You cannot be truly responsible for the way you are, so you cannot be truly responsible for what you do.
Why can't you be truly responsible for the way you are? Because
>4. To be truly responsible for the way you are, you must have intentionally brought it about that you are the way you are, and this is impossible
Why is it impossible? Well, suppose it is not. Suppose that
>5. You have somehow intentionally brought it about that you are the way you now are, and that you have brought this about in such a way that you can now be said to be truly responsible for being the way you are now.
For this to be true
>6. You must already have had a certain nature N in the light of which you intentionally brought it about that you are as you now are
But then
>7. For it to be true you and you alone are truly responsible for how you now are, you must be truly responsible for having had the nature N in the light of which you intentionally brought it about that you are the way you now are.
>8. You must have intentionally brought it about that you had that nature N, in which case you must have existed already with a prior nature in the light of which you intentionally brought it about that you had the nature N in the light of which you intentionally brought it about that you are the way you now are ...
Here one is setting off on the regress. Nothing can be causa sui in the required way. Even if such causal 'aseity' is allowed to belong unintelligibly to God, it cannot be plausibly be supposed to be possessed by ordinary finite human beings

Go on, try to refute him. You can't.

>> No.16350680
File: 40 KB, 644x800, 1598376844420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first quote sounds good right up until the innocent person is you.

>> No.16350711

>Here one is setting off on the regress. Nothing can be causa sui in the required way. Even if such causal 'aseity' is allowed to belong unintelligibly to God, it cannot be plausibly be supposed to be possessed by ordinary finite human beings
Some events are unpredictable from prior events. They are causa sui, starting new causal chains. See Quantum Mechanics.

>> No.16350717

Anything by Robert Kane.

>> No.16350718

Perhaps, but humans are not.

>> No.16350730

You can have unpredictability without indeterminism (or new causal chains). See Quantum Mechanics.

>> No.16350731

chaos theory says free will is not a thing, which leads us to determinism.
if you can disprove chaos theory as a whole, then free will is real.
but so far, when you run a system with the exact starting point, the road and the ending will always be same, at least from the studies we've done. there might be random variables in our universe, even though, to this day, we havent proven absolute randomness to be a thing.

>> No.16350764

>but humans are not.
We are made of the microscopic world though, there's a clear paradox here. How to solve this?

>> No.16350784

The point is that even if random quantum fluctuations do affect human mental states, it still does not give us freedom or autonomy. We are just nondeterministically unfree. Galen Strawson's argument does not depend on determinism.

>> No.16350788

Yeah I know there's multiple interpretations of QM anon.

>> No.16350852


>> No.16350863

Pol Pot never said that.

>> No.16350880

I remember this idea being excuted far before pol pot

>> No.16350892

freedom evolves by daniel dennett
> in b4 someone calls dennett midwit because he was in that shitty four horsemen of atheism meme a million years ago with sam harris, dennett is actually good

>> No.16350894
File: 1.59 MB, 940x1640, Kant_foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first part (the first 4 theorems) of Chapter 1 of Kant's Critique of Practical Reason conclusively proves that we have free will even if the physical world is fully deterministic.
The whole passage isn't that long, just around 20 pages.

>> No.16350900

So? Its not something he would have subscribed to.

>> No.16350907

I call him a midwit because to this day he still has not understood what the hard problem of consciousness consists of, ending up making truly retarded claims, like the one for which the hard problem mimics the vitalist debate.
And that's just because I want to be fair: in actuality I'm sure he understood it, and just pretends he hasn't because it refutes a good chunk of his ontology and philosophy of mind.

>> No.16350931

i'm going to exercise my free will by never reading it

>> No.16350935
File: 62 KB, 1142x797, pol curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not something he would have subscribed to.

>> No.16350936

He is a midwit.

>> No.16350939

His views on consciousness are just bad, Chalmers is better.

>> No.16350956

Foreign intervention, alienated against two warring powers has that affect. In any case, the Khmer Rougue was a rag tag band of peasants without any zealous central governing philosophy other than a push for agrreianism and the atrocities committed weren't from Pol Pot. There wasn't much of an "enemy of the people" campaign either which is why OP's quote is blatantly fake. Watch the interview of him on YouTube. The idea that Pol Pot was a bloodthirsty psychopath is a meme. Mao did far worse. If you want to say that it is a consequence of his policies, revolution, etc, that is a better argument but to say he deliberately set out with an organized governing philosophy and brutally oppress anyone who disagrees is fiction not built on reality.

>> No.16350964

pol pot was a slightly overzealous buddhist who wanted to make the nation the sangha

>> No.16350972


>> No.16350989

>Even those who were stereotypically thought of as having intellectual qualities, such as wearing glasses or speaking multiple languages, were executed for fear that they would rebel against the Khmer Rouge.[86]
Glasses bad. Monke good.

>> No.16350994

>prove Free Will is real?
You can't as far as I know. All you have are arguments that hypothetically allows for free will, not an actual proof.

>> No.16350997

Another meme having nothing to do with Pol Pot. Pol Pot wore glasses.

>> No.16351003
File: 36 KB, 307x409, dictators_polpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16351006

A psychopath never cares about others, only about himself. Confirmed he was a psychopath.

>> No.16351011

>Even those who were stereotypically thought of as having intellectual qualities, such as wearing glasses or speaking multiple languages
Ah yes, a man who wore glasses and spoke French fluently would clearly want to do this. Imagine being retarded enough to believe any of this, much less that any of it came from Pol Pot himself.
He wasn't a psychopath.

>> No.16351021

>Ah yes, a man who wore glasses and spoke French fluently would clearly want to do this.
Yes he did. That's exactly what he did and happened
>He wasn't a psychopath.
Yes he was.

>> No.16351027

Prove it.

>> No.16351029

Prove what? The cambodian genocide? What the Khmer Rouge did? Lmao, you want me to prove the holocaust along the way too? Retard.

>> No.16351034

Pol Pot wasn't a psychopath. He was something worse: an idealist.

>> No.16351036

What's more likely
>loose bunch of peasants has some bad apples

Prove that the Cambodian Genocide was Pol Pot's design or that he deliberately was the cause of it.

>> No.16351039

Hegel science of logic, the second book on essence

>> No.16351043

Who leaded the Khmer Rouge? Santa? Who leaded nazi germany? Santa too?

>> No.16351065

Nazi Germany had a governing ideology and an a well organized state bureaucracy.

The Khmer Rouge was a bunch of peasants with different interests and no clear ideological leadership. Pol Pot obviously did not set out to commit any genocide or atrocities and there is no evidence showing he had anything against glasses or speaking French.

>> No.16351356

Self help books always imply that our fate is in our hands. Considering their popularity people must resonate with the messages they provide. If people didn't agree with free will these books would not exist.

>> No.16351362

>People’s coping mechanisms are so strong that the pessimist has a difficult time getting a fair hearing. Bookshops have entire sections devoted to “self-help” volumes, not to mention “spirituality and religion” and other feel-good literature. There are no “self-helplessness” or “pessimism” sections in bookstores because there is a vanishingly small market for such ideas. I am not seriously advocating self-helplessness. I think that there are some matters about which we are helpless, but even on a realistic pessimistic view, there are things we can do to meliorate (or aggravate) our predicament.
David Benatar

>> No.16351364

Free will presupposes a distinct difference between "consciousness" and biological mechanisms of the brain. Thus it can be said that both proved the existence of a "soul" thus the belief in distinction between man and animal. Both proves the existence of god.

>> No.16351385
File: 187 KB, 500x694, 1552194080445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm proud of acting like a nigger

>> No.16351706

>look mom I said the n-word

>> No.16351725

>implying he isn't acting like a nigger

>> No.16351834

Use your common sense, retard.

>> No.16352155

Chink morality vs Human morality in a nutshell