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16350212 No.16350212 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16350226

I hated it also is your name nick

>> No.16350230

That is perfectly fine, and no it is not.

>> No.16350260

I don’t get it. Read like a third of it and then dropped it. I don’t give a fuck about some NY hipsters and their stupid parties. What’s so great about the book anyways?

>> No.16350276

Hey Tao. Sales are down again I see, else you wouldn't be shilling here.

>> No.16350286

I don't think you're supposed to give a fuck about them? My reading is that it's supposed to give you a huge sense of loneliness and numbness, and then the rest of the book is the main character finding ways to break through that. But yeah, if you're not down with his style, dropping it after a third is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.16350783

My life is nothing like Paul but I related so intensely to his autistic internal monologue that it was a very vivid experience for me.

>> No.16350802

What is good about it?

>> No.16350833

The two posts above you do a good job at explaining it.

>> No.16350839

My post is proof they do not. They are devoid of all particulars, in particular.

>> No.16350848

it's eliott roger tier

>> No.16350864

Oh Tao~~
You fucking gook

>> No.16350873

>huge sense of numbness
>autistic internal monolog
>devoid of particulars

What do you want? A plot summary? There is no plot. We live in a modern world devoid of meaning. There are no plots anymore. Why should they be in our books?

>> No.16350887

Evidence in the form of excerpts would seem to me the obvious answer.

>> No.16350911

If you need that much convincing to read a book then just don't read it.

>> No.16350918


Fine, here's an excerpt about anxiety:

"When he heard laughter, before he could think or feel anything, his heart would already be beating like he’d sprinted twenty yards. As the beating slowly normalized he’d think of how his heart, unlike him, was safely contained, away from the world, behind bone and inside skin, held by muscles and arteries in its place, carefully off-center, as if to artfully assert itself as source and creator, having grown the chest to hide in and to muffle and absorb—and, later, after innovating the brain and face and limbs, to convert into productive behavior—its uncontrollable, indefensible, unexplainable, embarrassing squeezing of itself."

>> No.16350920

If you won't provide much convincing for others to read a book don't suggest they should read it.

>> No.16350932

Thank you. I certainly won't be pursuing the matter any further. It reads like most modern self-indulgent nothings, words upon words without substance. Sentiment is cheap and alone does not constitute literature, although in its pretension I failed to connect to any sentiment.

>> No.16350942


It's strange how you're denouncing Tao when you write just like him.

>> No.16350963

I detect no overblown and wholly irrelevant simile in my post. What is more, there is a clear subject, substantiation, and conclusion. I contend they are unalike.

>> No.16350988

You're either a troll or Ben fucking Shapiro.

>> No.16351025

I'm just looking for a book to read.

>> No.16351042
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the way he writes reminds me of ryu murakami

>> No.16351132

I also enjoyed this book, what books do yall know that read like this?

>> No.16351136

"Liveblog: A Novel" by Margaret Megan Matlock Boyle

>> No.16351300

I can't wait for Leave Society. Tao's blog is comfy. He's a good host.

>> No.16351345


so so boring and pessimistic. it doesnt take anything to write characters who are superficial and one dimensional

>> No.16351353

he really liked almost transparent blue when he read it

>> No.16351984

It’s Ben

>> No.16352881

Seems okay, not groundbreaking or anything, but worth the paper it was printed on, lots of appositives though, and I don't see any artistic reason for them to be there.