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/lit/ - Literature

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1634605 No.1634605 [Reply] [Original]

Although some of my fave novels are 150 or 200 pages or whatever, I dislike short novels on principle. if you enjoy something, you want it to last as long as possible, right? Then again, there's something to be said for taking out all the filler. Bottom line: short novels are fine, but if you can make the book a fair bit longer without lowering the page-by-page quality, that's great.

>> No.1634606

I sound so bipolar in that post.

>> No.1634623

No matter. Every post you make reads, "my life is a goddamn mess."

Why do people don trips, again?

>> No.1634628

why are you drawing attention to his trip again

i don't really bother about size tbh
as long as i enjoy the reading it's all good

>> No.1634634


>implying if this thread was posted as Anon that more wouldn't have responded.

Sorry, tripfags. With your names you carry around every blunder, every annoyance, every single pound of your past.
Only a fool would carry all that weight around.

Oh, and you're both deranged faggots.

>> No.1634645

Tripfags like it when people call them out or abuse them. They crave the attention.
The best way to deal with tripfags is to ignore them completely. They'll eventually go away, or make bigger fools of themselves. Either way, it's win-win.

>> No.1634646

I think some stories only work properly if they are short, simple narratives are sometimes the most effective.

Anyway, entertainment isn't the primary motivation for me to read.


I trip because it's easier to find my posts, it makes it easier to bring up previous subjects with me that we may have previously discussed and because i've met some nice people at /lit/club.

There are very few trips on this board who are genuinely malicious.

>> No.1634649

You don't count. You're probably the least annoying trip of all time.

>> No.1634652
File: 57 KB, 258x336, fargoth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're probably the least annoying trip of all time.

That probably means i'm doing it wrong.

>> No.1634661

>Oh hey, thanks for finding my ring. I'mma get you a discount
>rob him of his lifesavings that night

every time

>> No.1634668

the story determines its own length

>> No.1634672

the only beef i have with short novels is cost, philip roth will piddle out like 220 pages and the book will be $26.95, i'm not down with that

>> No.1634686

It insists upon itself.

>> No.1634704

This has to be the most wankery thread I've ever seen on /lit/. And this is /lit/.

>> No.1634722


What do you expect from a tripfag thread?

>> No.1634759

A book or novella is as long or short as it needs to be. If you can tell that story with fewer words, then do it. If you need more words and it turns into a novel, do that. Either way, there is a story being communicated. Thats the point. Not how long it is.

>> No.1634762

>A book or novella is as long or short as it needs to be.

Statements like this are fucking retarded. Some books actually need filling out and more details, for others there's a reason people called editors exist, because some books need to be smaller.

To male a blanket statement and say books are as long or short as they need to be is ludicrous. Some are the right length, sure, but plenty aren't.

>> No.1634814

There's nothing wrong with being a tripfag. I even have my own emblem!

The word 'piddle' made me laugh.

>> No.1634818
