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File: 13 KB, 560x248, How-to-Write-Poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1634413 No.1634413 [Reply] [Original]

poetry thread?
poetry thread.

>> No.1634430

It's early in the morning.
I must get up and make my way downstairs.
My routine must endure
I have a bowl of cereal.
Time eludes me, everyone around me rushes

I go outside and see the people I know.
Such debates and deliberations do I face!
I must make my mind up!
Do I sit in the back seat or the front seat?


>> No.1634441

Ctrl s, ctrl s

Folks preconceive their notions
And then preach what’s sick and dope
People need to notice
I’m an equal mix of both

I’ll freeze the beat in moments
And proceed with this approach
Defeating each opponent
who believes that it’s a hoax

I’m first in regards
Perfect with bars
So talk to me
If you want to speak to the person in charge

I’m the front-running candidate
Blunt puffing, upcomining nana shit
plus, oh I just won a championship

With a custom made crown
Forget stepping up
You’re already fucked
so lay down

let nature take its course
i got so many people Biting Me
Line's I Speak
come with Paper Plates and Forks

feeding off the music
that’s complete with proper smoothness
pleasing all consumers
like an equal opportunist

approach with caution
I patrol the roads you’re crossing
Only cause your cone exhaust
to fold into a closing coffin

inside the box
it’s rugged rhyming rocks
trying to muster up enough inside you
just to rise a notch

once I find the top
I’ll have too much fucking pride
to ever duck and hide
from all the hungry eyes that watch

cut and dry,
that’s how I summarise my thoughts
I won the prize a hundred times
to justify the props

so cater to my needs
or I’ll claim I just came to shoot the breeze
right before I aim at you and squeeze

>> No.1634442

lmao ew

>> No.1634444

>Tomorrow is Saturday
>And Sunday comes after...wards
>I don’t want this weekend to end
Why the enigmatic reference to hospitals?

>> No.1634443 [DELETED] 

i cant believe what we did today
i dont care
ill show you everything
just give me your money

give it all, so i can runaway
i cry everyday and i dont wanna stay

i dont you
i dont need anyone
go away
thats all youve ever done anyways

i dont wanna exist
i wanna be noticed
i wanna be someone
i wanna leave a mark

>> No.1634448

i'm not what i want
i'm not what you want
i never was, so why even talk
why did i even talk to you
youll only make me sad when its through

but at first
i cant think
dont say goodbye
i cant

>> No.1634454

all that is
will never be
when all that was
has come again

>> No.1634455

I'd like to welcome you to my disasterpiece theater.
I have quite a show prepared for you tonight.
I have a new set of strings and an impressive repertoire.
We might even end up setting the place alight.

Thank you, Mr. Exposition; lay down the law.
Give me all your secrets, now; show me the way.
Do you like my taste? Do we have something going here?
I'll need a hint if I'm to know what to say.

I know philosophy backwards, but I can't take a hint,
so could you be a doll and hold on to that thought?
I know I'm not the best kind of company
when I can feel my senses pulling this taut.

Now you're smiling at me with that air of expectancy.
Please understand; I'm damaged goods.
So can we get the lead out? What about the plot?
I'd hate to be left here in the backwoods.

And it's okay to tell me
you should be turned.
And it's all right to say
you should be burned



>> No.1634456

i do a poo
my poo is blumy doc says this is bad for you
oh no
blue poo

>> No.1634458 [DELETED] 

fuck off
why does it have to be this way
shut up, but talk
i only want you

>> No.1634459

i only want you
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off

>> No.1634461


>> No.1634460

short but sweet

>> No.1634666

he heart is made of string
and catches every thing
that passes by
catches love
and every dove
and catches the flower
for the spider
to devour

>> No.1634692

The dews drop slowly and dreams gather; unknown spears
Suddenly hurtle before my dream-awakened eyes,
And then the clash of fallen horsemen and the cries
Of unknown perishing armies beat about my ears.
We who still labour by the cromlech on the shore,
The grey cairn on the hill, when day sinks drowned in dew,
Being weary of the world's empires, bow down to you,
Master of the still stars and of the flaming door.