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File: 34 KB, 680x591, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16343917 No.16343917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a midwit.

>> No.16343970

How do you know that you are?

>> No.16343981

Sorry to hear that bro, better luck next time

>> No.16344052

>pepe not smelling cum smelling basketball shorts
>no food stained 6 year old t shirt with armpit b.o. built in after in wash
>not drinking sugar
>clear face
>no retarded haircut detectable

(X) Doubt

>> No.16344057

Not based.

>> No.16344058
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1585082309909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be midwit
>take online IQ test 10 times
>139 IQ
>no longer midwit

>> No.16344097

The speed at which I can internalize new concepts is pretty average. Not subpar but not far higher than most people. The only strengths I'm aware of possessing is my ability to see "the big picture" and to see contradictions and links between the concepts I've successfully managed to internalize. I think I'm able to understand everything just given the necessary amount of time, though it requires me to enter a flow state, I know some guys who can understand very hard concepts while behaving in a very laid back way.

I mostly use my intuition since my conscious thinking is subpar. This made me able to reach some philosophical conclusions even before reading philosophy (for exemple, as a child I intuitively knew that the world as it appeared to me eyes was only a production of my senses, and not the "real world" even before reading Kant).

I'm kinda autistic and like abstractions so I spend a large amount of times thinking, even if I'm slow, my will to understand every mecanisms of the world and the time I put into this goal allows me to perform quite decently. Though, I can't properly mentally calculate things as it is too much a burden for my weak conscious thinking, in the same way I can't learn poems by heart without really hurting myself.

I'm literally blind without using intuition, intuition is good for answering new questions, generating authentical concepts that cannot be deduced through only computational thinking. Intuition is good for small-scaled problems but if you put me in front of a complex equation it only confuses me.

I seek perfect and absolute consistency with my worldviews, I dream of writing the "book of everything" that will definitely solves philosophy and enumerates every general concepts that rule existence. But I have a feeling that this job was already done before me, especially after having read Being and Time (which literally articulated numbers of my thoughts before I had the time to do it myself).

So yeah, I'm a midwit in term of speed and conscious thinking. Though, I think my intuitive inclination is something that differientates me from most of the guys who are able to solve very complex problems through axiomatic deductions (like a computer) but are completely unable to create authentic concepts or to makes links with different concepts.

>> No.16344116

I intentionally make myself appear more knowledgeable and intelligent and try to hide it with dishonesty and smoke and mirror tactics

>> No.16344128
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1594442497527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a complete fucking retard

>> No.16344144


You've attempted to subdue bias and quantify yourself in a realistic manner. You are not a midwit. What you seem to lack in on the fly memorization, you make up for with penetrating insight into whatever it is you're studying.

So basically you appear have a greater depth of understanding than those who build understanding at a faster pace, but much more vapid than you think it is.

>> No.16344153

Don't flatter him. He's a midwit.

>> No.16344166

Put down the addy retard lmao

>> No.16344180
File: 122 KB, 554x400, 1529362241678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tested 140 IQ, but I box vigorously full contact with the sole intent to accrue brain damage and become a vegetable

>> No.16344182

139 iq is the definition of midwit doe

>> No.16344206

Bad bait

>> No.16344218

Believing in IQ and taking internet IQ tests seriously is the definition of being a midwit, though

>> No.16344303

Yeah but speed is a often more valued and easily acknowledged quality. This is why I'm a midwit.

>> No.16344499

>what is more valued and easily acknowledged by the society is what is of more value
You might be a midwit just because of thinking this

>> No.16344520

God, I hate highwits trying to appropriate midwit culture.

Its disgusting.

>> No.16344528

The word midwit is to blame as it is grounded on appearances