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16343599 No.16343599 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: no religion.

>> No.16343612

How do I solve this problem?
Hard mode: I don't want the true answer

>> No.16343615

By not being a LOSER.

>> No.16343623

>i don't want to actually solve the problem i just want an illusion of solving the problem

Define being a ''loser''.

>> No.16343641

Just accept you have to believe in a bullshit fairy to carry on; I suggest these:

>> No.16343645


>How to prevent the inevitable descent into passive nihilism

Ftfy :)

>> No.16343664

Man, Vagrant Story is such a great game.

To answer your question OP, you find value in your own actions and goals you set upon yourself. I intend to write until I die. The bouts of nihilism I might experience will always be kept in check by the urge to fulfill my life mission.
To not have one, even one as trivial as being a good father to your children or a to better the society that has shaped you into the good person you are, is a choice you can make, of course, but you'll soon find yourself wanting. Don't be afraid.

>> No.16343666

What're you gonna do, kill yourself?

>> No.16343681


I don’t usually respond to these threads but I’m in the mood and have to be honest with you, the solution is with the Truth of life, and religion often makes that truth accessible for people, but it’s not required in order to grasp it. If you try to base your satisfaction in life on personal philosophies and temporary pleasures you will always return to depression, and even with the Truth in your heart there will be depressing days. But when one does have that Truth, truly the burden of existence is lightened drastically. So you should ask yourself “why do I reject religion? do I trust myself to make myself happy, or is there credence in the one thing that is universally agreed upon to bring peace into ones life?” These threads need to involve a lot more introspection on these questions because they are crucial before taking any life affirming steps. I myself am religious and decently versed in philosophy so I am open to discussing with anyone here. But for your sake, please reflect on why you want to reject religion and what exactly your dissatisfaction with life is.

>> No.16343688

Why do you see it as a bad thing? We're a bunch of talking apes on an insignificant speck of dust in a cold and uncaring universe that creeps closer to entropic decay with every second. Our race, planet, sun, and the cosmos itself will one day die and only frozen dust will remain. There is no meaning or greater purpose to any of it. Life is only what we make of it. Struggle is existence. When you expect nothing to be given to you and accept the only things you will attain come from your own work with the risk of failure ever present any positive outcome is a welcome surprise. To reject this truth is to reject self agency.

>> No.16343689


>inb4 “there are plenty of religious people who are unhappy, it’s not universally agreed upon”

By religious I mean people of faith, those who experience the Truth and whose consciousness is attuned to Its Reality. Not the nominally religious.

>> No.16343704

This. Op, since you don't want any pre-shaped forms of values (like religion) you need to go beyond the stablished good and evil and create your own moral system that will give you purpose.

>> No.16343715

>those who experience the Truth

What truth?

>> No.16343722
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>> No.16343729

The opposite of not being a fag

>> No.16343732


We religious call it God, other religions may say “the highest reality” “the One” “the first cause” “creator” etc. But when I say Truth it’s deeper than saying “I believe in God”. To understand this truth is to be in the state of being we call faith, which is manifold and largely unrecognized as such. Are you familiar with Heidegger? We can say one is “attuned” to a different way of being when one has faith, their consciousness shifts and the nature of the universe is further disclosed, as well as that of our own souls. I know this can sound like nonsense if you aren’t spiritual and I can definitely try to explain it more “scientifically” if you’d like, but my point is that there are many misconceptions about this state of being, how it’s attained, and how it effects ones life. One can reject it if they want but that will never prevent the consequences of doing so.

>> No.16343736

So being a fag?

>> No.16343737

By acquiring/discovering/building a 'highest ordering principle', a 'prime overarching drive'.
>no religion
Whatever source that best fulfills your drive and you can trust bro.

The trick is in realizing that you already have an overarching drive, or else you would have neither been capable nor willing of asking that question.

>> No.16343743

>insignificant speck of dust in a cold and uncaring universe that creeps closer to entropic decay with every second

>> No.16343751

Read Schopenhauer

>> No.16343757

>Define being a ''loser''.
Being poor,having no family, no commendable life achievements, no one who respects you or looks up to you.

>> No.16343763

American hands must have typed this. Either that or prime bait.

>> No.16343767
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Forgot to say "having sex".

>> No.16343814

literally just buddhism for autists

>> No.16343844
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embrace nihilism it is the truth

>> No.16343952

Clinging to the misguided belief that there is some greater meaning or that we are special is insane. Wilfully rejecting the truth of mortality in hopes of some delusional vision of an afterlife is delusional and only serves to shackle you from accepting your limited time and making the most of it. There is no god, there is is no great plan, there is only the inevitable march towards decay. Accept that fact and take responsibility for your own future with the knowledge that it's all meaningless in the end. This is the true path to inner peace.

>> No.16343962

>Freudian criticism of religion
Retroactively refuted by Plantinga.

>> No.16344003

No no no dipshit. What is insane is to claim that
>no god or discernible immortality
>insignificant speck of dust

>> No.16344013

Just have faith bro. No religious requirement

>> No.16344015

That's based tho

>> No.16344016

You are either 14 or plain fucking stupid, and people like you have played a large part in killing this board.

>> No.16344040

Your image contradicts your statement retard please read a book.

>> No.16344047
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Lol you retards, "how do Isolve muh nihilism without going to church", being too high IQ is dysgenic I swear.

The answer to all your problems is simple enough for any being to grasp: be a good person.

>> No.16344048
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I gotchu, homie

>> No.16344060
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>active romantic and social life

>> No.16344071

That's literally the opposite of what OP wants, moron. Read Nietzsche before recommending him.

>> No.16344073

smoke da wed

>> No.16344074

stop your nihilism you soul-less cretins
you are both degenerate homos
open up the new testament and read the good news

>> No.16344082

>what is Dionysian Pessimism
>what is constant affirmation of multiplicity via eternal recurrence
K brainlet

>> No.16344085

What are you talking about i'm literally arguing against nihilism idiot. Also read Bible this morning lol.

>> No.16344090

>the inevitable descent into nihilism?
If the descent is inevitable then there is no point in trying to stop it.
Nietzsche is what to do after that inevitability comes to pass.
A recommendation of the future.

>> No.16344100

Except nihilism is not inevitable for anyone who is not a complete moron. Read a book.

>> No.16344107

>Except nihilism is not inevitable for anyone who is not a complete moron
We see what you’re doing anon. Edgy.

>> No.16344244

Just read the Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16344263
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Just study math. Or technology. Just work on small problems and only address the large ones on calming walks.

>> No.16344277

lmao talk to me in 3 years

>> No.16344302

>How to prevent the inevitable descent into nihilism?
>Hard mode: no religion.
lol go ahead and try it

>> No.16344334
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All your Gods are belong to us. We investigated, arrested, tried and hanged every last one.
Look to the birth of new life, not the parading of corpses.

>> No.16344343
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>> No.16344750

>dude we live in a society lmao

>> No.16344785
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Pick your head up King, we're near the end of the tunnel and from then on, it only gets brighter.

>> No.16344787
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>Hard mode: no religion.
but religion is Hard Mode anon

>> No.16344799

>he really believes we've seen it all
Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.16344808

Well yeah "near the end of the tunnel" implies it will get worse before it gets better.

>> No.16344815

>he really believes in the end of history and the achieving of utopia

>> No.16344824

>please reflect on why you want to reject religion
The majority of people reject religion and drift into nihilism simply because of aesthetics and hipness

>> No.16344828
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>>he really believes in the end of history
Yeah because I definitely said that anywhere, retard.
>>the achieving of utopia

>> No.16344834

>said that
You implied it anon. If you don't see how utopia is an end state, then the retard is you.

>> No.16344855

>Implied end of history
>In the first post I said "it only gets brighter" implying it continues "getting brighter"

>> No.16344874

Fair enough. So you don't believe in utopia as an absolute endstate?

>> No.16344882

Yeah, I don't.

>> No.16344887

how the fuck do people still take this shit seriously

>> No.16344892

>perfection has always room for growth
I uhh, am not sure you know what those words mean anon

>> No.16344901

how the fuck do people still take this shit seriously

>> No.16344907

It's the most prosperous system ever made.

>> No.16344918

You make the common mistake of conflating nihilism with depression and negativity. If there is no meaning then there is no good or bad feelings about anything. Everything is gone. You can’t get to that though, nobody can, all you have is your depression/dissatisfaction with life. That may even be the opposite of nihilism. You want more out of life because you can’t believe this is it. You cope with this by calling it nihilism and pretending you have found some sort of ultimate truth when you are really just repeating what others around you have said.

>> No.16344922

Lol bro look outside.

>> No.16344930

I’m not a commie but if you look at the world today and think things are alright you are a fucking idiot and just shilling for the status quo because you can’t accept the fact that things are chaotic.

>> No.16344940

Late Heidegger. Allow that things may come to presence and gather unto themselves the fourfold.

>> No.16344946

At what? The richest nation on earth?

>> No.16344970

Yeah the richest nation on Earth with a 15% poverty rate(probably higher after Covid), has riots going throughout half the country, has an unemployment and eviction crisis, has a plague going on, etc..

>> No.16344984

>the homeless druggies are poor
Oh no!

>> No.16345009

>Le lolbertarian brain

>> No.16345027

Poverty rate is 11.8%
Threshold is 12.8k/yr
Commie dwellers would sacrifice their first-born for 12.8k/yr

>> No.16345038

Ok so 12% rather than 15% of the country is in poverty(and we've yet to see the rate after evictions hit). That's so much better (:

>> No.16345046

>in poverty
Commies were eating their grandparents after their ebin revolution

>> No.16345201
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Have a gf like pic related.

>> No.16345223


>> No.16345457

“If truth is what you seek, then the examined life will only take you on a long ride to the limits of solitude and leave you by the side of the road with your truth and nothing else.”

>> No.16345464


>> No.16345477

When you stop being a teenager

>> No.16346147

It is in your nature to value and to dream, to suffer and enjoy, to live and to die. You don't need cosmic justification for your nature — just embrace it.

>> No.16346255

Being over 15 and actually reading.

>> No.16346312
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Rejection of Nihilism is a corollary of fear, not maturity. Smooth existential cope though.

>> No.16346350

More like when you become an active sheep, but yes.

>> No.16346449

By finding something that matters to you lol.

>> No.16346464
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Islam is the only escape from nihilism, degeneracy, and blasphemy against God.

>> No.16346467

By accepting final causality and intentionality in creation. Read fesers book on aquinas and stop being a retard.

>> No.16346493

Love yourself and others unconditionally

>> No.16346594

This. Looking everyday into those beautiful blue eyes would be enough to forget about the whole universe I guess.

>> No.16346679

By believing in something. You can't reason your way out of nihilism, because you don't reason your way in to that mindset.

>> No.16347011

>having no family
You mean like no wife and kids? I don't even want a wife or kids, that seems unfair to call me a loser over something I have no desire for.

>> No.16347695


>> No.16347708

Virtue ethics

>> No.16347865

myth of sisyphus
in other words, cope so effectively that you sometimes forget you're coping

>> No.16347935


>> No.16348524


>> No.16348722

>every successful man was a synthesis of the two

>> No.16348732

Personal Responsibility

>> No.16350247

So I should put in a bunch of effort to perpetuate the very world that demands you ignore the overwhelming pain in life to be a good little boy and keep the species alive so more people have to put up with this shit? Nah, I'm good thanks.

>> No.16350257


>nihilism is really bad and something that should be meaningfully avoided


>you have to adopt a false cope


People who happen to be coping cannot possibly be correct in their evaluation of the world

>> No.16350262

“Everybody worships, what or who we worship is one of the few things we can control.”

- David Foster Wallace

>> No.16350282


>> No.16350987
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eating ass

>> No.16351020

not that anon but these are non arguments
you either call him stupid or tell him to read a book that will give your argument for you
if you can't provide your own reasons but need to assert they exist and others are wrong for not knowing them instead you're not convincing anyone and likely have no argument you actually understand or are a simple contrarian

the unfortunate thing I was really interesting in finding a rebuttal to what is I think a very common belief in the modern world, how disappointing

>> No.16351083

Embrace life as you see fit, that's all there is to it. Don't let anyone sell you smoke, especially those who are in a cult, they prey on moments of weakness.

>> No.16351092

No, it's about you an no one else.

>> No.16351451

Vagrant Story is one of the (few) best games ever made.


>> No.16352443

>Whats the answer to 2+2? Don't give me a stupid answer like 4 or anything ridiculous like that I want the real answer.

>> No.16352477

Don't let marxists destroy society and leave your youth with nothing to live for

>> No.16352508

Being told an evil overlord will torture you for all eternity if you touch your dick is not a solution to nihilism. Or even relevant to it.

>people are just being edgy hipsters or they'd join my cult
People reject religion because it doesn't have anything to offer and you aren't allowed to control the public schools or send the sheriff door to door to intimidate people into going to church anymore.