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/lit/ - Literature

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16342439 No.16342439 [Reply] [Original]

Something I have concluded by reading a lot of 18th century British novels and Dostoevsky. Only go for a girl if she expresses clear interest in you. This should be obvious, but I feel like you morons don't get it. If you have to convince a girl to go out with you, why would you go out with her in the first place.

>B-but girls don't express interest

Then ignore them. The only ones worth your time are ones that take an interest in you specifically. If none do that, then who gives a shit. Ignore them.

>> No.16342456

Not sure why you needed to read a bunch of 800 page novels to realize this, but ok.

>> No.16342484

B-but every girl who ever expressed interest in me, I laughed at and ridiculed until they walked away with their heads down

>> No.16342485

I didn't. I just wanted to make it /lit/ related tbqh. All these novels did was reinforce my view. And I am not just talking about pursuing a girl who doesnt want you. I am saying don't even romantically approach somebody unless they are clearly interested in you romantically. And I mean clear enough that you would wager a sizable sum she would say yes.

>> No.16342492

Big mistake.

>> No.16342494

instead of making random threads and tying them to literature as an afterthought, you should make threads primarily on literature. You could have had an example from the novels in your OP or even in this post, but instead you blogged about girls.

>> No.16342508

I have made literature threads and they all die. What you need nowadays on /lit/ is a blog post with some vague literature connection.

>> No.16342529

One thing that sets me off is having to perform like some circus animal so that a woman can fucking deign herself to give me attention or chance. Fucking no way. It's so disrespectful. I consider myself a pretty calm and chill guy, but the few times I've really gone off on other people it has been at women being disrespectul and assuming I'll crawl on my hands and knees for them.

>> No.16342533

Give an example

>> No.16342537

>Making conclusions about dating life in 2020 by reading English and Russian literature.
And you wonder why you can't have sex.

>> No.16342540

Maybe, maybe not. It's easy to romanticize the past and dream up a fantasy, when perhaps if I had gotten into relationships, they may have been great, decent, or real shitty and damaging. There's no point in dwelling on these past events, but certainly I think I may have some unhealthy aversion to a "bond" in which I may feel some kind of encroachment upon my time and freedom. Then again, I was young and quite immature, so perhaps that is a more accurate explanation of my mindset and behavior. I don't think I would react in the same way now. But only time will tell...

>> No.16342542


>> No.16342551

Women assuming I'll buy them a drink at the bar. Worst example I saw of this was a woman literally going around to several guys fishing for free drinks, and by the time she got to me I was so fucking outraged. No respect for the guys or herself. Another that comes to mind is after a house party when some chick tried to evict my room mate and myself from our bedrooms to sleep on the fucking coach. Just straight said "you guys can sleep here and we'll take your beds". I saw fucking red in that situation.

>> No.16342558

Nice. I am surprised people act any differently tbqh.

>> No.16342778

I made the same mistake and now God is punishing me for my immaturity and arrogance, as He should btw.

>> No.16342809

>but I feel like you morons don't get it
Why do I feel like you're talking to yourself and not an audience of random /lit/ shitposters?

>> No.16342822

No idea. I follow this to a T. I see a bunch of simps irl going after people who have no interest in them. Why would you want to go out with someone who doesn't express interest in you from the beginning?

>> No.16342825

meh, all sins are forgivable.

>> No.16342847

But do I have to feel worthy of forgiveness first?

>> No.16342853

All you need is to genuinely feel bad and swear off the behavior for good.

>> No.16342892

women are controlled by the moon

>> No.16342894

Pursuing women used to be worth it at least. They had things to offer and there was a clear contract implied by your interest and by any reciprocation on their part. Now women are deficient men, just big children. They are "equal to" men, in the sense that nothing specifically feminine is expected from them, but worse than men in every way at all the specific things that men do. To be a slightly above average woman by today's standards is to be on a par with a low testosterone, ambitionless, driftless man, who nobody particularly notices or likes.

Compared to men, women are less interesting, they are stupider, they have fewer and far less intense passions. They dominate no industries, no trades, no hobbies, no arts or sciences, they are preeminent in nothing that doesn't have to do specifically with preening their secondary sex characteristics. A woman is a weaker, dumber, slower, lazier version of a man, one that has no problem living in this way.

>> No.16342899
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>> No.16344012

>Greatest fiction writer is female (Harry Potter)
>Greatest prodigy in medicine is female (Nightingale)
>Best actors are female (Bier, Diez, Anniston etc)
>Greatest modern politician is female (Merkel followed closely by Clinton)
>Greatest historical politician (Cleopatra, Boudicca)
>Most leaders in Europe (by far the most advanced society) are female (EU, Denmark, Germany, Finland etc, Chrstine Larguarde I could go on)
>Most talented and popular TV hostess is female (Oprah)
>CEO of greatest social media company to exist is female (Sheryl Sandberg)
>CEO of greatest movie sharing service is female (Susan Wojicki)
>Queen of England is female
>Queen of Denmark is female
>Jacinda Ardern (need I say more?)
>Spearhead in movement against prejudice and hatred (Rosa Parks, Emily Pankhurst)
>Best prime minister in history (Thatcher)
>Bithgiver to christ (Mary the virgin)
>One of the (if not THE) best novelists of all time (Jane Austen (Emily Dickinson, Woolf gets a mention)
>Best general OAT is female (Joan D Arc)
>One of the best scientists OAT is female (Lise Meitner (who had to escape Nazi germany as a jewess first)
>Greatest designer of all time is female (Coco Chanel)
>One of the best matematicians was a female (Maryam Mirzakhani)
>Best first lady is female (Michelle Obama)
>The female body is stronger than men's (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/7b6484fb-3b00-46d6-a557-ac2a0b6f8591))
>Girls outperform males in school, academia and now also business, STEM and other industries
>Women give the best blowjobs
>Women are the best cooks
>Women make the best mothers
>Women make the best leaders (source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/05/perspectives/women-leaders-coronavirus/index.html, https://hbr.org/2019/06/research-women-score-higher-than-men-in-most-leadership-skills))

Maybe if you werent such a hateful incel, girls would pay attention to you

>> No.16344041

This. The chase is half the fun for any competent candidate. I’m sorry you haven’t been in the position to experience it.

>> No.16344075

>Best first lady is female
one would hope so

>> No.16344093

the only girls who ever expressed interest in me were sluts with drink/drug problems

>> No.16344099

easy mode. junky sluts are so hot so long as you can get them to shower.

>> No.16344112

not the one you're replying to but i'll take a stab at this (other anons reading this: did I get baited?)
>Greatest fiction writer is female (Harry Potter)
why would you put your most bait-looking point first?
>Greatest prodigy in medicine is female (Nightingale)
idk anything about nightingale but i'm willing to admit this; however note that her qualities are exactly those the lack of which in modern women anon is bemoaning
>Bithgiver to christ (Mary the virgin)
see above re: nightingale
>Greatest historical politician (Cleopatra, Boudicca)
I mean if you're trying to work out the greatest of all time you should probably stick to periods when we have good records so you're not talking about semimythological figures (I agree that women are more fun to mythologize than men)
>Best general OAT is female (Joan D Arc)
see above re: historical politicians
>One of the (if not THE) best novelists of all time (Jane Austen (Emily Dickinson, Woolf gets a mention)
which emily dickinson novel is your favourite, anon?
>One of the best scientists OAT is female (Lise Meitner (who had to escape Nazi germany as a jewess first)
literally who?
>One of the best mathematicians was a female (Maryam Mirzakhani)
could you name a bigger literally who if you tried?
>Best first lady is female (Michelle Obama)
this is the point at which even an easily led dum-dum like me can tell I'm being baited
you were doing well, anon, but ya blew it