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16340155 No.16340155 [Reply] [Original]

What are the founding works of intersectionality?
And can't all this bs be summed up by examining biases people hold?

>> No.16340205

some black feminists from the 70s and 80s

How did that triple boomerang become a sign for getting flustered?

>> No.16340218

I assume it's an exaggerated symbol describing the wrinkles of a furrowed forehead.

>> No.16340286

Intersectionality is bullshit because I need a black person to do the work

>> No.16340297

>What are the founding works of intersectionality?
Probably some classified CIA psyop manual on how to subvert the left.

>> No.16340360 [DELETED] 

intersectionality is where oppressed groups interests cross over or 'intersect'. Dunno how that relates to people's biases.

>> No.16340364
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Like Angela Davis?

lol true that seems like the most logical endgame for it

let's create equality by calling more attention to divisions???

>> No.16340373
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>> No.16340377

>black trans women get a raw deal
>recognizing this isn't empathy and common sense but a clandestine government operation to marginalize berniebro class essentialism and erase white guy voices

>> No.16340383

Intersectionality is a faith-like calculus of everyone's grievances vs everyone else by people who claim to know much more than they actually do about literally everyone else's lives.

>> No.16340391

How do you solve a problem without first drawing attention to it? Cries of divisiveness is really just "this makes white guys uncomfortable because it's not all about them for a change".

>> No.16340397
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Maybe Gender Trouble by Judith Butler? I'm not sure.

>> No.16340402

What's "faith-like calculus" supposed to mean? If you're mentally ill and homeless surely that's worse than being either alone.

>> No.16340405

If you know enough about it to give such a cutting critique, surely you can recommend OP the books you've read on the subject.

>> No.16340412

^this short essay by Audre Lorde, while predating the coining of “intersectionality”, is considered one of the first prominent works on the subject. It’s good.

>> No.16340418

attention is good but this is still underlying >>16340373

I'm not saying capitalism/class is always missing in critiques it just seems pointless without it

>> No.16340430
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Thank you

>> No.16340452

^ brainwashed liberal tools of capital.

>> No.16340468
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>> No.16340525

Why can’t it be two-pronged? Why can’t you say: “these groups got screwed by centuries of oppressive systems, which then coupled with the economic system created inequality too vast to bridge in a few lifetimes. The power structures were fed by and fed economic structures. This created a loop which has lasted so long that this history has become ingrained in our diverse identities. We should work to fix the economic system which is the more powerful driver of this bullshit, but because this won’t be fixed quickly, and we’re going to need to work together, we should address the interpersonal and identity aspects each generation until it’s no longer necessary.”?

>> No.16340527

Flustered white boy mad he's no longer the centre of attention. No balls to become a nazi so he just sticks to reactionary forms of Marxism.

>> No.16340549

What's the point of intersectionality? Is it a tool to figure out how much gibs a group deserves?

>> No.16340558

Looking at this thread the purpose seems to be annihilation of the notion that progressive solidarity is possible because every single relationship netween progressives will be understood as oppressive by someone.

>> No.16340579

Yeah, seems like some perverse blessed are the meek shit

>> No.16340601

Honestly it IS one of the logical outcomes of postmodern progressive theories about power.
Power is socially created and recapitulated through social interactions>all interactions are social interactions in that they are positioned within socially constructed paradigms>all interpersonal relationships are power relationships>there can be no equality among progressives because everyone oppresses everyone else by interacting with them

>> No.16340610

It is not the job of government policy to fix the "interpersonal and identity aspects" of your life. The government manages the rules governing the allocation of material resources. And it is politically impossible to 'fix the economy' for the benefit of the masses of working people when you are exacerbating divisions among them. Literally impossible. That's why capital always seeks to conflate any attempt at material reform with fringe social positions alien to the bulk of the working class.

>> No.16340682

You're right, it was good.

>> No.16340686

I’m not asking about the government fixing either of those; whether either of those is possible is irrelevant. I’m asking why there’s a schism in leftism and it seems like people can’t just do both. Focus some on some identity activism, and also some economic activism. And even if the individual can’t do both, why do the groups have to fight?

>> No.16340722

There is no schism in leftism. There are leftists, and there are people (like you, presumably) trying to subvert the left.

>> No.16340757

Chill out, Mark Fisher, I’m just trying to learn why the Bernie bros and SJWs are enemies.

>> No.16340771

Berniebros and sjws are one and the same

>> No.16340773

This seems noble, in ideal, but you should realize that such idealism has no true end. The lamentation of "oppressive" systems just eternally gets shifted if one of the criticisms is fixed, per se.

The economic system isn't the "driver" of it: it's cultural, far more than anything else. FAR more. I think placating the economy that much puts a hamper on cultural change since it offsets it to something more intangible rather than personal.

>> No.16342081


Kimberlé Crenshaw and Patricia Collins. I think Patricia Collins is an important starting place. In the introduction to her Black Feminist Thought, she opening admits that when she wrote the book, she believed that only black women could help black women, and black women should only help black women. So any claims to universality are thrown out the window. It’s an interesting bit.

>> No.16342256

That probably is so. Thanks!

>> No.16342292

>black trans women
Notice how you didn't say it was a person? Yeah. I can feel empathy for a dog, but that does not mean I don't recognize it as a dog. It ought to be taken care of and sheltered, but if it gets feral or too diseased it needs to be put down. I genuinely feel sorry for these creatures. It must be a terrible existence, living in a human form but with the mental ability of a primitive. You know that's where much of the transgender stuff comes from, right? The collapse of the superego? It's literally a reversion to a childlike state, no more realism. Only symbolic acts. It's a shame they aren't being treated properly and instead are being told to revel in their delusional fantasies. The collapse will be especially hard on them.

>> No.16343121

>Why can't the people we call nazbols, strasserites, reactionaries, and racists for focusing on economic issues work with us to fix our problems when all we've shown is contempt for theres?
>Why do the two groups have to fight?!?!

>> No.16343168

That piece of shit "essay" was more reminiscent of the schizophrenic ramblings of Francis E Dec Esquire than anything else, completely lacking in any focus beyond "hurr people focus on their own oppression more than my oppression" all mixed into a kaleidoscopic mush of progressive nomenclature.