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/lit/ - Literature

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16338177 No.16338177 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to a guy
>he's cute but kinda short
>ask him what books he likes
>"oh, I like Melville, Carl Jung, Thomas Pynchon, and non-fiction like South! by Shackleton."
Why is every /lit/ guy like this?

>> No.16338183


>> No.16338189

4 and your mother gets COVID and dies by this December

>> No.16338193

what are you talking about

>> No.16338202


>> No.16338212

Can you introduce him he sounds cool

>> No.16338218

>Melville, Carl Jung, Thomas Pynchon, South! by Shackleton
I don't think I've ever seen a poster say this

>> No.16338230

Every time I meet a guy he'll either start talking about one of these books, something similar, or one of them will be on his bookshelf.

>> No.16338240

so what ?

>> No.16338245

It's called having good taste, what's on your bookshelf?

>> No.16338251

show feet

>> No.16338252
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>"why yes, I do like the King James Version, Harry Flashman, and Conan the Barbarian, how could you tell?"

>> No.16338257


>> No.16338275

poetry collections, plays, 19th century lit., an moomins
you first
sounds like the bookshelf of a guy who loves BAP

>> No.16338282
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>girl at library asks me what books i like
>start to wonder why would she do that
>say fantasy/scifi and some historical stuff
>don't ask her back
>conv ends

>> No.16338286

the guys on grindr are a lot more diverse

>> No.16338294

Shut up tranny

>> No.16338303

wow you're so cultured I wish I was you

>> No.16338317
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can't tell if I'm not /lit/ or not a guy

>> No.16338327

I'm 6'3 and don't read books

>> No.16338348

you did well anon

>> No.16338353

Stfu tranny

>> No.16338421

>Moby dick, something psychology related, something again having to do with dicks
>antarctic explorer novel I haven't heard of

>Why is every /lit/ guy like this?
But I'm 6' 1"

>> No.16338433

>who loves BAP
loves BRAP you mean

>> No.16338461

You are probably kinda ugly.

>> No.16338518

Weak bait. I've been to enough /lit/ meetups to know most men on /lit/ are over 6' and primarily read poetry and medieval theology.

>> No.16338603
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>most men on /lit/ are over 6' and primarily read poetry and medieval theology
Holy based

>> No.16338668
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>poetry collections, plays
Imagine reading poetry and plays instead of listening to the former, or watching actual actors perform it for the the latter

>> No.16338682

Eh, I'd fuck him.

>> No.16338687

did this but didnt fuck it up and now one of the few people I really talk to at my school is some fine ass art hoe

>> No.16338690

Where do you go to meet guys?

>> No.16338709

Gay bars

>> No.16338714

Wow you TALK to her? Nice one bro another conversation to mark on the bedpost

>> No.16338788

>thinks poetry readings aren't readings
>thinks actors improvise their lines instead of memorizing a written script

>> No.16338836

thats what im thinkin

>> No.16338856
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why is his height worth mentioning...

t. 5'5" and suffering

>> No.16338866

>tfw bought a jane austin collection just in case I ever date a /lit/ girl, never having read any of it, as we all know, /lit/ doesn't read, even if it is a woman.

>> No.16338895

Poor bait, and off-topic.

>> No.16338996

some plays, ie the greek tragedians, ibsen, shakespeare, moliere, etc. are so good that they should be read

>> No.16339004

Oh nononononono
Hope you find god anon

>> No.16339033


Austen is based

>> No.16339040

mods love these threads it seems

>> No.16339143

Should I actually try reading some of it? It's 6 of her novels in one volume.

>> No.16339211

post bobs

>> No.16339236

You really don’t know who Ernest Shackleton is?

>> No.16339259


yes, you should try reading one of the great novelists.

>> No.16339278


>> No.16339320

There's literally nothing cringy about that list of authors. This shitpost doesn't go far enough

>> No.16339355

>I am a girl, simp me with your reading lists

>> No.16339387

Rolling for op

>> No.16339402
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Bitch get off my board

>> No.16339418

>19th century lit
Confirmed woman

>> No.16339437

Maki kawaii

>> No.16339550

>good taste
>copying what /lit/ tells you to put on your bookshelf

>> No.16339569

you realize what you are doing right now is like flaunting your big fat ass right? no one fucking cares. you are on an anonympus forum, there are no people to posture to right now. this is why women generally dont browse here

>> No.16339580

if you say you like melville instead of moby dick it outs you a pseud

>> No.16339606

>talking to a tranny
>visible adams apple
>ask “her” what books “she” likes
>”oh I like Lolita, 120 Days of Sodom, japanese manga, and non-fiction like Castration: The Advantages and the Disadvantages by Cheney”
Why is every /lit/ troon like this?

>> No.16339744

No. Plays should be watched period.

>> No.16339764

her vagina is definitely blown out by the miles of cock that have gone through

>> No.16339772

I'm one of those

>> No.16339774

probably a tranny

>> No.16339799

I like reading poetry out loud in a low voice, it's fun

>> No.16339821


>> No.16339936

well as long as you're aware that's all

>> No.16340069
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>> No.16340170

You're describing immature men with literary interests.
Melville and Jung (know nothing of the others) are incredibly common "core texts" for those showing interest areas literary, psychological, mythological, critical etc. in the beginning stages of becoming conversant within their chosen field of interest. Whether these men are on the path of: the pseud, self knowledge, intellectual masturbation, fulfillment etc. is not known.

Stop dating children

>> No.16340217

I can count on my hand the women I know that read anything more than YA trash.

>> No.16340246

>samefagging to validate some imaginary boogeyman

>> No.16340250

>tfw in to medieval poetry but only 6 foot

>> No.16340312

>talking to a girl
>she's cute but kinda fat
>ask her what books she likes
>"oh, I like Rowling, John Green, Margaret Atwood, and non-fiction like More than a Woman by Moran."
Why is every /lit/ woman like this?

>> No.16340456

I had a /lit/ slampig once, she was really fun

>> No.16341015
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>he talks to girls

>> No.16341020

Based and holygrailpilled

>> No.16341284

I wish I wasn't short.....

>> No.16341608

No, you should only watch a performance after reading the play. You are not going to fully appreciate seeing Hamlet or King Lear unless you’ve already read it.

>> No.16341617

shut the fuck up troon

>> No.16341669

>tranny asuka poster
as always

>> No.16341824

No will you date me now?

>> No.16341882

it's literally fine my brother you are probably more alpha than my 6'4'' beta self

>> No.16342436
File: 1.92 MB, 540x360, gun cowboy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I literally just posted books I liked and pretended to be one of those girls who's always crying on twitter. I'm actually 5'9 and haven't had sex in a year.

>> No.16342449

Are you a guy or a girl?

>> No.16342464

>tfw 5'6
it never ends

>> No.16342875
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>Carl Jung
I see he is quite based.

>> No.16342939

I can tell you're physically unattractive and low status because you enjoy the idea of taking this smug judgmental posture looking down on people like the anime girl in your attached image. Pretty women with good personalities who smell good and have symmetrical faces and are popular with their peers don't think like you.

>> No.16342942

This never happened. Also is that from FLCL? Who gave you the right to post this.

>> No.16342947

>Pretty women with good personalities who smell good and have symmetrical faces and are popular with their peers don't think like you.
Well no shit, they're living happily off the sycophantic fumes of their orbiters.

>> No.16342974

No its because attractive people are usually better people on the inside than ugly people.

>> No.16342975


>> No.16342978

>kinda fat
Kinda fat where? In the belly? Ass? Breasts? Or all over?

>> No.16343014

Melville is good. The rest you can throw out. No clue who the fuck Shackleton is. Reading Herodotus and Russel right now, and force-feeding myself biochemistry so I can pretend like I'm being productive.

Also, rolling.

>> No.16343035

not anon, it's contractive but not vague. Kinda fat = BMI/perceptively/obviously robust everywhere. A "big ass" or "large chest" does not fall under the category of "kinda fat". Come on anon, you know the answers to these.

>> No.16343044

Why should I not be a child?
I like Jung. He is very wise, and writes warmly. I still ship him and Freud, I have their letter collection and the break is awful

>> No.16343096


>> No.16343284

Are you sure you like guys?

>> No.16343371


>> No.16343386
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>> No.16343396

I read Pride and Prejudice and it's just boring Anglos walking, talking and getting upset over nothing. I hope the rest of her novels are not like this.

>> No.16343401

>>he's cute but kinda short
Kill yourself whore.

>> No.16343425
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>implying f*moids even know who who Jung, Pynchon, Shackleton are

Larp or post tits

>> No.16343557

Cone tits?

>> No.16343647

The patrician take is yo have your bookshelf populated solely by european philosophers (Aristotle, Plato, kant, hegel, aquinas), math books, and and entire shelf of books on imperial germany

>> No.16343783
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>poetry and medieval theology
Can confirm

>> No.16343896

>medieval theology
what the fuck is this slander I am only interested in gnostic theology

>> No.16343910

Read both friend, it is good to keep an open mind

>> No.16344092


That might be true in part but you're an idiot if you don't recognize that good social skills give off vibes of the good citizen but may be complete bullshit (cf current state of the world)

>> No.16344430

most ugly people are ugly due to their inward cloudiness. Once reach "clarification", they achieve a light in them that deems them "beautiful". Not biologically "attractive", but an ethereal stillness of their soul, serenity. Innocence.

>> No.16344479

Sure thing Roald Dahl

>> No.16344518
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>tfw manlet

>> No.16344570

Haha...yeah bros...me too...

>> No.16345102

op sounds like someone who probably thinks Jane Austen is good literature

>> No.16345113


>> No.16345520

>your a simp?
absolute chad. I love seeing the human species evolve

>> No.16345528

Yeah he definitely doesn't cry over the fact that this fine art ho fucks others and not him.

>> No.16345532

>the schizoposter returns

>> No.16347622

yes, that's correct

>> No.16347648

can confirm

>> No.16347672

Yeah :)

>> No.16348423
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simp here, my last reply was >>16338836
I don't think she's been quite so violated but I guess its possible. She dresses like a Parisian pseud (dress shirt tucked into old man pants with black gestapo boots) which is interesting but I really started to get hot n bothered when she whipped out the Iliad and we started talking about literature. She said she just finished Brothers Karamazov, meaning she's not only one of the few people I interact with that reads on their own volition, but is most likely better read than me. Even if she's fucking the french horn player at band camp I'd still just like to talk to her

>> No.16348441

Moby Dick is my favorite book. Should I not tell women this?

>> No.16348467

why tell a woman bro I'm already here and willing to call you based

>> No.16348474


>> No.16348479

That's unironically me.

>> No.16348506

No wait, calling people based is my thing. You can't be basing my based.

>> No.16348508


No, unless she fits the profile of somebody who might be interested. Foids in general hate big brain / difficult reading. Anything that sets some type of standard which they cannot easily and effortlessly live up to

>> No.16348565

No wait, telling people that calling people based is my thing is my thing. You can't just pretend to be me and accuse someone of basing your based when the based wasn't you're based to base a reply on to begin with.

>> No.16348692


You will never be a real woman.

>> No.16348720

But anon, it's my thing to pretend to be other posters who call something based and subsequently call out other posters who base my stolen based, only to be caught later by the initial based poster to be told that it is their thing to base based posts instead of my own.

>> No.16348784

did you even read Moby Dick bro? Melville refuted this logic.

>> No.16348815

so true

>> No.16348823

What is BAP

>> No.16348831

nigga at least read the response

>> No.16349102

>oh, I like Melville, Carl Jung, Thomas Pynchon, and non-fiction like South! by Shackleton."
Literally me except Tolstoy instead of Pynchon.

>> No.16349111

I read horror, books about war, and dinosaurs. Show me the tits.

>> No.16349270

I'll take the bait.


Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Hitchens, Orwell, anything history related

I came inside of my ex girlfriend on multiple occasions and railed her in a public park once in broad daylight against a tree. the adrenaline rush of trying to cum while raw dogging a woman before being found is exhilarating to say the least.

Also fuck jannies

>> No.16349276

>Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Hitchens, Orwell, anything history related

/pol/ manlet detected.

>> No.16349286

>Carl Jung
There's the problem. Clear indication that his father didn't train him to be a proper man.

>> No.16349332

taste is cultural. this site is where i spend my time

>> No.16349378

>seething this hard over a guy you don‘t know talking to a girl you don‘t know.
>thinking ever female who exists is some turbo slut because they aren‘t fucking them so must be fucking every single othr guy and who would want that anyways heh (COPE)
Go browse /fit/ and come back when you can bench 100lbs atleast twice. I bet the heaviest books you can read are novellas you beta faggot.

>> No.16349381

keep it based dino bro

>> No.16349386

>loves BAP
>no Mishima on shelf

I don't think such a person exists

>> No.16349764

actors are fucking gay

>> No.16350029

I’m 6’2 and haven’t had sex in two and a half years kms

>> No.16350169

sorry friendo but your only cope is to become a nietzschean

>> No.16350588


>> No.16350735 [DELETED] 

7 and my penis grows to 7 inches.

>> No.16350758

7 and we all go to heaven

>> No.16350765

See you in hell anon
8 and we get a second chance

>> No.16350770

He sounds kinda hot ngl. I'd let him ask me out

>> No.16350775

Reroll for the 777 heaven

>> No.16351447

redpill me on poetry
I like metaphysicals, John Donne and George Herbert the most but I also like Sylvia Plath

>> No.16352177
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You do realize that like 99% of the population doesn't read anything and if they do it's Harry Potter, right?
Bronze Age Pervert. Wrote Bronze Age Mindset.
Same breh. Stopped dating after crazy Chinese GF in 1st year uni.

>> No.16352211

>Read PKD, DFW, Kafka, and Legal Texts

Back when people used to come over to my house I'd have my shelf of 150 unread books full of lolita, Dostoevsky, Pynchon, Marx, nietzsche, and all that other meme shit /lit/ has subconsciously forced me to buy. And everyone who came over wanted to judge me based on what they knew about literature, but none of them read so they couldn't say shit.