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16337323 No.16337323 [Reply] [Original]

Kant: We ought to live our life according to the moral law which stems from our universal capacity to reason practically. The moral law is objective and universally binding, it can be clearly apprehended and reasoned. It evokes a feeling of practical need in us and motivates us to act with virtue.

Nietzsche: The moral law fails us as any concept that claims to be objective and universal betrays its own intent and the necessary subjective dynamic of life. We ought to instead live our life according to what is beautiful/creative and strive towards self-overcoming. Virtues are embodied by individuals who realize this and fully affirm life.

As I see it, these two are the only two viable approaches to life. One puts faith into reason, the other believes reason is subordinated still (to what Nietzsche calls the 'great reason' of the body/organic life). There is of course also utilitarianism and other similar perspectives, but I take it to be trivially understood here that only coombrains find sympathies for those. But, point me to others if you think they genuinely differ from the above.

Anon, which approach to life do you choose?

>> No.16337327


>> No.16337331
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I choose not to live

>> No.16337335

I think you should try your life with a new time, it might give me some elevation in life and a new unique pov to look down on others from

>> No.16337368

Any book on why every woman goes up the rank at least 2 points if she has such huge milkbags?

>> No.16337401

advaita vedanta

>> No.16337414
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On Women by Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.16337439

Already read it (it's a must to browse this board) but I don't remember he talked about this

>> No.16337463

this bitch has a disappointingly small amount of fap material on the internet

>> No.16337578
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There is a spirituality of exploration, creativity, and discovery that finds its holy symbol in the question mark, its "god" in The Unknown, and meaning in growing together with the world.

This current is most strongly associated with process philosophy, particularly the works of Bergson, Whitehead, James and Deleuze, but it is spoken whenever the love of discovery is expressed. These two videos passionately describe this way of life, the first by Carl Sagan, the second by musician Amon Tobin describing his relationship with music that positively oozes eros.

>> No.16337657
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Pic related.

Right Hand Path.

>> No.16337662

Kant lived accordingly to his principles, Nietzsche did not. Case closed.

>> No.16337697

Wasnt Kant a huge autist that had his servant literally tuck him into bed every night at an exact time? Ill take that path

>> No.16337807

Kant was so autistic that it literally manifested itself metaphysically.
Really says a lot about Western culture.

>> No.16337841

Both are idealistic babble, although there is somewhat more honesty in Nietzsche's account.

Utilitarianism is poorly understood — its basics are hard to argue with ontologically, and pragmatically it is as comprehensive as the amount of variables we can include in utility calculations. I don't agree with universalist utilitarians, however; I think that the reality of competing interests/optimal conditions between divergent populations is one of the variables that must be accounted for in a moral collective's calculations.

>> No.16337877

And I thought Kant was autistic.
Imagine interpreting your life in terms such as "the reality of competing interests/optimal conditions." There's no joy, no sense of adventure, merely existential bean-counting.

>> No.16337918


>> No.16337960

>disregard all cluster A and B personality disorders
>disregard all people who aren't formally educated to the Greek standard
>disregard all people with things like aspergers or autism
>let whoever is left decide what is moral based on reasoning with their natural instincts to do certain things

>> No.16337992

I'm able to indulge in romanticism without being fooled by it. I understand that most people aren't capable of integrating seemingly contradictory perspectives — or processing unvarnished reality in a healthy way — so if a simpler idealist/religious approach works for you, I don't begrudge you that.

>> No.16338086
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Who said it has to be either/or?
I think I'll find a common terrain that includes both art and science with mutual inclusion, that accepts every aspect of experience.
And what other terrain could this be than "discovery?"

>> No.16338114

Beep boop. Subjective experience is mere "varnishing" on the machinery of utility-transactions. The utility-function of this varnish is to encourage the pursuit of utility-maximization.
I am not trying to cope with the bewildering uncertainties and unknowns of life by reducing them to soothingly calculable functions. I am processing objective reality objectively, as an object, according to object-logic.

>> No.16338141

I am not a control freak.

>> No.16338160

For BBC (Beautiful Blue-eyed Caucasians)

>> No.16338166

bruh whos this semen demon

>> No.16338168


>> No.16338446

Who is this

Semen Demon
Jizz Genie
Baby Batter Bringer
Cum Caresser
Lovegoo Lass
Sperm Summoner
Ejaculate Empress
Mayonnaise Maiden
Jizz Jockey
Spunk Monk
Sperm Worm
Sodomy Sentinel
Penile Perpetrator
Erection Confection
Salami Tsunami
Boner Condoner
Fluid Druid
Urethral Umpire
Wang Wizard
Knackers Knight
Prick Pirate
Dong Dominator
Cock Khan
Stiffy Sultan
Sausage Sergeant
Middle Leg Major
Pole Privateer
Shaft Specialist
Pecker Prodigy
Boner Benefactor
Baloney Poney Behemoth
Dick Juice Masseuse
Tallywhacker Smacker
Man Muscle Steam Shovel
Willy Ghillie
Butt Hut
Glans Fans
Spooge Scrooge
Ejaculate Advocate
Skeet Treat
Wang Wrangler
Jism Prism
Smegma Savant
Anal Aficionado
Testicular Temptress
Spunk Trunk
Nut Slut
Cum Chum
Testicle Vestibule
Dick Duchess
Cock Sock
Testicle Tamer
Cock Clairvoyant
Scrotum Totem
Spooge Refuge
Testicle Spectacle

>> No.16338470
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>> No.16338516
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Live according to your preferences. There’s no other way you could live, and there’s no other way you should live. The only problem is knowing what it is you (will) prefer.

>> No.16338523

insta: shiftymines

>> No.16338672

That sounds smart but provides 0 practical value as a guiding principle. By default people will mostly act instinctively by their preferences which are only shaped by exogenous experiences and endogenous reflection. So living by preference means no more than plainly living.

>> No.16338693
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The enlightenment project to build a rational basis for morality failed: it wanted to replace the moral fictions of the past, but merely supplanted them for moral fictions of its own: “rights,” “utility,” and so on. You’ll need to look further in the past, before the enlightenment project fractured our ability to think about ethics. The most historically important pre-enlightenment moral philosophy was Aristotelian/Thomist virtue ethics, so that might be a good place to start looking.

>> No.16338732

Whichever one I'm feeling at the moment

>> No.16338738

Exactly. You will live by preference, by definition. So why fight it?

>> No.16338753

Its all one big evolutionary Mish mash of urges.

>> No.16338781
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Sun Worship and lifting Unironically

>> No.16338793

thank you based sourceposter

>> No.16338897

I’m not trying to give practical advice, only an axiomatic foundation of morality. Preferable experience is the only end of our action. All moral philosophies are only valid if they achieve this goal. There’s no reason to follow the categorical imperative if it doesn’t lead to the most preferable life for yourself. The most preferable life will always be the goal, because even if you pretend that there is some greater initiative, then all you are doing is admitting that you prefer something else, and it is a preference just the same.
This is where reason, wisdom, and faith become important. I may be inclined to do x, but I know that I would prefer the life in which I do not do x. You have to create your own framework of your preferences through your experiences. It may be the case that you believe in objective frameworks such as theist law, which applies to everyone, since everyone would prefer to not experience hell, but even still, you have your own minor preferences in life such as what food you like to eat.

>> No.16339139

>I may be inclined to do x, but know that I'll prefer...
That's your deeper preferences underlining your short term impulsive preferences. I want to drink coke vs I want to be healthy. I want to masturbate vs I want to save myself for marriage. I want to do whatever the hell vs I'm walking off my path.
Its all preferences, just hidden. Urges for meaning, justice, compassion, love... They all arise out of you. You don't need to stifle yourself when you chose not to drink that coke - you only let out a deeper urge which overruled your lust for sugar.
Your want to create a framework is a preference, so is your 'wild' self that wants to be freed of it.

>> No.16339203

that’s true. We are always drawn to multiple lives, sometimes not knowing that there are better lives for us, sometimes choosing the worse lives. I’m simply trying to say that whatever you prefer in the moment does not necessarily lead to the most preferable life. I do not want to justify all behavior, as implied by >>16338738

>> No.16339254

No, that's just a funny story used to mock Kant.
He was somewhat methodical and punctual, but the sources we've got don't paint him as particularly autistic. He threw lots of parties, had lots of friends at his house everyday, his students loved him and his lectures, and (despite his appearance) he had success with women.

Nietzsche was also not as autistic as he is usually presented. His lifestyle and demeanour was still more eccentric than Kant's, but I think it is excusable once you take into account his costant physical ailments.

>> No.16339273

Damn, anon

>> No.16339781

How was this thread invaded by utilitarians?

>> No.16340106

You're an idiot. Logic is a calculation you employ to improve outcomes. The difference is that you feel the need to simplify the bewildering uncertainties and unknowns of life into soothingly idealistic universals, whereas I recognize that the intricate complexities of nature call for an empirical and heuristic approach.

>> No.16340173

Does recognizing that free will is illusory and that we are all driven by genetically 'programmed' impulses really make me more of a control freak? It seems to me you've got it backwards. You obsess over a mere fantasy of control.

>> No.16340209

Ok coomer

>> No.16340947

What principles did Nietzsche not live by?

>> No.16341314

wow, OP, thanks. I think I literally understand Kant now, fr.

>> No.16341328

coombrains who think they are smart and above the rest for cooming without guilt

>> No.16341346
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>> No.16342053

Whatever life you choose, if you live it without fear and guilt will slowly become the most preferable.

>> No.16342359
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>> No.16342470
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