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16337308 No.16337308[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>professor wants us to put trigger warnings in our essays

>> No.16337319

reddit moment

>> No.16337349

Nobody does this
(I hope)

>> No.16337352

I mean does she have fucking PTSD or does one of her TAs? I would have written some long ass trigger warnings just to pad my word count back in the day if I could have.

>> No.16337376
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>professor wants us to write nigger in our essays

>> No.16337377

Who cares? It takes at most 5 minutes, and like >>16337352 said, it pads your word count. This is like sperging out over a bibliography or in-text citations.

>> No.16337378

>Trigger Warning: I don't believe in the use of 'Trigger Warnings'

>> No.16337390

Stop lying

>> No.16337394
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>> No.16337425

Explain how a Trigger Warning is academically relevant or useful.

>> No.16337474

>TA has PTSD (or another mental disorder)
>as a courtesy, you warn them about the contents of your paper
>this helps them manage their traumas and grade you more effectively
It’s a pretty simple concept, really. Same reasons we have wheelchair ramps, big text on websites, and separate storage for foods that are allergens.

>> No.16337478

holy shit

>> No.16337497
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How bout we start putting in nigger warnings, eh?

>> No.16337499

So all of a sudden because they were warned about a trigger, it won't bother them? That's laughable. Trigger warning or not, they will still get triggered, rendering them unable to properly grade, as you suggested.

>> No.16337517

People with actual PTSD do not want, or require, trigger-warnings. 99.99% of the people who want them are equating "getting angry" or "seeing something upsetting" with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The only valid trigger-warnings are for things like "loud noises" and "constant repeated high-stress scenarios" for people who have been through industrial warfare. Some lardass needing a trigger warning for "fatphobia" is not someone with PTSD.

>> No.16337519

So it has nothing to do with the paper academically, nor is it useful for the paper. It's simply so a tranny can "prepare themself" for something that will make them mad. They will still read it and get mad anyways. Preparing yourself won't help.

>> No.16337522

You can say that it’s unnecessary, detrimental to conversation or whatever else. But to pretend you don’t understand the purpose just makes you look like a retard.

>> No.16337535

Good thing that's not what he was saying, dumbfuck.

>> No.16337540

Then it was just a superfluous question

>> No.16337543

The purpose makes no sense. Let's say you, me, and your mother are in a room. Then I unexpectedly shoot your mother in the head. Now instead, let's say I warn you with "I am about to shoot your mother in the head." DO YOI REALLY THINK my warning was helpful?

>> No.16337547

You realize people can brace for something, right? Half of therapy is learning coping mechanisms so that you can prepare to face things that trigger you. By having a warning, the TA knows what they’ll have to deal with, so they can prep for it.

My current gf has anxiety, and little gestures like checking the contents of a film or book can keep her from spiraling. It’s about 30 seconds of effort, and it saves her hours of misery.

>> No.16337548

It can’t hurt

>> No.16337558

Kill yourself if you actually believe anything you just typed.

>> No.16337561
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>You must alternate pronouns to have an equal amount of "he" and "she" in your paper

>> No.16337567

Do you really think surprise factor doesn’t exist? Like have you never read or seen a plot twist before?

>> No.16337572

you are literally a bug

>> No.16337580

Higher education has turned into a joke

>> No.16337583

Why should I coddle them? The world wasn't made specifically for you. Part of living is dealing with life. If you find life hard without trigger warnings, maybe life isn't for you?

>> No.16337586
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>> No.16337591

the absolute state of burger education

>> No.16337594

You're playing DA because you enjoy getting (You)'s. Trigger warnings are retarded. The world isn't a safe place, nor should it be.

>> No.16337598

>why should I coddle asthmatics? the world isn’t made specifically for them. part of living is dealing with coughing. if you find life hard without an inhaler, maybe life isn’t for you?

>> No.16337599

He’s just saying what it’s intended to do.
Just come out and say you hate snowflakes and catering to the lowest common denominator of mental competence.
This is 4channel, you don’t have to put up the bizarre pretense of pretending like you don’t know why victims of violent crime or rape feel out of sorts when a reminder of the experience is sprung on them unexpectedly.

>> No.16337601

That is a health condition, not some jackass who can’t handle being slightly upset for a minute or two

>> No.16337613

I feel triggered, by you posting about trigger warnings in your essays.

>> No.16337618

As someone with actual diagnosed PTSD I really hate you guys. I don't want to be infantalized because of an issue I have and it isn't the responsibility of others to mind themselves for my sake. If I'm reading an essay (a collection of ideas) I understand that some of those ideas may "trigger" me. That's just the real world and I deal with it the best I can. A warning isn't helpful, it makes me feel like someone thinks of me as a child.

>> No.16337620

>PTSD is not a health condition
>anxiety is not a health condition
>bipolar disorder is not a health condition

>> No.16337624

TRIGGER WARNING: I am a convicted sex offender and I say "nigger" 40 times a day

Hello everyone! How are you all doing today

>> No.16337632

Yeah, do you have a problem with the sick dying? Shit happens. Deal with it.

>> No.16337650

>if a tranny reads a book about white men this is the same as someone dying from lack of medical care
Holy shit you dumb fucking troon. All those hormones have fried your brain.

>> No.16337651

Nobody really cares though because theres a vocal group of people with PTSD that demands them so they obviously find it helpful. You don’t get coolguy points for dissenting. You also don’t get to claim victim status as a PTSD sufferer and simultaneously disavow the group at the same time

>> No.16337652

They are mental conditions. They affect your psyche. A condition, like asthma, can effect your body and can kill you.

>> No.16337653

I can’t speak for every English class, but I’m one of three TAs. If an essay would trigger my colleague, she’d trade it with me for one that didn’t.

>> No.16337671

>implying anyone cares about “whiteness” outside 3-person extracurricular clubs
I’ve been in grad school for two years, and the only TWs I’ve seen were for rape, war, slavery, domestic abuse, and gore.

>> No.16337674

Awful awful awful analogy. A better comparison would be since there are asthmatics in the world, we as fellow citizens, are all required to carry an inhaler on us. That way when an asthmatic has an attack someone else gives them an inhaler.
That's the equivalent of a trigger warning. The onus is on me to provide the solution to your problem. Respond to this. I dare you.

>> No.16337677

Why is it worth protecting people’s bodies, but not their psyches? Especially if the people we’re protecting have already gone through a lot?

>> No.16337678

you sound like a fag

>> No.16337682

I don't claim victim status and I'm not a dissenter. I'm one person who doesn't appreciate you trying to speak for me. You're an intellectual dishonest coward. You think just because I don't agree with your party line that I'm trying to get get "coolguy" points? Maybe some people aren't interested in being pawns for the sake of your moral validation.

>> No.16337683

Not really. Nobody can force you to insert a trigger warning anywhere, ever.
You would just be doing it because you want someone to read whatever you are writing

>> No.16337689

someone dying of an asthma attack is objectively more damaging than someone on the internet seeing a topic they dont like.

>> No.16337692

You're right. Most psychologists I've read about agree that safe spaces and trigger warnings actually worsen real PTSD. The problem is that you have people weaponizing trauma, whether it's their own trauma, someone else's trauma, or feigned trauma.

>> No.16337695

Because there are asthmatics, you shouldn’t smoke in public, and when you light your cigar in a room, you should first ask if anyone minds. This prevents harm, in the same way warnings prevent harm. Verbal, low-effort.

>> No.16337703

Why should they be warned? Why can't they read until they get to the part they don't like? Still haven't answered this satisfactorily. If you say it's a courtesy thing, it goes right back to asthmatics relying on non-asthmatics to save them with an inhaler.

>> No.16337712

You’ve moved the goalposts. We’re talking about academic essays, not Mongolian basket weaving forums. And again, trigger warnings are used for violence and similar content, not arguments.

>> No.16337715

Why should an astmatics health be given priority over my pleasure. The astmatic could just as easily leave the room.

>> No.16337719

Because health is more important than pleasure. Read Aristotle.

>> No.16337731

Yes. That and you have people like >>16337651 trying to crusade on my and others' behalf so that they can feel like they're a "Good Person." It really sickens me when someone like that tries to use difficulties in the lives of others to try and bolster their own social standing.

>> No.16337747

>theres a vocal group of people with PTSD
I've never seen a army vet with PTSD demand tws, only people that got "PTSD" from being called nigger on twitter demand them.

>> No.16337752

I did though.
If you said “trigger warnings are fucking stupid because the average person is simply not worth that excessive degree of consideration” I would agree with you.
But you keep asking “why?” like you legitimately don’t believe that depictions of rape and graphic violence and whatever else can be upsetting for someone.
It’s possible your an actual sociopath with no empathy, but it’s a lot more likely you’re being willfully obtuse to help the thing to look silly.
This isn’t stupid because trigger warning aren’t stupid- it’s stupid because you really don’t need to be working this hard to point out flaws in the concept.

>> No.16337756

Your analogy is horrible as well. No one is saying you have to understand a persons mental issue and administer aid if they have an attack lol. If you want to stick with asthma it’s like requiring certain businesses (woodshops, flower shops, etc) to put up signs saying what they’re selling might aggravate asthma and respiratory conditions, and that it’s the shoppers responsibility to work around that (like bringing a mask/asking another TA to grade the paper).

I think trigger warnings are stupid 99.999% of the time, but ffs at least make a good point.

>> No.16337759
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>> No.16337763

>rape and violence are upsetting
No shit. Do you really think an author depicts rape or graphic violence because he wants you to clap and cheer? IT IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.

>> No.16337766

Not an argument.

>> No.16337771
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>> No.16337773

Because “my rights end where the next guys begin”. Isnt that something people who make this argument would say? You actually believe that right?

>> No.16337772

If you can't deal with things which are emotionally uncomfortable then you should consider shutting yourself off from the world.

>> No.16337777

Yeah and so to court patronage they add trigger warnings so consumers know that and places like universities give marked preference to suppliers who make life easier on the consumer in this regard.
The only thing missing here is a problem.

>> No.16337809
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Magnificent quads.

>> No.16337812
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Exactly. I mean what the fuck do these people actually do when they even see a trigger warning? Just stop reading? How will they know it's even related to their issue? We're also getting to the point where literally anything can be considered a trigger, after which the warnings will oversaturate and lose any and all meaning entirely.

>> No.16337845


>> No.16337852

They don’t say “trigger” they say like, “trigger: rape”
The idea is so that some girl doesn’t inadvertently put herself in the position of breaking down in tears on a crowded train or in front of her small children. Like if she decides she wants to power through it she can choose where and when, it won’t just jump up and give her an inconvenient panic attack mid-day.

>> No.16337947
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The problem is a society of fully grown infants encouraged and conditioned to expect a world that bends to their every sensibility rather than exercising a modicum of personal agency in an effort to develop their own emotional maturity and resiliency. How do you not see this?

>> No.16337974

What's worse: reading about rape, or being raped? Choose your battles, kiddo.

>> No.16337999

Except you've just triggered them by including the word "rape".

>> No.16338008

>”Hi, I lost a leg in Afghanistan. Would you mind warning me before the class discusses war, so I can excuse myself?”
>”I was raped in an alley two years ago, please let me know if we’ll be discussing sexual assault so I can mentally prepare.”
>”I have crippling anxiety because I’m a recovering alcoholic. Just leave a note so I can plan to read anything involving alcohol with my sponsor nearby.”
Such infantile behavior.

>> No.16338011

put a trigger warning for the trigger warning

>> No.16338031

That’s a common misconception. A word by itself isn’t enough; people typically get triggered by vivid descriptions or long discussions of a topic.

>> No.16338047

Is there any penalty for not following their guidelines?
You can't be forced to have a trigger warning, as it only seems like a suggestion.

>> No.16338061

what are you talking about? women are turned on by rape

>> No.16338081

What if you're triggered by trigger warnings?

>> No.16338309
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>A word by itself isn’t enough
Well I'm glad we've consulted the authorities on the matter of what is and isn't enough to "trigger" an individual, because that's clearly an objectively derived absolute that couldn't possibly differ from person to person.

>> No.16338344

Because it’s only tangentially related to what we’re talking about. You’re just widening the issue of trigger warnings to angsty generalizations about society.
You really think a society that wasn’t already infantilized would have cooked up the whole idea of trigger warnings in the first place?
The issue is actually that trigger warnings need to be absurdly specific to make any sense, and it’s a very obvious case of a great many catering to a very small few.
It has nothing to do with the fact that you think a rape or assault victim would be better off using some kind of really inconsistent exposure therapy to get over it; that’s just people not heeding your personal medical advice which is almost certainly not a problem at all.

>> No.16338357
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This is especially retarded when you're doing translations

>> No.16338376

use a sub trigger warning