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/lit/ - Literature

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16333930 No.16333930 [Reply] [Original]

Just getting into reading about philosophy/social sciences

>> No.16333939
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Tao Lin, bilateral

>> No.16333952

The burger "left", or the real left?

>> No.16333975

either/or, doesn't matter

>> No.16333976

left this, right that
blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.16334208

this kids gorgeous. whats his name?

>> No.16334418

Madam Coon Nigger the Third

>> No.16334430

It's always one side versus the other. This signals lack of mental maturity on your part.

>> No.16334467

Nominating for the right-wing:
>Peter Hitchens
>Ted Kaczynski
>Douglas Murray
>Pat Buchanan

>> No.16334503

Christopher Lasch
Pat Buchanan
Ted Kaczynski
St. Augustine

>> No.16334512

Lasch is a defective leftie, but that doesn't make him right wing.

>> No.16334514

Alan Watts
Morris Berman
Karl Marx
Unironically Che Guevara

>> No.16334524

He'd be better categorized as a reactionary, against the enlightenment

>> No.16334590
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I don't say this often, but that young man is... whoo!

>> No.16334649

L- Joseph Addison, JS Mill, Henry George, JK Galbraith
R- Edmund Burke, John Morley, Lord Acton, Isaiah Berlin

>> No.16334660


Arif Dirlik
Ngo Van
Alexander Berkman
Vsevolod Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum

George Fitzhugh
Konrad Lorenz
Mircea Eliade
Muhammad / The Qu'ran

>> No.16334672

Ted and Lasch are leftists.

>> No.16334690


Karl Marx
Mikhail Bakunin
Peter Kropotkin
Noam Chomsky

>> No.16334699

He still argues from within a leftist frame, it's just that he disagrees with them a lot. Following your reasoning, Chomsky would be a reactionary.

>> No.16334726

can anyone id the book the boy is reading?

>> No.16334728

disregard the suggestions of anyone who only listed thinkers of one side (bigots)

>> No.16334737

Pick one.

>> No.16334797
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Save time and just read Liminov.

>> No.16334963

Hold Still by Sally Mann

>> No.16334979
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>> No.16335039
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First time seeing some arcane thinkers name-dropped on /lit/

>> No.16335060

You might be gay

>> No.16335063

Left/right are deeply modern concepts, born out of late 18th/early 19th century liberalism and the developement of industrial societies. Ted, and toa lesser degree Lasch, oppose these structures. It's ridiculous to apply a left/right model of ideology to older intellectuals. Fucking brainlets on this board will argue that Aristotles or whoever is right-wing but it makes zero sense.
More modern/burger-centric
>Adolph Reed
Don't know enough about right thinkers to recommend. Read Céline I guess.

>> No.16335109

Is this bait?

>> No.16335123

Lasch is a full-on leftist.
Marx is a full-on leftist
Lenin is not a leftist, he's an autocrat
Baudrillard is not a leftist, he's a French pseud
Adolph Reed is a full-on leftist

>> No.16335201
File: 152 KB, 1480x540, Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 1.23.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw plebs name-drop normie-tier thinkers

Here's one for you––Left-wing: György Lukács.

"Theory of the Novel" (1916)
>Greek epics and medieval literature represent the "total" world where the "stars burning in the night sky are of the same essence of the soul."
>Modernity and secularization represents disenchantment of this world, spurred on by capitalism.
>"The novel is the epic of a world that has been abandoned by God."
>The solution to the novelization of life is the biography which seeks to create enchanted totality within the individual
>Alas, the biography fails to truly bring about the Greco-Medieval totality as it is a poor imitation of God.

"History and Class Consciousness" (1922)
>Capitalist societies produce "reificiation"; human relations and actions are transformed into properties of products independent of human life. In other words, products rule humans, not vice versa.
>The proletariat is the only class conscious of this alienation.
>The proletariat realizes it is not an object of contemplation but a subject of action and transformation.
>To become the "messianic class," the proletariat must seize power vigorously in the most extreme form of domination, i.e. Dictatorship of Proletariat.
>Thus the resumption of good and evil in the world, that evil actions can tragically produce good outcomes, that tragedy is inherently part of revolution.
>Establishment of communism is the resumption of the total world as lived by the Greeks; the giving of subjectivity to the proletariat a freedom; the vanguard party, like Odysseus, is the “unconditional absorption of the total personality in the praxis of the movement is the only possible way of bringing about an authentic freedom."

>> No.16335210

Pic related, the first chapter of Theory of the Novel. Perhaps the most evocative scene I've read and convinced me this isn't your typical genderqueer anarkiddie reading.

>> No.16335327

What a load of bullshit.

>> No.16335496

>belieiving in a right-left dichotomy
>Just getting into reading about philosophy/social sciences

>> No.16335527

>Christian Simone Weil
>Hans Jonas
>Ernst Jünger

>> No.16336331

pretty sure thats jordan barrett

>> No.16336363

>Here's one for you––Left-wing: György Lukács.
>the one Hungarian author other than Krasznahorkai who's namedropped on /lit/ is a Communist Jew

>> No.16336446

A nigress and a twink, my favorite kinks

>> No.16336541

Acton and Morley should be read, but aren't discussed at all on /lit/
Galbraith is perhaps the last great liberal thinker (read Keynes first, though)
In a way it's a firmly centrist reading list-- if you want a thinker who moves radically right to radically left over the course of his career then read Wyndham Lewis

>> No.16336548

Autocracy has nothing to do with left/right binarism.
This is almost exactly what anon is referring to when he said applying left/right to everything, especially older things, is ridiculous.

>> No.16336558

Konstantin Pobodonostsev, Reflections of a Russian Statesman.

Anything by Voltaire.

>> No.16336600

thanks anon, I thought that was a Mann photo. she was the original based cunnyposter

>> No.16336602

>György Lukács.
Is that the guy who did Stär Wárcs?

>> No.16336837

Right wing
> Roger Scruton
> Heidegger
> Julius Evola
> Thomas Carlyle