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File: 14 KB, 540x347, my-god-my-god-why-forsaken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16332854 No.16332854 [Reply] [Original]

Why did God allow this to happen to his only son?

>> No.16332865

Why don't you actually read the Gospels

>> No.16332883

He had to become his own son then kill himself so he wouldn't be so angry anymore.

>> No.16332933

>he had to explain himself to women before he could get Mary’s pussy

>> No.16332941

Because the Roman state was more powerful than the god of a conquered people.

>> No.16332956

So that man would realise that animal sacrifice was not needed to appease him, because God was making the sacrifice for mankind instead. And also a bunch of other reasons.
Just read some theology, there's shitloads of it for all reading levels.

>> No.16332968
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Why did God allow me to become a coomer? I want to stop, bros. I can't cope with it. It interferes my daily life. Horniness followed by release followed by tiredness followed by release repeat ad infinitum. This is one reason I find it hard to believe in God. The fog, the inability to focus, the loss of articulation, the loss of my composure around women, and so on, is too much to handle. I literally cannot cope with this. It makes me a walking mediocrity.

>> No.16332970

>So that man would realise that animal sacrifice was not needed to appease him
Why not just write that in the clouds or something?

>> No.16332978

He is God, man. He created the world, he can make what the fuck he wants. When he wants to take the sins of all mankind, he can just do it without torturing himself. Wtf

>> No.16332984

why doesn't god just metaphorically snap his fingers and make everything better

>> No.16332989
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Christians hate this question

>> No.16332995

“Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani?” is a reference to psalm 22. It can also be translated, I believe, to: “My God, My God, for this I am chosen. “Why have you forsaken me?” might be a mistranslation that happened from Aramaic to Greek to English. If you interpret the Aramaic words, you get that double entendre.
The Bible is a highly esoteric work that should not be taken at face value. You need to spend years to understand what you read.

>> No.16333007

It can't get any better than it is on earth. Leibniz proved that this must be the best.

>> No.16333013

This is the worst reaction image I’ve seen in over a decade of surfing this Mongolian throat singing forum. Go back to twitter.

>> No.16333057

A mad christian? Don't be so rude, turn your other cheek pleb.

>> No.16333073

Why did God give us free will if many of us are doomed to be nothing more than coomers who will burn in hell?

>> No.16333088
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You need to read up on your theology. Christ was not solely a man, he was equally God and man. He wasn't a prophet who took all of God's punishment like the calvinists will say, he was in fact the Word made flesh. Just like how the Bible is not the word of God, it is His fleshly presence that makes Him relevant. He came to the earth to give us the Sacraments and and teach us that there is life after sin. His death is crucial, because it allowed Him to show us that ressurection is a thing. Now go read anon.
Because, like any good parent, He wants us to come to our own decisions. Christianity isn't like Judaism or Islam with predetermination, it has a mixture of divine will and human will. We made the fall happen, which is why if He "snapped His fingers" there would be no real coming into the faith and our faith would be pointless desu.

>> No.16333105

>His death is crucial, because it allowed Him to show us that ressurection is a thing.
Why not come back now and show us with a livestream on twitch?

>> No.16333114

I don't know, fren.

>> No.16333126

Because he already did it baka

>> No.16333136

Because God is a troll, he loves trolling.

>> No.16333167

Jesus is not G-d's only son. Either G-d begets everything and thus we are all (H)is children (which is why the 'Our Father' prayer goes 'OUR Father' ), or (H)e begets none (and is not begotten)- as it says in the Quran.

>> No.16333200

So you could overcome.
Defeats the purpose of creation.

>> No.16333243

Came in here to type this. Your answer is in the bible anon, maybe you're being called to it. Learn to listen brother

>> No.16333262
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>> No.16333263

He will, in the day of judgement.

>> No.16333604

>Defeats the purpose of creation.
Why did he even create us then? Just to suffer? Or is he actually sadistic and enjoys seeing other people in pain?

>> No.16333986

God did not make you a comer, your privation of the good did that.

>> No.16333994

Because he loved the world enough that he was willing to sacrifice his only begotten son for it.

>> No.16334062

suffering is the heathen filter to heaven.

>> No.16335982

You weak little shit.
>uurrr it's not my fault I'm a degenerate cocksucking retard, God made me this way and I have no control of my actions!!!!
Fix yourself and pray the rosary daily

>> No.16335995

Privatio Boni doesn't exist
Take responsibility for your actions like Jesus did faggot

>> No.16335999

I stopped jacking my dick. You have to delete the computer for a while.

>> No.16336002

God didn't anticipate free unlimited porn.

>> No.16336006

K9 web protection you weakling

>> No.16336025

Only Jesus can save

>> No.16336035

>god sacrifices himself for mankind
>but god still exists, and still effects every earthly act
What did Christians mean by this

>> No.16336054

The Son is not The Father. The Father is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the Son. They are all God.

>> No.16336087

So nothing in my post is wrong

>> No.16336110

Because they're full of shit

>> No.16336117

I wonder if people like you are genuinely stupid or only pretend to be because they don't want to admit their errors

>> No.16336180

Because muh blood sacrifices were still in at that point of history

>> No.16336217

I don't know what I'm wrong about. I wasnt under the pretenses that jesus wasn't god, I called him such

>> No.16336384

Read this anon. I guarantee without a single doubt in my mind that I was addicted much worse than you; it's been 5 days since I stopped and this is the easiest it's ever been. Read the book above and follow letter for letter the instructions.

Some of the sentences are completely incomprehensible, but the book is good other than those.

>> No.16336511
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>be mentally ill peasant who thinks he is God incarnate
>gather a cult
>dominant religious and political leaders see you as a threat and decide to torture and kill you to crush your cult
>as they nail you to a piece of wood and your magic powers just won't activate your delusion finally falls apart
>literally yell out "why have you forsaken me" in disbelief, admitting you were wrong all along
>your followers are so brainwashed they go into HYPER COPE and write down some fanfiction where getting caught and killed was part of your plan all along
>somehow your cult becomes the second most powerful religion in history

ayy lmao

>> No.16336529

God didn't make you a "coomer". You're just a creepy pervert looking to find excuses for the fact he's addicted to pornography. Maybe if you didn't hate women you could talk to them IRL, get laid, and you wouldn't need to masturbate to something as gross and embarrassing as modern pornography. You're a repulsive little freak, and your """"addiction"""" aka the habit you willingly choose because you have nothing else in your life worth doing is why no woman will ever love you and you will die alone.

Sleep tight.

>> No.16336559

can you promise me this will work? leaving the internet isn't that easy, but if it fixes my masturbation addiction i'll do it

>> No.16336577
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>So that man would realise that animal sacrifice was not needed to appease him
>tells man throughout the bible to perform animal sacrifices to him
>For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’

>> No.16336601

You forgot the part where rose again bro.

>> No.16336611

Having sex regularly in a somewhat healthy relationship and being a porn addict don't exclude each other woman.

>> No.16336638

Jesus isn't the same person as God the Father.

>> No.16336646

The Father allowed the Son to sacrifice Himself for the good of humanity, to bring us closer to the Good.

Christ died on the Cross to pay the punishment for the sins that you and I have personally committed in our life. Our sins are so ugly and so horrible and so unnatural and take us so far away from God that Christ’s passion is the only thing that can be considered just punishment. Christ willfully took this punishment upon Himself, rather than having us be punished, to show us how perfect His love is for us. He did it because He’s our closest bro and sincerest friend. Additionally, He showed us man’s proper conduct toward God, because if we were to be perfect we would act like Jesus on His Cross in our own lives, bearing pains and tribulation with faith in Heaven and the Resurrection. On a third level, the crucifixion shows acutely our own depravity: inside each of us is a Pilate, a Jew, an angry crowd, a sell-out, an apostle who shies away, a good thief and a bad thief. In the Crucifixion everything comes to light: God’s love, man’s perfect conduct, man’s sinfulness.

Now, the crucifixion took place before the resurrection, that is, before Christ descended into Hell and destroyed death itself. And that is why Christ is forsaken on the Cross. Because His death was a real death, it was the worst death. Christ truly died and was truly forsaken, he truly paid the full price of our sins, including alienation from God which is the worst and final punishment of sin. Once resurrected, “all things are finished”. The resurrection is why we need not fear death and need not fear alienation: Christ paid this sin for us, releasing us from the debts to our sin, paving the road to righteousness Himself.

>> No.16336760

you gotta do it

>> No.16336772

In Islam Jesus has ascended to heaven before they come to capture him, and God punishes judas by changing his likeness to Jesus' likeness.

and he is the one who is crucified

>> No.16336818

1. They do.
2. You can't be loved by someone who doesn't fully know or understand you. Therefore, if anon is hiding his gross little fetishes (which is almost certainly is) then he cannot be known and cannot be loved.
3. I'm not a woman, but the fact you think only women find porn gross and embarrassing says some pretty sad things about your life. I'm guessing you don't have a strong father figure.

>> No.16336865

>t. weak minded faggot

Go be a tranny or something

>> No.16336872

It was His plan all along. The sacrifice is an accomplishment. Without it, mankind can never be redeemed.

>> No.16336886

Where? The entire Bible has been under scrutiny for centuries. Not a single word has ever been proven wrong. Scholars and experts have only ever been able to prove it right.

>> No.16336899


>> No.16336907

>not a single word has been proven wrong
Yeah except for all of Genesis and there were no Jewish slaves in Egypt and...

>> No.16336927
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Why would you come on the internet and blatantly lie anon?

You know for a fact. That not a single word of the Bible, has ever officially been proven wrong.

>> No.16336944

why? if mankind cant be redeemed without a sacrifice then jewhova isnt omnipotent. checkmate christcucks.

>> No.16336977

That's not how it works you poor silly reprobate. You see thanks to Adam, mankind is a fallen creature. Flesh is already a corruption. God is absolutely perfect and righteous and no flesh can redeem itself before Him with anything we ever do. That is why Jesus' sacrifice was necessary. God doesn't forgive sins. Jesus paid for them with His blood. This is why we belong to Christ. He literally bought us.

>> No.16337021

God never hands out crosses that are too hard to bear. With Jesus in mind you can do anything.

>> No.16337195

>It can also be translated, I believe, to: “My God, My God, for this I am chosen
lol, no it can not

>> No.16337222

>His death is crucial, because it allowed Him to show us that ressurection is a thing
1) Jesus was not the first Biblical character to be resurrected
2) There would be no reason for God to become human to show resurrection
3) Showing resurrection to a group of Jews 2000 years ago proves no more for modern people than showing resurrection to a group of Jews 3000 years ago

>> No.16337234

Jesus is the very embodiment of the eternal love of the Creator, and He loved us so much he sacrificed his life for the sins of others.

>> No.16337236

Who was resurrected before Jesus?

>> No.16337240

Literally who?

>> No.16337244

>implying Islam doesn't operate within the context of free will

Read the Qur'an brother

>> No.16337289

three examples from wikipedia
>The prophet Elijah prays and God raises a young boy from death (1 Kings 17:17-24)
>Elisha raises the son of the Woman of Shunem (2 Kings 4:32-37) whose birth he previously foretold (2 Kings 4:8-16)
>A dead man's body that was thrown into the dead Elisha's tomb is resurrected when the body touches Elisha's bones (2 Kings 13:21)

>> No.16337482

there is no god

>> No.16337552

Literally who

>> No.16337888


Pay to whom? Answer carefully.

>> No.16338046

Because it was the final necessity of his condescension. The last sorrow that needed to be experienced so that he could truly descend bellow all things and thus become the perfect light and truth in all things.

>> No.16338162

Whoever you want. Jesus sits at right hand of Father.

>> No.16338263

>Christ died on the Cross to pay

Pay to whom?

>> No.16338456

I never had an ability to find a woman and one of my complaints of being a coomer was just this. I'm tempted by women more than ever and have uninstalled tinder and other apps. Seems like you're projecting. I don't want to coom in a woman or my hand. I just want to stop.

>> No.16338484

No one knows. We can only speculate but if god exists then it is likely the reason may be so complicated and completely beyond human comprehension.

>> No.16338503

The Son pays to the Father.

And no, you cannot understand the crucixifion without the Trinity.

>> No.16338525

Because the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are not individually themselves God. Therefore the Son couldn't liberate himself from his fate anymore than the Father could, or the Holy Spirit which acted through the men who crucified him.

The interaction of all three of these is what we know as God.

>> No.16338545

Thanks for very nice (((biblical))) explanation, that's exactly what was missing in this thread.

>> No.16338583


Logically, what distinguishes such a thing from total redundancy, and Morally, from total depravity?

>> No.16338592

t. redditor

>> No.16338734

I'm here right now except I'm 19y/o NEET and there's a romance aspect where I see and understand woman's power of "redemption through love" or whatever but I know that even if I bite the bullet and "get a GF bro" I'll never truly satiate my urge to get that completion and cum with a girl, it'll just keep coming back harder and stronger and she'll end up my sexual aide draining my torture sauce daily. It sucks that through that I will have been devolved into some virgin post pubescent hentai character who needs help from "mommy figure" or older woman to help him relieve his constant boners and aching balls and adolescent suffering. I don't wanna be like that, I wanna be sexually powerful and completely in control to the point where I can start developing myself into something. Maybe I just need a girl hornier than me so I'd be the one helping her? Idk.

Seriously, why is 80% of my waking existence horny or post horny torture?

>> No.16339032
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>still no answer

>> No.16339046

so catholicism is polytheistic? wow

>> No.16339178


Specifically, what is the relevance of any and all creation, or the Logic of God pertaining thereto, if God is totally self-redundant, if A gives B to C but C and A are one and the same and the former implicitly possesses B inasmuch as it is the latter, i.e. totally? What is the relevance of God's goodness if he totally debases himself, why would anyone look forward to any amount of good from him if he does utmost evil to himself? What distinguishes this from "pagan" sacrificial ideas, or even from an Atheist vacuous Cosmos?

>> No.16339267
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Catholicism is literally Buddhism: all Theology derived from nothing but Phenomenology, i.e. this flows as a river or that burns like a fire, "God" absurdly emergent from three absurd elements, Godly things are just quantitatively superior versions of worldly things, mutually exclusive principles, i.e. "the greatest virtue is helping others even though they don't actually exist" and "the world is God's magnum opus even though it's a catastrophe".

>> No.16339749

The Trinity is a post-hoc attempt to reconcile the divinity of Jesus with the monotheistic nature of Judaism. It's entirely founded on the fact that the Pythagoreans considered certain numbers (such as three) to be sacred, hence, the Christians realised that a tripartite god would be possess enough vague mystical connotations to deter any awkward questions. A passage called the 'Comma Johanneum' was slipped into the Bible in the 4th Century to lend some bogus support to the doctrine of the Trinity.

>> No.16340500

>>somehow your cult becomes the second most powerful religion in history
Which religion is the first? The mudslimes?

>> No.16340522

>Where? The entire Bible has been under scrutiny for centuries. Not a single word has ever been proven wrong.
Yeah man, four gospels with conflicting stories of Jesus. Perhaps the bible was just doing its own spider-verse thing

>> No.16340532

Behold the crucifix. What does it symbolize? Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.

>> No.16340635

>an inability*
Meant to write that.

>> No.16340683

>that atheist that references capeshit to validate his arguments

>> No.16340691

Literal schizo ramblings. Take your meds.

>> No.16340703

yes, just ignore the four gospels

>> No.16340972

for everything to have free will is to imply bad things happening

>> No.16341360

Because he loved mankind, and Jesus was acting out of love. It would be evil to stop someone from doing something so merciful.

>> No.16341381

I'm autistic and dumb. But wasn't the crucifixion also a way to create the Eucharist? By giving his body up on the cross, he gives himself to us in the Eucharist. From what I understand, the Eucharist isn't just Jesus, but Jesus crucified.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.16343047

>STILL no answer

>> No.16343573
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>> No.16343628

>Which religion is the first?
Don't be daft. The religion whose followers have amassed the most power and assets in absolute terms.

>> No.16343638

meant for

>> No.16344134


You would think someone would at least parrot something.

>> No.16344147

ITT: Heretics. Go to confession.

>> No.16344156

Islam was indeed the beginning religion of man. Pure monotheism.

>> No.16344164

>haha I'll attack a holy man that will show those low-status religious people
Why do midwits do that? Honestly I'm at a point that even Muhammad to me is venerable and I would out of sheer piety towards the manifold paths of Heaven even respect a jew holy man.

>> No.16344241

Hello fellow Mormon with based understanding

>> No.16344280

It's metaphorical bro, he's his own father.

>> No.16344313

Jesus was the avatar of God, a purely Aryan concept held by the Levites.
God created an earthly concept of himself, and then he was killed by his own creation.

>> No.16344366

The concept of a triune God dates back to Aryan times.
Trimurti, Triglav - this is our Aryan heritage. God creates the universe, and then sends there his incarnations, avatars, who save people. The world is created from Purusha, and this energy is directed by Brahman, who is the supreme and unknowable god. He creates Vishnu, and he incarnates as Rama in order to defeat the forces of Darkness that arose as a result of creation. It was not Brahman who created the forces of evil, they were formed as a method of counteracting the creative force of Brahman. And what is the result of creative power? People! And it is them that Brahman protects.

>> No.16344384

You're missing the point. They're attacking Jesus for NOT being Christian enough. When Stephen Fry was asked what he'd say to God if he met him, he said "how dare you!". But he's not actually dunking on God at all, anymore than he is when he calls Christianity "Bronze-age fairy-tales". He's attacking less-pious Christians, Evangelicals and the like, for daring to accuse God of such things. How dare you say God could ever be responsible for something as heinous as children getting cancer! How dare you accuse God of being some autistic Jewish manchild as the Bible makes him seem! Only a fool would think something as great and glorious and loving as God could care about garbage like Halal and Kosher!

It's not midwittery at all, it's high-status nobility demanding the low-status peasantry shape the fuck up. It's the logical progression of the Protestant Reformation, and indeed Christianity as a whole.

>> No.16344393

By the way, Kabbalah is also under the Aryan influence. Just compare it with Parsi and Hindu mysticism and you will understand. By the way, Kabbalah confirms the very fact that God can incarnate himself in man in order to influence his creations.
Jewish thinkers disagree with only one Christian postulate - that God can break the treaty with Israel, that makes all the difference. Otherwise, even kabbalistic mysticism confirms the role of Jesus as the avatars of God, and no Orthodox rabbi will say a bad word about Jesus. They may say that he was not the Messiah, but then he must be the super-Messiah, because only an earthly person can be the messiah.

>> No.16344395

The Trinity and PIE Trifunctionality are three fundamentally different things and it's disingenuous to say they're at all similar.

>> No.16344417
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Psalm 22

1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
2 O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer;
and by night, but find no rest.

3 Yet you are holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel.
4 In you our ancestors trusted;
they trusted, and you delivered them.
5 To you they cried, and were saved;
in you they trusted, and were not put to shame.

6 But I am a worm, and not human;
scorned by others, and despised by the people.
7 All who see me mock at me;
they make mouths at me, they shake their heads;
8 “Commit your cause to the Lord; let him deliver—
let him rescue the one in whom he delights!”

9 Yet it was you who took me from the womb;
you kept me safe on my mother's breast.
10 On you I was cast from my birth,
and since my mother bore me you have been my God.
11 Do not be far from me,
for trouble is near
and there is no one to help.

12 Many bulls encircle me,
strong bulls of Bashan surround me;
13 they open wide their mouths at me,
like a ravening and roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax;
it is melted within my breast;
15 my mouth is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to my jaws;
you lay me in the dust of death.

16 For dogs are all around me;
a company of evildoers encircles me.
My hands and feet have shriveled;
17 I can count all my bones.
They stare and gloat over me;
18 they divide my clothes among themselves,
and for my clothing they cast lots.

19 But you, O Lord, do not be far away!
O my help, come quickly to my aid!
20 Deliver my soul from the sword,
my life from the power of the dog!
21 Save me from the mouth of the lion!
From the horns of the wild oxen you have rescued me.

22 I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters;
in the midst of the congregation I will praise you:
23 You who fear the Lord, praise him!
All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him;
stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel!
24 For he did not despise or abhor
the affliction of the afflicted;
he did not hide his face from me,
but heard when I cried to him.

25 From you comes my praise in the great congregation;
my vows I will pay before those who fear him.
26 The poor shall eat and be satisfied;
those who seek him shall praise the Lord.
May your hearts live forever!

27 All the ends of the earth shall remember
and turn to the Lord;
and all the families of the nations
shall worship before him.
28 For dominion belongs to the Lord,
and he rules over the nations.

29 To him, indeed, shall all who sleep in the earth bow down;
before him shall bow all who go down to the dust,
and I shall live for him.
30 Posterity will serve him;
future generations will be told about the Lord,
31 and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn,
saying that he has done it.

>> No.16344462

Lol, there have never been trifunctional things.
warriors in the period of peace grazed cattle and raised food, when there was a war, then farmers and herders went to the army.
Even in the example of India, this is clearly visible.

>> No.16344736

>t. doesn't know what the Trifunctional Hypothesis entails

>> No.16344900


In conclusion, meditate on the Victor, ming-mongs.

>> No.16345171

Seconding the second body of text here; humanity has spent 2000 years producing details answers, speculation, and discussions of OP’s question. There is literally more literature on the topic than one could read in a lifetime. Ya’ll need to read more instead of shitposting theology and philosophy on this board.

>> No.16345183

How many people will remember you after 2000 years anon? How many of them will worship you? And how many of them will actively try to refute or reject your teachings? Idk Jesus seems to pretty competent religious leader to me compared to let's say Julius Caesar (but I have to admit his reform of calendar was good decision).

>> No.16345191

This. All sin is simply the result of straying from God. Neo-atheists will never understand this, that’s why they’re so focused on asking “why didn’t God make everything perfect and blissful for me? I deserve it, don’t I?! Checkmate theists.” God did give us perfection, and it was Eden. But with free will we turned away from God and thus fell from grace.
To have perfection and no free will is to be an angel, an automaton-like limb of God Himself, no free will and no real individuality, merely acting in accordance to His will without choice.
To act in accordance to God’s will when you have the choice to say no; that is true bliss and joy.

>> No.16345208

>material death affects the spirit
You failed the test, nigga. You didn’t even write your name properly, you got absolutely nothing even remotely right.
Instead of 0 I’mma give you a -1.

>> No.16345247

Let's talk about YOU anon. How many people will remember YOU? All you're doing is fighting for a dead jew who's friends claimed he came back and that he was the universe made incarnate. But Julius Caesar was never a religious authority in the proper sense of that word

>> No.16345640

>-- Ricky Gervais of Pharisee stock

>> No.16346049

No one. But that is not the point, is it? To claim incompetence of Jesus is to deny the fact that there are still people arguing about the dead jew 1987 years after his death. Not many religious leaders ever had this influence. Only one that can be really compared is Mohammed and he was proper political leader, unlike Jesus who spoke to the Pilat once and owned mostly clothes on his back if you believe biblical account. I would even say that there was not contemporary religious figure as competent as Jesus.

>> No.16346064

God was a misunderstood apocalyptic prophet

>> No.16346317


>> No.16346405

Don't read the bible, most of it has been run through the meat grinder of one billion translations. All you need to understand is that morality is merely an expression of unconditional love for all of humanity in spite of their flaws.

>> No.16346476

>people came back from the dead, but when God does it and crushes death throughout all of time it's nothing special

>> No.16346574
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>question has different answers depending on denomination

>> No.16347276

I think it’s absolutely worth reading, but you do have the correct core idea of it, so what do I know?

>> No.16347392

>his only son
I never got that. Christians call each other brothers and sisters, probably because since God created Adam we are all sons of God. Or at least I've heard from Christians before that we are all sons of God. Yet somehow they also say Christ is the only son of God.

>your followers are so brainwashed they go into HYPER COPE and write down some fanfiction where getting caught and killed was part of your plan all along
It was part of the plan, but Judas is somehow still reviled as a traitor.

>> No.16348914

This answer has never made sense. God did not offer everybody paradise, he only offered Adam and Eve paradise, and they never even rejected his offer. God never told them that eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil would result in them being denied paradise, he told them that it would result in them dying within 24 hours of having eaten it. The Serpent claimed that this was a lie and he was correct. God did not evict Adam and Eve from paradise for the disobedience per se, he evicted them because he feared their potential to become gods. If God offered everybody on Earth paradise, this apologetic would hold water, but it does not. This is no more sophisticated then the excuses employed by the UFO watchers of the 50's, who, when asked why Aliens always seem to pass by Earth, but never land here, claimed that aliens can't visit Earth because it would violate "The Prime Directive".

>> No.16348990

So that humanity could be saved

>> No.16349815

God allowed you to sink into degeneracy so that it would be your triumph when you pulled yourself out

>> No.16349855

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.16349885

>he told them that it would result in them dying within 24 hours of having eaten it
He actually said, In Genesis 2:17:

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

God told Adam here that the moment that he eats of the fruit, it will result in a process that will ultimately kill him. Notice how God didn’t say “in a day”. He said “in the day” meaning essentially “if you choose to do this”.

In addition, God curse the earth for our sake, so that we wouldn’t have to live in paradise while at the same time having bodies that decay and die. In Genesis 3:17:

cursed is the ground for thy sake

I can’t imagine a more perfect hell than living in an eternal paradise while in a body full of death and decay. God understood this, so he gave us a world that reflected our new sin nature until which a time he would restore the world and our bodies via the resurrection of the dead. For God is not a God of the dead, but if the living. Mark 12:27

>> No.16351068

Because to vast majority of Christians Christ wasn't created and is equal to God, made from the same substance and equally "old" (he was there before the creation). While christians call themselves sons of God they mean ideal they try to aspire as well as the biblical fact they were created, and it is possible for them to be saved by God. However, it is impossible for man to become equal to God in a christian worldview. This way self-sacrifice of Christ is so special - god died on the cross. Try reading on Arian heresy, alexandrian and antiochian schools if you want to know more about how christians see the nature of Christ.

>> No.16351892

The story of Adam and Eve is not a story about God offering paradise and man rejecting it. So all this bilge about how "man rejected god, through free will" is unsupported by any kind of Biblical evidence. It's just the result of people noticing the absence of God and working backwards to justify it.
I'm well aware that you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say and can justify it by saying: "God never specifically said these exact words.." Some homosexuals claim that the Bible does not forbid homosexuality because the verse which reads; "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one would a woman" does not explicitly condemn homosexuality, it just condemns a particular sex position. But I prefer to just let the Bible speak for itself.