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/lit/ - Literature

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16331878 No.16331878 [Reply] [Original]

>He's an Aristotelian
>In 2020
Have you retards heard of Hume? Locke? Science?

>> No.16331886

Why are you so obsessed with what posters on this board believe/think? Gotta crush on anon, do we?

>> No.16331888

I'm an unrepenting platonist. I've seen shit.

>> No.16331894

>tfw anon has glimpsed the realm of the forms

>> No.16331897

Aristotle's political analysis was far superior to Locke's gibberish

>> No.16331899

someone please post a novel basedjak as I'm on my phone

>> No.16331910

>Gotta crush on anon, do we?
Wouldn't that qualify as pederasty, given the median age here is around 12?

>> No.16331912
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>He's a Humean and a Lockean
>In 2020
Have you retard ever heard of Kant? Hegel?

>> No.16331916

Projection or wishful thinking?

>> No.16331929

no i'm a whiteheadean rhizomatic nomad neo-china fascist stalinist accelerationist guenonian

>> No.16331933
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Have you ever heard of Evola? Guénon? You chucklefuck?

>> No.16331967

Educated inference based on the content of the board.

>> No.16331999


>> No.16332073

you seem dedicated

>> No.16332518

Just listening to an biography of the strong wrestler Plato. His Utopia is hilarious and would never work but it's surprising how much you see later moments try and copy it. Nazis, Communists, movies/television.

>> No.16332538
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>>He's an [follower of a famous early scientist, both a physicist and zoologist]
>>In 2020
>have you heard of science

>> No.16332620

What's wrong with Aristotle?

>> No.16332629

this is like saying
>hes a maxwellian in 2020
>haven't you guys heard of quantum electromagnetism?
science doesn't smugly regard everyone in the past as wrong, because it doesn't regard anyone in the present as necessarily correct either, because even technically they weren't. einstein discovered special relativity through newtonian mechanics' incompatibility with maxwell's eqs, even though both of those theories don't explain behaviors we know exist today (wave-particle duality, etc). similarly it would be ridiculous to totally disregard aristotle and his theories and debunks of plato just because much of what he says isn't any longer considered the whole picture (especially when we use a lot of his terminology and insights on a day-to-day basis today)

>> No.16332631

>he’s a platonist
Have you ever heard of Aristotle?

>> No.16332667

I agree MacIntyre has a major problem in dismissing Aristotle's metaphysics as the ground for his ethics, as if you can do without that foundation. But what is to be done?

>> No.16332935
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Why do y’all bitches have to hate on anything and deem it inferior just because you think you’re way more intelligent? Goddamn I hope you /lit/ faggots get raped by a gang of niggers on a cold winter night.
You guys act like bunch of cheerleaders talking about how many guys they’ve fucked. Goddamn all of you are pussies.
This is why people hate us, because retards like you have to be gatekeepers.
None of you have come up with anything original, so you faggots need to stop acting like you have the moral high ground just because you thought you were special because you read books as a kid, you dense motherfuckers.

>> No.16332948

B8ed hard

>> No.16332954

Gatekeeping is good. Gatekeeping is why literature is even held on a high standard in the first place, unlike other art forms like comics.

>> No.16332973

Literally who?

>> No.16332980


>> No.16332982

>le aristotle was an early scientist meme
Stop. "Science" in the modern and proper sense of the word starts with the invention of the scientific method.

>> No.16333267

Literature does not need gatekeepers the same way religion doesn’t have any, unless yourself are religious.
My point being, Schopenhauer, Adorno, and Locke didn’t have to be gatekeepers.
These writers don’t need gatekeepers.
If you’re into it, you’re into it, but at least they finished writing a draft, you anxiety ridden, stripped of any type of originality, dense motherfucker.

>> No.16333274
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>> No.16333278

Science got kiked a while ago. Kikes have destroyed everything so far. All these bergs and steins have promoted degeneracy. Fuck niggers and Kikes.

>> No.16333283


>> No.16333296

Sarkeesian isn’t Jewish

>> No.16333355

>In the experiments about atomic events we have to do with things and facts, with phenomena that are just as real as any phenomena in daily life. But atoms and the elementary particles themselves are not as real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts ... The probability wave ... mean[s] tendency for something. It's a quantitative version of the old concept of potentia from Aristotle's philosophy. It introduces something standing in the middle between the idea of an event and the actual event, a strange kind of physical reality just in the middle between possibility and reality.

>> No.16333358

I was about to type an effortpost, but then I realised you don't enjoy the thoughts of those more intelligent.

>> No.16335156

armenians are honorary jews

>> No.16335170

>he's not a neo-aristotelian
Enjoy your insuperable philosophical difficulties. Tell me again how consciousness suddenly arises when you put enough neurons together.

>> No.16335186

>He has an opinion
>In 2020
Have you retards heard of Pyrrho? Nagarjuna?

>> No.16335197
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>not a hedonistic high financeer

>> No.16335215

>doing any philosophizing at all, or thinking for that matter
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got much more important matters to attend to


>> No.16335244

Have you even read Deleuze’s book on Hume

>> No.16335312
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Have you heard of Christopher Langan and his CTMU theory?

>> No.16335324

Yes I have. He is a con artist and his ‘theory’ is untestable gobbledygook