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/lit/ - Literature

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16331299 No.16331299 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile on bizarro /lit/

>> No.16331319

niggers (still) tongue my anus

>> No.16331336

"Ah it's so nice to talk to those who also deeply appreciate the philosophy of Karl Popper"

>> No.16331340

I base my worldview in things I can prove instead of bullshit written by some Jew or some Greek thousands of years ago.

>> No.16331341

What is this "politics" you speak of?

>> No.16331345

>"Hey /lit/ why is "the Secret" such a great novel? also when will the blacks finally pay reparations for the whites who build the mechas for Wakanda?"

>> No.16331356
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>> No.16331360

I read books

>> No.16331362


>> No.16331376

philosophy? never heard of it

>> No.16331378

Wow guys I finished all books on my shelf, time to buy some more.

>> No.16331410

Why are STEM majors so based?

>> No.16331424

>why yes we all write in ancient Greek and latin

>> No.16331428

avoid the greeks

>> No.16331429

>muh God of falsification

>> No.16331431

So glad as a society we were able to cure schizophrenia and now nobody is ever deluded into trying to understand that poor fool Nietzsche.

>> No.16331433

start with the Americans

>> No.16331454

Contemplate harder!

>> No.16331481

I read a book today

>> No.16331542

Name one worthwhile male philosopher

>> No.16331546
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Hello, fellow patricians. I've been researching ancient religions and found some very interesting writings from an old cult, called "gospels". At its height, even rulers of our own Empire followed this cult but it declined and fizzled away during Julian's reign. The whole thing was about the weak being better than the strong. Sounds like something my slaves would like, lol. They even worshipped someone who DIED! Clearly inferior to our immortal gods. Glory to Jupiter!

>> No.16331557

I've heard of this too. Apparently this "Gospels" was the only real immortal and actually also like created everything.

>> No.16331562

Harry Potter is the crowning achievement of English literature. It will be discussed for centuries to come.

>> No.16331596

Have y’all read David Foster Wallace’s new article on Medium about what would happen if a pandemic occurred during a Sanders administration? Crazy stuff. Glad he’s still writing.

>> No.16331617

Marx is actually an interesting thinker and an author worth reading

>> No.16331635

Some people theorize that if this cult remained much longer, our now global empire would have declined and possibly even fallen. Imagine a world without Pax Romana...

>> No.16331641

>you get to be racist in both versions

>> No.16331656

Different story, same humans.

>> No.16331661


>> No.16331673

Working in academia was the best decision of my life bros, about to get my 5th book published!

>> No.16331675

>I wanted a book for a certain feeling, so I went and found one myself and read it, and now I'm here to write an effortpost about it, which the whole board will benefit from.

>> No.16331696

Imagine a world without slaves bro

>> No.16331717
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>hey, whats that your reading gigachad?

>> No.16331729

I love reading Black authors!

>> No.16331746

>The subtle art of not giving a F*ck

>> No.16331915
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who the fuck is Pynchon?

>> No.16331944

My diary desu has sold over million copies

>> No.16331964

I like butterfly

>> No.16331985
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Too soon

>> No.16332120

boosting this, if y'all really wanna colonize your bookshelves and stop making this place such a dumpster fire the least you can do is acquaint yourself with the european literature canon, including such classics as:
>Statistics and Punishment
>King Lear
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>The Grapes of Wrath
>A Tale of Two Cities
>Blood Meridian
>A Farewell to Arms
>Heart of Darkness
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Pride and Prejudice
>Anna Karenina
>In Search of Lost Time
>The Scarlet Letter
>Jane Eyre
>Finnegan's Wake
>As I lay Dying
>The Great Gatsby
>Little Women
>The Count of Monte Cristo
>The Sun Also Rises
>To the Lighthouse
>The Call of the Wild
>The Wind in The Willows
>The Trial

>> No.16332124

>based on things that even can be proven


>> No.16332179

What’s the best translation of statistics and punishment? Pavear and Deming?

>> No.16332252


>> No.16332290

Anons I find your comments most disturbing and I suggest you stop having sex.

>> No.16332386

>implying unironic marxism isn't constantly espoused on normie /lit/
/pol/ is where you actually belong.

>> No.16332440
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God, I hate men. I just want a traditional nerdy shy man that just sits infront of the computer!

>> No.16332480
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Where to start with the industrialists? I've seen people recommend Evola's Woman and Her Being According to the Talmud and Guenon's Revolt Against the Classical World

>> No.16332490

Infinite Jest? No thanks. I prefer The Corrections.

>> No.16332586

the translations are garbage, to truly appreciate it it must be read in its original malay

>> No.16332588

Oh gee! I love reading!

>> No.16332633

Off topic but what kind of pleb lets themselves be photographed in the YA section???

>> No.16332655

Nick Land is such a eloquent and profound writer! Has there ever been a writer that makes so much sense? I don’t think so!

>> No.16332958

I had a great time discussing ideas today. Not a single person called me a retard without providing an argument to back up the insult when I criticized an idea that happened to be part of their ideology.
So glad this board isn't filled with tribalistic group-think shitposting.