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/lit/ - Literature

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16329462 No.16329462 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>in the marines
>trying to start classic literature club
>starting w the iliad
>only chicks interested

Why do none of my bros wanna read :\ all marines do is smash rocks and drink, I don't wanna read w dramatic woman who start drama all day.

>> No.16329465

Marines aren't exactly known for being intellectuals

>> No.16329483

Just be completely dominant in the group of women. If you occasionally find a somewhat more intelligent marine, give him a book or passage you know he'll like and try to get him to join the club eventually.

>> No.16329500

Are the women interested in literature or the Iliad specifically?

>> No.16329514

Your Marine buddies are based. I'd never join a faggy lit club. I want to read by myself without listening to other people's dumb interpretations.

>> No.16329557

Rah Devil. I'd be down but we're probably on opposite sides of the globe.

>tfw no one to talk philosophy and the occult with

My old base had Evola's Metaphysics of War in the library; a pleasant surprise.

>> No.16329561



>> No.16329563
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>too feminine to be a jock
>not feminine enough to fit in with women

>> No.16329570


>> No.16329591

They exist, they either look like dudes or are super hot.

>> No.16329626

They're hot desu

>> No.16329630

nigggers thats why

>> No.16329643

>be in the marines
>be a pog
That's your first sign

>> No.16329649

99% are like dude less than 1% really are extremely hot

>> No.16329659

Jarheads are brainless. You should know this. Imagine dying for the corporate Jews lmao peak idiocy

>> No.16329670

Nigga u gay

>> No.16329685

I'm in Lejeune, are you in Oki

>> No.16329721

how about do a man's book like something by David Weber, John Ringo, Clausewitz.
Do The Prince or The Art of War.
Something actually relevant - or at least entertaining

>> No.16329754
File: 301 KB, 1024x1320, 1599667721867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine blindly hating the men and women who protect and serve you every day.

if the jarheads vanished off of the face of the earth tomorrow tell me, would you gladly sign your properties and rights over to the inevitable occupiers?

>> No.16329765

Intellectual soldiers are a meme. Soldiers have always been mostly retarded. That is the essence of being a soldier - blindly follow orders of your superiors, which requires no introspection and no questions asked. And you are now probably perceived as some kind of a faggot amongst your brothers.

>> No.16329770

>starting w the iliad
why? you want to go thru the western canon? that shit is boring mate read something easy and recent like dickens or kafka to get people warmed up instead of trying to smugly dab about how patrician you are

>> No.16329790

>protect and serve
lol, here's your (you)

>> No.16329831

US military is the biggest social program in the world.

>> No.16329929

I know 2 marines who would've been interested, a guy and a girl, and about 12 who just wanna smash beers

>> No.16329940

largest funded there ever was

>> No.16330005
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Imagine waking up at 5:00AM just to die for Israel

>> No.16330024

i think everyone knows the us military is basically a mercenary force at this point but the "don't join up, you'll just die for israel" rhetoric has always sounded to me like a ploy to prevent right-wingers from getting fighting experience

>> No.16330092

You don’t have to be right wing to not like zionism.

>> No.16330100

There is a reason why you are called crayon eaters.

>> No.16330187

Unfortunately the likes of Mattis are a rare breed in the Marines.

>> No.16330326

protect and serve MY DICK nerd

>> No.16330345

Sorta, I'll be in Oki by the end of the year.

>> No.16330385
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>and many other men of literary note had military experience, even /lit/'s favorite meme Gene Wolfe
>coomer neets think they rate to talk shit

i saw you dweebs in the other thread too, such pathetic mumbling

>> No.16330416



>> No.16331286

become a femboy then

>> No.16331374

not like the war on Troy was for a better cause. I guess at least Menelaos got to coom in Helena again, but I don't know if that was worth it, she probably hit the wall hard after those 10 years

>> No.16332121

>imagine talking about the military but not actually serving

Lmao although I believe in freedom of speech I still hate the fact that people talk shit about it without serving

>> No.16332177
File: 109 KB, 500x690, when you fund a terrorist group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the men and women who protect and serve you every day
Your government's interests*
I doubt US soldiers will ever have to protect civilians from an invading force. Anyone who isn't allied with the US is either:
>A small country, that poses no threat, and it can be manipulated with proxy wars and coups;
>A large country, that has too much to lose if they decided to invade the US -- they'd lose the support of everyone else, get hit with sanctions, etc...
The real threat to the US is not weapons or a physical invasion, but information security. Spying on citizens is patriotic, as long as the NSA is doing it.

>> No.16332198
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>Spying on citizens is patriotic, as long as the NSA is doing it.
That's the FBI's job. Learn your agencies.

>> No.16332356
File: 8 KB, 256x256, akari eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know the FBI was doing the actual data collection. So the NSA is a bunch of baseddevs who only analyze/store the data someone else has gathered for them?
>The Data Intercept Technology Unit (DITU, pronounced DEE-too) is a unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States, which is responsible for intercepting telephone calls and e-mail messages of terrorists and foreign intelligence targets inside the US.
>DITU is part of the FBI's Operational Technology Division (OTD), which is responsible for all technical intelligence collection
>Since the NSA set up the PRISM program in 2007, it is DITU that actually picks up the data at the various internet companies, like Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo, before passing them on to the NSA for further processing, analysing and storing.

>> No.16332390

doctored photo

>> No.16332429

>why does a group infamously made fun of for being stupid crayon eaters (even by themselves) not want to be intellectual
You have to consider your surroundings, some people aren’t cut out for intellectuality. Also just do what this anon >>16329483 says

>> No.16332559

in nature male lions chill and female lions hunt and share with male lion. nature sometimes is wise.

>> No.16333633

do you eat shit too? why not? have you tried it?

>> No.16333985

On the contrary, they seem to be experts on which flavor each color of crayon has.

>> No.16334001

I wish other branches and civilians would come up with more creative jokes about us than muh crayons, we already claim that shit happily

>> No.16334095

Be careful bro, don't try to appear too intelligent or you will anger your peers

>> No.16334101

Not true at all. But then again that depends on your job field and who you even associate with. The Marine Corps as of late has been trying to shed the dumb brute image and is trying to be more /fitlit/ but it's a slow transition