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16328551 No.16328551 [Reply] [Original]

The only Pynchon book I own rn is IV. There are multiple available editions of his other works, should I avoid any specific ones? e. g. is that cheap turquoise edition of CL49 fine?

>> No.16328584

/lit/ - consumerism

>> No.16328598

>implying I’m supposed to steal books instead of finding the best edition for a decent price

>> No.16328712

Avoid the UK vintage GR with rainbow rockets. It is stiff and cheap feeling, and doesn't have squares between chapters like it's supposed to. The Penguin Frank Miller cover had a dropped line but it has been fixed for years, only a concern if you buy used. V. is a complicated case, see https://orbit.openlibhums.org/article/id/403/

Basically Pynchon revised V. after the first edition, and this revision is in print in the UK, but for whatever reason all US publications available now are of the earlier, unrevised edition.

>> No.16328744

Thank you anon, GR was my main concern anyway. I’m in Europe so finding a good V. edition shouldn’t be that much of a problem I think.

>> No.16328838

Not OP but I also have a Pynchon-related question. Would I break my mind if I started with Mason & Dixon as my first novel of his? Its premise interests me the most, I've read some of the first chapter so I can get a feel for his style, and, while I clearly wasn't understanding it very well on a cursory reading, it didn't seem entirely incomprehensible nonsense as some say.

>> No.16329320

It's probably his most unique novel, some say it's his best work. There are really two main parts in the novel that are difficult: the first is that like in all of Pynchon's works it is complex. It's long, it has a wide variety of characters, with some being introduced at one point, dropped for a couple hundred pages, and then reintroduced. I'd recommend making just a basic list of characters, especially if the novel takes you a while to read. It's narrative structure is also pretty strange, as the novel is narrated as a story being told to people (You'll understand what I mean if you don't already). This can cause the structure of the plot to seem loose and it may jump in tone and perspective as the novel progresses. The second part of what makes the novel difficult is it's unique syntax and grammar, which is supposedly accurate to the syntax and grammar of the time the novel takes place. It gets easier as you read, and if you sound out all your words it makes it even easier at the beginning. TCoL49 is an easier introduction to Pynchon's disjointed narrative style, but if you've read difficult novels then it doesn't really matter. None of Pynchon's other works can prepare you for the syntax. Just go for it though who cares.

>> No.16329339

don't get the penguin deluxe edtion (the one with the frank miller cover) it has some serious transcription issues that render some sequences totally unreadable

>> No.16329371

Even the newest ones? Another reply >>16328712
mentioned something similar, have those errors not been fixed yet?

>> No.16329382
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, 9B77D131-2A0D-4758-B87F-6A736880B746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that this one?

>> No.16329407
File: 205 KB, 750x1000, grpenguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's this one
I've heard later versions fixed them but I'd avoid it to be sage

>> No.16329629

They have been fixed for years. If you buy new from Amazon or something it will be fine. That edition is also the highest quality edition in print, the only reason to avoid it is if you hate deckled edges.

>> No.16329636

Thank you, glad to hear that!

>> No.16329668

I liked the cover but those pages did get pretty annoying after a while.

>> No.16330070
File: 1.50 MB, 1222x3649, Pychon, A Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon in this thread contradicted this chart with regards to the Vintage print but I'm don't know who to trust because I'm currently trying to decide which edition to buy as well

>> No.16330084

I read that one, no problems. Cite a problem in it.

>> No.16330285

Well, the Penguin deluxe one is apparently fine now (if you buy a new copy). Seems like the best option.

>> No.16330974

It has been fine for a long time now, I think only the first run had the errors, my copy is about a decade old now and is error free. It is a well made book, has held up well through multiple reads and being carried about in various bags including bouncing around in panniers.

>> No.16332513