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16327000 No.16327000 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite author that's unapologetically anti-white?

>> No.16327004
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>> No.16327012

Christ was a jewish commie

>> No.16327013


>> No.16327016

Fanon, I guess.

>> No.16327022
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Don't you wish. Fuck you and FUCK this thread

>> No.16327026


>> No.16327054

If I were black, I'd be more offended by this fat bitch than anything else.

>> No.16327151


>> No.16327207
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 08-ED-Richard-Hill-3h500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus of Nazareth, or Joshua of the branch that bears fruit, was a 1st century Jewish man who was possessed by the spirit of the son of man. He preached total equality, that women should be as men, that slaves should be as masters and the abolition of not just private property but also personal property. He was the most radical communist, he claimed that we should rather die than engage in acts for ones personal benefit and embodied that principle in the crucifixtion. He demonstrated through his resurection that the kingdom of heaven is the result of our acceptance of this principle. But to you these words are like the seeds sowed upon the path and will never take root, you heathenous faggot.

>> No.16327340


Mark 12:17, you insidious cretin.
>he claimed that we should rather die than engage in acts for ones personal benefit and embodied that principle in the [crucifixion].
This implies not meddling in worldy politics, especially a completely materialist one.

Your logic is
>I think commnism would be good and help people
>Jesus said be good and help people
>Jesus was a commie

Forgetting that he is specifically warding people away from material and earthly concerns and his good is personal action not political.

>> No.16327382

>lives on earth
>pays no mind to earthly concerns

look where that got him

>> No.16327392

Dumb take. Every action is political. Jesus himself, even if not interested in politics, had through his action great political impact. Perhaps the internal change we bring upon ourselves could also have a great impact.

>> No.16327395

taking a shit isn't political

>> No.16327401

marx's piping hot load brought forth a torrent of change, didn't it?

>> No.16327409

Yes but that doesn't imply communism, dose it? See you're already generalising and moving the goalposts because I called out your specific retardation.
Shoo shoo.

>> No.16327413

laborers bulit your plumbing tard

>> No.16327421

seething commie dravidian

>> No.16327439

If that shit's real, the guy deserves to be hanged.
That would set a good enough example.

>> No.16327478

>if that shit's real
I sometimes wonder if the only thing that is separating /lit/ from understanding /pol/ is underexposure.
Most people don't keep up with breadth of politics or the general media brainwashing and then have the gall to say /pol/ doesn't see the bigger picture.

>> No.16327490

If you watch media, you don't see the bigger picture. That's pretty obvious. In order to see the bigger picture, you need to distance yourself from the media intended for the masses.
Also, I'm not 'Murrican, so I don't tolerate other people being "anti-white". You could get fired from your job for that shit in my country.

>> No.16327492

Probably Céline, but he is unapologetically anti-everything. He is very specific about hishatred however, no blanket "I hate you all equally" shit, he has a specific brand of hatred in store for every single race and community.

>> No.16327520

South African ruled in favor of this fat fuck, calling it "not hate speech".

>> No.16327524

wait, no, please
don't tell me this obnoxious piece of shit is actually from africa

>> No.16327533


>> No.16327539


>> No.16327555

Holy shit.
Imagine living in Africa. You're black. You don't have enough food, and you're starving
and then you see this smug morbidly obese fuckshit making "art" like this. I would feel like I'm being mocked. Like this person is fucking spitting on me.

Holy shit. I'm so Caucasian, my grandma was Irish and I'M offended. What the fuck

>> No.16327570

Ehh...are you black?

>> No.16327652

>I would feel like I'm being mocked. Like this person is fucking spitting on me.
It's just a lardwhale begging for someone to pork it. (Him? Her?)

Anyways, the world went to shit after we cancelled the patriarchy and the bottom 40% couldn't get sex anymore.

>> No.16327679

How is hate speech it when "white people" is a term used to exclude non whites? It's not like it's "fuck caucasians"

>> No.16327688
File: 439 KB, 1841x2463, BA0AA68D-42AB-4274-89FF-CEF7F6C70DF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus: follow God, don’t kill
Communists: God isn’t real all Christians should be killed
(you): these are the same beliefs

>> No.16327701

>Christians should be killed
Show me a quote from the Capital about it.

>> No.16327814

John 8:44
Rev 2:9
Rev 3:9

>> No.16327956
File: 321 KB, 449x668, spanishcivilwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I can't wait to go full White Terror on these subhumans

>> No.16327992

You're quite a sensitive snowflake

>> No.16328074

Just being a typical whitoid.

>> No.16328222
File: 115 KB, 800x1200, black sjw journo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all fucking morons because both Christianity and Communism are both totalitarian because they're pozzed by bootlickers, schizos & psychos.
The only difference between the

As technology progresses it becomes decreasingly stupid to believe in the unbelievable.

Why would they be "underexposed" conspiracy literature has been around since luther.
The only thing really separating /lit/ from /pol/ is it's "white" populist anti-establishment crowd and the unknown % of shills-for-hire and spooks.
Also i'd like to remind that snowden proved google is pozed, so it's likely they're bypassing captcha and using the 4 big boards in social experiments and ai design.

Yes but you still need to know what they're showing to the masses as a means of verifying the accuracy of your ideas about the media.

The white man's accelerationist tendencies caused this.
Founding a racist nation in africa with a white pop below 20% on liberal principles is one (in a long series) the dumbest things whites have done. Unless you're a bootlicker who doesn't care about getting speared aiding the extraction of wealth neither you or you offspring will ever see.
Literally "too clever by half" the race.

I don't read books, i'm too busy posting on /lit/ /mu/ /ck/ /fa/ /lgbt/ and resetera.

>> No.16328234

Protip: you'll never get to do that, actual militias have no use for 4channers.

>> No.16328250

Marx was a vehement anti-semite that believed that the church itself was advocacy to the state's corruption. Communism is fundamentally a violent and murderous ideology. It's a matter of common sense faggot.

>> No.16328305

Nietzsche, Deleuze, Land

>> No.16328324
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Factory labour, meat shields, experiments in parapsychology studies on autism.

>> No.16328331

>the church is horrible
>Christians should be killed
Are different fucking things. Marx nor any other respect communist thinker nor a vast majority of todays LARPers ever voiced any desires to kill Christfags. (Or Juice for that matter)

>> No.16328332
File: 36 KB, 470x470, hidden chomps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only difference between the Christian churches and revolutionary commies are the amounts of time and firepower available.

>> No.16328334

Ascetic mysticism is totally the same thing as communism, man. I'm glad you figured it all out.

>> No.16328347

Chirstianity is communism under god.

>> No.16328389

Oh boi. I never expected to see princess on here.

>> No.16328402

Communism is fundamentally anti-ascetic. It's the exact opposite of Christianity. To think otherwise is to completely misunderstand the intention behind anything spoken or done in the Bible. There are different reasons for hating money lenders, and Christ's was vastly different from that of some 20th century revolutionary.

>> No.16328505


>> No.16328560

Many denominations of Christianity overlap with pre-Marxist communism.
That bearded german must be living rent free in your brain.

>> No.16328611

Don't reply, don't give a (You) and ban mass-replying fags.

>> No.16328647

Fair enough, my generalization of communism was far too broad to be valuable. What I should of said was that the ascetic mysticism of the Bible is fundamentally opposed to the worldview that the majority of today's self-proclaimed communists hold, yet they are still quick to proclaim Christ as one of their comrades.
And yes the ugly Kraut does occupy more of my attention than I would like.

>> No.16328880
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20th century communism any worse than christianity, they're both compromised from the inside and out.

Diversity regardless of it type always creates competition, enslavement, brain washing and eliminationism.

>> No.16328887



>> No.16329163
File: 25 KB, 680x680, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Christ a Jew who was jewed by another Jew (Judas)?

>> No.16330435

Go back, we have no use for redditors

>> No.16330447

That's anachronistic as fuck, dude.0

>> No.16330455
File: 2.55 MB, 1693x2000, mary-karr-temptress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine hating yourself so much you eat like that in stride to the hate

>> No.16330470

sometimes i fantasize about murdering this person

>> No.16330476 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 262x192, 1599767583766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Jewdas am I right?

>> No.16330553

>white people fuck
And don't you forget it