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/lit/ - Literature

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16324500 No.16324500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the most INTJ board of 4channel. This would be a more welcoming and interesting place to discuss literature and philosophy if it were more INFJ and INFP

>> No.16324626

I hate false smugness more than deserved smugness

>> No.16324640
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>tfw ISTP
>tfw all other Is are faggots

>> No.16324646

Crappy bait

>> No.16324676
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Enough of this. Can't you just post about books?

>> No.16324725

my father is a carpenter

>> No.16324752
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>all other

>> No.16324791

As an INTJ -A myself, you're very wrong about that. That board is /pol/

>> No.16324812

This isn't /sci/, retard.

>> No.16324963

>make a personality quiz
>make INTP the special snowflake genius personality
>pass it off as real psychology
Jung was even more of a hack than Freud.

>> No.16324975

isn't 4chan just a split between INTJ and INTP with some INFJ and INFP outliers

>> No.16324987


>> No.16325042

Supposedly, but then why are most posters so retarded? I suspect most of those "INTJ's" are actually ISTJ's who scored N on their favorite quiz because of their narcissism. This would explain all the /pol/ and reddit retardation.

>> No.16325048
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>tfw ENFP

>> No.16325071

Can E's even write literature?

>> No.16325088

They normally only write those trite business bestsellers with large type that CEOs and salesmen buy.

>> No.16325116

ENFPs are often described as "introverted extroverts."

>> No.16325137

>tfw loud charming goof obnoxious personality telling stories and making friends with complete strangers when all I actually want to do is shitpost on 4chan and call anons faggots

The life of an ENFP is painful.

>> No.16325144

The temperament of histrionic actresses flamboyant homosexuals.

>> No.16325149

*and flamboyant

>> No.16325181

What makes ISTJ's retarded? This whole MBTI thing just seems like a way to flatter yourself and demean others without having to do anything worthy of praise or blame; a way of explaining away your inadequacies as being a special snowflake in a world built for "extraverts" or "sensors"; a way of externalising internal problems so you don't have to face them; a way of having a personality without having a personality.
In a word: Cope. It is little wonder it originates from /r9k/.

>> No.16325212

What, are all personalities supposed to be equal?

>> No.16325215


>> No.16325219

>it were more INFJ
We talk about this book all the time

>> No.16325234

Nah, NTs are a small minority. Most people are just not interested in abstract thinking of any kind.

>> No.16325354

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I have a theory as that INFJs are extroverted introverts.

Surround me with like-minded people, and I'll be one of the most dominant voices in the room, but if I'm surrounded by people I don't really click with (which is sadly a lot of people), then I'll just prefer to be alone. I wonder if that's where the stereotype of INFJs being Sage-like figures comes from.

INFJ is the special snowflake personality due to it being by far the rarest and also being the type held by Hitler, Jesus and Ghandi. It's not really as glamorous as some think though because INFx types seem to have a high correlation with mental illness and suicide. Also, INTJs are the "genius" personality. INTPs are generally seen as more scatterbrained.

>> No.16325436

Am also ISTJ and I use abstract thinking more than the vast majority of people I know. No one that reads about and discusses typology online has any idea of what they're talking about because jung is a faggot who never really explained his own theories and everyone that people are learning myers briggs from are pseuds.

>> No.16325502

>Jung made a personality quiz
I'm pretty sure it was some Canadian broads.

>> No.16325536
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I hate lending credence to this glorified astrology quiz, but I always score INTJ or INFJ, even when I think I’ve changed a lot. It’s also says something when 4chan attracts so many INTJ over-thinking narcissists. Maybe we are very well reducible to stereotypes.
That’s why everyone here likes Melville, Pynch and Philosophy

>> No.16325861

it is all jews bro. fucking jews.

>> No.16325876


>> No.16325901
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tfw when I'm hitler or jesus