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/lit/ - Literature

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16323694 No.16323694 [Reply] [Original]

We post pictures and other anons write something about them, be it a short story, a poem or whatever crosses your mind.

>> No.16323782 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16324790
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Two minds
One post
Zero response
Muh feels

>> No.16324813

When I pulled up, I opened all the doors to my car and turned the volume as high as it could go. I throw in my mix tape and fast forward it to the right track. I hit play. Зaкpoй зa мнoй двepь, я yхoжy blasts from every orifice of my car. I wait. I wait for someone to come. Someone to dance with me. Someone to yell at me. Someone to shoot me.
But no one comes.

>> No.16324817

cyka blyat
he kicked the wall behind his computer desk with the force of a thousand gulags as he screamed into his microphone. Dota 2 had crashed again

>> No.16324839

"What a beautiful dark evening."
Rachel just returned from the countryside. She grew up in the suburbs and was sent away for her 17th birthday to be with her grandparents, for arguably reasons, according to Rachel but she just couldn't get past the city aesthetic. She was young but the absolute absence of people in a busy, dark downtown was just her liking.
"I wonder what my parents will say when they realize I got groceries."
"Maybe they won't send me back."
It was childish and self-centered, and Rachel knew that, but in a city it's okay to be a little childish. In fact it just actually works. Her countryside visit wasn't entierly unalloyed though.
"I'll cook them what grandma makes. Every day."
The warm air was perfect. There was no breeze, the night was still. For 10 minutes Rachel could fantasize and be Rachel. A perfect break.

>> No.16324841
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>> No.16324847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16324867

The fog set in. It was perfectly cold. Great time for a walk... if I had a home.
I have been homeless for a couple weeks now and it's hard to shake old habits. I got up to walk. Trash was everywhere but it was safe.
My reasons for being homeless is my need to travel. I can't stay in the same city for more than a few months. I'll get a job, work for a bit, lie to myself and pretend I can restart here. It's been a few weeks. In one more paycheck I can get an apartment and avoid people in there. Go for walks until a few months go by and I find I still haven't found a home. It's all so similar but still so different. The ability to walk away is all I've got and until I'm dead it will always be mine. In that I'll never be homeless. Good night.

>> No.16324877
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Neon hunger centralised
Abandoned under sepia skies
Black for green exchanged
Not meant to be this way

>> No.16324882
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>> No.16324929

usually when he woke up it was the sound of dripping water reverberating through the abandoned pool hall he'd been squatting in for the past 2 weeks. but the sound of synthpop playing from an approaching car was what woke him up tonight. he rolled over and checked the time on a cracked and dirty smartphone. 2am. this is unusual, he thought.

peaking out the window, he wondered if tonight was the night he was going to get rousted. an 80s camaro was rolling into the parking lot, the synthpop becoming more clear as it approached. the car was full of teenagers and stopped in the middle of the lot. the teenagers spent 5-10 minutes in the car, a couple getting out to stretch their legs. some of them were eating fast food. he walked over to his things and assessed how quickly he could pack up in case they decided to break in and fuck around for a bit. he tried weighing how much trouble they would give him if he stayed put, but needed another look at them to decide. Walking back over to the window, he found the kids were already piling back into the car and heading off to the next parking lot. He wondered what kind of lives they were driving off to as the synthpop faded away

>> No.16324946

we both went for homeless. the place looks pretty abandoned so that makes sense

>> No.16325009

There will be the same square courtyard as i turn the corner. Same half lit windows with half full light bearers existing behind. Taller buildings rose above just perfectly to form the strangely harmonic shape of the current dissociation of the insides of the body that walks, approaches the corner.

Or will there be not? I may be dreaming. If i am not, my flesh will not hold the deep abysmal black feeling, will burst into ashes that the cold wind will carry near the windows to show that somebody has been and now he is not. If this is a dream alone will the body seat in front of the flickering mechanism, tap the buttons and forget about the corner he is now approaching.

>> No.16325011

Yeah it lends itself to it and a night after partying

>> No.16325019
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A quote from Blade Runner 2049 kept repeating in his head

"Because you've never seen a miracle"

Hurricane season was here, and all the miracles that came with it.

>> No.16325026
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>> No.16325025


>> No.16325033

>mwaahhhh the french

>> No.16325049

Baptist head forth to Canaan confess
To Semites and Salome a covenant crossed
Herod must hurry infanticide's sake
The coming of Christ brings others God's love

>> No.16325115

He stared at the empty egg carton in the refrigerator. It was all he had in it. It was all the food he had since the collapse had taken it's toll on the world. The rats had stopped coming by completely. His neighbors were completely silent as were the streets below. The silence was something he could never get use too and it was even worse then what transpired so far, because in the silence he was alone with his thoughts and memories that came unbidden. They wore down his soul and morality as though it were a poison working tirelessly in his mind. And now that he was down to only the cardboard carton, his morale was a veneer to an irreparable madness. What was he going to do now? What can he do?

>> No.16325139

The signs started to finally make their appearances in his town now that the plague had reached it's shores. He suspected the town wouldn't be stricken., it was an island and everyone had the time to prepare and react and act upon their decisions. But that had not stopped him from preparing for the worst. Every possibility was in play, however small or large. And with that, he made his way out to the beach to watch the sunset one last time before the quarantine went into effect.

>> No.16325154
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>> No.16325157 [DELETED] 

There was the Roebury family's house. And there's Mrs. Posinzkys. 4 more houses and I'll make a right. Then it's just a sprint past the Dinkleberry house and I've made it to Johns. If Mr. Edwards is still chasing me by then, then we're both fucked. Egging his house was Johns idea anyway

>> No.16325166
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Not yet late, but the square outside was empty. Snowflakes gently slanted through penumbras thrown by streetlights. Bare trees stood black and skeletal against the white-covered ground. A skyline full of boxy apartments, gray and characterless. Electric aureoles in the distance from neon signage. Orange and blue half-spheres projected in falling snow. I sat in my dark room, looking out at nothing. Early winter nights are twice as dark for gloomy people.

>> No.16325171

blood in my eyes, piss on my knee
I took the job, they do pay me...
I can't complain, who would I tell?
The supervisor? I may as well.
But she's younger than me, and fresh out of school
...and i'm just the lab's adjustable tool.
The MRSA was enough, the bags of glass was well out.
But I do wear the gloves, for the safety they tout.
The goggles came late, after the spray
After my blood test, I came in next day.
Not an uncovered eye in sight.
No acknowledgement of the slight;
No regard for the fright,
or the times late at night
when I wondered solitary.
Was the blood sanitary?
Am I right to be wary?
Is it really so scary?
A blood bourne disease is nothing to sneeze at
the things in that lab don't belong in this lab rat.

I spent about a year as a biohazard cleanup guy, its a (bloody) job.

>> No.16325189
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this one is a gimmie

>> No.16325201

There was the Roebury's house. And there's Mrs. Posinzkys. Only 4 more houses and then I make a right. Then it's just a sprint past the Dinkleberry house and I've made it to Johns. If Mr. Edwards is still chasing me by then, then John is just as fucked as I am. Egging the Edwards house was his idea anyways

>> No.16325207

Love is sweeter than a rose, the taste of which is bitter.
I think that this might be a poem, but not a heavy-hitter.

>> No.16325271
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>Taller buildings rose above just perfectly to form the strangely harmonic shape of the current dissociation of the insides of the body that walks, approaches the corner.

maybe reword this one.

>> No.16325273

It was one of those winter nights where orange streetlights filter up diffused through a sky full of clouds like the aura of a distant fire. Birches dark and dim in the distance punched their bony arms above the skyline and swayed penitent and silent in the wind. I closed up the center and walked to my car and looked back. Snow was plowed up around the edges of the lot and melting and rivulets of water sluiced across the pavement' cracks and pits, glossy dark tendrils that picked up the reflection of the center's neon signs, a spike of cyan color mirrored piecemeal on the ground below, ghostly and wavering. Someone left their McDonald's bag in a puddle there. I thought about how better writers would extract a theme from this, writers without day jobs, good enough at their craft. But not me. All I took was melancholy and a feeling of abstract defeat. I knew I would go home, alone. Smoke those cigarettes. Watch a stream. When I came back in the paling yellow dawn would that bag still be there? Golden arches drooping and soaked, grease mingled with watery runoff and exhaust filth. I sighed and got into the car. I turned the key. It choked. I waited and tried again. Nothing. The barest little kick of an effort. I slumped back in the seat. My hand traced the holster in my waistband. Nine millimeter. It would be enough, right? One more time I turned the key, and the ignition took, and the engine rumbled to life. I pulled out of the lot and drove home.

>> No.16325396
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>> No.16325407

he spread her pussy apart and spat in it, or near it. then he penetrated her. first with his cock, and then with his tongue by sticking it down her throat . He screamed out Rick and Morty memes as he came inside her and then quickly unmounted and zipped up his pants. The funeral was in an hour hour and the girls family had wanted an open casket. Her makeup was smudged and he had work to do.

>> No.16325434

he pissed his pants and poured another drink
the drinks had drunk him all the way past the brink

>> No.16325444

>She grew up in the suburbs and was sent away for her 17th birthday to be with her grandparents, for arguably reasons, according to Rachel

did you mean "arguable reasons" here?

>> No.16325452

Jesus you're all shit

>> No.16325464

Did you post? If you didn't go fuck yourself you low effort scum

>> No.16325474

Don't even (you) those posts, theyre either fart-huffers or they're looking for attention.

>> No.16325528

I agree, it’s all cringe and hard to get past the first 2 sentences

>> No.16325559 [DELETED] 

I got on the bus and saw a cute girl. I sat behind her and saw she was watching a Youtube video called "Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of Women" . The title of the video made me wonder: maybe she thinks she's one of these women? Maybe she have low self esteem? So I tapped her on the shoulder and told her I loved Scott Pilgrim. Flirting on the bus was not my forté but a women with low self esteem seemed like an easy catch and I felt I was doing a public service if I could make her feel beautiful by the end of the bus ride.

>> No.16325581

Arguably good reasons*

>> No.16325586

I messed up the comma too. ,for arguably good reasons, according to Rachel,*

>> No.16325637


I got on the bus and sat behind a girl who smelled nice. She was watching a Youtube video called "Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of Women"

The title of the video made me wonder: maybe she considers herself one of these ruined women? Maybe she has low self esteem? So I tapped her on the shoulder and told her not to listen to Scott Pilgrim, that he was an asshole, and that she would never be ruined just because some asshole on Youtube says so.

(Flirting on the bus was not my forté but I felt like I would be doing a public service if I could make this girl feel beautiful by the end of the bus ride)

She told me that Scott Pilgrim wasn't a real guy, that he was a fictional comic book character.

"I know" is what came out of my mouth, but the blushing of my face said otherwise. She turned around and I tapped her on the shoulder again.

>> No.16325707

take your meds, doctor says
do my math, alien says
I just wanna grill, grillmaster says

>> No.16325737


>> No.16325746
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>> No.16325760

I steal my symbols from man asunder
Curl the ends, imply lines of thunder
To describe my thoughts, wouldn't you want to know
I dive into my twist on world's we know
If you find my stuff makes sense
I realize you don't know half a pence
Try to find the foundation, can't you see?
I'll make a new one and new thus eternity

>> No.16325809
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>> No.16325843

At night the poison gas turns orange. Originally they wanted red, a very aggressive color, make the whole thing obvious, but orange has that special itchiness you can almost taste. What'd they use in Vietnam? Exactly.

By then the evacuation was complete and we were there just for insurance reasons. Power hadn't been cut off yet and here and there you could see bursts of blurry color washing into the background: a tv that'd been left on, a bus stop with lighted walls, store signs, stop signs with little yellow light bulbs.

"Can I confess something?" I said, as we pulled into the abandoned clinic.

"Piss off," said Barry.

"I actually love McDonalds."

"What?" Then he looked out his window and saw the discarded paper bag in the parking lot.

"I know it's supposed to be bad for you, but their french fries," I attempted to kiss my fingers--very difficult to do through a gas mask. "I'd kill for an extra large basket of McDonalds fries. I'd kill you right now."

"They're too crunchy," said Barry, who insisted on parking in between the lines even when there were no cars.

"What are you nuts?"


"I've never heard anyone, in my whole life, say they disliked McDonald's french fries for being too crunchy. That's like hating soup for being too liquid."

"I like a softer fry. Sue me."

"What the hell is a softer fry? No, no, please explain to me what the hell a softer fry is--because what it sounds like you're talking about--and correct me if I'm wrong--is mashed potatoes."

"I hate mashed potatoes. No, I'm talking about--you know the big fat ones? Like little bananas?" We stepped out on to the wet pavement. It wasn't water. "I like those. Those are the only kind I eat."

"Those are also crunchy."

"Nah, the soft kind."

"There is no soft kind, you asshole. Do you understand the central principle of fried foods? You think anyone has ever bitten into a piece of fried chicken and gone, 'Damn I wish this chicken was a little softer?' No, no, what you're talking about is what is generally accepted as a bad fry. A soggy fry. An undercooked fry."

Our shadows merged together on the face of the cracked pavement, blocking out the electric blue glow of the clinic sign's reflection. We smelled our own recycled breath hissing through the mask, mine with a slight metallic tang when I tasted my lips.

"So all fries have to be crunchy?"

>> No.16325865

This was /lit/ at its finest

>> No.16325960

With its cold and wrinkly fingers, passing through a white keyboard, you can see a trembling smirk. The simple happiness of the ill, the small complexity of joy. Ever wondered what it takes? He sure did not.

>> No.16326183
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This will be fun

>> No.16326222

It was an ideal of beauty that would be immortalized in time. It was why Dorothy had kept coming back. It was soothing to her soul and eased her mind from the travails of the day. Here was this little place in the world she could truly make her own and that she had. Paradise, Heaven, Elysian, it did not matter the name, only that it exist as it was.