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/lit/ - Literature

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16323507 No.16323507 [Reply] [Original]

>"hey anon, do you read a lot of books?"
>me: "it depends, in the last couple of weeks i didn't really read"
>1 day later
>conversation about homer
>me: "i read iliad and odysses recently"
>"what? you said you didn't read anything"
>me: "wha- ah, i thought you just meant real books, yeah i read entertainment writings/fiction a lot"
>"they are also books...."
>me: "idk, maybe. i just don't think about them when i hear the word book"
Why do people do this, can we please make up a new word for non-books that larp as books? Reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.16323638

a book is a book you fucking spastic

>> No.16323670

Technically yes, they look the same. But would you say you are well-read when you finish multiple children's picture-books a week?

>> No.16323681

You'd probably learn something as opposed to nothing

>> No.16323692

Homeric works are poetry, not books

>> No.16323695

nobody is going to start inventing new words to cater to your crippling need to be a pretentious, smug douchebag at all times.
it's "I read a book." or "I read a picture book." or "I read a romance novel"

>> No.16323720

That’s the point of words, to accurately communicate information in the easiest way possible.
Simpliber, a portmanteau of the word “simplex”, simple, and “liber”, book.

>> No.16323722
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If it had a front and back cover with a bunch of pages bound in between then it was a book.

>> No.16323742

'Well read' means having read canon type books, formative classics. Being knowledgeable in a specific literature, like
children literature and having read a ton of picture books, would make you well read in that literature. If that's all you've read, nobody would consider you well read in the general sense.

>> No.16323753

each one is literally divided into 24 BOOKS dumbass

>> No.16323765

You’re a pedantic faggot.

>> No.16323766

You seem to be one of those who reads just to tell people you read.
Good news, no ones gives a shit.

>> No.16323801

Is English not your first language?

>> No.16323815

>t. YA reader

>> No.16323825

Did you read it in codex or scroll form?

>> No.16323828

You seem to be one of those retards who make wild assumptions based on nothing.
I was explaining what people understands by well read, you insecure faggot.

>> No.16323835

Books are books.
Instead of "real books" you could have said "literature".

>> No.16323842

t. unaware retard

>> No.16323846

>Instead of "real books" you could have said "literature".
Then it would be in the same category as philosophy books (which are real books)

>> No.16323894
File: 7 KB, 190x265, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is real literature

>> No.16323906

>gets BTFO and shown to be a pseud
>resorts to namecalling and making character assumptions
Every single time.

>> No.16323918

1) OP made this up. It clearly never happened
2) OP thought a bunch of anons were going to come in here and clap for him.
3) OP is a sad human being.

>> No.16323924
File: 26 KB, 327x499, 51sIPBiMS7L._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*do you have a problem? say that to my face*

>> No.16323938

t. doesn't understand allegory

>> No.16323955

This. The Stranger by Camus is a better philosophical text than Fagel

>> No.16323963

Lol I wouldn't know because I haven't read either but I wanted to mock non-fiction autists

>> No.16323967

>1) OP made this up. It clearly never happened
Doesn't change the message
>2) OP thought a bunch of anons were going to come in here and clap for him.
>3) OP is a sad human being.
Maybe, depends on your definition of sad

>> No.16323987

The message is retarded and based on your arbitrary definition of literature
The message is retarded and based on your arbitrary definition of literature
The message is retarded and based on your arbitrary definition of literature

>> No.16324024


>> No.16324096

literary literature vs books

>> No.16324540
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>> No.16324588

This is what happens when you let /lit/ get to you. This is what it does do your brain, heart, and soul. Leave this place before it's too late bros.

>> No.16324678

You are a retard

>> No.16324714

It might be easier to come up with a name for OP to distinguish him from normal people.
Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.16324742

Anon, the word your thinking of is “literature” because the term is typically associated with high quality; a “book” is a method for presenting large quantities of written and visual information in a portable form, it’s not a denoter of quality. Using “book” in the selective way you do doesn’t just make you seem pretentious, it makes you seem verbally retarded.

>> No.16324745


>> No.16324746

you thought she was talking about picture books?

>> No.16324750


>> No.16324754


>> No.16324765

>me: "it depends, in the last couple of weeks i didn't really read"
>me: "i read iliad and odysses recently"
>I didn't really read
>I read
How fucking retarded are you anon?

>> No.16324779

some kinda retard

>> No.16324785

To be fair, the launchpad for this discussion was already subterranean, OP is, in fact, a faggot. To be equally fair stop lowering yourselves to the level of OP, faggots.
>t. faggot here.