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16319914 No.16319914 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any computer science books that are actually worth reading?

>> No.16320193

The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth

>> No.16320205

i wish i could get into programming for relatively easy bux but it's so boring for me. I had courses and classes in uni but it was such a drag.

>> No.16320215

What do you mean, worth reading? They are textbooks, not novels. If you are interested in a subject, you choose a decent textbook and start reading and doing the exercises.

>> No.16320429

imo the classics are still very much worth reading.

the dragon book

>> No.16320488

Programmers make for some tremendously shitty book writers. I have tried reading dozens of programming books, mainly regarding algorithms, data structures and l*sp, and could not finish a single one. I couldn't even skim trhough it because of how much of a pain it is to read them.
You're better off learning by checking out basic tutorials, quickly starting your own project, googling anything you need to know (learning to ask the right question cannot be taught, this you learn on your own), after you get the hang of it just read official documentation/standards specification. Worst case scenario you have to ask for help on stack overflow/plebbit/forums/4channel slash g.

Dont waste your time on bullshit tectbooks by literally -who academic faggots.

>> No.16320531

me too. or rather i hate the idea of/am too lazy to work for free on 'personal projects'

has anyone done one of those bootcamps?

>> No.16320714

>You're better off doing Youtube tutorials and google.

Are you sure about this? Especially when you have hundreds of free MIT courses for this stuff?

>> No.16320726

I always assumed bootcamps were the equivalent of devry degrees.

>> No.16320734


The only thing I dislike about it is the needless physics exercises in the early chapters that simply assume you know the background theory.

>> No.16321284
