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16318345 No.16318345 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will improve my guts(courage). I want books of total badasses. You think you can do that /lit/?

>> No.16318354


I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.

>> No.16318359
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>> No.16318390

Do other people see the blue sunken in and the red popping out or am I just fucked?

>> No.16318401

Short Happy Life of Francis Cucumber

>> No.16318453

I see it too

>> No.16318572

Courage is best cultivated through practice. What would you do if you were braver? Face that fear, in a manageable quantity.

>> No.16318577

Shorter Hippias asks what is courage

>> No.16318722

learn color theory, red always sticks out

>> No.16319039

is this bait?

>> No.16319070
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>I want books of total badasses.

>> No.16319106

unironically bronze age mindset

>> No.16319122
File: 219 KB, 868x1024, 5742939346464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guru Granth Sahib

>> No.16319127

My idol is Rev. Jim Jones because he killed tons of people. Over 900. xD

>> No.16319131

clearly you havent read the book

>> No.16319135

marvel movies

>> No.16319164


>Believe me. You wouldnt want a world without me! Youd rather be dead than live in a world without me!

>> No.16319211
File: 236 KB, 250x336, bhagavad_gita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16319351

the popping effect is due to the coulouring, but also the amount of narrow strokes in the blue letters, especially the Ns.

>> No.16319508

Read deadpool

>> No.16319556

The stoics are where its at. Not to be all badass about it but few months ago there was a guy attacking my neighbors house and car with a sledge hammer and I went out to confront him he pulled a gun on me. I didn't have a shred of fear and I didn't back down at all because I recognized that ultimately whatever he did with it is out of my control. I kept calling him a faggot and telling him to come fight me but I wasn't properly escalating the situation, so eventually he just slunk away and later got arrested for his trouble.

>> No.16319581

In short, you are a lucky retard

>> No.16319609

I don't think there was anything lucky about. I had a pretty good read on him and he looked intimidated so if i would have ducked away he might have gotten brave.

>> No.16319641
File: 47 KB, 615x410, gamma knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to improve your courage and no longer experience fear, all you have to do is get your amygdalae surgically destroyed.


>> No.16319672


>> No.16319789


>> No.16319809


>> No.16319812

There are things you cannot learn by reading a book, my fren.

>> No.16320330

Why wouldn't you be able to learn courage? You have to have some idea of what courage is and how to practice it before you can actually put it into practice. Books are one way of sharing that idea.

>> No.16320729

>You have to have some idea of what courage is and how to practice it before you can actually put it into practice

Dont you already?

>> No.16321105

Whether I have the knowledge or not is irrelevant to whether or not that knowledge can be conveyed through books.

>> No.16321651

knowledge learned through words on a page is infinitely inferior to knowledge learned through active engagement in the world

when you read and think, you can only simulate according to what is in your head, which is extremely limited. you gain no actual information here. only solipsisim

through engagement with the outside you gain actual accurate and helpful information, the only kind that matters.

the best advice i can give you is to make peace with your mortality, accept and embrace death, and go out into the world and constantly push your boundaries.
chances are you cant or wont do this though, and the second best option is to instead put yourself into situations or environments where your boundaries will be pushed outside of your will.

when you act

>> No.16321892

You're trying to make a distinction between learning and practice as if I'm conflating the two. You have to learn courage before you practice it, just like any other virtue. Some people are taught to be courageous by their parents, others have to learn it from somewhere else and books are one way of learning it.

>> No.16322103

You need to look at courage not as a separate concept but as something deeply tied to something else. and that is purpose. Courage is a mix of two factors, ability and confidence in purpose. If you do not believe in the purpose, in the end goal, then your "courage" will not be manifested in the specific case. There are men who will do everything in their strength to fight for their nation, country, or family, because they believe in what they are fighting for, there are men who are entirely apathetic towards these things.

We live in a crisis of belief, atheism and abandoning religion is just one of the manifestations of this, but fact is that all virtues are being deconstructed and trampled, hence courage is disappearing.

>> No.16322140

>books that will improve my guts
Real life is not a Persona game, faggot.

>> No.16322142

You don't really need courage to deal with sheboons or women in general bro.