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/lit/ - Literature

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16318214 No.16318214 [Reply] [Original]

My argument is that, because .epub and other similar files are effectively identical to each other, and you use the exact "book"(your tablet, e-reader etc) to read all of these different texts, that removes a lot of potential to retain the information.
With a .pdf on your monitor or tablet, you do have unique pages, in color etc, but you still lose the interaction with the physical pages and the tactility, the smell, a stain in the corner of one page- all of this aids retention. With an .epub on your e-reader, you lose all of these aids; everything is identical no matter what you read(physical, visual, olfactory, etc). With a .pdf on your monitor or tablet, you lose most of these aids(you have a slight visual aid and nothing else).
This is basic knowledge in memory retention or improvement, pedagogy, etc. We want studies to demonstrate it, but only to confirm. I'm also not touching upon the fact that these electronic devices are high-octane distraction in a box, more so than anything else in human history. That does not help, at all.

>> No.16318219
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>> No.16319938

It was not refuted.

>> No.16319953

that's because it is correct, but e-weenies may not admit it

>> No.16320040

You're entirely correct, but I am poor, so I use .epub (which tends to be smaller in filesize, and has customizable font, spacing, etc, which is helpful in some occasions, so I prefer it to alternatives) and .pdf to get books for free.

I would like to have a large library of physical books some day, with handwritten notes in the margins, but alas, today is not that day.

>> No.16320049

We have about a dozen spam threads that aren't good enough of a material for a single one Anon.

>> No.16320051

yea this guy's right
in college i would keep a bag of cheetos next to me for studying. i'd eat the cheetos and smear my orange fingers all over each page. i aced every exam.

>> No.16320228

Yes, correct.

>> No.16320239



>> No.16320249

It was a good thread and assblasted butterfly deleted it because he has a $50 Kobo and was unable to cope with the fact that he will never, ever be able to afford a $500 13" Sony Digital Paper capable of handling native PDFs.

>> No.16320606
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We will also have it tomorrow, eretard. :)

>> No.16321263

I use a high resolution monitor. Textbooks are prohibitively expensive, even used. It's either this or I can't afford to read.

>> No.16322417


>> No.16323405


>> No.16323472

PDF and physical book Chads, unite.

>> No.16323491

I use pdfs for technical books and paper books for stuff I want to enjoy. Works well on a cost and enjoyment basis.

>> No.16323530

I don't follow
Aren't all books inherently the same? Maybe font and special headers change but thats it, how is an .epub any different?
.pdf is good for textbooks but I don't see what the difference would be for simple novels

>> No.16323656


>> No.16323678

Plain text is for plebs.

>> No.16323698

DPTS1's don't exist anymore. Nowadays it's all about Boox.

>> No.16324830


>> No.16324853

>Plain text is for plebs.
It's called reflowable text, you ignorant piece of shit. Stop calling text clearly formatted by CSS and html tags 'unformatted'.

>> No.16324857

The patrician method is to buy a used copy of the book and read that most of the time, but then download an epub of the book to read on your phone for when the physical book is inaccessible.

>> No.16324864

Of course you're right, but the physical equivalent to my digital library would cost in the thousands. It's just not worth it for most situations.

>> No.16324879

Reflowable text is pure evil.

>> No.16324888


I have 500 books in something thinner than any book I ever owned, while my old books collect dust and decay on shelves here. I further can easily look up concepts on alternate tabs, copy text, use ctrl+F, etc etc. Whatever is lost from the paper book (and for sure there are some things lost) is more than supplanted by what is gained with the new technology, not to mention how much easier it is to find half of the books out there in pdf/epub form.

Go retain your AIDS somewhere else.

>> No.16324896

Sorry to hear that you are mired in poverty.