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16314254 No.16314254 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16314258

It's not. Whoever thinks French post structuralists and Nietzsche is a fascist needs a lobotomy.

>> No.16314261

Autism for orderliness translates to fascism.

>> No.16314271

It isn't, marxism, socialism, communism is attractive to intellectuals because it's a good cause and has a rich philosophical foundation

>> No.16314281

that book is a joke, wolin is a retard

>> No.16314338

or maybe it just gives them a self-congratulatory position?

>> No.16314591

too bad its fantasy

>> No.16314598


>> No.16314602

I like that painting.

That is all.

>> No.16314635

lack of empathy

>> No.16314645

the aesthetics are but intellectually it's barren

>> No.16314646

>destroying civilization is a good cause
marxism is retard tier

>> No.16314647

*lack of empathy for jews
They have great empathy for their ethnicity. But no empathy for lying kikes robbing their fellow man with usury

>> No.16314792

nope, there you go falling for their strawman

>> No.16314800

>He thinks civilization is real

>> No.16314808

it's really not but it's attractive to young ppl because the left twitter etc demonizes it and our liberal overlords don't look for universal solutions

>> No.16314822

>thinks humans can engineer utopia without totalitarian political thinking
come back to /lit/ when you graduate college Billy

>> No.16314832

Worth a download for the translation of Juenger's assessment of total war.

>> No.16315135

People like Wolin, Mehlman, and Sternhell are a special kind of retard.

>> No.16315151

The way Wolin uses fascism and "totalitarianism" has become an especially odious buzzword. Apparently everyone is "fascist" who doesn't stand on the ivory tower of absolute reason and "common sense". From Plato to Nato etc.

>> No.16315300

Intellectuals seem disproportionately drawn to Marxism which at least sustained itself for longer than the speed-fueled meme that was Fascism.

>> No.16315408

>Class oppression = civilization
You're retard tier

>> No.16315418

Then why did it work as well as it did in the USSR, and why does it continue to work excellently in the PRC and the DRPK?

>> No.16315442
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Because you don't know what Fascism is and read bad books to reinforce this lack.

>> No.16315544

This. Humanism is a white man's idea. Other cultures didn't develop from humanism so their people wouldn't hesitate to cut your throat

>> No.16315562

Define 'working well'

>> No.16315569

>Why do intellectually superior people think they should dictate to the masses?

Truly a mystery. Though they wont ever openly embrace Fascism specifically, they were apologists for the Soviet vanguard state up until it became impossible.

>> No.16315583

>existence of classes = oppression
get fucked faggot tier commie

>> No.16315588

Huh? It's seductive to the middle class pragmatic yet just ideal enough to care about some spook. There isn't much for intellectuals to masturbate about with the ideology and stembugs could give a fuck about anything as long as they can jack their lil pp's in a lab

>> No.16315598

People in China and the DRPK live better than people do in the US. The government actually provides for the workers and gives them universal healthcare and guarantees them employment and the basic necessities to live.

>> No.16315621

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To a Communist, everything is oppression -- unless under their boot, of course.

>> No.16315624

Gotcha, so you've never been to China I see. You have no idea mate

>> No.16315760

Contaminated mindware.

>> No.16315790

fascism led to a massive brain drain cause it scared away jewish and leftist intellectuals what the fuck are you talking about. the fascist knew this and said they'd rather be rid of them then keep the brainpower. History will tell you how that turned out for them.

>> No.16315837

Many who have come to grips with human existence have wanted humanity to aspire to more than individualist, materially-satiated hedonism, which is the end-state of the utopian socialism/communism.

>> No.16315858

Fascism didn't lose because of brain drain, fascism lost because the elite of international capitalism reject collective ideologies and instead favor systems which atomize peoples and make them easy to get rid of. This will culminate in radical depopulation of the global lower classes when automation makes their labor unnecessary to sustain their lifestyle and advance human technical achievement.

>> No.16315894

Spend enough time reasoning and you come to the point of realizing that nothin' means nothin' and it's all one big cope.
So you start to look around for novel forms of unreason so you can try and trick yourself into thinking that something matters again.

>> No.16317266

It's too bad its comfy philosophical foundation doesn't account for its shit economic foundation

>> No.16317358

the logical implication of this is that civilization ceased to exist around the time of the creation of agriculture.

>> No.16318204
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Define global lower class. Who is this exactly?

>> No.16318231

That's genuinely true. If anything, fascism attracted more poets if anything. WB Yeats, Pound. They were attracted to fascism's promise of resurrecting the mystique of antiquity . But the objective fact is that fascist thought gives you much less to chew on compared to marxist thought. There is no correlate in fascism to Marx, whose intellectual and academic achievements utterly outpace anything a fascist thinker has produced. Which makes some level of sense given that fascism is all about taking action and not splitting hairs about some semantic quibble.
Fascism believes that praxis can embody theory. Marxism believes they are separate concerns but mutually supportive. Capitalism, in contrast, smartly leaves the political question out of its equations and seeks what brings profit, which inevitably, as history has surely proven, leads to absolute political power in the end leaving both fascism and marxism looking like little pipsqueaks.

>> No.16318240

Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall is the closest thing we've got to an ironclad law of economics, anon...

>> No.16318247

>Capitalism, in contrast, smartly leaves the political question out of its equations and seeks what brings profit, which inevitably, as history has surely proven, leads to absolute political power in the end leaving both fascism and marxism looking like little pipsqueaks.
Although I should add at least marxism has the wherewithal to comprehend this and see the realities. Meanwhile fascism is jerking itself off about "muh race! muh nation! muh ancenstry!" and other spooks while capitalism grinds it beneath its heels.

>> No.16318250

any book recs for this(or in general)?

>> No.16318255

Marxists barely pass a Turing test.

>> No.16318288

Because intellectuals are anti-bourgeois romanticists. Intellectuals and artists have always been the handmaidens of tyranny. AJP Taylor is quite right when he says that the notion that artists are defenders of democracy and civil liberty is one of the strangest myths of the modern age.

>It isn't!
Tell that to Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, Giovanni Gentile, Salvador Dali, Gabriele D'Annunzio, W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, Knut Hamsun, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Wyndham Lewis, Gottfried Benn, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Robert Brasillach, Lucien Rebatet. Fascism was an intellectual movement before it was a political one.

>> No.16318333

Hmm i'm not sure. I was making a general point. What do you mean by "this"?
Fascism is a true historical oddity, with its intellectual roots in romanticism of all things. All those faggy poets dreaming about heroism and midnight storms, secret truths hidden in the forests of depthless time, ultimately found expression in Nazi occultism and Italian fascist irredentism . (The latter of which is blatantly unjustified on the face of it, it's basically saying you have the right to conquer and violate other countries because people who inhabited your country thousands of years ago violated and conquered them, but anywayl)
Fascism does have some intellectual support, but much of it is make-believe, bald assertion, pure fabrication, or magical thinking.
Mussolini (or rather his ghost writer Giovanni Gentile) had some good thoughts. But Hitler's Mein Kampf is a laughable incel-manifesto tier where he bitches and moans without substance or analysis.
The greatest theoretician of fascism to my mind is Oswald Mosley, who was a of a different breed altogether, and who seemed to combine the forceful might of the fascist position with carefully balanced arguments and analysis. Had he been given a fraction of the power Hitler was, there would have been no holocaust, and fascism might have succeeded, and the world might even be a more sensibly ordered place today.

>> No.16318362

Then what is fascism?

>> No.16318370

Fascism is not a coherent political ideology or philosophy, it appeals to cynics and plebs

>> No.16318437
File: 125 KB, 1080x739, Fascism hot take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16318449

Is it a de Chirico?

>> No.16318459

Because its the logical conclusion to the enlightenment. Which was the peak of intellectualism and positivist thought.

>> No.16318483

"Universal health care in china".....lol,...nigga whattt.? not in the china i know

>> No.16319538

How is it the logical conclusion?

>> No.16319592

>people in grinding poverty live better than people with jobs and cars

Get starved and genocided, tankie faggot.

>> No.16319607

>they lost because muh mutual exchange system
>not because the little corporal started a 2 front war with his entire neighborhood
>private property raped my mother and killed my father

ur a faget

>> No.16319692

You're making the mistake of viewing Fascism as a country instead of an ideological system. Communism, for instance, was not just the USSR, it is a system of belief which is alive and well but which has failed to gain ground in the world for the same reasons as fascism.

>> No.16319729

WW2 Germany was a proof of concept for fascism just as the USSR was a meant to be for communism. While I get what you're saying, I don't think the two can be totally separated when talking about fascism's decline.

>> No.16319764

While I'm a fascist, I realize that it's impossible to have it implemented into society these days - the suppression and taboos are simply too strong. Which is also why commies and marxists won't get a shot either. This might change in the future, but for now..

>> No.16319771

Please go back to leftypol. All of you.