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File: 455 KB, 1622x2045, epicurian paradox problem of evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16311584 No.16311584 [Reply] [Original]

Because i was typing a reply when it closed, so i'm just gonna finish what i started.

>It doesn't follow at all that an amoral God approves of all morals any more if follows that he disapproves of all morals. Such things as approval and disapproval hide value-judgements that an absolute being could not possibly share in.

I've already explained this in the thread, morals are finite sets of actions, power is the capacity to act and actions are proof of that power, an all powerful god is a god that enacts all actions thus and as a consequence all moralities. There is only 1 value judgement a creator god makes: to create. An absolutely moral god is without relativistic morals therefore relativistically amoral, unlike everything sentient in this world.
Your god is not amoral because there is a heaven and hell system in place, a bible and endless legions of denominations wielding huge amounts of wealth to proselytize. Your a fucking moron if you genuinely think your god is amoral because an amoral god would have never specified what is moral and what is immoral.

>Objectivity isn't truth, truth is being objective. Knowledge is power, so might makes right. You sound like some next-level esoteric SJW when you talk about truth.

Yes, a capacity for action is not proven until it is demonstrated, immanence of beING and doING.
Yes, knowledge is power, if you can't admit that then you're a liar.
Yes, might makes right, acting makes actions...can't get more obvious than.
What does esotericism have to do with supporting social justice?

>Finally you're just strawmanning like a baby; I never said that God was morally relativistic, but you took my words and flipped them on their head to make it seem like I had said the opposite of what I did.

i know you never said it and that's the problem, your god is morally relativistic because he acts according to his whims, the infinite power amoral god i speak of is a pantheistic one.

>In short, if I am deceitful, you are on another level of deceit that makes me look amateurish.

No i'm just presuming your deceitful because i can't experience the cognitive dissonance chrisitans go through when trying to expain the problem of evil.

>> No.16311591

Have sex

>> No.16311604

Daily reminder that if god existed xe would be a brave black woman

>> No.16311631
File: 49 KB, 618x618, 1580433908079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call back in a month thot, i'll give you cervical cancer once i have my wizardly dick enchantments.

>> No.16311751

the problem of evil is a complete and exclusive human circle jerk deriving from the idea that god wont come and save you or heal you physically if you get hurt, the whole thing makes no sense you're making a fuzz out of something inexistent

>> No.16312111
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1556731092210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's derived from the idea god is an asshole and if he saves me it will be from a problem he caused.

>> No.16312115

my name is rose and i tried to but mr d. said i was too fat and needed to hit the tredmill

>> No.16312145
File: 99 KB, 700x875, 1582675280499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does God want to prevent evil? No? Then God is not good

False. Also imagine having the audacity to think you can judge God who by definition has infinite knowledge. Humans don't even know what sleep is or how anaesthetic properly works let alone vastly complex metaphysical systems of suffering, faith and sacrifice instituted by the actual creator of existence. We were never meant to, either. If you come by true Faith then you simply know that you cannot think on the same level as God. I have no doubt that He exists and I sincerely believe in Him, but part of faith is knowing that we don't have all the answers.

To make this a bit more productive, can I direct you to a former Pope's theories on the problem of pain:

And also the concept of Redemptive Suffering, which is a fascinating topic in Theology and also lends a distinct perspective to suffering as a means of salvation:

Read those two, OP, and see how you feel.

>> No.16312351

>Trying to attribute human concepts such as morality or logic to God
here is why you are having trouble, the true definition of God(The One) transcends and integrates all categories and dualities that we might apply or perceive, he is pre-categorical.
If you are reffering to God as the Demiurge(in the platonic sense) then you can easily see that he is not all knowing and omnipresent(and a bunch of other divine attributes that people tend to give this "God") by the arguments already made

>> No.16312530

evil exists because we let it. please stop making these awful threads and stop justifying being awful. go outside and repent.