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16310768 No.16310768 [Reply] [Original]

Do /lit/anons dream vividly? If so, do you use your dreams as literary material?

>> No.16310793

no I found my dreams so painfully boring that I purposefully trained my self to never remember them

>> No.16310822
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Yeah. I want to, but it's pretty goddamn hard to retain them upon returning to consciousness. Also, for all their aesthetics, they're almost never deeply meaningful or intellectually interesting, so no big loss.

>> No.16310861

On occasion I have very vivid dreams, that are almost perfectly constructed narratives in and of themselves. On one occasion, the narrative was so perfectly executed, that as I was beginning to awaken, I asked myself “what is this story titled?”, and I said its name just as I opened my eyes. Some of my best stories have come to me this way, and honestly, it sometimes feels like cheating.
Although it is not always so easy. Sometimes I have a dream that seems similarly perfect, only to review it upon waking and realize that it is dithering gibberish.

>> No.16310879

My most vivid dreams are too mundane. I dream about things like repairing the plumbing under my sink, or taking the train to West philly, or getting a haircut. I have no idea what my brain is trying to tell me

>> No.16311013

I dont dream, what do bros

>> No.16311022

set an alarm to go off an hour or so before you actually have to get up. Go to the washroom or something then go back to sleep.

>> No.16311030

I live a very boring life and I remember almost all my dreams. Most of them are nightmares (I also suffer from sleep paralysis frequently), all of them are beyond vivid and I struggle to tell the difference between the incorporeal dream plane and reality. My dreams are very often inspired by books, films, and WoW. I'm sure if I ever got around to waking up fully and living a life, I would use them for inspiration.

>> No.16311038

Drink a bunch of water before bed. Everyone dreams you just don’t remember them.

>> No.16311039

Not really a lot of my dreams are pretty boring, maybe because my mind already thinks crazy shit while Im awake so when I sleep I have nothing much

>> No.16311041

I dream extremely vividly nearly every night, it's my favorite thing in the world. I have definitely used feelings, sequences and images from dreams in my creative work, but more often in my cinematic pursuits

>> No.16311052

You don't remember.

Also it's hard to track them. I actually think dreams have meaning but because you can't remember everything you miss the point.

I'm gonna be called an /x/ retard but in dreams I often get answers to my questions. But most of the time it's just mundane shit.

I hope tech get there to create images of our dreams. I'll pay top dollar for those dreams that give me peace.

>> No.16311053

Seconding this, works literally every time. Also don't try to be a hero, write everything you remember immediately after you wake up (the second time). It will get easier and easier and if you're lucky you can gain a bit more autonomy in your dream

>> No.16311062

Like lucid dream type shit? Ive been trying to oucid dream for a while, i just dont think it works for me at this point

>> No.16311071
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>but in dreams I often get answers to my questions.
wanna know why anon?

>> No.16311078


I know.

>> No.16311080

Yeah I had a dream last night that my dick got torn off. That was pretty annoying.

>> No.16311086

If you want seriously intense dreams take Remeron and Melatonin together. It will drop you like you've never been dropped before, xanax and heroin have nothing on the feeling of Rem and Mel taken together. It's the most natural feeling of tiredness you'll ever experience. Fingered crossed you do not have a nightmare because it will be the worst you've ever had.

>> No.16311092

How tf do i get prescription antidepressants. Ive tried taking like 30 mg of melatonin and nothing came of it how much do i need to take?

>> No.16311095

I hate stuff like that. Worse one was where I semi-dreamt I had crushed my own teeth together. It felt so real yet so fleeting

>> No.16311122

Lately I've been having some crazy dreams with explosions and action-flick tier plots. Also had, less than a week ago, what felt like the longest dream I've had. I watched like 3 different movies in it and then I was inside a different movie but also watching the movie, it felt like days. I've tried to catch reoccurring themes and I get a lot of unknown or barely known women, a lot of highschool friends (that I haven't talked to or know anything about in years), and also have got situations where I get caught after doing something and playing innocent.

Once I was trying to do a muscle up and I corrected my form in a dream, then when I trained irl again I got it at the first try.

>> No.16311135

Just ask for it. If the doctor says no go to another doctor. If that doesn't work the darkweb drug markets will have it for cheap. Was it real melatonin or the natural stuff? Years ago I would abuse melatonin and it would cause me to have vivid dream like daydreams. I wouldn't suggest doing that though.

>> No.16311139
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>Do /lit/anons dream vividly?
I've experienced things like being gassed in WWI trench and catching fire by electrocution in my dreams. The gassing was a psychedelic and rather entertaining experience while in the electrocution death one I was handling a power cable when I got hit by the current and couldn't let go, I fell down gripping onto the cable I started to smoke, it was legit painful and made me wake up

>> No.16311145

I dont think its natural just took 40 mg gonna see if i het finally get to bed

>> No.16311174

>Do /lit/anons dream vividly?
Extremely, although they're mostly nightmares. I can usually feel pain vividly in my dreams too.

For example, the other day I had a dream where there was a cat who kept swiping at my legs. The swipes hurt and I was genuinely scared, so I picked the cat up under its belly and squeezed it hard. It kept biting and scratching my arm, which hurt like hell, so I switched my grip in a way that it couldn't do too much, although it was still digging its claws into my arm.

Another time I fell asleep after my alarm when I was supposed to be getting up early. All of a sudden I dreamed, almost immediately, that there were bed bugs crawling all over my body. I could feel their teeth latch into my skin as they sucked my blood, and as they sucked, they would get bigger and it would hurt even worse. Eventually I woke up ~15 minutes after I had fallen asleep.

I still remember the worst dream I've ever had, in which I felt for sure it was reality, and I was stuck in some sort of epileptic seizure in which I couldn't communicate to others around me and was going to be that way forever. Later on I woke up - in the dream - in a parking lot naked while it was raining, asked some girl to marry me and she ran away, then went back and finally woke up irl on the floor. There was more to the dream than that but it's the gist of it and I was afraid to sleep for the next week.
Melatonin is the fucking craziest shit and I've had insane dreams while on it.

>> No.16311176

It must be natural. What country are you from? I can't get real melatonin here in Australia without a script but I think Americans can get the real stuff OTC.

>> No.16311179
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>Also, for all their aesthetics, they're almost never deeply meaningful or intellectually interesting, so no big loss.
Lmao read a book.

>> No.16311181

>Melatonin is the fucking craziest shit and I've had insane dreams while on it.
Yep that's real melatonin. For that other anon this is what you should experience of it's the real stuff.

>> No.16311191

>For that other anon this is what you should experience of it's the real stuff.
By the way these dreams I talked about weren't on melatonin, they were just my natural dreams, but I'm sure someone who doesn't dream much or has non-vivid dreams would probably experience something like those. My melatonin dreams were wacky and I was in the dreams for hours and hours. I think the one was set in some sort of weird alien world with jellyfish that you would jump on to move around, and you would move through the air very slowly while doing so.

>> No.16311197

sometimes jokes come to me in dreams, their way funnier than anything i could come up with while awake but most of the time the setup is too complicated to tell. if you take zinc before you sleep after a while you'll notice your dreams become more intense.

>> No.16311198

Jungian dream analysis led me to take better care of my truck.

>> No.16311208

I dreamt the entirety of Eraserhead despite not having seen it on Melatonin. Only the cast was replaced by me and my then gf. The only Lynch I'd seen at that point was season 1 of twin peaks.

>> No.16312028

Yeah it doesn't happen every time or anything and there are varying levels. Like sometimes instead of just feeling a natural, guiding force you have a more assured sense that you are making "conscious" decisions that can lead your dream in a certain direction. Other times you are literally in your dream and you are able to think to yourself "I am in a dream and I am completely aware of it and now I'm going to do this thing". It is amazing both ways

>> No.16312038

I've been shot in my dreams several times. I've also been "high" and "ejaculated". Those three were the most noticeable and distinct within-dream sensations

>> No.16312042

Somewhat vividly, I usually have 1-2 every night but I only record them if they're interesting. I haven't written anything but bigass plans yet but I have incorporated some stuff into that.
Often I dream about people I know, even those I haven't seen or talked to in years but there are scenarios, places and things which I will probably use. It's definitely not consistently good as material though.

>> No.16313515

One time I woke up cackling like a maniac because I dreamt I was browsing /ck/ and came up with the pun "Himalayan punk salt." My warm body at the time was confused and frightened.