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16310586 No.16310586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>here's your Church of the Demiurge, bro

Were the gnostics right all along?

>> No.16310594

Protestants were a mistake.

>> No.16310604 [DELETED] 

Pro-lgbtqrxtuvwxyz does imply pro-trans already.

Silly Catholics will do anything to get attendance up.

>> No.16310610

I think tradcaths have a point bros

>> No.16310614


>> No.16310642
File: 18 KB, 220x349, 220px-Fr._Serpahim_Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing worse than protestants are gnostics. The mother Church will survive and these petty wiles of the antichrist come to pass.

>> No.16310683

Death to all prods

>> No.16310703

This is sad on so many levels. Modernity truly corrupts the soul.

>> No.16311599

I think trans look silly but I don't hate them or wish death on them. Dude, if you go outside like that you will get stares. Use your fucking head.

>> No.16311672

If your brother became a heroin addict, and you love your brother, would you encourage him to continue his habit? No! You wouldn't. You try and get him to stop. You hate the thing that he does; does that mean you don't love him? Of course not! For it is exactly because you love him that you hate the thing that he does. Likewise, when a follower of Jesus discourages wicked and degenerate behavior, we do it not out of hatred towards the person, but hatred towards the degeneracy the do. Why? Out of of love for the person.

>> No.16311680

based retard

>> No.16311694

Indeed, but since the institution of Church has been becoming more and more weak and irrelevant, now we have priests pandering to all sorts of degeneracy and dancing on our screens. This isn't about what is right or what is love; it's about the Church losing its power.

>> No.16311762

Why did I have to be born in such a lame epoch? Surely we're due for a reckoning soon

>> No.16311790

There just aren't any governing bodies that can unilaterally suppress such things anymore. If you let people do whatever they want, then they will. I don't say this to support something like Catholicism, though. It's simply something that's going to occur on account of human sinfulness.

>> No.16311801

That priest is definitely fucking and sucking every boy who walks through those church doors

>> No.16311848

Kek I take it you don't watch the news often.

>> No.16311883

If I have to watch the news in order in order to experience the happening, then it's not really happening at all

>> No.16311891

There's nothing exciting or interesting about progressivism, identity politics, and racial grievances, no matter how much they riot and scream about it. It all strikes me as incredibly bland and banal. It's a movement that is spiritually dead, a soulless husk animated by its corporate puppetmasters. Watching the news gives me no entertainment.

>> No.16311897

Oh how the world could have been different if only the retard Constantine was given a copy of the Enneads instead of the (((Bible))).

>> No.16311907

Love the guy. Makes Tradtards seethe.

>> No.16311915

modern Christians:

>> No.16311931

The most pathetic thing about this is that it doesn't win anything. What I mean is, it's not going to make leftists accept Christianity. It's not going to make them like you. If anything they're just laughing at you, because they know they defeated you. It's like beating someone up and then making them dance around and act happy about it.

>> No.16311963

And on top of that your congregation or denomination is just going to die out because your church now offers nothing that distinguishes it from the secular world. If the world and the church are the same, why do I need to wake up and go to this place every Sunday morning? It's a joke, and most places like this are populated primarily with elderly people. You sell your soul and you don't even get anything out of it, lol.

>> No.16312062


>> No.16312077

Catholics are the best, but the best Protestants are better than the best Catholics.

>> No.16312105

unless they pass

>> No.16312114

That’s a big if

>> No.16312122
File: 78 KB, 960x640, 1588816390908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this is not a Catholic priest, it's a Protestant pastor.

>> No.16312133

Daily reminder that trad larping around one or two cardinals will not solve anything. Either Jesus lied about the Church surviving until he comes back or the Catholic church is not the church he set up. Simple as

>> No.16312138

And? Your local Catholic bishop is probably setting up a gay pride parade to sponsor as we speak.

>> No.16312147

>he thinks burger politics matters

>> No.16312158

>Either Jesus lied about the Church surviving until he comes back or the Catholic church is not the church he set up. Simple as
Catholics like to talk about how reasonable their faith is, but this is the one logical conclusion they're apparently incapable of even considering. Rather find some legalistic loophole somewhere that they can use to handwave everything away.

>> No.16312167

Images like this strike me as distinctly unchristian. The only way you get from primitive Christianity to this is conflating the church and the state together, by fusing the church into the world.

>> No.16312180

>noo! why isn't he hateful like Jesus would have wanted him to be!

>> No.16312223


you will never pass

>> No.16312231

Looks comfy.

>> No.16312233

Is that cardinal Burke?

>> No.16312261

The final argument against Cuckstianity is irrefutable - it has failed, absolutely and completely and forever. It has gone extinct. Spengler said the same thing.

The partition of "church" and "state" that defined post-Roman Western civilization and the critique of which forms one of the fundamental insights of the Traditionalists is probably the most significant structural flaw which opened the way for totalitarian ideologies of "secular" "liberal" "fascism" in the purely economic sense. Plato had warned about this ~2000 years before the English American and French Revolutions. The real innovation was in propaganda, in the impossibly successful effort to convince the most dogmatically religious peoples of all time that, strictly impossibly, they had no religion at all.

Christianity is simply the religion so unfathomably defective that it destroyed the entire category of "religion" for the European peoples, a feat totally unique in history.

>> No.16312281

Christianity has nothing to do with preserving any particular culture or civilization, so I don't see how it "failed." Temporal things like states will all pass away, so when you try to turn Christianity into some hybrid with the state, it too will pass away. You don't have Christianity then, you just have another government institution.

>> No.16312321

Christianity "failed" because there are no longer any Christians. God is dead, christcucks are larping. The post says "it has gone extinct" directly after it states that it has failed, defining what failed means in this context. Learn to read.

>> No.16312342

>there are no longer any Christians
This is factually untrue. It has indeed failed as an institution in most places, though.

>> No.16312345
File: 126 KB, 618x1024, SPQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity was, at its inception, and now at its decline, never about the worship of a kike on a stick; it was rather the devout worship of the downtrodden and oppressed.
You see, Nietzsche writes about this extensively in his famous essay titled 'On the Genealogy of Morals,' where he explicitly states that Christianity is a religion that deifies slave morality. One must remember the historical context when discussing the birth of Christianity - Rome in decline, with the majority of its population as slaves and foreigners. Naturally, these were the outsiders, the oppressed, the downtrodden, the weak and worthless. And lo and behold comes a faith with the mandate that "the meek will inherit the Earth," claiming that those who suffer now in this life will be all the more rewarded for it in the next. It turns all the ancient virtues on its head, turning all things good into bad, and all things bad into good.
Of course, once things settled down and the great mass of slaves and foreigners became peoples and nations; once a professional clergy emerged; once institutions were set up to foster and further the faith; once all this had came to be, there is indeed an argument to be made for Christianity's golden age, where the heroic virtues made a glorious return in the 'Perfect Christian Knight,' but it was not long for this world.
Now, of course, with Christianity well past its death throes, is it any surprise that it has once again become the sole domain of the weak and pathetic? Modern Christianity with all its hypocrisy and ugliness is simply a product of our times.

p.s. tradcaths are not at all based or redpilled - they dearly wish for the return of Christianity's golden age, but fail to understand that we cannot reclaim the past; we can only move forward into the great unknown

>> No.16312393

That is protestant. We aren't there yet. Robert sarah for pope anyhow

>> No.16312402

Robert sarah for pope.

>> No.16312417

Well, one could argue that one could remake the church, and Christianity, making something o the rotten supports and collapsed arches of this institution, a new Christianity for a new era you could say.

>> No.16312446

That man up there with the rainbow scarf is already making a new Christianity for a new era.

>> No.16312448

You're not wrong, but this isn't really a criticism of Christianity, because there aren't really ANY religions that can stand up to ZOG/Liberalism. Even Judaism is getting buttfucked by it, and they run it. Saying "Christianity failed" ignores that Islam is failing, Judaism is failing, etc. It's only in countries that are either explicitly Illiberal (Iran, China) or allowed to create Illiberal zones (Japan, India) that we see religion actually maintaining.

But then, Liberalism is just a Christian heresy, and Liberals don't actually not believe in God (in fact, they're explicit Creationists), so... really Christianity isn't failing, it's just shed its baggage and distilled itself down to its core, a revolutionary doctrine about engulfing the whole world in a constant atomized quest for holiness and purity.

>> No.16312507

>Liberalism is just a Christian heresy, and Liberals don't actually not believe in God (in fact, they're explicit Creationists)
Can you prove this?

>> No.16312515

Christianity is not a religion anymore, it is just another NGO.

>> No.16312519

>what's that goy? you're sad religion is failing? i'll have you know liberalism is holy and degeneracy is holiness

>> No.16312527
File: 116 KB, 501x621, zevi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This asshole fucked up all the Abrahamic religions forever.

>> No.16312531

A father (catholic sense) was excommunicated for being pro-lgbt
They don't really mess around

>> No.16312550

Nothing is worse than a protestant.

>> No.16312551


>> No.16312565

by pushing a fish around in a stroller?

>> No.16312883

The priest is probably aggressively heterosexual.

>> No.16312904

Catholics > Orthodox >>>>>>>>>> Jehova Witnesses >>>>>>>>> Atheists >>>>> Protestants

>> No.16312923

>t. trad LARPer

>> No.16312929

Go talk to them. They'll happily reify the existence of a creator, the supernatural, something "watching over them". They'll say they believe in "karma", but really they believe that some kind of higher power is watching them, rewarding them IN THIS LIFE for being good, punishing them IN THIS LIFE for being bad, actively testing them IN THIS LIFE, etc. The more self aware ones adopt Simulationism.

So why call themselves atheists? To save God from immorality. When Stephen Fry says "how dare you!", and calls Christianity "bronze age fairy tales", he's actually saying "how dare you say God could be as petty and horrid as Yahweh is in the Torah!". He's defending God from accusations of immorality. William James does something similar, solving the Problem of Evil by making God less powerful.

Atheism is a means of bullying less-extreme Liberals (Evangelical Christians are Liberals) and of securing further piety and holiness. It's part of this long-running attempt to turn Christianity in this weird historyless Noahidism. A sort of Abrahamic-Paganism, stripped of time.

Yes, that is correct. The Japanese are incredibly religious. They just don't see religion the same way as Westerners.

>> No.16312932
File: 58 KB, 640x960, AF5446DA224D441297FA447E9DA18C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one Holy and Apolstolic Catholic Church, and the Chair of Saint Peter is wobbly.

>> No.16312952

These sorts of churches are always empty. I've seen Rodney Stark talking about how studies show that more progressive a church becomes the more it's abandoned. It's one of the reasons Methodists are going extinct.

If I was Satan it's how I would attack the Church.

>> No.16312966


>> No.16313080

Indeed, why go to a liberal church when you can just watch CNN? There's nothing there that you can't get from any secular entertainment outlet, so why go through the trouble?

>> No.16313119

Give me one good reason why you should be against any of those things

>> No.16313124

>rome in decline
>in ~30ad

>> No.16313138

Bad analogy, if your brother has a heroin addiction you encourage him to OD quickly. Junkies drag everyone down who tries to help.

>> No.16313159

Because criticising those things is the only purpose Christianity has at this point. Disdain for homosexuals and transsexuals and mistrust of scientific research was the last point of connection Christianity had with the average person. I'm not saying that those things are objectively moral or actually correct, but I can see the absurdity of a Christian professing support for such things just as I could see the absurdity of Henry Ford professing a love for Chevrolet automobiles.

>> No.16313175

Christianity is dialectical. Biblical passages aren't set in stone as the ultimate way to do things or to be taken literally or there would still be a ton of insane thousands of year old laws being practiced by the church

>> No.16313183
File: 180 KB, 1207x802, Cortona_Rape_of_the_Sabine_Women_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reject modernity, embrace tradition
that's right, we're going all the way back

>> No.16313194

Because they're evil.
>Biblical passages aren't set in stone
Yes they literally are.

>> No.16313227

It really is pathetic. And the ironic thing is that young people experiencing an awakening, those looking for spirituality, are turned off by it. When the inner spirit reviles against modernity, against globohomo, against the monoculture, and against the chaos of moral relativism; when the soul yearns for peace amidst our sea of degeneration; and when the mind rebels against the sophistries of neoprogressivism, the balm for such ailments is not further debasement with a Christian aesthetic. It is the true Gospel of Christ. Christ loved the world with a love we can only hope to one day comprehend, and in that love broke bread with all manner of our kin: sinners. But the end of His boundless love's means was not endurance but salvation, not the tolerance of our sin but the redemption of us from it, and that through His sacrifice we could become new creatures, clean from the sins of our generation, and once again abide His presence and tolerate His holiness. And while it's true such a transformation is possible only through the power of His atoning sacrifice, it is a gift we must be willing, and anxious, to accept for ourselves. Displays such as this priest's are the height of heresy. Not just because of their perversions, but because in their magalomanic hubris they craft a new gospel and proffer it not for the glory of God, but for the acceptance of their priestcraft.

>> No.16313232

Rome's decline started in like 200BC dude. Decline is when you stop growing. It's when you're over the hill. A person begins to "decline" when they like, 30.

That doesn't mean you stop getting stuff, however.

Protestant, ergo shit.

>who is
He's on Tiktok, ergo shit.

>Pro-women's rights
Anti-Science, women aren't men, women are unhappy, women don't like being turned into weird shitty half-men for capitalism.

Sin, also faggotry is a mental illness and makes people miserable.

Sin, see above.

He isn't, so this is a lie, which is a sin.

>Not afraid of evolution
He doesn't believe in evolution, so this is a lie, which is a sin.

>Cool with other religions
The whole point of Christianity is to convert the entire planet to Christianity, so this is a sin.

>Cool with atheists
See previous.

>Not a hater
This is an incredibly dumb thing to say.

>All about love
His definition of "love" involves childrape, so this is a sin.

So yes, literally every statement he made on this was wrong and immoral.

>> No.16313247

That isn't a synagogue. Gnostics identified the God of the Old Testament as the demiurge.

>> No.16313250

Bizarre. They prefer their homosexuals stay child molesters.

Wow. Sorry, but that looks like no Protestant church to me. Still very off topic bullshit thread. Go make your own board.

>> No.16313281

>decline is when you stop growing
>roman decline started in 200 bc.
Clearly you didnt study the history of the roman empire

>> No.16313291

>Sorry, but that looks like no Protestant church to me.
If you mean the one in the OP, it's probably part of a "high church" denomination, which means they retain an episcopal structure, vestments, sacramental practices, etc. If I had to make a guess I'd say it's an Episcopal (Anglican) church.

>> No.16313304

And looks like I was wrong about the denomination. I googled his username and it's a United Methodist church.

>> No.16313311

That's the problem here (at least in my opinion) the church does indeed, move with the times. Over the years a lot of what you might call: "Biblical morality" has fallen away because it's intolerable to modern society. The LGBT issue was one of the last cases where the common man and the church were in total agreement and saw no room for amendment, if the church concedes that ground then they'll be entering a whole new phase of Christianity, a new phase where society completely informs Christian morality and the Bible informs nothing about social mortality. I think that's why people treat it as such a contentious issue, it's not about LGBT itself, it's about the idea of Christianity becoming totally subservient to the modern world.

>> No.16313318

Why do people like this even cling to being a christian anymore. Is it literally just snowflakeism?

>> No.16313326

Your problem is that you think "decline" means "a decrease in quantity". It doesn't. It's a decrease in quality. No historian would agree with your definition.

Go read a book. Here's one: Roman Aristocrats in Barbarian Gaul.

I was going to say, there's no way this guy isn't a Methodist.

>> No.16313342

Acceptance of homosexuality is also not just a simple moral issue. It overturns all of Christian anthropology and renders its entire ethical system baseless, not to mention that it reduces the Bible to tissue paper.

>> No.16313364

>pro-womens rights
A meaningless concept. Women have been the foremost victims of universal suffrage. As it stands today, this term almost always applies to so called bodily autonomy wherein the person should be "free" to abort and misuse it as they please without any legal or societal judgement which is simply a mask for bodily hedonism, which is more costly and pathetic than resorting to psycho pharmacological means.
Accepts false and untrue promises about human sexuality, denies any behavioural input. Sodomy itself is a perversion, that spreads countless diseases and accomplishes nothing. There is nothing to show for it other than a waste of time, effort, money all for an illusionary pleasure that's gone. It's a pathetic surrender and corruption of the worst elements of humanity which is why most theologians have rightfully called it the worst sin to exist, worse than murder. It inherently seeks to scandalize.
Same as above. The only advantage of trans is if met to completion (id est, surgical castration) the liability to snap and molest is drastically decreased.
This means pro pop-science , which is a series of hypotheses asserted as absolute fact.
>not afraid of evolution
This speaks to the evolution of ideas and a changing voluable aspect. It also erroneously pop-sciifies Darwin's theories and assumes "evolving" to be a verb where somehow the species knows to make a mutation here and there as needed which is cartoonish and shows absolutely no understanding of mutagenesis which also lends itself to the hairbrained assumption that should the elements of life exist elsewhere natural intelligent life is surely an outcome. It is the soiboi version of thinking something else is out there and is just a bad cope built on bastardizing science. In any case, the early church fathers seldom accepted a literal account of creation and there is no contradiction of evolution. In fine, this is merely a midwit statement designed to appeal to the brainlets who think the earth is 6000 years old.
>Cool with other religions
Is he cool with me contradicting and assailing his core beliefs? I doubt it. This is just a cope to be passive aggressive.
>not a hater
Unless he has had a prefrontal lobotomy, this is impossible which also makes him a liar.
>all about love
If he was full of love, he would prescribe the best course of action. Being a nice person doesn't mean you are full of love. It means you are a passive aggressive asshole who hides behind pretenses of civility.

>> No.16313413

>In any case, the early church fathers seldom accepted a literal account of creation and there is no contradiction of evolution.
The rest of your post is good but this is incorrect, cf. Basil's Hexaemeron, Maximus the Confessor; Byzantium calculating time from the Biblical creation of the world; there are councils which anathematize anyone who believes that Adam was subject to death (necessary for human evolution to occur); even Augustine states the world is less than 6000 years old and uses the Biblical timeline as his reasoning. The early church believed that the meaning of a text was not singular, that is, it has a literal component and an allegorical component, or whatever it may be. So the fact they understood Genesis in an allegorical or metaphorical manner does not mean that they did not also understand it literally. Divorcing the two is a modern concept.

>> No.16313436

To add, there is frankly no reason in the biblical text itself to understand Genesis as being exclusively non-literal. It is simply a description of an occurrence. There is no "as it were," etc. language to mark metaphor or mere appearance. The anti-literal viewpoint is adopted solely from modern, secular concerns, with the conclusion being that Genesis could not be accurately understood until the modern era, which is ridiculous on its face.