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1630972 No.1630972 [Reply] [Original]

>Ain't Misbehavin'
>Guide to democratic parenting

Are we near the nadir yet?

>> No.1630975

>father constantly beats me and my brother
>out of anger I beat my little brother often
>this morning wake up and find out dog is dead
>dog has been severely beaten
>figure my little brother probably did it
>shrug shoulders
>realize that's just life

>> No.1630989


>> No.1630994

father beats you -> you beat brother -> brother beats dog -> dog rapes mother -> mother beats father...

the cycle of life on every normal family

>> No.1630998

In my house my mom died when I was young so I had to rape the dog

>> No.1631004

>everything went better than expected

>> No.1631012


>> No.1631013

>parents never told me to do my homework
>never did my homework
>started skipping school
>parents tried talking to me but had no result
>father beats me once out of frustration
>i never skipped school again
>everything went better than expected

>> No.1631020

>"Stop beating the kids! That's not good for them!"
>value crisis
>Occident becomes the faggiest culture ever

thanks psychology

>> No.1631037

>A man argued that Sparta should set up a democracy, and to this, Lycurgus replied: "Begin with your own family."

The Spartans are rolling in their graves.

>> No.1631039

But the real question is, "did the man take his advice?"

>> No.1631050

Democratic Parenting?

Hahah, oh wow. Democrats make horrible parents! Just think of all the whacky deviances they support: gay marriage, pot smoking, feminization of men, abortion, etc. Talk about sowing the seeds of immorality.

It makes sense that they need a book to teach them how to be parents, because God knows they can't do it on their own.

>> No.1631052

ITT: A false dichotomy between beating your kids and letting them walk all over you propped up by edgy suburban kids who advocate violence without having any experience with it.

Sure is 4chan in here.

>> No.1631056
File: 50 KB, 658x500, christian paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your god is such a great father, amirite?

>> No.1631064

I don't see "Guide to Democratic Parenting" anywhere in the subtitle for that book, OP.

Methinks you're just trolling.

>> No.1631068

That totally nonsensical picture is right, God is awful.

It was the great prophet Abraham who once said: "If people think you are ignorant, it is better to remain silent then to speak and remove all doubt."

>> No.1631069

A good father doesn't micromanage his children.
He sets the rules then lets them be, enabling them to learn for themselves--experience being the great teacher.

>> No.1631077
File: 73 KB, 360x358, Disregard-evolution-embrace-social-darwinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I believe it was God who said "Let's enslave this tribe and tell women to STFU, then we joke about it years later when people calmly look over it to feed their self-deception and pseudo-morality"

>> No.1631078 [DELETED] 


>Methinks you're just trolling.
Take a look at the table of contents.

Here's a sample.

>> No.1631082
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>Methinks you're just trolling.
Take a look at the table of contents.

Here's a sample.

>> No.1631086

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Oh wait, you're a stereotypical angst-theist and probably the result of bad (Democratic) parenting. Make sure to comb the neck beard.

>> No.1631089
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I agree, and I would add that an even better father hunts down his children and tortures them for all eternity if they disagree with him. But, it's not fascism when he does it, though.

>> No.1631093

I had a by-the-book Catholic upbringing.
And you haven't refuted on single point. Enjoy beating your kids while you can.
Because that's what a real man does, amirite?

>> No.1631097

*a single point
Before you ad hom because you can't into logic.

>> No.1631105

>you haven't refuted a single point

You haven't made one.

>> No.1631104
File: 105 KB, 458x419, Troll Puppetmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1631101


>father hunts down his children and tortures them for all eternity if they disagree with him

His children hurt themselves. God is the author of no evil.

>> No.1631107

>God is the author of no evil.
Except, he kind of invented everything, including the Devil.
Enjoy your stupid. I'm sure your kids will return your calls...one of these days.

>> No.1631113

>Except, he kind of invented anything.

>> No.1631128

>>Except, he kind of invented anything.

I take it you've never explored notions of evil as privation? Neophytes ought to speak less and listen more. You have a lot to learn.

>> No.1631136

evil just means "I don't like it so anyone who does deserves to be punished"

>> No.1631138

Thread successfully derailed.

>> No.1631141

>kill people, rape children, mutilate animals

That's not evil, evil just means "I don't like it so anyone who does deserves to be punished."


>> No.1631149

You mean something like what Kant talk about at the final of the teleological judgment part of his Critique of Judgment?
Nope, never.

>> No.1631154

>evil just means "I don't like it so anyone who does deserves to be punished".
>I don't like it when someone kills people, rapes children or mutilates animals. So I say that's evil.

Yeah, you got it.

>> No.1631156
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My definition of evil is when someone is willing to harm another for their own gain, and the degree and severity of the evil is the proportion of fucking over to gain.

I don't care if you disagree. Deal with it, faggots.

>> No.1631163

So killing animals to eat is evil?
So shooting someone when you're in the military is evil?
So when killing someone to defend your life is evil?
So being competitive is evil?

>> No.1631175


That's right, Violet. Little evils. LITTLE EVILS EVERYWHERE.

That's life. It's not pretty. Grow up and deal with it.

>> No.1631178
File: 18 KB, 384x294, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to make your boys cowardly and effeminate.

>> No.1631180

Maybe evil is like a kind of metaphysical property that only morally right people can magically percieve...

OR evil is just a stupid word used to curse what you don't like.

>> No.1631181

treating children like people? well i NEVER

*monocle flies off*

>> No.1631188


>> No.1631190


>treating children like people
There are different kinds of people.

>> No.1631192

my parents pretty much raised me to be an effeminate sissyboy and i feel like a better person for it

>> No.1631195
File: 17 KB, 252x299, angry-mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesn't sound very democratic.

>> No.1631197

that was the point.
They knew you would be a loser, so they taught you to be happy for being a faggot.

>> No.1631204

better than spotting my loser tendencies early and raising me to be an /r9k/ poster

>> No.1631207

...well, that's right.

>> No.1631227

>new parenting techniques in declining occidental culture

Trying this shit out now is like fixing a new brake in a car as it's falling from a cliff.