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16309479 No.16309479 [Reply] [Original]

was Marx right????

>> No.16309493

>pretend to be a scientific materialist
>make predictions using your model that are proven wrong by every instance of experimentation
Going with no

>> No.16309504

We'll find out around 2060 which is when the rate of profit falls to zero.

>> No.16309506

>create analytical framework for critiquing power and societal change that has lasted longer than any other ideological predisposition in the history of modern society
Going with yes.

>> No.16309511

marx is actually useful for that. But im pretty sure he'd be very cross with you if you told him all he did was make a handy theory for critique

>> No.16309514

Right about nothing.

>> No.16309552

He said quite a lot

>> No.16309607

WAs MaRX riGHt?¿?

Maybe you should read his work and decide for yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.16309611

you mean "on the jewish question"(?).. I think he is absolutelly right and this is the main reason why I can sometimes gravitate towards communism even tho I consider myself more conservative.

>> No.16309626
File: 46 KB, 516x177, marx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16309633

Empirical works can’t be demonstrated to be correct, only incorrect. Now read Kuhn.

>> No.16309640

imagine being this retarded lmao

>> No.16309643

kuhn was definitely not right

>> No.16309786

This, he tried to use Darwinism as a basis for historical materialism then threw a tantrum when Darwin told him that evolution emphasised competition and was in line with Malthus, Marx claimed to like Darwinism but didn’t agree with the survival of the fittest part, Marx was a pseud. Not to mention the one of them that understood the theory also maintained belief in a God, proving Marx was a big dumb idiot and that Darwin is the superior bearded 19th century guy whose writings get completely misunderstood by both his opponents and detractors because neither have read him.

>> No.16309798

Nah, he said Bongs would be the ones to adopt leftism first and it was Russians and Chink, who destroyed their whole culture and high class in the process.

>> No.16309814

>Darwin told him
When and where?

>> No.16310177
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>who destroyed their whole culture and high class in the process.
I never understood this meme. Only richfags were able to indulge in this culture and over in China they did stupid shit like binding women’s feet before communism

It’s like complaining people don’t dress like pic related anymore as if it wasn’t just a small percentage of society that did

>> No.16310191

based and darwinpilled

I would like to dress like that. also, depends.

also, chinese women were happier when their feet were bound.

>> No.16310905

No, I'm afraid he was left, anon.

>> No.16310946


>> No.16310965

Yes, mostly. How you go on from there is a different matter.

>> No.16310973

Maybe soviet or russian communism was based but western communism is just trannies and other subhuman cattle trying to drag us all down to their level.

>> No.16311025

Historically, no

>> No.16311051

No they were not

>> No.16311057

What do you think das kapital is mostly about, dumbfuck?

>> No.16311066

>was Marx right????
Yeah, for most part. Capital is really underrated.

>> No.16311097

>Noo marukus is bad because people are greedy. Noooo anything that isn't capitalism isn't viable because people are Greedy. Nooooo whatever you say is wrong because people are Greedy

>> No.16311109

I used to love Marxism. Even voted for Sanders for communist president in the democratic primaries. I knew democracy was the only true path to a communist utopia. Like Marx said:

>Killing people and destroying property solves nothing. Democracy is the only road to socialism.

Used to read Marx daily. I must have scrolled through brainyquote.com reading ALL his quotes. Oh, I don't know what "human labor in the abstract" means WHO THE FUCK CARES. I don't know what "commodity production" means? Fuck off, you purists. Revolution isn't made by armchair theorists like you, sitting around all smug in your mom's basement nickpicking every little detail anyone gets wrong. It's made by DEMOCRACY when the PEOPLE come together and realize they can create something BETTER. A society created in our own image, THAT's what Marx was really fighting for. Assholes.

I started going down the wrong path. I started getting real deep into Marx, far down the rabbit hole. I found some works written by Marx, the really dark stuff. I started getting into his Theory of White Genocide. Quoted:

The White Man is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor he sucks.

I realized that the white man must be destroyed if we were to create a communist utopia. At that point I realized it was too great a cost to humanity, and realized my own path down insanity.

Started reading Mises, Hayek, Rothbard. The good guys. Learned about the sanctity of property. Learned about how to DEBUNK the labor theory of value with the mudpie argument. But most important of all, I learned baout INDIVIDUALISM and how Capitalism is really the best system for that.

I was like "Holy shit. When you get a job, you actually AGREED to sell your labor to him. Wild". Marx's arguments just fell apart.

But the nail in the coffin, for Marx? He forgot about human nature.

>> No.16311126

Too many layers of irony. This is sniping on those marx haters, right?

>> No.16311133

>Learned about how to DEBUNK the labor theory of value with the mudpie argument
Congrats bro. You debunked classical economists like Adam Smith. When will you tackle Marx?

>> No.16311159

I think it's directed at me, I used to run /leftypol/ in circles with shit like this, made up philosophies and pernicious dogmas. It's a sperg haven so they didn't have the empathy to pick up what tier of irony I was operating on.

>> No.16311172

if he was looking for a way to make sure massive amounts of people were killed by their own governments, then yes.

>> No.16311173


>> No.16311231

If someone pretends to know everything about Marx and claims that's why he hates Marx. I just ask him to explain Marx's value concept and they always get it wrong. Easy way to detect retards.

>> No.16311287

Can you explain it to me?

>> No.16311295

Mirin your bullshit, the darwinism used by neolibs like you is pseudoscience, a mere justification for your faggotry.

>> No.16311299

Yes we unironically live in a post scarcity world (for firstoids). Women no longer have to marry the first man they see who has a gun and a meager plot of land to sustain themselves, but can choose to be picky and date whomever she deems is attractive. Hence the incel phenomenon

There is no going back btw. Any attempt to revert to a pre-modern lifestyle has/will fail and even if it did succeed man would inevitably strive towards innovating and creating tech leading us right back to where we started

>> No.16311305
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Pop, pop, pop make motherfuckers drop