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16309382 No.16309382 [Reply] [Original]

>Ah, the dopish, prematurely senile, philosopher-dunce Jean-Paul Sartre! The man who intended to out-Jew the Jew, out-“work-and-whine” the entire proletariat, out-suffer the suffering masses. All from behind a desk covered with dusty books and ill-conceived scribblings. A nihilist. A doddering old man at the age of 24. An unhealthy, soft, contempt-filled, self-hating, slavish, freakshow of a Frenchman. A slob-coward. An utter bore.
>Men like Junger should glory in this pest’s hatred of them. They should expect it. They should crush men like Sartre when they get in their way. The Jungers of the world can and should easily outbreed these cowering perverts while simultaneously smacking them back into their rightful place. The Sartres of the world (e.g. Antifa, Marxists, Liberals, Leftists, etc.) should never expect mercy. They should just isolate themselves somewhere far away from the heroes and heroines like Junger.

>> No.16309387

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16309392

A comment I saved from some website

>> No.16309547

And despite all this, he we was still a better philosopher than Junger.

>> No.16309576

Well put. Fuck that lazy eyed faggot. He would've best burnt all his books and tie a rope around his neck.