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16308511 No.16308511 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you see all of these Breadtube types doing marxist analyses of popular media such as movies and videogames, but you never see anybody do Nietzschean analyses?

>> No.16308534


The death of God of War
Will to Powerfarm
Beyond Gold and Exp
Also sprach Super Mario
I'd watch this desu

>> No.16308548

Because "Nietchzscheanism" isnt a full on systematic evaluatory lense like marxism is with dialectic materialism and all.

Also, dont like breadtubers, but i thinks thats why.

>> No.16308558

Because if something isnt easily put into a political chart retards will be confused and wont be able to make an opinion on it.

>> No.16308565

One of my classmates actually did a nietzschean analysis of Jojo. It was pretty cringy but he had a good sense self-awareness about it and gave the audience a few laughs.

>> No.16308592

Nietzschean ethics definitely are.

>> No.16308602

Because Marx was right about the fundamentality of economics to human living. Nietzsche definitely contributed a lot of important ideas, which is why he's probably the single most important right-of-center philosopher to lefty types, but he's just never going to be as foundational as Marx.

>> No.16308672

Because Nietzsche wasn't as systematic and he explicitly told his readers not to follow him ad verbum and to recreate those concepts he offers them. His legacy carries on silently, for example, Foucault and Deleuze are his followers, but do they talks about will to power or nihilism? Most of the time its reworking of certain aspects of N's philosophy, Deleuze is interested in the concept of the body, Foucault reactualizes the concepts of power etc. Basically, Nietzsche's aim (as banal as it sounds) is to teach people to think for themselves, whereas marxism has a certain systematic base that other marxists elaborate on without changing fundamentally.

>> No.16310217

Fuck off with your shitty zoomer pseudo intellectualism.

>> No.16310268

I've seen them, but they're always in written format and aren't well known. Nietzsche readers aren't trend chasers, I guess.

>> No.16310717

I have thought it would be funny if we had video essays applying his health based dionysian/decadent approach to art in his later writings to pop culture. Saying shit like Berserk is a crude caricature of masculinity created out of thwarted will to power, while Love Hina is clearly created out of a super abundant love of the eternal feminine, like Goethe's work. Instead, you just see people invoking him for basic bitch existentialism shit.

>> No.16310726

Marx refuted Nietzsche

>> No.16310767

Marxism is extremely shallow.

>> No.16310801

no it isn't

>> No.16310814

Everything I don't like is bourgeois about sums it up.

>> No.16310826

>he hasn’t read volume iii

>> No.16310860

the current status quo is alright with you then?

>> No.16310933

Why did you come to that assumption?

>> No.16310941

I skimmed it. What's the tl;Dr?

>> No.16310971

Historical materialism is the dumbest, most reductionist joke of a method conceivable and these faggots follow it like a religion.

>> No.16311024

Because breadtubers are retarded

>> No.16311234

I like hbomberguy.

>> No.16311242

600 pages of mathematics

>> No.16311265

Yet no calculus.

>> No.16311279

Chapter 8

>> No.16311294


Because everything he doesn't like is bougie

>> No.16311298

>the dumbest, most reductionist
No it isn't. Historical materialism is our best way at analyzing history. Even Heidegger said so.

>> No.16311316

Blatantly denying the idealistic motivations for the actions of people and societies is pants on head retarded tho.

>> No.16311378

So you've heard of "ideology" in Marxism or the superstructure. People can be motivated all they want. Capacity mang, capacity. What was that from 18 Brumaire?

>Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.


>> No.16311394

Why do you think teaching people to think for themselves is banal?

>> No.16311908

Difficult considering he was dead.

>> No.16311918

>Basically, Nietzsche's aim (as banal as it sounds) is to teach people to think for themselves
This is possibly the least banal and the most directly salient concept you'll ever see on 4chan.

>> No.16311920

They barely do Marxist analysis, they’re all libertarians waving hammer and sickles as a LARP, the most “analysis” they do is connecting Marxism with Shrek

>> No.16311924

he just ripped of hegel and added LTV

>> No.16312001

>Basically, Nietzsche's aim (as banal as it sounds) is to teach people to think for themselves
yeah he is like the retards today who say they know better, by believing in comspiraices and telling people they must think for themsleves too

plus Nietzsche is too much of a braindead intellectual to be pedagogical.

>> No.16312007

Heidegger is a wanker full of hot air and and Historical materialism is a spook made up by philosophers to larp as enlightened scientists. No wonder you like them.

>> No.16312057

>yeah he is like the retards today who say they know better, by believing in comspiraices and telling people they must think for themsleves too
This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.16312415

>Nietzsche's aim (as banal as it sounds) is to teach people to think for themselves
Cringe, go read a book

>> No.16312725

>a good sense self-awareness about it and gave the audience a few laughs.
that makes it more cringe
>haha bros i'm being le ironic memelord. god forbid i take anything seriously for once in my life

>> No.16312752

maybe watch his videos other than his very first upload

>> No.16312869

A sincere and quality contribution that makes a genuine attempt at getting a core idea across and succeeds in just a few words while being neutral in tone and a shallow, vulgar, attention starved shitpost of a reply that contributes nothing? I say this is perfectly balanced.

>> No.16312920

>i like the most retarded repulsive one

>> No.16312942

Nietzsche was the most anti-foundationalism philosopher to have ever lived. I don't see your point

>> No.16312982

Nietzscheans don't have to cope about the fact that their system has been utterly defeated and turned into a useful idiot of capitalism

>> No.16313154

In what work?

>> No.16313412

I've never met a Nietzschean

>> No.16314051

I have. He was a literal homosexual.

>> No.16314089

As opposed to a figurative one.

>> No.16314091

And he unironically stated that he was a self-described Nietzschean? I've had one mentor who was into Nietzsche, he would have cringed at the thought. Like someone finding out you have an interest in alchemy or some obscure aesthetic movement. That's nothing against Nietzsche of course, I've just never met anyone who called themselves Nietzschean except maybe BAP.

>> No.16314092

That was his GF.

>> No.16314096

Because Marxism is in vogue.

>> No.16314109

Most right-wingers have been banned off YouTube and there are very few modern leftists that take great influence from Nietzsche.

>> No.16314117 [DELETED] 

midwit honeytrap

>> No.16314128

midwit honeypot

>> No.16314133

t.christoid coping with the fact that your entire religion was BTFO'd with a few piercing aphorisms

>> No.16314180

Any worth their salt will be invisible to the naked eye.

>> No.16314834

>I like hydrocephalic cuck

>> No.16315004


>> No.16315036

As opposed to some bat wielding breadtube tranny anarcho-groomer slathered in CNT-FAI symbolism "deradicalizing" the youth

>> No.16315090

I’d imagine that anyone who would describe themselves as “nietzschean” would be a massively insufferable bastard.

>> No.16315174
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>Why yes. I consider myself a Nietzschean, how could u tell?

>> No.16315182

By your intact virginity and aspergic demeanor.

>> No.16315196

lol you fucking faggot

>> No.16315202

Not an argument, but thankfully I don't argue with reactionaries.

>> No.16315211

It is an attack on freedom of speech, you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.16315215

You don't yell fire in a crowded building.

>> No.16315216

>legalized prostitution in most western countries
>calling someone a virgin is still considered an epic insult

>> No.16315218

yeah but here you have to listen to what we say instead of getting us banned, which Im sure intensely bothers you

>> No.16315226

Hookers don't count. By that logic, Nietzsche fucked.

>> No.16315233

Are you capable of communicating like a regular human being? How is it not an attack on freedom to speech to ban certain opinions?

>> No.16315249

The first amendment prohibits the government from censoring speech. Private companies and private spaces are not required to follow it.

>> No.16315259

They're not required to, and when they choose not to it shows they don't like free speech.

>> No.16315267

Your point is?

>> No.16315269

Social media is no longer simply the matter of private companies as it is fully integrated into both the social and professional lives of millions of citizens. It is a major means of communication and socialization. The government should unironically step in and take control of them, and it is complete bullshit to say that what these companies do in terms of breaching the first amendment is fine because "they aren't the government lol."

>> No.16315274

That it's an attack on free speech, they are using what power they have(a lot by the way) to restrict discourse. And people like you love that because you know your ideas are shit and can't stand up to any scrutiny.

>> No.16315318

The Ubermensch is someone who stares into the abyss, recognizes its meaninglessness, and instead of despairing, is liberated from morality. Unlike Nietzsche who went insane, though sometimes I wonder if he instigated his own insanity to add to his legend as a prophet.

>> No.16315337

There is no such thing as the ubermensch. The ubermensch is an ideal, not a singular person. Any recluse or abberant could call themselves such. Nietzsche's only value is as a teller of parables, his mysticism or esotericism is worthless. Not to mention in Book 7 of BGAE during his thrashing of women, he was effectively restating the lower class German opinion of the time. He was not wrong, but his truth being obscene was overstated by him.

>> No.16315347

People generally brush off censorship when it's of people who run counter to their beliefs. But once they get a taste of being censored, suddenly their feelings change.

>> No.16315356

>People generally brush off censorship when it's of people who run counter to their beliefs
No patriot does that.

>> No.16315360

There's no such thing as a Nietzschian analysis, his philosophy is purposelly equivocal. Marxist analysis is restructred neo-liberalism which is the current capitalist bourgeois ideology composed of Christian similarities.

>> No.16315416

>imitating the reproductive act with a whore counts
>imitating the reproductive act with a literal whore doesn't count

>> No.16315479

Its about being able to impress a woman.

>> No.16315495

Holy fucking reddit.

>> No.16315514

Right, but I would disagree with

>Any recluse or abberant could call themselves such

The philosophy is attractive to incel losers who want to feel superior to "the herd". But someone who had truly achieved a liberation from morality and embraced the world that is, wouldn't isolate himself from it.

>> No.16315549

Yes, I suppose.... I was mostly criticizing myself as an undergrad reading Nietzsche sitting on my ass and thinking I'm so unique I'm the ubermensch as a cope for my impotence... The rest is rather nebulous and not really a philosophical ideal in terms of what he said. I thought the ubermensch was supposed to be more physical than abstract. A post-human species begininng with the conception of a post-Christian morality, I suppose there's some intersection. Again, these are indefinable ideas and I think the parables in Zarathustra captures this, at some level Nietzsche had no idea what to say, and he explicitly says this in the end parable/aphorism of Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.16315693

>muh reddit boogeyman

>> No.16315713
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has anyone written about how Nietzsche's last man is essentially the goal of Marxists?

>> No.16315723

Women are not always worth impressing. Nietzsche's genius couldn't impress the ones around him; consequently, the ones around them were worth nothing.

>> No.16315736


>> No.16315749


>> No.16315757

mgtow coper.

>> No.16315770

Simp harder, cuck. You are a lowly person if every member of the opposite sex is worth something to you.

>> No.16315783

Women hold the key to sex. Therefore, whether you like it or not, they are worth everything. Sex is the most important thing to a man, and women deny incels what should be a right.

>> No.16315796
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When things like pic related get a platform on YT while right wingers do not, you have to ask yourself whether you're really as radical and subversive to capitalism as you claim to be, rather than just a useful idiot which you are

>> No.16315813

Wow, you really are a huge cuck. That, or a woman. Women don't hold the key to sex at all when the man is attractive and wealthy, and when they do have this power over men, it doesn't exempt most of them from being uncultured and/or retarded.

>Sex is the most important thing to a man
Fucking lol. Retard.

>> No.16315815

Yeah but theyre all right wingers. Carl Schmitt touches on it in Concept of the Political

>> No.16315882

Regardless of what you think of either of them, it isnt so much which one is more right but rather the way in which both spread.
Marxism actively prides itself on collaboration and being accessible for everyone, it is a political movement that benefits from being spread. Nietzscheanism actively prides itself on being for the select few that understand it, (and despite a lot of people thinking they do, they usually dont) and has a general contempt for popular topics and whatnot

>> No.16315932

I meant its banal because a lot of braindeads overuse this phrase "be critical! think for yourself" when they have in mind "accept current democratic/liberal ideas and stay quiet". Nietzsche himself noticed this trend in his Anti-education lectures. People hurry to be individual in thinking but instead of authentic individuality they succumb to whatever the state is preaching at the moment, because they have no solid foundation to base their thinking on.

>> No.16316053

sub 90 iq

>> No.16316092

It impressed his sister

>> No.16316099
File: 57 KB, 329x450, Nietzsche's sis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his sister had some kind of craziness about her.

>> No.16316107

no it didn't, his sister literally paid someone else to teach her the philosophy of Nietzsche and after some time she got bored because she couldnt understand shit

>> No.16316177

They fucked
Also the riiilke wife thing is revisionist incel slander

>> No.16316302

I think his biggest problem was his health, and people understate this. He likely died of a brain tumor and not syphilis. He had poor health since his early 20's, hated work and spent most of the rest of his life trying to recover from illnesses not fully understood or beyond adequate detection and diagnoses in that time period.

When you are sick, there is loneliness but if you think that health is attainable and you have a mindset like Neech you fight to attain that first before love interests. I don't think he actually loved Lou and she knew this about him, it was more of a juvenile idealism on his part and one that gave him solace in the worst of times, at least for a while.

>> No.16316759

And yet you can acquire sex for a simple exchange of currency. Yet for you that doesn't count because you have to 'impress' some dumb whore for a bit before you fuck and she moves on.

In other words, you are a simp

>> No.16316843

It's not even that
The entire story is revionist incel propaganda.
They didn't even know each other well at all.
And Nietzsche was claimed to be gay.

>> No.16316919

Not who you replied to, but,

>They didn't even know each other well at all.
Maybe, but they roomed together for like three weeks and Lou wrote a good amount about him, because she read his works closely and wrote essays and poetry based on them.

>Nietzsche was claimed to be gay.
I've never heard of this claim. Who made it and what was the basis for it?

>> No.16316921

>you have to 'impress' some dumb whore
What respectful language. I have no Idea why you don't have a girlfriend yet.

>> No.16316977

>all women are deserving of inherent respect on the basis that they are women

>> No.16317025

Everyone deserves the same level of respect.

>> No.16317032


>> No.16317037

>Maybe, but they roomed together for like three weeks and Lou wrote a good amount about him, because she read his works closely and wrote essays and poetry based on them.
I've read articles that it was strictly professional.

>I've never heard of this claim. Who made it and what was the basis for it?
It's been floating around, it wasn't very interesting mostly baseless speculation.

>> No.16317054

Everyone experiences hardships.

>> No.16317113

Not equal amounts, and hardships don't always justify actions.

>> No.16317116

NEETzsche haha

>> No.16317134

Just treat women like humans and you’ll eventually get laid. It worked for me.

>> No.16317183

Fuck nitcheese

>> No.16317195

I'm not a virgin, or single. I just don't believe you could respect all women equally. You wouldn't marry all women, right? Or date all women? Or have sex with all women? So, how on earth could you respect them all equally without lying to yourself about it?

>> No.16317226

How could you respect anyone including yourself

>> No.16317235

By having a set of values to measure against. If you respect all women, you can't possibly have any values. You're like a child who thinks everything is possible.

>> No.16317263

>they are worth everything. Sex is the most important thing to a man

if it can be obtained through money, does that make money most important to man?

>> No.16317302
File: 72 KB, 1127x1015, 9E49B9EA-E6CC-4F51-89D6-378CA55333DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By having a set of values to measure against
Measure virtue please

>> No.16317308

How does Stirner measure virtue?

>> No.16317512

Analyse my cock and balls faggot.

>> No.16317522

Virtue doesn’t exist, now how do you measure it you little cockroach?

>> No.16317541

advertising $$$ from corporate ads on their channels

>> No.16317544

>Virtue doesn’t exist
According to who? You? You're a spook.

>> No.16317558

According to reality. I am conversing with you right now therefore I can be measured in some way, virtue is a holdover coping mechanism developed by Jewish mystics

>> No.16317568

Yet another spook.

>virtue is a holdover coping mechanism developed by Jewish mystics
The only Jewish bullshit I'm seeing is your attempt at convincing me that I do not deserve to have my own set of values to measure things against. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16317577

>my own set of values
Yeah how about you value my cock and balls shithead

>> No.16317578

The people who think most like Neetch don't feel so great a need to call back to old masters to support their positions.

>> No.16317585

I don't value pathetic, impotent shit.

>> No.16317588

Because Nietzche is harder to understand than Marx and Breadtubers are almost universally retarded.

>> No.16317596
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>I don't value pathetic, impotent shit.

>> No.16317603

>ugly soijak meme
You definitely have no values of your own. Sad.

>> No.16317616
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>You definitely have no values of your own. Sad.

>> No.16317640

I would break your jaw for being such a faggot irl

>> No.16317645

>I would break your jaw for being such a faggot irl
You'd break your jaw slobbering on my cock and balls

>> No.16317658

I'd break your ass with my BBC, no longer will you be able to hold in your shits.

>> No.16317669

>Yet another spook.
Reality is what Stirner’s ideas are grounded in. Hitler believed in mysticism and it lead him nowhere.

>> No.16317681

69 and find out faggot bitch.

>> No.16317692

>Reality is what Stirner’s ideas are grounded in.
So Stirner was spooked out of his mind?

>> No.16317701

The obvious tell for someone that is out of their depth.

>> No.16317709

>out of their depth.
More like deep on my cock and balls

>> No.16317760

What an ironic statement.

>> No.16317966

get a room

>> No.16318468

Is it the same guy on every thread or it is multiple? Who the fuck is this entity that always throws around the word incel at everything slightly sexist like a good sex-addicted lapdog. What a pathetic fucking waste of resources. Only guy I knew like that was some beta "pretty boy" twink whose confidence just plumetted whenever he was in the presence of someone whose pride confidence didn't depend on outside validation.

>> No.16319808

Because the boilerplate meme understanding of him is ubiquitous, predictable, and uninteresting -- no one can be bothered to read him in his entirety; anyone actually doing what you suggest does it surreptitiously

>> No.16319850

You are such a fucking faggot its unreal, be stronger

>> No.16320538
