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16307634 No.16307634 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most influential contemporary marxists intellectuals I should be reading today?

>> No.16307658
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Though I would identify as a left-wing liberal, I personally really enjoyed insights I received from reading Gerald Cohen, Erik Olin Wright, Jon Elster and John Roemer. Haven't read many other contemporary Marxists yet unfortunately.

>> No.16307665

Jason Unruhe

>> No.16307667

Maybe just find a tall building and jump off the top instead

>> No.16307670

They don't write

>> No.16307683

Why is this knee jerk reaction always present when marxism/socialism/communism are discussed?
Jump off yourself

>> No.16307685


>> No.16307690

Moishe Postone: Time, Labor and Social Domination
E.P. Thompson: Time, Work-Discipline and Industrial Capitalism
David Harvey: The Condition of Postmodernity

>> No.16307692


>> No.16307694

>Reading a school of thought that is defunct

>> No.16307707


>> No.16307710
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>> No.16307713

Argumentum ad hominem? In my /lit/?

>> No.16307721
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>Argumentum ad hominem? In my /lit/?

>> No.16307742

Ellen Meiksins Wood
Louis Althusser

>> No.16307746


>> No.16307799

Alain Badiou

>> No.16308502


>> No.16308562


>> No.16308579

What is this supposed to prove, yters are vapid

>> No.16308585

Rightists are simple

>> No.16308599

>be prosecuted because you speak up to authorities instead of being a cuck
this image is beneath reddit-tier cringe, unless its bait

>> No.16308600

Lol, certainly not Zizek.

Fuck off back where you came from.

>> No.16308605

Get a job

Join the union

Burn your boss

>> No.16308610

Andrew Kliman
Richard D. Wolff
Paul Cockshott

>> No.16308797
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marx was based as fuck

>> No.16308815

parenti maybe?
cockshott wrote some interesting things too

>> No.16308855
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>someone reccs a contemporary marxist
>its always a balding old man with a generic english name like "john dick" that gives off a general fart sniffing proffessor aesthetic
>open up pdf
>"..the value of production of commodity is determined by the circulation of farts and surplus capital viewed trough the lenses of structural marxism as it is developed by Althusser and by this we mean that we take into account first part of early marx's philosophy..."
>close pdf

>> No.16308892

Have you tried setting your boss on fire?

>> No.16308906

a new boss will respawn in the same place, ressentment should be channeled to the overcoming of the structure, not individual people

>> No.16308936
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whats the point of continuing the postmodernist and modernist dialogue?
We are seeing many premodernist and reactionary thoughts reappearing in the current field
Shouldn't theory that abandons modernity start again before the abandonment of history?
metamodernism and its infinite self reflection is giving way to nothing

>> No.16308947

>being this much of a buzzword-spouting pseud

>> No.16308948
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>text is difficult, technical, refers to economic theory and is not written by a 2 meter tall dude with a perfect face and muscular body therefore it has no value and should not be read

>> No.16308955

Might be the stultifying totalitarianism and mass death, anon.

>> No.16308961

The sad thing is that the second post is probably right about ecelebs being the most influential Marxists. Contrapoints and Matt Christman definitely converted a lot of bored disenfranchised teenagers.

>> No.16309000

they are influential only in the sense that they popularize it, not in the sense that they bring anything new to the table. And bringing more zoomers into marxism isnt necessarily a good thing

>> No.16309016

Because a desire to study marxism/communism is like studying self inflicted gunshot wounds. It requires a complete ignorance of history and a room temp IQ.

>> No.16309150
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>> No.16309259

he died?

>> No.16309291

Because marxism is just gay capitalism. A real opposition to liberalism will have to be third positionist and embrace highly based and redpilled ideas the left wont touch with a 1000ft pole such as racism antisemitism and homotransphobia

>> No.16309330

he lived the /lit/ lifestyle and still makes nerds seethe

>> No.16309353

Bringing hordes of zoomers in is based actually and also checked trips

>> No.16309424

mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtqia marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training".

>> No.16309431

Thomas Sowell

>> No.16309450

I read Meiksins' Origin of Capitalism, where should i go next?

>> No.16309490

>t. never read a book in his life

>> No.16309537

Wow great comeback you retarded commie faggot, accusing someone of illiteracy on a fuckin /lit/ board. Galaxy brain.

>> No.16309560

On the same themes:

The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe
by T. H. Aston

The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
by Paul Sweezy

Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
by Daron Acemoglu

Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World
by Barrington Moore

The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times
by Giovanni Arrighi

The Birth of Capitalism: A 21st Century Perspective
by Henry Heller

Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism
by Perry Anderson

>> No.16309585

>No Sombart
Huh, trying to downplay something are we?

>> No.16309670

More is gained from praxis than masturbating mate. You’re meant to read and write theory while fighting.

>> No.16309736
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Mihailo Marković

>> No.16311319

Third positionism is such a meme

>> No.16311339


>> No.16311467

contrarian much?

>> No.16311478

Zizek and Chomsky.
The latter is just socialist though.

>> No.16311948

t. manlet

>> No.16311971

um actually that's dialectic sweetie

>> No.16312023

Stalin was a racist, antisemite, and more antigay than Hitler

>> No.16312080

they're all in china where they are not debating angels proper genders

>> No.16312374

>bro everything is capitalism
>yeah that other thing is also capitalism
>yes even that is also capitalism
>the answer? communism of course
>yeah but that wasn't real communism
Every time.

>> No.16312503

Stalin was everything but anti-semitic