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16307295 No.16307295 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine if your bible growing up was Homeric warrior poetry. Imagine if it was the Bible of your whole society as well. Try and imagine how different your psychology would be.

>> No.16307378

you have heroic war stories in the bible too, it's your fault you never open that bible

>> No.16307579

Would you really call that the focus of bible?

>> No.16307584

Get your ass back over here boy.

>> No.16307606

I grew up on greek myths and stories cause my parents were not retards to raise me on cancerous jewish stories

>> No.16307675

Exodus. Samuel. Kings.

Pretty sure mate.

Stop claiming your beta volcel fanfic is canon and tacking it on the end.

>> No.16307763
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>Stop claiming your beta volcel fanfic is canon and tacking it on the end.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16307764


>> No.16307767

>Semetic victim mythology

>> No.16307776

Literally just finished reading kings 1 and 2 this morning. To say their descriptions of battle are anything like those in homer is ridiculous. The bible focuses only on the macro narrative of wars, not the individuals and their beat by beat actions.
One has several page long narrations of the minutia of battle and the actors, and one just says 'then jehozamefiadoodoo went to Syria and slew their king'.

>> No.16307782

variations of heroes/knights/warriors are already embedded in culture

Cowboys, Wild West, Medieval Knights ect.

>> No.16307786

Here ya go

>> No.16307816

Stop seething, I’m not even really dissing the Bible. I’m just trying to comprehend how the Hellenes saw the world.

>> No.16307823

Yeah bro reddit is totally cool with saying Christianity is judaic mind poison bro

>> No.16307837

Spengler tackles this. The ultimate expression of hellenistic culture is the body. The heroes and the gods are bodies in the world and express the whole.of being through themselves. Bible can't compete as it is borne from a fundamentally hobbled culture.

>> No.16307857

And unlike the Iliad, it's all made up (fiction).

>> No.16308134

>reddit is antisemitic

>> No.16308145

interesting point, in line 7 homer gives his first real description of men and how they contrast Ἀτρεΐδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς
also in the first line men are described in a subtle poetic way lost in translation

>> No.16308275

yes as a joke and a fantasy for children

>> No.16308285

There's a lot of amazing things to gain from Homer, but it's just not as varied and addressing of the nuances of society as the Bible.

>> No.16308309

The bible has better bestiality and incest. And unlike the Iliad it is fiction.

>> No.16308330

>The bible has better bestiality and incest.
Have you read Greek myth lmao

>> No.16308333

My kids (which I will never have lmao) will be raised on Indo-European folk tales, epic poetry, and the Greek philosophers in their teens. There is no other way.

>> No.16308374

If you actually read Greek philosophy (which you never did lmao) you'd know it's best to start philosophy later in life

>> No.16308383

I meant late teens, like 17 and 18. I know it’s best to start late, but I have to expose them to it early

>> No.16308426

That's how you get retarded kids thinking they're geniuses because they've skimmed some book they barely understood. Literally the snotty rich kid from TBK being like "Look at me I'm so intelligent religion is the opiate of the people!" while having barely read any of the books he's heard of. No one without a basic understanding of mathematics and analytical reasoning should even attempt to read philosophy, that's literally the entire point of The Republic. Your kids until their mid teens should be exercising and playing almost exclusively, and then when they're in their mid teens they should be powering through mathematics/non-philosophical literature, and then moving onto general sciences of the natural world, and then only in their early-to-mid 20s begin to seriously read philosophy.

>> No.16308451

Didnt the romans hate being taught this stuff in the 100's? didnt they litterally prefer eastern mystisim and Christianity to this stuff because it was so phoned in?

>> No.16308465

>didnt they litterally prefer eastern mystisim and Christianity to this stuff because it was so phoned in?
Which Jewish book lied to you anon?

>> No.16308509

try to imagine syncing your steps and movements to the hexameter of homer and reciting in your mind as you work and exercise

>> No.16308555

idk all of the 100's through 300s. mystery cults, lack of interest in traditional roman religion, poor teaching practices that made people hate reading the classics.

>> No.16308615

Yes. I said better not more.

>> No.16309327

The Roman Religion was in no way, shape, or form exclusive. The mystery cults such as Mithraism were congruous/syncretic with the roman state religion, as was every other regional deity+belief encountered as the frontiers spread outward. The only reason the state and population clashed with Christianity is because it stated that their God was the one and only true God, and worship of all others needed to stop.
Still waiting on a source for why you believe Romans had no interest in Greek mythos.

>> No.16309458

Violent, petty, standoffish and deeply sexist. We all love Homeric epics but using it as a bible on which to base a society would be fucked.

>> No.16310738

Literally kicked off western civilization. Such a tiny population conquered the known world. Kys tranny.

>> No.16310804

How many older men courted and seduced you when you were 14?

>> No.16312021

Post tits

>> No.16312039

Homeric poetry is satire

>> No.16312053

There was a time when you were labeled crazy for thinking the Trojan war was a historical event.

>> No.16312066

Bend over, baby. Let me show you how us Greeks saw the world...

>> No.16312075

Do you honestly believe the average Greek gave a fuck about the Iliad back in the day? Are you retarded?

>> No.16312086

It was pretty much the Simpsons of Greece.

>> No.16312092

explain why every modern boy acts like bart

>> No.16312097

Thank Americans for that and their shitty studios like Disney and Hollywood

>> No.16312119

Because Bart dragged the murderer of his lover three times around the walls of Troy behind a chariot. Duh.

>> No.16312131

None because I was smart enough to not let them lmao

>> No.16312301

>Bravery is good but ultimately mercy is what will bring you peace

Both have the same message

>> No.16312517

judging by how Greek history turned out, not all that different?

>> No.16312566

Exodus 15:3

>> No.16313082

>as a joke
Not true at all. Stories about knights, the Iliad, Ovid and etc were always popular with adults. Western movies and literature have been popular for over 100 years now.

>> No.16313130

You're a retard.

>> No.16313426
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>> No.16313751

i would be a faggot pederast

>> No.16313876

>Violent, petty, standoffish and deeply sexist.
Ok, and what about Homer?

>> No.16313936

gibbons mostly. but i did not claim the romans didnt have interest in greek mythos, they obviously did. i was specificlynrefering to the later empire. also the popularity of mythos=\= true religiosity. The enlightenment europeans had a big interesting in greek mythos too, but virtually none of them were religious to the greco-roman gods. i am refering to the lack of the later, the religion, which is seen by the decrease in attendence and commitment to older theological conventions that were very prominent in the republic/early empire.

and yes, there was quite a level of capatablism in greco-roman religion, but that doesnt disiade from the point that eastern mystery religions/cults become much more the focus in private life. even the historians like Dio bemoan the Romans decadent endulgence in eastern mysteries at the expense of traditional roman religiosity.

>> No.16314039

You're a clueless /pol/tard

>> No.16314292

It was the strongest and most notable work describing of the culture surrounding him. Why would he not care?

>> No.16314355

I was born and raised in catholic country, went to church regularly, had religious education at school but my family and I have never read bible, all I know about religion is what I have heard from other people, what I have seen on tv and what priest told us during mass. In other words I (and most other people I know) am completely ignorant about it and don't care about it. You can replace bible with any other (semi) religous text and the outcome will be the same.

>> No.16314368

Look at how small their peepees are lol

>> No.16314371

Imagine growing up a classic greek and never getting to read Chapman. Sad!

>> No.16315124

i clicka da link but nottin happenin D:::: halp meh plez

>> No.16315323

I would say ww2 has already replaced christianity in the myth department, and like christianity it is invoked mainly by hypocrites and manipulators. So I would say not much different.

>> No.16316351


>> No.16316461

>Violent, petty, standoffish and deeply sexist
Are you describing the Bible?

>> No.16316488

You must be thinking of the Romans, the Greek didn't conquer that much except for Alexander but that lasted less than 20 years. In fact Greece has a much longer history of being conquered than of conquering.

>> No.16317768

>Wow. So sexist. Problematic. Yikes. Have sex Incel. Don't you know that studying the classics is racist? I'm so triggered right now. Somebody give me a link to r/eyebleach. I can't believe this board is so homophobic racist and sexist. You probably don't even believe in the Holocaust. But Israel is a fascist state, and the Bible is a fascist book. As a matter of fact, books are fascist. Logic, reasoning, sentence structure and grammar are also ableist ideologies created by the patriarchy. Systemic racism causes white men to believe that the world has to make sense. Feminism will turn the the world into an orgy that is ruled by white women. (And that's a good thing).

Why in the hell do "people" like this come to 4chan?