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16303760 No.16303760 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this video, /lit/?

>> No.16303788

>golden age of content
We are drowning in trash.

>> No.16303790

the video is quite annoying in its presentation because the guy is just another tech-obsessed """filmmaker""" like Neistat and just about every other dudebro you see shoving their face in front of a camera these days, but it also has value in that it shows you how easy it truly is to read so much every year (just 30 minutes per day if you were wondering, which is so minuscule that it shouldn't be a challenge; consistency is the hard part). the fat guy that reads like 80 pages per second or whatever is annoying as fuck though

>> No.16303881

This is accurate. And also those book stores are beautiful, It's fantastic to see those places I'll never go myself. But why the fuck aren't there god damn beautiful libraries. (oh god this thread is going to derail into "niggers and homeless everywhere I hate guberment!" isn't it)

>> No.16303956

How much do you want to bet that not one of those books within those whale bookends is Moby Dick

>> No.16303966

they certainly are. I hope I can visit some of them once international travel is a bit easier again, but on the other hand I still have so many independent bookstores to explore in London as well. sadly the only library near me is an extension of the university here so it's not really a 'cool' place to go, just a very ugly utilitarian postmodern building

>> No.16304010
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>golden age of content
What sort of person talks like this.

>> No.16304022

I remember when I was small in the 90's and the city had built a giant new library downtown. It was so exciting to go to this art deco designed building with so many floors and books and activities. And I hate to say it, but it's now just a place for the homeless to find computers. Our city even started a digital library program, which is pretty cool.

>> No.16304037
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>> No.16304656 [DELETED] 


>> No.16304662
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>> No.16304681

>all those people who are glorified marketers who call themselves 'content creators'