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16301291 No.16301291 [Reply] [Original]

Read the Quran.

>> No.16301296
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>> No.16301308
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>> No.16301296,1 [INTERNAL] 

Come on, the Pickthall translation is funny as a yak's balls. Literal versions are based.

>> No.16301432
File: 526 KB, 1024x719, gigabread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read.

>> No.16302016
File: 132 KB, 592x552, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did

>> No.16302995

i prefer artscroll tanakh

>> No.16303017

I prefer Pali Canon

>> No.16303038
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i did
it's shit
now fuck off pedo rapist. proselytisers must die

>> No.16303223

Don't do it. The Qur'an is like one of those chain emails or "your mother will die in her sleep" images. It says now that you have heard the word of Allah you have no excuse of ignorance and must accept it or face hellfire. But if you don't read it you're fine.

>> No.16303240

Islamabad more like Islamachad

>> No.16303249


Nope. False. Only if you take the shahadah, and in your heart accept islam. And like any other religion, nonbelievers don't make it.

>> No.16303286

What about people of the book?

>> No.16303309
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I have stated the Shahada multiple times without accepting Islam into my heart

>> No.16304614

those who lived before the time of Rasool-Allah, and followed what they had available to them of the Book, will be safe. those after will face judgement as all others

>> No.16304616

How are your sins forgiven in Islam? In Catholicism you have to spill the beans to a priest, protestants just say sorry to God, but I'm unsure how it works in Islam?

>> No.16304630

seek forgiveness directly to god with complete honestly and it's forgiven. So yes, "just say sorry" to God and he will forgive you.

>> No.16304639

>And like any other religion, nonbelievers don't make it.
Only Catholic sedevacantists literally believe all nonbelievers will go to hell

>> No.16304640

then it will not avail you the least bit. you will be counted among the Munafiqeen, whose abode is the lowest part of Jahannam
if you repent - that is, genuinely hate the sin you have committed, and genuinely want to leave it for ever, all for the sake of God - then He will wipe the sins away from your slate, and you will be forgiven. if you do not have a repentence that is strong enough, He might forgive you from His Mercy alone.

if He does not forgive you for it, but you are still a believer in His Mercy (and keep the First Commandment of ONLY worshipping God alone), He might punish you for that sin in Jahannam, but your punishment will not be eternal, and you will be freed from it after you have been cleansed of arrogance and pride in the fire. if you are not a believer in Tawheed (monotheism), then your case on the Day of Judgement is a weak one indeed, and the majority opinion among the Muslims is that you will never know His Mercy. i am personally more inclined toward the minority opinion, which is that not even the polytheists (Christians included) will be punished eternally, and that eventually, all will be freed from the fire. but again, that is not the opinion of most scholars of Islam

>> No.16304646

I genuinely don't understand how a religious scholar can take Islam seriously when large portions of the Quran are dedicated to all the special priviledges that are for Muhammad only.
It's literally some badly assembled cult where the cult leader gets bonuses just cuz

>> No.16304648

Assakamu alaykum bro, from time to time I see some Muwahidun on 4chan

>> No.16304670

Imagine being an Arabic merchant and becoming a warlord by creating a sex cult and hundreds of years later people still follow it.

>> No.16304676

wa aleykum salam wa Rahmatullah, akhi. i come by this board every once in a while to see if there are any interesting discussions about philosophy and Islam, and im always happy to see fellow believers here. may Allah guide us both to be better
these are the words of a person who knows nothing about the Quran, nor Rasool-Allah, and if your ignorance weren't a tragedy i might have found it funny

>> No.16304723

Don't worry bro I'm sure those heavenly virgin sex slaves are waiting for you in the afterlife. I'm good with what I have down here.

>> No.16304765

Please give me a consistent metaphysical reasoning for why Muhammad gets extra wives and why large portions of the Quran ard dedicated to the minutia of Muhammad's social awkwardness and daily life

>> No.16304789

are you asking because you are genuinely curious about these issues, or are you only here to troll like >>16304723
cause im not interested in wasting time