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16300752 No.16300752 [Reply] [Original]

My Twisted World by the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodger is actually a pretty neat read. He is very candid about frankly embarrassing things that happened to him in his life and he seems to have no shame in admitting genuine beliefs he has which are delusional, such as his belief that he could write a novel which will be made into a movie in order to become famous, or that he would become a dictator by reading tons of books on politics after drinking Starbucks coffee. It's a comfy read if you're callous enough from browsing 4chan for years to appreciate the dark by unintended comedy of it. I love reading about insane people who turn really fucking weird due to delusion or isolation causing them to spiral away from reality. I don't think Rodger ever qualified as "psychotic" but he definitely had strong convictions about absurd beliefs, or at least claimed to and for the most part acted it out. I recommend any /lit/izen to read My Twisted World, you can find it free on

https://www DOT documentcloud DOT org/documents/1173808-elliot-rodger-manifesto.html

Who else here has read his manifesto? What did you think of it? Serious replies only, if you haven't read it don't make assumption about the content or an incel will dump coffee on you the next time you go outside.

>> No.16300800

I still maintain that if he'd just released it under the guise that it was fiction, he'd have been hailed as a great new talent.

>> No.16300808

I always thought it reads like something an incel fed onto an AI writing software or the script of a 2 hour long video essay by some stupid teenager on YouTube. Bloated, repetitive, meandering nonsense.

Maybe zoomers or millennials can relate, or 4channers who unironically believe greentext blogging is some form of art, but the writing is dreadful.

>> No.16300810


>> No.16300815

It wasn't that good. The first half of the work is interesting but his prose isn't good enough to carry the repetitive nature of the second half. It's certainly not a bad read but I wouldn't call it great unless you were already interested in the, uh, genre(?) of "written works by delusional people".

>> No.16300834

Bloated solipsism by an uninteresting and delusional man who, incapable of fulfillment by himself, did a coup de grace to be interpreted as something deeper by the equally scorned as something other than a blue-balled tantrum

>> No.16300837

I agree. It's so brutally honest. It's also so unbearably sad and pathetic. The biggest take away I had from it is how his family and his society completely and utterly failed him. It's like he has zero values other than the most crass and superficial ones of consumerism and competition. Zero dreams. Zero appreciation of history or humanity.

>> No.16300846

Your prose is somehow worse than his.

>> No.16300851


>> No.16300875

It's a blistering insight into very sick young man's psyche. If you were under the impression that it was written by someone just making it all up, it would be quite a considerable achievement.

>> No.16300883

Yet I am alive, while Rodgers's untouched dick is decomposed.

>> No.16300893

>Yet I am alive

>> No.16300895

>untouched dick
Hey, it's touched by worms now! Some of which might be females LMAO

>> No.16300925
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Not a shoujo anymore

>> No.16300983

>worms can change genders depending on the population split
He's being touched exclusively by trannies

>> No.16300998

>If I wish hard enough,Ill win the lottery!
>even though Im already rich

>> No.16301020

His dad was some technical adviser on a documentary or something. Hardly a celebrity.

>> No.16301026

He was also hemorrhaging cash due to a failed film.

>> No.16301029

He had no reason to care about money

>> No.16301042
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>Got my dick fondled by femworms in my coffin
Later virgins

>> No.16301051
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I read it a few years ago. I stopped maybe 2/3 in because it got boring. It's funny for a little bit because of how delusional he was. It was tragic how he killed many people, but it makes the writing more ridiculous because you realize that he was 100% serious and that this book wasn't satire. Pic related is an example of his unironic writing style that you can expect in his book.

>> No.16301056
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Another example of his thought process.

>> No.16301085
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This one is the best

>> No.16301096

>tfw he was an inch shorter than me but 10lbs heavier

>> No.16301175

I don't see how it's just 'delusional', we grow up on porn and constant allusions to (the importance of) your dick's dimensions. it's pathetic like >>16300837 wrote, but his thought patterns are well aligned with popular adolescent talk, it's only when you actually commit to anti-social consequences that you're suddenly 'weird' or 'crazy' or whatever

>> No.16301187

>It was tragic how he killed many people
didn't he mostly kill women though?

>> No.16301334

it's such an injustice

>> No.16301350

I did read some part of it, it was an interesting dive into the mind of a sick frustrated man. The worst part is that Rodgers was actually good looking for an incel, if he wasn't such a retarded sperg he could have had a girlfriend. The typical incel with a receding hairline, pale skin, glasses, no chin etc actually has a reason to hate the world. Elliott brought this upon himself.

>> No.16301582

>tfw I lived in his apartment in Isla Vista until last week
sometimes it was like he was right there with me bros

>> No.16301622


>> No.16302011


He may have had some luck if he actually pursued women and had low-average social skills. It's hard to say, but having a famous director as a father is big social proof so women might look past his height and race thing

>> No.16303356

It would have captured a much wider audience if he framed it as being his memoir, rather than as a political manifesto. Genuinely an engaging read and sadly very relatable. I'm hapa and honestly feel like he was a trail blazer who wrote the story of our nation.

>> No.16303375

I agree hole heartedly, OP. I cringe when normies read it and view his grandstanding delusions of grandeur as literal and not a literary device to tragically juxtapose his ideal life from his failed actual life

>> No.16303385

This fucking board...

>> No.16303803

For me? It's the part where Elliot decides to run away in a spur-of-the-moment decision when his plans of actually leaving are discovered and he gets dragged back home crying after his dad chases him through the streets.

>> No.16303950

Is it really that cringe to be a hapa? I know they're generally pretty low on the social rung, but it seems like every hapa I meet lives in a state of miserable inceldom. Maybe it's cuz a lot of WMAF couples are unattractive white guys marrying a desperate woman, and that sets a terrible genetic precedent? Idk

>> No.16303986

Elliot Rodgers problem was mental illness, that's it. It wasn't being a manlet, it wasn't being a hapa, he was completely disconnected and delusional.

>> No.16304013

Elliot was a qt.

It definitely had to do with being a hapa and having such a prick of a father. His father should get a bullet.

>> No.16304027

Would have been funny to bully and make cry

>> No.16304059

Nah there was clearly another path he could have taken, incel hapa's just use being a hapa as a way of avoiding responsibility. Elliot didn't have any major health problems, he was rich and had a successful family, he was already was in a better position at carving out a happy life than most people on this site. There are uglier guys who have gf's and families, it's 99% mental

>> No.16304103

He wasn't an incel he was what incels call a mentalcel. The guy was attractive. The problem was his parenting. It's proven that children with poor parental relationships get bullied more and have less coping mechanisms for being bullied, and other children can identify this almost unconsciously.

You read it right and saw what his father said about him after?

>> No.16304159

other chapter of ER asking his mother to seduce rich guys so he can live in a bigger house and impress blonde sexy girls. his mother was a fucking egoist, as rightfully the supreme gentleman pointed out in his masterpiece.

>> No.16304170

Everyone has read it long ago.

It is interesting that such an unironic self-centered robot was produced by “normal” society around him, not those SCARY internet communities. Despite all the foolishness, the root of this problem was that he did not want to fake it like everyone else. Really makes you think!

>> No.16304227

I read parts of it. From what I discerned he lacked self-awareness a bit, and had a grandiose image of himself. Most likely a narcissistic personality. However with that being said I think a large part of his alienation and what contributed to him finally cracking was his family. They really seem like terrible people all around especially his stepmom and father. They definitely played a role in driving his mental health off the edge. I kind of feel sorry for him but his actions are inexcusable. He had the potential and funds to pretty much do whatever he wanted. He wasn't hideous either. If he had worked hard at something whether it be film making or obtaining a solid career and some degree of success women would have naturally come along the way. A waste.

>> No.16304859

I wish I had a Mom that wanted me to play with the kids across the street. Then again most of the neighborhood was full of drug addicts and niggers.

>> No.16304882
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>that scene where he notices a pack of normies playing in a park and internaly "REEEEEES"
>drives over to a toy store and purchases a super soaker
>fills it with orange juice and literally charges at the normies spraying them with juice from the squirt gun
>they run in horror and disperse from the power of horrifying incel charge

Was it literary kino? Of course it was, don't even question it.

>> No.16304889

>his prose isn't good enough to carry the repetitive nature of the second half
You could say the same about almost any PKD work except for the stories in Voices from the Street.

>> No.16304895

Him hearing his sister getting railed always makes me crack up

>> No.16304904

>141 pages of absolutely no consequence

>> No.16304932

dangerously based underrated post

>> No.16304947

>This blatant attempt at using lofty words to sound intelligent

Gigacringe. Also shit opinion, Elliot sure wasn't un-interesting as evidenced by his still being popular many years after his death.

>> No.16304989

>"have sex" unironically
your prose is still shit

>> No.16305014

>that scene where he spends a fortune in lottery tickets because his dad said he needed to "trust his luck more"
The saga is pure kino

>> No.16305021

yeah it's not delusional really. he didn't necessarily lack selfawareness he just couldn't figureit out. he was too faithful and uncritical towards the culture he grew up in and the things he read online. in the end, a naive little boy who couldn't understand why things were as they were and grasped for some reconciliation.

infantile reductive systems thinking like this poster >>16301350 but the stress and balls to actually kill people. you can't blame people who are determined by the conditions they're placed in and can't get around what that leads to. at that point it becomes a problem with the whole.

>> No.16305023

>his thought patterns are well aligned with popular adolescent talk
I never thought woman owed me sex and that I had to right to kill them for not giving it to me when I was an adolescent and I've never known anyone who thought that and admitted it.

>> No.16305030

no it's not. it's just spending too much time online and coping for your own inaction because an angelic blonde won't fall into you lap as you fetishise white women too.

>> No.16305051
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>What did you think of it?
It would make a great series of 5-10 minute long shorts/skits of him failing at life and then doing a monologue at the end about how he hates the world.
I wish that he failed at his rampage in a hilarious way like he attempted to shoot someone and dies from a ricochet, that would have been perfection.

>> No.16305062

In a way his rampage was already a massive failure seeing as how he wrote about having planned to storm a girl's dormitory and murder dozens of females in there, but he couldn't get past the locked door. Apparently his supreme masterplan did not take into consideration the door being locked. So he just shot 3 or 4 random people on the street instead.

>> No.16305109
File: 96 KB, 800x578, two guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also he literally incarnated this old meme if my memory serves me right; As he wrote about being afraid that shooting himself with only one gun would leave him not-quite dead, maybe only severely wounded or paralyzed. That's the reason why he went and purchased an additional handgun, because his plan was then to literally shoot himself with two guns at the exact same time, ensuring that he would not survive and be arrested by the police (he was really scared of getting arrested and put in jail). I guess that part of his plan worked out.

>> No.16305119

I feel bad for him given how shitty his childhood seemed to be. It looks like he grew up with a dad who was never there and a bitch of a stepmom.

>> No.16305147

Because you're dull with a narrow field of experience.

>> No.16305158

My favorite chapter was when he finally got the courage to go to a frat party. He saw his ideal women: tall blonde sorority girls. He said, "Hi," but in such a small voice that no one could hear him. Then he sat in a chair in a corner, with his beautiful face and expensive sunglasses, and waited for a tall blonde woman to ask to be his girlfriend. He waited for an hour but no woman came up to him to talk to him. He got so mad that he picked a fight with a fraternity brother. But the frat guy pushed Elliot to the ground and he sprained his ankle. Then he went home and wrote in his diary

>> No.16305236

>his prose isn't good enough
Yeah, this. While his propensity for melodrama is very much debatable in terms of its efficacy (I'll come back to this in a minute) in the end his very mediocre command of the language was what ended up defining it for me. I got bored pretty quickly of his prose, which flowed too poorly and with too little lyricality to justify the self indulgence of his writing style.

Re: melodrama and self indulgence though, I've got this pet theory that it actually was fiction, or at least loosely autobiographical fiction. I don't doubt that he drew heavily on his personal experiences, or that he was faking his reasoning, but what I do doubt is how much of Elliot Rodger the actual entity is on the pages he wrote. It's all just a little too consistent and neat in portraying the character who is ostensibly the protagonist. The question, I think, is how much of the melodrama was manufactured by Rodger for effect. People generally read his manifesto as if it's a spilled heart on paper, directly outlining everything the guy was with complete honesty. The problem is that human beings are capable of deception, and it's impossible to completely discard the idea that the manifesto could have been written as a shitposting work of fiction.

I think that this interpretation is less at odds with the facts of what we actually know about him objectively. Elliot Rodger was rejected again and again (in his head or in reality -- distinction unimportant for these purposes) to the point where he was so frustrated that he decided to go on a spree killing. Along the way, he probably developed other maladaptive behaviors and habits. My conjecture is that through these experiences of rejection, he learned the desire to hide his true self from others rather than expose it to more pain, and from this desire to hide comes this almost playful tonality in his writing. Rather than expose what he actually feels and who he actually is, he bloviates and obfuscates himself into this melodramatic caricature. In this way, he preserves his inner distance from the world and gives it a falsified version of himself to criticize, making it so that even in death he gets this final counter-rejection of the society which harmed him.

To me, it reads a lot more coherently if taken as fiction, where you get to step back and look at melodrama as an authorial device rather than a genuine expression.

The whole thing just makes more sense to me in this way. I do believe that Elliot genuinely felt wronged, and that he's reasons he illustrated weren't dishonest. He's got no reason to lie about those things. But I also believe that the person we are meant to see behind the writing is heavily falsified, which is interesting because he definitely wanted to express a person. The contrast is immediately apparent if you compare Elliot's manifesto to those of Breivik or Tarrant, whose works are heavily abstract and impersonal. To them, it's the ideas which are important.

>> No.16305247

I don't agree with your premise, I think Elliot was being perfectly honest. I don't have any arguments though, I just get the feeling from the text that he was being truthful.

>> No.16305274

Yeah what I wrote is probably just bullshit, and are expression of my desire to see something interesting where there's actually just an extreme version of something common and boring. This is something I'll freely admit, and it's completely unknowable. I just can't shake the suspicion though.

>> No.16305285

sounds like the outline of a poe poem

>> No.16305287

I don't think he overtly lied in his manifesto, but he did lie by omission. His white friend days that he sometimes hung out with Elliot and gave him tips on socialization and hitting on women, but Elliot always dismissed him. These interactions weren't in Elliot's manifesto


>> No.16305290

We met a few times and emailed a lot. He seemed convinced that women hated him but he could never tell me why.

It seemed like he would perceive cruelness or hatefulness when in fact, I suspected, he was just being ignored.

I remember giving him an assignment once so he could try to establish some kind of dynamic with a woman.

I told him, "When you see a woman next time you're on campus and you like her hair or sunglasses, just pay her a compliment."

I told him, "It's a freebie, something in passing, you're not trying to make conversation. Keep walking, don't make any long eye contact, just give the free compliment." The idea being you might make a friend if you make someone feel good.

I said to Elliot, "In the next few weeks - if you see them they'll likely give you a smile - and you can smile back and eventually turn this into chit-chat."

I got in touch with him a few weeks later and asked if he did it. He said "no". And when asked why not, he said "Why do I have to compliment them? Why don't they compliment me?"

>> No.16305293

Interesting insights none-the-less Anon, I remember reading his manifesto a lot back in the day, it captivated me for some unknown reason.

>> No.16305295
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Relatable during his childhood. It's interesting that puberty not only ruined his life but his manifesto. Beyond his step mother telling him his brother is better than him because he will grow up to have sex, I didn't feel a thing for him during the second half or so.

>> No.16305371

Does everyone remember that when Elliots internet history got leaked it showed he used to use /adv/?

>> No.16305382

His google searches (told in the police report) were quite hilarious.

>> No.16305389


>> No.16305394

t.actual brainlet

>> No.16305418
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Why isn't it standard to release the internet history/google history of terrorists? Like the worst mass shooters. I would love to get some insights into their minds.

>> No.16305436

I remember that New Zealand would actually jail anyone who posted Tarrant's manifesto

>> No.16305531

He killed more men than women, if memory serves me right.

>> No.16305543

The typical incel is completely normal looking too, lets be honest. They're just so fucked up in the head that they see themselves as hideous and have convinced themselves they're actually competing vs professionally shot pictures of models.

>> No.16305552

Yeah he killed 3 by stabbing but no one cares about them because they were ugly asians lol. The only victims anyone can remember is that girl who got shot and survived.

No that is a mentalcel.

>> No.16305555

I agree completely, the guy is pretty obviously clinically narcissistic. Hiding real issues behind walls of ridiculous melodrama and claims that are heavily inflated versions of reality is a pretty common thing in patients like that.

>> No.16305580

There's no evidence he ever visited 4chan.

>> No.16305791

The only bad thing about Elliot is that he failed to go through with his original plan to kill all the girls in that sorority house. If he had actually succeeded he would have been based as fuck.

>> No.16305806

You know, evaluating him on facial aesthetics alone, he was kind of right; he WAS handsome, and the people making fun of him likely knew that

>> No.16305836

A negative reflection of Johnny Bravo, then - thin, soft, and conventionally unattractive, with a propensity for creepy resentment and rape fantasies in place of Bravo’s light, mr. Bean-esque dismay.

>> No.16305853

This is Neil Breen territory

>> No.16305960

That's the 'anti-social' part through his narcissistic personality. His disconcertment with his dick size, his entitlement because of his looks, viewing white women as most desirable, are not discordant at all. You think a handsome guy doesn't expect women he's interested in to give it up? It's just that many of the latter will have the social skills to pick one up so it seems to happen 'naturally', while Eliot got stuck in a bad cyclical thought, and didn't get the therapy that would've helped him

>> No.16306005

>therapy that would've helped him
Maybe, maybe not. There's no therapy that has anywhere even close to a universal, short-lived benefit, much less a long-term one. Some people just can't be convinced to get better -- this is one of the hallmarks of a genuine, properly diagnosed personality disorder. Prisons are full of people like this, for whom there's currently nothing we can do to help, leaving only the option to physically separate them from society. The willingness to interact with any therapy is a basic requisite for it to work. Some people need to hit rock bottom to be able to gain any real insight into themselves. Elliot didn't want to do that, with obvious consequences. Suicide isn't actually hitting rock bottom, it's a getting-out in front of it, to prevent yourself from reaching that state of vulnerability and honestly with yourself -- the exact kind of honesty you need in order to really succeed with any therapeutic program.

>> No.16306290

What therapy would have helped? IIRC he had like half a dozen therapists trying to help him over the course of his life.

>> No.16306299

Fair comment. I find people too easily condemning someone rather than understanding their experience, the way he gave meaning to his social life, when it takes an pathological direction. His whole shtick was feeling inferior to women or too inferior for them. With all his entitlement attitude there's a lot more about feeling inadequate, which to me seems much more pertinent to offer actual help to alter his experiences instead of being condemned, in my view.

>> No.16306396 [DELETED] 

youre a faggot

>> No.16306482

Could those factor into his mental illness? People who say that shit Like you are retarded

>> No.16306505

>The part where he planned to kill his little brother because he felt he would become "too socially powerful"
It's a dark comedy

>> No.16306541

Does this really work? Is this good advice?

>> No.16306547

I absolutely agree. Elliot Rodger had special needs. I don't mean that euphemistically, or derisively. The guy had needs that went beyond the norm, and he didn't get help with it early enough. By all accounts, he was very good at hiding it, so it's hard to cast blame, but the fact remains. I think it's a cop out to just paint Elliot and people like him as these monsters of free will who made this cosmic choice to do evil. I think if we had a magical machine which could go back in time to retrace every event in Elliot's life, we could find a discrete amount of external events which shaped him into the person he became. The point is less that we need time machines and more that we need to start looking at things through lenses a little more broad than just an act of pure personal agency. Yes, he made those choices, but nobody makes any choice in a vacuum. We make decisions based on learned experiences. So if someone were to say that Elliot "chose" to kill those people, I think I would try to introduce the question of what turned him into the person who made that choice, and from there ask how much agency he'd had in those forces which gave him those experiences. Our earliest years are incredibly important in defining who we end up becoming. We are shaped in powerful and near-permanent ways by forces beyond our control from long before we have the mental ability to consider what we'd like to allow the shaping.

Anyway, I think I'm rambling now. The demonization of metal illness is something that really does work against the work of its treatment in a fundamental way. Demonizing a mass shooter might help you feel better about it as a third party, but at a certain point you have to consider what needs to be changed on a systemic level in order to effect what probably needs to be a paradigmatic shift in the way we look at a lot of things.

>> No.16306559

I like your post number, Anon. #41 is a prime number :)

>> No.16306573

Maybe. Your eyes are very pretty btw

>> No.16306588

So what would the solution be? No matter how depressed you are, consciously picking up a weapon and killing someone is a choice. What, was the killing of his three male friends also a result of his unfulfilled needs?

>> No.16306589

If you’re Chad it can work but if you’re an ugly hapa manlet then you’re almost certainly going to get metoo’d and arrested

>> No.16306626

What I'm trying to do is reshape the narrative around the whole "he did thing consciously" part, which is difficult because it runs contrary to a very basal way people view themselves. A (very) short way of putting my solution would be to take the passage in quotes above, amend it to something like "the human being created by and expressing the summation of his life's experiences" and from there extending that idea outwards. I didn't use the word "paradigm" lightly.

This is, of course, pure fantasy. We are well and truly fucked on a social level. Protestant work ethic run amok in every dimension, expressions of it everywhere you look. Asking people to change something so fundamental is just not realistic with the frameworks we have.

>> No.16306630

Look up the kiwi farms or whatever it’s called it’s a bitchute like website
Their response to the New Zealand’s government cease and desist is gold

>> No.16306638

That reminds me of a German guy who failed to storm a synagogue to kill dozens of jooz, but instead killed some random grandma and a kebab store owner.

>> No.16306665

American Pop culture references, Isolation, Mom wont marry a rich dude, opalescence is what i deserve, delusions on a large scale, sister getting fucked and your there by the door to listen, i am not 6'2 blond chad, life is suffering and misery, im such a great guy, how can they not see im such a great guy.

>> No.16306677


>> No.16306686

There was a guy who went to a synagogue in Kansas City to kill all the Jews, but he only managed to kill a black security guard and an old Catholic goy lady who was volunteering as a pianist

>> No.16306702

And there was another kill all the joooos guy in New York, all he managed to kill was some old joo grandma and two adult Down's syndrome joos

>> No.16306703

the list of people defeated by locked doors goes back a long time -- probably to the first locked door. it's still pretty hilarious how he cased the place out, built a fucking luty and manufactured his own ammunition with makeshift primers, and neglected to consider that the door might have been locked.

>> No.16306779

All incels are mentalcels

>> No.16306871


>> No.16306941

Ah damn, can someone post this part.

>> No.16306972

Complete bullshit. Ever seen someone with a severe facial deformity? A skull shape deformity? No, because most kill themselves. I used to be a mental health nurse for people with these types of deformities, my entire job was to be their friend, take them shopping and make sure they aren't sitting at home drinking themselves to death. These people exist and people like you would mock them if you saw them on the street. You would point and laugh and then you would continue thinking "haha there is no such thing as an incel".

>> No.16307009
File: 42 KB, 310x475, My Twisted World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read it and rated it 5 stars on Goodreads lol. I absolutely loved, I think I read the entire book in like 3 sittings. I am kinda an incellish person myself, so of course I could relate to a lot of things. But I am not as delusional as him to think that I will get some girl without asking any girl out. It was a damned funny book, especially that evening of his when he got beaten up by those guys at the party and they also took his watch. If I felt any sadness while reading it or after reading it, I can't remember that now.

I will be honest here, the only let down for me was that his dumb ass couldn't get inside that sorority and kill some beautiful hedonistic girls in the prime of their pleasurable lives.

He really needed some coping mechanism. I remember I was relating with him throughout the book until he came to the part where he said that he was looking at a sunset and it looked beautiful, but that it was all a waste because he did not have a beautiful girl by his side to share it with. Listen, I want a qt gf as much as your next virgin guy, but I grew out of this much desperation when I was like 17, and I had to, you have to develop some sort of coping mechanism. For me it was porn and doomer shit. I am in my last year of college now, and I have barely 1 friend in my entire class, and have talked to him only once since the quarantine started.

Our entire class went on a college trip in February, and I was totally by myself, even that single friend of me abandoned me for a group with some girls, which I can totally understand and am not angry with him at all. But all that time that others were having fun with each other and making memories that they will fondly remember down the lane, I was there standing alone in corners. Four days that trip lasted and it was hell for me. After trying for the first few times to "get in", I just gave up and tried to just be as inconspicuous as possible. But I felt so lonely, you have no idea until you have lived with a crowd of college students for 4 days, even the place where we slept was like a huge room with 20 bunks, no privacy. I really would have killed people after that trip if I lived in America and had access to guns, or maybe that's just how I like to cope. But I can totally understand his hatred.

>> No.16307031

Wait, his mom dated George Lucas for a short while? Man, how different things could've been....................

>> No.16307040

>he was very good at hiding it,
I don't even think he was even trying to hide it. He was literally too autistic to demonstrate his autism. Good post btw.

>> No.16307070

Bear in mind these are pictures he took himself and he posed for selfies like a woman does, always hunting for the most flattering angle. Photos of him taken by other people make him look a lot more awkward looking. He had striking bone structure but I wouldn't call him handsome or anything - he borders on looking like he's halfway through transitioning at times.

>> No.16307097

I watched that as it happened. Genuinely one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen, retard started crying in his car and apologizing to the audience.

>> No.16307161
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This is upsetting, sorry anon.

>> No.16307432

This is not the way I thought I would be spending a rainy afternoon, but it's been a surprisingly good read so far.

This song always reminds me of Elliot, btw (and this particular album even ends with a sample from Seung-Hui Cho)

>> No.16307452

This is disturbingly easy to read in Trumps voice. Easier than the books he'd had ghostwritten.

>> No.16307475

I take this back, it's just the opening two paragraphs

>> No.16307537

thats not what anyone is thinking of when they talk about incels

>> No.16307539
File: 153 KB, 702x324, erodger preschool excerpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this alluding to a rape?

>> No.16307765

Why do you think that? I really don't see it. It could definitely be a terrifying experience for a little kid without the rape.

>> No.16307810

>that filename
that was not very gentle-manlike of you, anon.

>> No.16307853

Yeah, I know. Sadly the pseuds of /lit/ would shitpost my thread if there was even the barest possibility that I had been at all generous to Elliot so I called him a retard in the intro in the hopes that it would provide a chance that the troglodytes here might at least read a few sentences of the OP before whining about the incel boogiemen they are discharge their two minutes hate towards.

>> No.16307937

There's definitely a range of experiences. Hapa male quality of life is generally below average, but I've met a few guys who have made a success of things. Hapa females basically lead a pretty good life; that being said, even my cousin and sister, who are both good looking and socially successful, have admitted to self hate because they are mixed race. Pretty sure even though hapa females seem to be doing ok in modern society there's a lot of self hate there under the surface.

My life growing up was basically as shitty as Elliot's; Doing better now though.

>> No.16307960

where does the self-hate come from?

>> No.16307969

Yeah, anon, just so you know, this is good writing because I can feel what you're describe. Not saying it's on a level with Dos - it's not - but I can feel it as much as feel certain parts of Underground Man. And that's something. Not trying to be ironic or snarky, but you have a bit of flair for words just as ER did.

>> No.16308014

>his belief that he could write a novel which will be made into a movie in order to become famous, or that he would become a dictator by reading tons of books on politics after drinking Starbucks coffee.

straight up copied my diary desu.

>> No.16308047

master race

>> No.16308073

Yeah, I used to keep a diary until I was like 20 and the desperation I had towards having a GF was insane around the age of 16-19. Ironically what helped me was being used by some broads, which made realize most girls are just as lonely and pathetic as we are.
But I guess I only wanted someone to make me feel whole - sex always seemed foreign to me (still is t b h), and once you realize you can fill that void with other stuff, you just move on.
I hope things get better for you, you seem like a nice guy and self-aware enough to pull through.

>> No.16308074

Incels briefly occupying the interest of mainstream journalists and academics was a good litmus test of whether the supposedly revolutionary '68 episteme actually exists, i.e., whether several generations of "postmodern thinking" and non-stop deconstruction of all traditional norms, hierarchies, and "power-knowledge" actually made human beings fundamentally more compassionate, understanding, or adept at identifying systemic oppression and subaltern voices at the everyday level.

What happens when a completely monstrous person “of color” tortures and murders some white child or shoots a cop in the face in cold blood? The institutionalized postmodernists rush in to remind everyone that institutions are structurally and systemically oppressive, and that this unfortunate individual incident shouldn't blind us to the structural factors that gradually and systemically caused the young person to lash out.

>> No.16308083

We shouldn't simply follow our gut and say "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! Murder and violence are never justified, and no matter how oppressed you are, you aren't entitled to cruelty, hatred, spite, or resentment!" We should constantly remind ourselves against all our instincts that we're occupying the uphill, superior position, the easier position to hold, and we're shouting down at someone who is barely surviving, using this tragedy to justify keeping the structures of oppression in place because "it's fundamentally the individual's responsibility and the individual's guilt." We're supposed to resist the urge to shoot from the hip, and use abstruse Marxian analysis to figure out that resentment-fueled violence really isn't the perpetrator's "fault," but the fault of complex social structures and language-embedded injustices.

But then when a white guy starts expressing some ennui and sense of alienation, by doing anything less than outright grovelling and cringing and apologizing for feeling this ennui in the first place, at a time when being a "default" young-white-working-class-male means being the most atomized and pointless and taken-for-granted drone in an already atomized and pointless society, every single one of these ultra-subtle critical theorists says the same shit: "LOL what are you a fucking virgin? Man up! Buck up! You don't deserve any sympathy! You aren't guaranteed anything! It's YOUR responsibility to EARN the things you want from life! Just because you're miserable, doesn't mean you have the right to lash out, ever!"

It's a one-to-one analogous case, in the abstract. But there's no analogous consideration of structural or systemic factors, no interest in "seeing the perpetrator as himself a victim," no interest in subtly examining how social isolation almost always leads to short-sighted lashing-out that just leads to worse isolation in a vicious cycle, nothing.

DECADES of postmodern wanking about sympathy for the downtrodden hasn't managed to make that sympathy reflexive. It was all one big role-playing game.

>> No.16308090

I am not a hapa or phenotypically a mutt but mixed race people tend to have identity issues. They are not able to indentify with a race of people except for other half breeds. Take the mulatto for example. Grotesque creatures, neither black nor white. Mixed race people appear to be aliens and they dont fit in anywhere. Their appearance always stands out. The lilly white liberal pieties of the reader of this comment may be offended by my frankness but you know I'm right.

>> No.16308238

Pretty much all incels are mentalcels man, they just can't see it because they have bdd.

>> No.16308269

Depends what you expect it to do. Absolutely makes you more confident around other people though, even if you'll probably be awkward and terrified the first few times.
Realistically the worst that happens is that someone takes it weirdly and you just keep walking. Even that's incredibly unlikely though, you're just being nice to people.

>> No.16308296

Dude was autistic as fuck. This autism made me naive in social interactions and unable to interpret western culture to his benefit. This naivete led him to feeling betrayed by his entire world. Additionally he couldn't tell the difference between his own thoughts about himself and the thoughts others had about him. If he was having negative thoughts about himself thus so must everyone else also. So many of his negative interactions are completely made up in his mind. I tried to say Hi, they obviously heard me and they just hate me. He illustrates that "The injustice! I hated them all. Everyone treated me like I was invisible" He is constantly a victim.

I think most of us probably agree in sentiment about his issues with women. When women reject you its as if nature has rejected you. Sex is important and relationships are probably the most important success or failures people have in the lives. He victimized him self and then idealized everything he didn't have. The way he describes sex and relationships makes them out to be the end all be all of everything. His narcissism wouldn't allow him to change anything meaningful about who he was but was shallow enough to drop and take on fads as socially necessary. He mainstreamed the normie dream and was let down when he couldn't obtain the movie like quality of american life that is advertised to us every day. He was a naive autistic boi that had the nerve to do something. What he did was, I want to say brave but its not the right word. It was uncanny, something many could do, but do not, for that reason it is "respectable". He took his shity thinking to its logical conclusions. We all do a lot of thinking but do any of us act on these rationalizations. The best and worst thing he did are the same final act. We wouldn't be talking about these writings if he hadn't killed someone. For the narcissist we have fulfilled his goal. He always felt invisible and now everyone can see him. His life was a success in those terms.

As far as "manifestos" and dudes that shoot people up go, I give him a cringe out of 10.

>> No.16308306

It honestly wouldn't be believable if you didn't know it was true. He is so socially unaware that he comes across like an alien or a parody.

>> No.16308329

It would be better if he used it as kindling. It would be useful then

>> No.16308341

It wouldn't be much of an achievement or anything groundbreaking really, but obviously creating and portraying a consistent, somewhat complex character is more of an achievement than just existing and writing about yourself.

>> No.16308344

>The author is a shithead who blamed others for his faults

>> No.16308353

>If I wish hard enough,Ill win the lottery!

The whole section with him driving interstate to buy lottery tickets is textbook bipolar. He also barely mentions his family's attempts to medicate him. I'm actually against medication so I'm not saying he was wrong to stop taking his pills, but the fact that whole saga of his life is left out should remind you all that he is leaving out pretty important details lol

>> No.16308362

reddit tier

>> No.16308372

The hands down funniest part of that memoir for me is when he talks about his strategy for meeting women being to turn up at a cafe and wait for someone hot to start a conversation with him. Like no shit that didn't work dude!

It's a shame. I know they got him that 'friend for hire' guy who tried to help him out, but it seems like if he'd only had the right role model he may have held onto his sanity long enough not to have done what he did.

>> No.16308396

T. Midwit

>> No.16308455


>> No.16308464

I overestimated your intelligence.

>> No.16308473

Elliot's art was his existence. No artist could come up something as hilariously wretched and sad as some of the shit he did.

>> No.16308486

>he doesn't realize
My reddit hunch was right.

>> No.16308497

We get that you're obsessed with reddit, now fuck off

>> No.16308516
File: 16 KB, 450x370, 1534893373574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna cry?

>> No.16308539

Why would I cry? Because of your lame attempts at trying to insult me?

>> No.16308545


>> No.16308550

He's certainly pretty pathetic, but I don't think he's the first pathetic, melodramatic character.

>> No.16308556

He's the most perfect version.

>> No.16308559

Cry from laughter maybe.

>> No.16308569
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>> No.16308572

because this has nothing to do with postmoderism, enlightenment , or any philosophical argument, it's about gaining power and a rationalization for it. We can think through these arguments for ourselves but it doesn't matter. Whatever rationalization they can espouse quickly and effectively is good enough. You don't need good arguments just ad hom, and the post modern guilt of original sin. Throw in some group think , psy ops and we you are done.

>> No.16308581

Move along kid

>> No.16308595
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>Move along kid

>> No.16308604

I can never understand how this kind of "retort" gained steam here. Lazy attempts at trolling fits in here, I guess

>> No.16308611

lurk more

>> No.16308621

Get better retorts.

>> No.16308627
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>> No.16308632

>Look ma I did it again

>> No.16308648
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>>Look ma I did it again

>> No.16308679

Nice wojak normie

>> No.16308693


>> No.16308716

So this is the power of Roger tards

>> No.16308718

What >>16308090 says is pretty much right although I wouldn't have put it in that in-your-face tone.

The stuff about hapa or other mixed race people only being able to identify with other half breeds is generally wrong imo. I don't identify with someone who is mullatoe or blasian even though they are also mixed race and half the same background as me. Don't think most mixed race people would. I find I am often attracted and repelled by other hapa people. Attracted because they come from a similar background and experience as me, and repelled because they are often messed up or have a serious chip on their shoulder.

In my experience the most common thing in terms of identity is for mixed race people to hate one side of their background and to embrace the other to such an extent that it's basically a parody of how a normal person of that race would celebrate their background e.g., Obama or Meghan Markle

>> No.16308729

The Day of Retribution was not a choice for Elliot Rodger, it was his destiny.

>> No.16308802

yeah he really showed all those people who never did anything to him

>> No.16308804

If he had gotten therapeutic volunteers who were women instead of a guy who could've altered his perspective through positive experience

>In my experience the most common thing in terms of identity is for mixed race people to hate one side of their background and to embrace the other to such an extent that it's basically a parody
That seems fair to say. I was more intrigued mixed asian-whites would have to deal with self-hate as much as mixed Africans for example, since the latter's is often attributed to the common denigrated status of African culture/history in the West

>> No.16308810

Dealing with girls is a paradox anon. But no, simply complimenting a girl won’t guarantee a relationship or sex. If Elliot has tried it, he probably would have gone insane much earlier. He expected sex for nothing, so doing more than nothing and still not getting laid would have broken his mind. Probably turned him into a caricature of a gibbering nutjob.
The only advice is to give up. Accept defeat. Embrace failure utterly and go out of your way to invite it. Instead of trying to entice a girl by guessing what she wants, provoke her to despise you by stating what you want. The other day I got my female coworker to buy me sushi. How? I told her I wanted her to buy me sushi for dinner. I expected her to laugh in my face. I wanted her too. But instead she agreed, and drove me to a sushi place. While we were eating, I noticed she was wearing a low cut shirt. I told her to lean over so I could look down her shirt. That totally killed the vibe. But that was fine, because I didn’t even want to go out in the first place, I wanted to go home to get stoned and masturbate. Which is what I did. Am I kicking myself right now? No. I got what I wanted.

>> No.16308895

They tortured Elliot Rodger through the denial of sex and love, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.16308917
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>> No.16308934
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u were half right, imo mention nothing sexual , invite them back to your place , then whatever u say is fair game.

I had the best luck once i became so depressed and didnt give a fuck people mistook it for confidence. Some girls i was still nice to because I wanted to be nice in the moment. Others I use to smile and waive at I would just stare at their tits when we walked by each other. That hoore was married anyways, god she was so hot tho. So I understand your lunch encounter.

I went from thinking about blowing up high rise office buildings I worked in to being married and having my first child 2 months ago.

>Imo every man is born an incel and there but for the grace of God go I.

>> No.16308935

who did? his male roommates? randoms on the street who'd never even spoken to him?
guy wasn't taking revenge on anyone, he was just a loser lashing out instead of having to admit he was a loser. man had his rampage stopped by a locked door.

>> No.16308964

Even if they did not participate in the abuse, they were still complicit. In any case, their parents had loving relationships, so it was revenge enough.

>> No.16308985

This is terrible bait man, you're just acting like a moron and expecting me to bite.

>> No.16309001

he had new room mates, some full asian dudes moved in and there were super geeks.

"Two new housemates moved into my apartment for the Autumn semester. They were two foreign
Asian students who attended UCSB. These were the biggest nerds I had ever seen, and they were both
very ugly with annoying voices. My last two housemates, Chris and Jon, were nerds as well, but at least
they were friendly and pleasant. These two new ones were utterly repulsive, and one of them had a very
rebellious demeanor about him. He went out of his way to start arguments with me whenever I raised
the issue of the noise he made. Hell, even living with Spencer was more pleasant than these two idiots. I
knew that when the Day of Retribution came, I would have to kill my housemates to get them out of the
way. "

>> No.16309011 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16309023

Idk about that, the most common image when someone is mocking incels is a picture of a very weak-chinned, weak-jawed, generally just kind of malformed looking guy. It's not like those facial features are due to his personality flaws

>> No.16309052

Not bait, I'm just applying arguments made in Elliot's manifesto to this discussion.

>> No.16309074

>This autism made me naive in social interactions
something you want to share with us, anon?

>> No.16309101
File: 20 KB, 242x334, -lit-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This holds true for most of us here, r-r-right guys? g-guys..?

>> No.16309129
File: 33 KB, 287x475, Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this if you want to experience peak incelcore

>> No.16309181

yeah because no-one is thinking of actually deformed people, if they were they'd post one. there's lots of weak jawed guys out there with partners, just not being massively obese is a big advantage in the modern world. most people aren't very good looking.

>> No.16309200

Right, but when the discussion is about how he was a fucking idiot, just applying his retarded views of the world doesn't make much sense. You can't be complicit in something you don't even know is happening. Murdering people who just happened to exist near you but have never done anything particularly wrong to you (or even met you before) is not an act of revenge. It's pointless, mentally ill lashing out because his brain was too broken to just kill himself normally or admit he needed help.

>> No.16309214

I honestly still feel like I could make it with her. But yeah I’m 30 now so I really don’t have time to fuck around. Sometimes I make comments like these for the same reason Elliot threw coffee at women: it makes me uncomfortable to be constantly rejected, so I make women uncomfortable by objectifying them. She tried to play it off like a joke but I clarified that I wanted a good visual for the next time I’m “feeling lonely” while I pantomimed masturbating. I think, even at that point, she was willing to ignore it but then I threatened to throw my coffee at her for laughing at me.

>> No.16309234

It's kind of a continuum though, at what point does a recessed chin or shortness qualify as deformity?

>> No.16309239

The fuck is that

>> No.16309273

I just talk to women, then ghost them as soon as I bore of them, or as soon as they say they want to meet up. Most of the "women" I seem to attract are obese single moms, so it's fun to do so. I'm not attracted to them at all, so it's fun to waste their time

>> No.16309282

Look up dwarfism. Not sure about the recessed chin thing

>> No.16309390

Whenever it's significantly outside the norm or impacts your ability to function somehow. A weak chin is pretty normal and you can operate just fine with it, physically speaking. Half your jaw missing completely is not and you could not.
A guy a few inches below average isn't deformed, he's just a bit short. Same as someone a bit taller than average is just a bit tall.

>> No.16309411

Your beginning and your end.

>> No.16309468

Wow how deep. Still doesn't answer my question

>> No.16310583

good thread OP

>> No.16310587

awh, it's over. Didn't read. Wonder how it went. What happened to the guy with the delusions of grandeur? Was OP called a retard? Did it fragment into something perhaps more interesting? What's the deal straggler anon?

>> No.16310684

I mean, I've fantasized about having my head that far up my ass to keep my self-esteem, but this dude made it his reality.

>> No.16310688

>son finds lost mother in stone age tribe
damm now i want to know that story

>> No.16310996

>It seemed like he would perceive cruelness or hatefulness when in fact, I suspected, he was just being ignored.
Spoken like somebody who has never been a societal reject. Elliot was absolutely right to ignore this guy's advice.

>> No.16311001

Whatever happened to that guy?

>> No.16311026

Eliot was not a social reject, he was all in all an average guy, with some strenghts like his money and really also his face (I know not everyone likes Hapa, but for some it's not a big deal) and some weaknesses.

He wasn't able to accept the fact that forever, men had to struggle to get women. But maybe that was not even it. He was seriously insane and I dounbt anything could have made him happy.

>> No.16311079

>Eliot was not a social reject, he was all in all an average guy
you should read the first half of the Book again

>> No.16311155

Why would you believe him there? The entire book is clearly written to paint himself as a victim, even obviously normal situations he reads terribly wrongly.

>> No.16311563

kinda surprised people unironically read and analyze ramblings of autistic incel

>> No.16311594

That would be based, like a depressing 60s cartoon

>> No.16311605

It's ingrained in human nature to analyze absolutely anything. These particular texts of autistic/delusional people ought to be discusaed, in fact. I think psychology departments should use manifestos/blogposts/etc as studying references (if they don't do so already).

>> No.16311611

What's worse?
Women writing love letters to serial killers or incels unironically reading this incel's book?

>> No.16311649

Number one. Incels generally complain on the internet without leaving the home, occasionally going on a rampage. There's a chance that the women would either have sex with the murderer and create little murderers, be compelled to murder because of something the murderer did, etc.

>> No.16311709
File: 105 KB, 696x470, apu and ghost apu hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.16311764

they're both morons living out fantasies they'll never do anything about in real life, so I'd say they're equal.

>> No.16311905

Man, I get you anon, I am not entirely antisocial, but I am always the backup man that only exists when no one else is available, I feel you, bro. It will pass, I assure you.

>> No.16311961

incomprehensibly based literary analysis

>> No.16312275

Actually pretty based.

I used to do this kind of a thing to a girl I went out with last year all the time, and she enjoyed the fact I had the balls to do it and id guess it raised her self-esteem as well. But then again, I am a fairly attractive guy, so that matters.

>> No.16312295


Imagine lurking in bodybuilding forums and not lifting.

>> No.16312311
File: 384 KB, 2048x1362, 1599422751200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need to start lifting

>> No.16312407

I still think about this day to day

>> No.16312493

>He is very candid about frankly embarrassing things that happened to him in his life and he seems to have no shame in admitting genuine beliefs he has which are delusiona
just like every 4chan post. no different than any anon. his manifesto is a tl;dr post

>> No.16312660

accept me

>> No.16313689
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>I really would have killed people after that trip if I lived in America and had access to guns
You had my empathy and I could relate until this point.

What the fuck, what makes people like this? You want to kill them? They deserve to die? What for?

Why was it their fault that you were alone? Because they ignored you? Then why not kill any of the other 8 billion people on this planet that don't give a shit about you any differently? I can understand any feeling of isolation and dejection by other peers and society except this. Why do the people in social circles that don't befriend or hang out with you or welcome you into their little groups deserve to die now, even as a momentary thought of shooting them as a coping mechanism? If you have a death wish for acquaintances or strangers I seriously doubt you'd be content or happy even if they did completely invite you into their social cliques that you apparently crave so desperately.

>> No.16313700

>t. reddit

>> No.16313702

Delusion, anon. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.16313748
File: 49 KB, 300x331, thumb_stockphoto-disgusted-meme-reaction-freetoedit-49134449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that you're a lonely fuck who would rather kill people than work on your social skills. Please tell me most of you aren't like this...

>> No.16313765

your reply demonstrates well a wrong way of approaching people like us, completely out of touch response, see the posts by the nurse anon above

>> No.16313774

What causes the delusion though? I know that they aren't born with it. Some boys may have a further propensity toward it than others, I suppose.

Both me and my brother are virgins, I'm 24 and he's 27. I have no friends and have given up on dating for the foreseeable future and getting a minimum wage job is a reach at this point. And I've never had the slightest thought to be violent or take my anger out on some group or individual that doesn't deserve it, when it isn't their fault. I've learned to accept the fact that I have to be a virgin for the foreseeable future, (I'm white, average height, good looking, sort of a "cutecel" but mostly a poorcel) and I'm not deluded so I'm aware that there's systems of power outside of my control that make it inconceivable for me to date and provide for myself until I'm a cog in some company's machine making bureaucrats wealthier in exchange for a middling wage. Why the fuck is that Stacy's fault or Tyrone's fault? Or even the fault of the head of the company or a wealthy banker? It's the system in power that's the issue.

As for my brother he'd be intelligent if he wasn't such a prejudiced far-right fuckwad. I've never minded any number of controversial things he's said, but when he loses his temper and starts going on about "the kikes" that does it for me. Talking about Jews coordinately seeking power is one thing, but using the word "kike" and having hatred for jews is another. He actually sent death threats to my old apartment roommates that he didn't along with MONTHS after he moved out of the place.

If we're both largely in the same condition (White male friendless NEETs without degrees in our 20s who can't find a job despite being intelligent/good-looking) why does he have all this hatred and believe in the white genocide conspiracy theory and blame his troubles on this? My only guess was that he got parental neglect/abuse worse, my mother had him on xanax when he was fucking 5 years old. I was on antidepressants briefly in High School but that honestly doesn't compare. He said that the psychiatrist that did that were "currynigger kikes" so I assume he just feels other races use their inadequacy to try to bring "strong, intelligent white men" down.

From this data I've concluded that people mostly have delusions out of the prideful ego-shells they form out of traumatic experiences that happened to them as infants and young children. We know a lot about Elliot Rodgers from the forum posts and manifestos, but I would wager that his parents severely allowed neglect or abuse to happen in ways that he can't even remember. Superficial delusions and crazy thought-patterns are one thing, but to do what he did, and just kill random people like that, makes it clear to me how deep these delusions truly ran. Deeper than could ever be put into words.

>> No.16313828

I read the reply. I'm not ugly but I understand these people more than you could know. There's nothing I don't understand about dejection.

Even the ugliest person (which Elliot Rodgers and in fact most incels who end up shooting innocent school-goers/pedestrians are anything but, in fact the ones that go this far tend to be average-good looking!) doesn't have an excuse to shoot random innocent people even if most people are to reject them. These shooters know they'll get caught and they usually commit suicide to avoid being in jail for the rest of their lives. If they're miserable why not just kill themselves? Why drag down random people with them first? Just for that momentary sense of gratification? THAT is a delusion: a random person that doesn't look at you and smile that you cross down the street is not the reason your parents decided to have a kid in spite of the fact that they were both ugly or had high chances of producing a child that was deformed.

>> No.16313861

>Our entire class went on a college trip in February, and I was totally by myself, even that single friend of me abandoned me for a group with some girls, which I can totally understand and am not angry with him at all. But all that time that others were having fun with each other and making memories that they will fondly remember down the lane, I was there standing alone in corners. Four days that trip lasted and it was hell for me. After trying for the first few times to "get in", I just gave up and tried to just be as inconspicuous as possible. But I felt so lonely, you have no idea until you have lived with a crowd of college students for 4 days, even the place where we slept was like a huge room with 20 bunks, no privacy. I really would have killed people after that trip if I lived in America and had access to guns, or maybe that's just how I like to cope. But I can totally understand his hatred.

>> No.16314111

Eerie detail choice, though even I'm more convinced I'm grasping at straws. He first alludes to the clothing's discomfort, exposed legs, sand (although he seems fine with it), only to breeze over the terrifying experience far faster and then end on all this talk about sitting funny.

>> No.16314134

>only to breeze over the terrifying experience far faster and then end on all this talk about sitting funny.
He jumps from topic to topic like that throughout the entire excerpt and throughout the whole thing though.

>> No.16314284 [DELETED] 
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How does one deals with lock doors in this situation? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16314354

Wait for someone to open the fucking door.

>> No.16314358


>> No.16314366


>> No.16314508

Knocking on the door and waiting for someone to open it would be the easiest way
You could also try picking the lock if you’re skilled or using a simple IED to blow the door
You could also try circling the building to try and find an unlocked door or you could break a window and get in that way
Elliot honestly had plenty of options but he somehow failed to consider any of them

>> No.16314531

He was on a short time scale, he'd already sent his manifesto to everyone and for all he knew his parents and the cops were headed for his apartment where the three dead bodies of his roommates lay. And he was retarded, which is also why he sent he killed his roommates and sent off his manifesto before accomplishing the thing he actually wanted to do.

>> No.16314549

If I remember correctly, he did knock, but did it in an aggressive way and they wouldn't open the door.

>> No.16314801

That doesn't make sense. If you believe others are the source of your misery why would you conclude to kill just yourself when you see yourself as the victim. It would only make sense that they would try and take down as many perpetrators before you go, only deciding to kill yourself as a way escape punishment and not because you believe they deserve to die.
Why don't they have the right to do so? Because society says so? Do you think they care about what society says?
Eternal Damnation would be a convincing reason, but we are growing up in a increasing godless world. As society increasingly becomes nihilistic, rationalizing your way to murdering people becomes extremely easy.
Really, the poster who emphasized finding a coping mechanism is right.
The truth is there is no reason that you should obsess over the people who cause you misery. The wicked will suffer in the end, and one should strive to be good and to do as much good to others as they can. But I for one, am not surprised that many turn to hateful practices when our society has grown increasingly loveless.

>> No.16314814

>white genocide conspiracy theory
not really a conspiracy theory, but I agree obsessing over this and being hateful is the wrong path.

>> No.16314895

>But I for one, am not surprised that many turn to hateful practices when our society has grown increasingly loveless.
Shooting someone who's bullied you your entire life is different from just shooting a random innocent bystander on a street corner or a random person in your school you've never even interacted with before though. You make it sound like the same thing and frequently these shooters treat it as the same thing too. "It's justified because society has wronged me as a whole." I can tell you understand that these shooters aren't in their right mind but nevertheless we should understand how they got there. I think the only way to start is to understand how they are so deluded that not only do they take out their anger on other people, (regardless of whether or not their misery was partly these people's "fault") instead of looking for solutions as to what they can control and accept that their circumstances can change, ("cope," patience, cultivating an independent self-sufficient mindset, moving to a new place, self-transformation or whatever term you want to use) but they go as far to kill random, completely innocent strangers that could have been you or me.

The pedestrians Ellot Rodgers shot in the drive-by could have been you or me. Would you really just shrug and say "you should try to understand it" if you survived a bullet due to this or a loved one of yours was in the line of fire and died? I think you'd probably be more like me and try to think very deeply as to what actually happens in these people's brains neurobiologically that causes them to SHOOT strangers, and I don't think it's as simple as
>muh society man 21st century no religion lol

He said "pedophiles/people who rape children are just getting back at the society who wronged them." I wouldn't have been surprised if he went through with killing my roommates too.

The first thing you need to understand about these people is how little they have to lose. After that point, I'd agree that it's more a question of why *wouldn't* they kill people before killing themselves than "why not just kill yourself instead of dragging others down with you?" They'd probably respond,

>well other's have successfully dragged me down my whole life and ruined any chances I would otherwise have of happiness as a result, leaving me no other options.

>> No.16315049

you try writing as if youre smart but you use onto instead of into

whats the point of this larp of intellectuality?

>> No.16315077

You said it yourself. It's the same to them because they blame society in the same way they blame a bully for making them miserable. When you feel like you hit rock bottom its extremely easy to believe society as a whole has failed you. Rando's I guess being extensions of that. I mean Elliot DID try to kill a certain class of people who he believes wronged him, before just deciding to shoot randos when the door is hilariously locked.
You can choose to believe society and religion don't play a part. But you would be ignoring critical details that create these people. Many of Elliot's delusions came from taking what society values to be the end all be all as >>16301175 kind of noted. Mental Illness plays a major part, but to allow society as we know it a free pass is kind of insane and honestly self serving. The fact that you boiled down my post to
>muh society and religion
really makes me think you didn't understand a single thing I said or will say and will continue to remain ignorant to why people do this as you keep wondering what chemical in the brain is causing this.

A significant part of my post was dedicated to why he and others like him are misguided and there are better more fulfilling paths. The fact that people like you tend to only give a shit when people die is part of the problem. The fact that you claim you want to know what makes them doing this while castigating me for trying to understand it (while I also explain why its wrong and what other better paths are (which you of course omitted)) is honestly hilarious and borders on delusion itself. You won't ever understand, because your #1 goal in trying to understand is to feel better and above these people. We can only try to correct them and stop this madness by trying to understand them first. Of course I would be mad if this happened to my family. This is why I want to get to the root of this problem and stop anymore of this ahead of time.

As to your second point, yeah I could gather your brother is a nutcase. I never disagreed with that.

>> No.16315127

Ok maybe not all, I meant the usual 4/10 dude that spends way too much time on his computer

>> No.16315509

>Rando's I guess being extensions of that.
My point is that this isn't an aside point, it's essential to understanding the whole thing. What in their minds makes them to believe that a random stranger is just as guilty as a lifelong bully or abusive teacher? As we both agree it's a delusion, but what specifically makes them deluded to the extent that they just go "SOCIETY" and see one person as just as guilty as another?

>The fact that you boiled down my post to

I didn't mean to boil your post down to that but I see now how it came across. I just meant that that your statement that " It would only make sense that they would try and take down as many perpetrators before you go" doesn't seem to refute my argument that it's intrinsically illogical, since as we both agree on it is only by understanding that, deluded though it may be, what makes such obviously insensible things SEEM sensible to the killer that they'd be inclined to kill strangers out of some strange satisfcation that they're getting back at an entity who wronged them even though said strangers have nothing to do with their bullies or girls who rejceted them or whatever the fuck. Of course, in the killer's mind they see it all as one in the same thing which is why they feel justified killing strangers, and that it's just as gratifying (if not more so?) than killing any number of specific people who actually went out of their way to harm them. My point of focus is simply to understand why this is the case, where you seem to talk more like a fatalistic white-pilled Christian, that really the cause of the problem is the irreversible course that society has gone down, and that the potential shooter's case is somewhat hopeless but they should still try to "cope," (another way of saying that they should accept their situation as hopeless and unchangeable and attempt to live with it instead of taking it out on others) but within their state of hopelessness taking it out on others is in some fundemental sense justified.

This is what I disagree on, I don't think their states are due to irreversible degeneration of society, this line of thinking is actually probably one of the major things that get them on a deluded course of thinking to begin with, because indeed if their situation WAS hopeless why wouldn't they want to kill others or themselves? But it's not, and as I said before evidence alone for this is that Incel shooters actually tend to be average or above average in looks, height, intelligence, success and socio-economic background.

>> No.16315576

>really makes me think you didn't understand a single thing I said or will say and will continue to remain ignorant to why people do this as you keep wondering what chemical in the brain is causing this.
You can think I'm not "understanding" something you're saying but that's a pretty big cop-out to me happening to disagree with it.

>The fact that people like you tend to only give a shit when people die is part of the problem.
When did I say that?

>The fact that you claim you want to know what makes them doing this while castigating me for trying to understand it
I'm not castigating, I'm disagreeing.

>while I also explain why its wrong and what other better paths are
I disagree about the logic of your "better paths" I think it's idiotic to say the incel shooter's cases are hopeless and that they should "find a coping mechanism."

I think you could boil down our disagreement to this sentence in the previous reply:

>But I for one, am not surprised that many turn to hateful practices when our society has grown increasingly loveless.

I don't think society has become increasingly loveless, I think that this is better than any other time in human history to be alive. Life has never had so much devlopment, ease, options, infrastructure, and oppurtunities. Life for most of human history fucking sucked, you'd get a disease or be stuck with poverty and a family you hated. Now we have birth control, we can take planes and go anywhere, things have never been better. I know that has made things complicated in some respects, and I don't know every stance you have on things (though I'm certain you'll disagree with me about this) but I see a lot of people talking about incel shooters and blaming things like abortion and feminism and the "destruction of the family unit" for these things. Even things like a reduction of physical abuse by parents and teachers in schools as factors. That's just fascist reactionary thinking and doesn't get to the root of the problem which I'm trying to get to, which you completely dismiss as "chemicals in the brain." Like of course societal and cultural issues influence "how chemicals are in the brain" but people can have things wrong with them that aren't as simple as a "society becoming loveless" such as in this case where you have people that are for all intents and purposes seemingly normal people with normal modern problems. But obviously something IS fundementally different in the neuro functioning of Elliot Rodgers than any number of hapa/half-asian well-to-do young men from california that have been rejected by girls sometimes and who are angsty. I'm trying to find that out, you're the one who is over-simplifying it.

>> No.16315590


But obviously something IS fundementally different in the neuro functioning of Elliot Rodgers than any number of hapa/half-asian well-to-do young men from california that have been rejected by girls sometimes and who are angsty and DON'T do what he did.

>> No.16315885

Well, I think the idea is that Elliot wanted to target certain people, then he just shot randos because he hit a SNAFU. I do agree its strange that so many target randoms, but I suppose its a consolation prize? They may not be as guilty as others, but perhaps guilty enough in the minds of the shooter to think "eh, good enough." Perhaps they feel so miserable they just want anyone to feel their suffering so they kill people to make others suffer too. Doesn't matter whom suffers. But I do agree that its weird so many just decide to go for randoms when they had problems with specific people.
The aspect of how they got to the point where they deluded themselves into blaming society is actually the ez part imo.

>Try your best or think you tried your best
>Fall flat on your face, perceive you are at the bottom of the social order, feel immense suffering
>Blame Society because you think they couldn't have done any more and it helps their egos
>randos are an extension of society

I'm not fatalistic in any circumstance. Society can change and it can change for the better although it doesn't seem to be heading this way. I never once said that society is solely responsible. It merely is a hand at play. (I merely stated initially that I am not surprised this happens in this type of society) And I do think society takes a part. We are increasingly isolated. Societies can change over time and is it so strange to think that societies changing could actually effect the people who live in them? But while I do think society takes a part, You make a valid point that the people committing violence over blame society and that is part of the problem. And while I think society may have a hand, people like Rodgers over blame society. Many are suffering from their own delusions or legitimate mental illness. In many cases, their failure will either lead them to self hatred (they kill themselves) or hatred of others (they kill others). I don't think they are hopeless, but in a different way than you. You say they are attractive, smart, etc. etc. The thing is that Elliot WAS hopeless in finding a gf. Not because he was unattractive or a Happa, but because he had legitimate mental illness. In many ways, his suffering probably stemmed from the perception that society thinks you are worthless if you aren't getting laid. But when I argue one should COPE (This is the key point), I am saying one should find meaning in other more valuable things. In that way, there is hope for them. If Elliot could be convinced that getting laid wasn't that important (As society says), maybe he wouldn't have killed people despite his failures to get a gf. My argument is that despite one's suffering one can find meaning in other less superficial things. Ascribing your value to how good you are to others rather than how much you get laid (as society honestly does broadcast in some instances) can do a load of good. And honestly, mental health treatment needs to be taken more seriously.

>> No.16315967

>You can think I'm not "understanding" something you're saying but that's a pretty big cop-out to me happening to disagree with it.
Maybe don't try to refute someone by saying
>muh x
next time

>I disagree about the logic of your "better paths" I think it's idiotic to say the incel shooter's cases are hopeless and that they should "find a coping mechanism."

Some incels are beyond help in finding a gf. That is just the truth. As nurse anon state perviously. You would probably just laugh at them. And when I said cope, I explained here >>16315885 that people should try to find value in more important and higher things than getting a gf. I am not talking about coping in a dismissive sense, but in the sense of finding a greater purpose with less suffering. One which society is unlikey to provide.

>When did I say that?
>Why should I think about how he was feeling when people are DEAD

>I think you could boil down our disagreement to this sentence in the previous reply:
First I would like to point out that.
>Like of course societal and cultural issues influence "how chemicals are in the brain"
is an admission that society plays a part which is all I said. I never once said it was the sole thing. All I said was I am not surprised it happens in this society.

You misinterpreted my statement completely. II only partially blame society. I otherwise think these people suffer from mental health issues which worsens the anguish.

>I don't think society has become increasingly loveless, I think that this is better than any other time in human history to be alive. Life has never had so much devlopment, ease, options, infrastructure, and oppurtunities. Life for most of human history fucking sucked, you'd get a disease or be stuck with poverty and a family you hated. Now we have birth control, we can take planes and go anywhere, things have never been better. I know that has made things complicated in some respects, and I don't know every stance you have on things (though I'm certain you'll disagree with me about this) but I see a lot of people talking about incel shooters and blaming things like abortion and feminism and the "destruction of the family unit" for these things. Even things like a reduction of physical abuse by parents and teachers in schools as factors. That's just fascist reactionary thinking

I mean, yeah I disagree with pretty much everything here. Ironically, the one who is saying how more loving everything is now (which isn't true) is advocating for no love. In many ways you come across as the reddit leftist counterpart to your brother, which I am not surprised by. Have fun feeling better than the mentally ill I guess.

>> No.16315980 [DELETED] 

>That's just fascist reactionary thinking
surprise surprise
God forbid they try to multiple roots of the problem in addition to mental illness. As if society can't help cause it.

>> No.16315985

>Life has never had so much devlopment, ease, options, infrastructure, and oppurtunities.

And yet so little meaning.

>> No.16315998

>That's just fascist reactionary thinking
surprise surprise
God forbid they try to find multiple roots of the problem in addition to mental illness. As if society can't help cause it.

>> No.16316018

>you'd get a disease or be stuck with poverty and a family you hated
kinda like now. Probably even more true with now with the family part.
>Now we have birth control
>we can take planes and go anywhere
It's honestly hilarious this is your argument for why there is so much more love now.
Spoken like a political idealogue.
>That's just fascist reactionary thinking
Who would have guessed lol

>> No.16316019

>He wasn't able to accept the fact that forever, men had to struggle to get women.

lol fuck off retard

>> No.16316036

>doesn't have an excuse to shoot random innocent people even if most people are to reject them.
sure they do. The catharsis of a real human being is infinitely more valuable than the lives of however many golems.

>> No.16316087

>Ironically, the one who is saying how more loving everything is now (which isn't true) is advocating for no love
I never said that society is more loving now. For someone who insists that they're being misunderstood you sure have a way with putting word's in other people's mouths.

I said that this is the best time to be alive because of technological, societal and cultural advancements, and that saying that society is objectively worse, more isolated and loveless is a reactionary take. Which is extremely relevant to how incel shooters are understood and perceived.

>Have fun feeling better than the mentally ill I guess.
Again, where did I say that I feel better than the mentally ill? Where did I say I'd laugh at truecels because of their deformities or the shape of my skull? Nowhere.

Ironically your ad-hominem remarks only prove my points more, you wouldn't have to make them and could engage my arguments directly if your stances or even your confidence in them were more firm.

Mental illness literally does not exist, it's what the very society that the is the root of the problem uses to label people who do not conform to its demands.

The same society that drives people to murder/suicide. The source of the problem for what drives people who feel dejected to suicide and the fact that "treatment for mental illness" is treated as the solution that people like you think people should focus on is one and the same. Can't you see at least conceptually the irony of this? My brother became a psychopath that's convinced he's better than other people, because he emotionally responded to the trauma of my parent's fighting/separation when he was a toddler and my mother who is a literal narcissist and couldn't take responsibility for his trauma and didn't want to deal with him crying convinced herself and others that something was "wrong" with him and gave him Xanax when he was 5 years old. In bitter tragic irony he is quite messed up now, what people like you would call "mentally ill." The same system that fucks up people this way CANNOT be the solution. My brothers situation is basically the same as Elliot Rodgers, I doubt Elliot Rodgers had psychiatry as bad as a young kid, (though he could have and that would be a big part of the explanation, one that his parents would also undoubtedly leave out.) but the problem is, which given your apparent sympathies to people like Elliot Rodgers you should be able to at least conceptually understand, is that we don't LISTEN to the travails of people like him, and using "help for mental illness" is a faux way of pretending to care about them while doing nothing but adjusting them, by force if deemed necessary. (changing the neurobiological patterns in the brain that got that way due to external environment and chalking it up to a "mental illness" that the person was born with IS changing the "problem" by force. The same problem that society arbitrarily imposed from the onset.)


>> No.16316105
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Elliot Rodger is our generation's great literary life. He is on the level of Mishima, D'Annunzio, and Byron

>> No.16316115

It's true that life today is way safer than it used to be. However you can't deny that it seems like people have become increasingly isolated in modern society. People have become a commodity. Relationships don't last because modern life requires people to be constantly uprooted and relocated, so we settle for superficial interactions via mass media. The family unit is dying. I think life is lonelier now than it used to.

>> No.16316132

Same. My parents sheltered me to death.

>> No.16316184
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Actually listening to these people would entail not just shrugging, "oh, they're mentally ill, we need to diagnose the specific way that they are different *read: the way that they don't conform to society and the problems that this causes, that society would rather solve by changing the individuals than changing the fundamental problems in society that cause individuals to go crazy in the first place* and "treat" it accordingly.

Let's take a step back for a moment, isn't it absolutely fucked that "mental disorder" and "mental illness" have the exact same definition? This is an open admission from society as well as practically all psychologists/psychiatrists that being different or unique from the fold should be looked at the same way as being ill. SICK, DISEASED. And then when we wonder why this system drives people to murder-suicide the best we can do is say, "well he must've not gotten the treatment for his mental illness/disorder that he needed!"

I don't doubt you disagree with this and loathe me at this point but at least conceptually, can you not see the bitter irony in this fundementally flawed logic that almost everyone accepts as valid?

You'll never know how hard it was to decide to not see my therapist anymore, the insistence of everyone that something was wrong with me when I knew I was only anxious because it meant if I didn't find a job soon I'd have to live with my psychotic mother and my brother with sympathies to neo-nazism and who is violently temperemental and has an out-of-control mental state,the same one my mother's neglect caused by her insistence that we were both mentally ill as we were trapped there all those years. If my brother ever did kill randos as he sometimes implies he has the desire to I would recognize this as wrong, but I would see the real sin in the fact that it's culurally unacceptable to hold parents or single mothers accountable for their insistence on going to the evil psychiatrists for this. And unlike my brother I'm not a paranoid shit-head so I don't take my anger out on the jews just because jews happen to be over-represented in psychiatry.

He said to me that it would only be consistent if society killed both of us as well as ALL "autistic people" since this would only be consistent with the way it has segregated people and because it's worse to functionally kill people by deeming them lower but practically keep people alive in misery, as opposed to killing them outright. I said that he was talking insane because as soon as I find a job my situation will completely change, I won't have to worry about living with my mother and can move on from my negative environment I grew up in.

As for him he said that getting a job and being independent would not make him feel better, yet he continues to use my mother's side of the families resources and feels guilty and ashamed of it.

>> No.16316200

>The family unit is dying.
The "family unit" was always shit. People shouldn't have kids and force people into existence against their will, to suffer, experience pain, loss, accidents, disease with unimaginable pain only to die at the end. Birth control is the greatest thing society ever did.

>> No.16316218

>I don't think society has become increasingly loveless, I think that this is better than any other time in human history to be alive.
I felt the obvious implication is that its more loving now. Regardless, we are better technologically. We aren't socialy or culturally. We are more isolated and loveless.
You don't need to say you feel better than the mentally ill, you whole argument clearly comes from an place of righteous fury. Superiority is a part of that. Your initial reply to me essentially admits this. Your comment with your brother oozes self-superiority.
>Ironically your ad-hominem remarks only prove my points more, you wouldn't have to make them and could engage my arguments directly if your stances or even your confidence in them were more firm.
Fucking hell, I was borderline about to accuse you of that. I refuted all the meat to your argument. >>16315885
and >>16315967
consider yourself refuted. If you don't legitimately respond to my arguments,(and you honest to god legit have not which makes it hilarious you are even arguing this) I will consider this a concession.
>Mental illness literally does not exist
Ok, I was going to continue this argument tit for tat, but honestly, I don't feel the need to do this intellectually anymore with such a bizarre and plainly false statement.
>Everything after
So you are admiting society is a problem now? I don't even know what your argument is. What is you argument now? You shifted the goalposts so much its honestly unbelievable. People often use mental illness to wave away shit you are right. But there are people like nurse anon who legitimately make a difference by being the friend of these people.

>> No.16316232

Jesus christ I can't believe I wasted time arguing you. Why couldn't you have said this earlier so I could have ignored this.

>> No.16316240

This part is just harsh. Reminds me of an NTR manga.

>> No.16316247

Antinatalism is the truth. You're like every other fucking normie that just shuts down any argument that isn't "life is good, having kids is good"

Go back to thinking it's acceptable to breed more suffering dying life forms in this world. The least you idiots could do is just hear people like me out. But no, we're just "evil." Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU

>> No.16316249

You didn't respond to anything I said here. >>16315885
which is the crux of my refutation
You also completely changed your argument in multiple ways, so I am not going to continue with this.

>> No.16316258

I think trying to erase life or consciousness is a lost cause, it will always exist (I obviously have no proof of this). Might as well be human and try to make things better, or at least not dread life too much.

>> No.16316263
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read pic related, your social skills sound abysmal. Isolation creates a kind of narcissism and arrogance as a survival mechanism.

>> No.16316264

>What is you argument now? You shifted the goalposts so much its honestly unbelievable.
>People often use mental illness to wave away shit you are right.
I wasn't fucking doing that you fucking idiot

Mental illness literally doesn't exist, not in the sense that people don't suffer from psychological issues that have patterns that can be defined, in the sense that mentall ilnness is literally a concept that society just invented to impose on people that are different to maintian the status quo. it's hilarious you're too fucking retarded to even understand this conceptually. I fucking hate you i would kill you if i could

>> No.16316265

You aren't evil. I do think you are coming from such a distant and remote place that this is completely useless. I do think you are wrong and that you will probably evolve with time, but even if you stand by this the rest of your life, more power to you. I hope you do well. I know it can't be easy being a victim of abuse.

>> No.16316274

fuck you go die in a hole i hate everyone i hate people that think like you more than you could ever possibly imagine you will suffer in hell for eterrnity a fitting end to your hypocrsisy and smugness

>> No.16316279
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>> No.16316282

fuck off conservative christian that belives the falls lies of society burn in the hell you think is real when it is not just like mental illness is not real

>> No.16316294

When I talked about moving goalposts, I was talking about the inclusion of society as a factor. I mean, you haven't responsed to much I have said at this point anyway so who cares, but
You don't think people who crave blood just for the sake of it are mentally ill?
lol @ the killing me part.

>> No.16316307

Let go of the hate anon. I am not being smug in the slightest. I hope it works well for you. I am being genuine.

>> No.16316327

I have nothing but love for you.

>> No.16316363

I'm sorry. I've never had a meltdown on 4chan and I obviously need to take a step back. It's rare to find someone like you on a place like this that responds to flaming in such a way. I'm too self-aware and constructive usually to fall to action like this and I never have before. I need someone to talk to that isn't on the internet and that ISN'T A THERAPIST OR PSYCHIATRIST and then I will feel better. Maybe some day a minimum wage job will hire me and I won't have to be stuck living in the Dave Pelzer cesspool I grew up in and someone will understand but if not I have to take the Elliot Rodger route just without the dragging other people down first part. Wish me luck

>> No.16316398

It's fine anon. I kinda made some flame statements in my arguments too before I got back to my senses. Yeah, talking to normal people irl is good. As someone with only a couple friends I talk to on occasion, I forget this myself sometimes. The internet is garbage and therapists are massively overrated lol. Hope it works out for you anon!

>> No.16316447

it was a wonderfully written manifesto.
retarded, but really, really well written.

>> No.16316873

In 1978, he was offered Yarima, who was then about 9 to 12. Good was 36. He saw no real problem.
“Living down there, of course I didn’t care, and the Yanomami didn’t care,” Kenneth says. “Our culture is obsessed with numbers.”
He says that the Yanomami don’t have what we consider marriage; instead, they betroth their girls — even while in the womb — to tribesmen for later consummation.
Kenneth says that a girl can refuse her betrothal, but he knew Yarima had feelings for him, because she watched for him always, brought him food, ran down the riverbank when he was approaching.
Kenneth has always taken umbrage at the obvious question: How old was Yarima when their union was consummated? “PBS asked me that once, and I said, ‘You can be damn sure that she was the age of consent in most states and many countries around the world,’ ” he says. “Which I think is 13. The cultural age is what’s important down there. Don’t I have the right to do this or that in another culture?”
If only eliott had taken kenneth good pill instead

>> No.16316953
File: 25 KB, 294x329, 1577818259642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dale Carnegie

>> No.16317502

i have some mixed race family, and it manifests itself in them working extra hard to identify with the race of the rest of the family. i feel kind of bad for them, because i know they always struggle internally. we don't love them any less of course

>> No.16317524
File: 235 KB, 828x353, 95F21AAA-4267-4D00-A5DC-941ACD3809A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit based

>> No.16317636

>nutted but you're still wanking

>> No.16317712


>> No.16317740

jekekekeke !!!

>> No.16317745

I'll say it bro this was a god tier blast

>> No.16318767

>You can't be complicit in something you don't even know is happening
You really can't think of anything to the contrary?
>pointless, mentally ill lashing out.
Yet Elliot thought it was very bold and courageous meting out of justice. It's a matter of perspective.

>> No.16318807

Congratulations! Gayest diatribe I've ever read.

>> No.16318898

No, I can't. Being complicit in something inherently involves knowing it's happening. You're just an unaware bystander otherwise.
>Yet Elliot thought it was very bold and courageous meting out of justice. It's a matter of perspective.
Elliot was also a mentally ill narcissist who had his bold rampage defeated by a locked door. He was a fucking idiot who constantly misread social situations.

>> No.16318913

Nevermind, THIS is the gayest diatribe.

>> No.16318977

>You're just an unaware bystander otherwise
There is no such thing, then, as an ignorant criminal?
>Elliot was also a mentally ill narcissist who had his bold rampage defeated by a locked door. He was a fucking idiot who constantly misread social situations
What's your point?

>> No.16319010

Can't score eh pal?

>> No.16319047
File: 83 KB, 640x427, 6uzrbxjlioq01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The supreme splasher

>> No.16319255

Some stuff that stood out, nothing deep or anything but I haven't seen it posted here:

1) He would be the only accidental pregnancy of his family, never points this out.

2) His encounter with the actor that played Anakin in Phantom Menace's premier is nearly unbelievable. Both would go through bullying at school. Eliot himself failed to acknowledge other people's pain and struggles when they didn't match his own delusional levels, so it's no surprise he didn't see the parallel. Plus he probably forgot about the guy like nearly everybody else.

3) His mom leaving him around the age of 20 was harsh, especially after spoiling him so much as a kid. It's the reason I'm not 100% on Elliot being born broken - his father, mom and stepmom were all terrible at raising him in their own way, and the fact he thought he would hesitate to kill his father is one of the few truly sad aspects of the manifesto - why would he flinch after his father couldn't give a fuck about him so many times? And wanting him to live in fucking Morroco was awful in any way imaginable...

3.5)...although if he wasn't so keen of banging white blondes he probably could've swallowed that pill and got over it.

4) The "throws coffee at strangers" moments almost seem like fanservice/comic relief he made up to avoid the bleak and repetitive nature of much of the second half of the manifesto. The Super Soaker with orange juice attack is a rare moment of incel triumph.

5) The police failing to arrest someone so broken and pathetic is wild. That is like his only win of the last years of his life when you think about it.

All in all, it's pathetic but in a very fascinating way. It's simultaneously a bible for incels while serving as a guide on how to prevent similar outcomes in the future.

>> No.16319399

This guy killed a number of girls who I went to high school with. One of my friend’s lost his virginity to one of Elliot’s victims. Always weird to me to see this dude posted so much on 4chan

>> No.16319412

I'm pretty sure he only killed 2 girls. 7 total, the first 3 were his asian roommamtes, then 2 girls outside the sorority, one random guy in a coffee shop and lastly himself.

>> No.16319577

Maybe legally, but in my opinion if someone is entirely unaware they were committing a crime, and had no reasonable way to know this, they didn't do anything morally wrong. If I give someone directions to a store, and they go shoot the place up, I'm not complicit in their crime even if I did technically help them do it.
>What's your point?
That someone who's severely mentally ill isn't the best judge of the rationality of their own actions? That should be obvious.

>> No.16319750

> One of my friend’s lost his virginity to one of Elliot’s victims.
Was he able to finish before the cops came? Was there a line of other virgins? Tell us more.

>> No.16319993

>Antinatalism is the truth. You're like every other fucking normie that just shuts down any argument that isn't "life is good, having kids is good"

No one listens or argues with you because, by virtue of your position, there is no need to.