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16300104 No.16300104 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking about getting a PhD in English literature to hopefully become a professor, but this worries me. Is it just a big con?

>> No.16300113


>> No.16300114


>> No.16300119

What is he quoting?

>> No.16300120

>I was thinking about getting a PhD in English literature to hopefully become a professor
I cannot think of anything more pathetic. A janitor contributes more than academics.

>> No.16300122

Based J2 BVLL

>> No.16300121

Get a real skill and a real job. Study English as a hobby. The humanities especially have been totally destroyed, but everything you really need is still available.

>> No.16300126 [DELETED] 

Anything Taleb says is wrong due to the fact that he's a low IQ Arab shitskin.

>> No.16300128

He is not Arab, imbecile.

>> No.16300130

It would be moronic to quit a six figure, tenured, easy as fuck job that let's you bang grad students if you're semi decent looking. Being an adjunct though...lol

>> No.16300131
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He makes unnecessarily absolute statements because he enjoys triggering people. Obviously dont settle in for an entire career in academia but getting a PhD in a lucrative or hard science field, or humanities at a non-cucked institution (or within a cucked institution under a based advisor) is very worth your time.
Its easy for him to say, hes already pretty much established himself. Young people have to play with the hand we were dealt.

>> No.16300132


>> No.16300135

Taleb is Levantine

>> No.16300139
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Watch this before deciding to pursue a career in academia



>> No.16300143
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Bros, how do I reconcile my love for the arts with the need to "get a real job" and contribute to society? Can I do both?

>> No.16300153


>> No.16300155
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>> No.16300158


>> No.16300162

kek he is based, it can't be denied

>> No.16300167

which of those countries are arab

>> No.16300170


>> No.16300171

Reminder Ar*bs are J1

Based Levantines are J2

>> No.16300177

The University of Southern California has placed a communications professor on leave after a group of black MBA candidates threatened to drop his class rather than “endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities” following the instructor’s use, while teaching, of a Chinese word that sounds like a racial slur.

Greg Patton, a professor at the university’s Marshall School of Business, was giving a lecture about the use of “filler words” in speech during a recent online class when he used the word in question, saying, “If you have a lot of ‘ums and errs,’ this is culturally specific, so based on your native language. Like in China, the common word is ‘that, that, that.’ So in China it might be ‘nèi ge, nèi ge, nèi ge.’”

>> No.16300181

Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, and partly Israel.

>> No.16300182


The article linked, pretty funny

>> No.16300184

calm down Taleb

>> No.16300195


>> No.16300201

As established in that other thread, a key habit of financially successful individuals is to avoid toxic people like Taleb and that USC professor.

>> No.16300205


>> No.16300206

He meant that academia is full of jews.

>> No.16300215

>reg Patton, a professor at the university’s Marshall School of Business, was giving a lecture about the use of “filler words” in speech during a recent online class when he used the word in question, saying, “If you have a lot of ‘ums and errs,’ this is culturally specific, so based on your native language. Like in China, the common word is ‘that, that, that.’ So in China it might be ‘nèi ge, nèi ge, nèi ge.’”
Holy hell, america might be unironically finished

>> No.16300225

Was the guy fired?

>> No.16300230


>> No.16300232 [DELETED] 
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Already a thread for this

>> No.16300242

What is the National review article being linked? Could someone please provide that context?
Based Arab detector
Cringe Arab denialists
That just makes him even more based and would indeed explain academia’s problems

>> No.16300248


>> No.16300253


>> No.16300258 [DELETED] 

No. Taking down off topic threads are literally their job.

>> No.16300267


>> No.16300268
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So did he want to have a white advisor ?

>> No.16300285

No. Taking down off topic threads is literally their job.

>> No.16300337

>a group of black MBA candidates threatened to drop his class rather than “endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities” following the instructor’s use, while teaching, of a Chinese word that sounds like a racial slur.

Black fragility?

>> No.16300339

You shouldn't voluntarily give up a potentially high-status position because some Arab calls you a looza.

>> No.16300361

holy kek

>> No.16300385

you're better off just being a high school english teacher, most of the shit about them being poor is propaganda its a easy union protected job with good benefits compared to most jobs plus you get summers off

>> No.16300388

Based olive schopenhauer

>> No.16300435

>Become high school english teacher
>Can't make your own curriculum, have to teach kids about the latest masterpiece from John Green and the fabulous work of whatever BIPOC cunts are being shoved into the limelight
>Get assigned to some ghetto school
>Get harassed all day but dumb and ignorant jogger youth
>Accidentally say something that sounds like the n word
>Get shot

Such is life in America

>> No.16300442

Isn't he literally a professor at NYU?

>> No.16300443

leave if you don't like it, sissy boy

>> No.16300446

No, he'd probably have decent recourse to sue the university if they fired him over that. Getting rid of tenured professors is pretty hard. You need a pretty good reason to do so. The university would also become a laughingstock if they fired a professor because a few students were too dumb to understand that some words from other languages sound similar

>> No.16300468


>> No.16300479

Of course he is. If someone with Senegalese parents born in England is English then someone born to Arab speaking parents in an Arab League country is Arab.
You racist!

>> No.16300480
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For jannies hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will have his approval.

But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain.

>> No.16300488

Whiter than you ivan

>> No.16300498

>a key habit of people succeeding in this culture and economy is avoiding people conflicting with this culture and people that cause friction by challenging the status quo
Based retard.

>> No.16300532

Added to my toxic person list. Goodbye.

>> No.16300563

Help, I'm being oppressed! I'm part of a minority and I am not given my voice!

>> No.16300586

If literature is your burning passion and becoming a professor will lead to your getting paid to do what you love, then do it. If not, don't. I think the business and the tech worlds really need an infusion of people who understand the value of the humanities.

>> No.16300596

Have you read the article he's replying to? lol

>> No.16300619

Wealthy successful people avoid toxic trash like you.

>> No.16300630

>Black fragility?

>> No.16300664

What the actual fuck is American academic culture?

>> No.16300677

No retard. He meant Taleb does not identify as Arab and he is right to do so. He is part Greek part Lebanese, who are Semites but not Arabs.

>> No.16300683

It goes back to the puritans.

>> No.16300686

And conflict avoiding people like you are never wealthy for long, and never get wealthy on their own.

>> No.16300704

and you! you toxic poster!

>> No.16300722


>> No.16300726

Taleb is a crypto-jew.

>> No.16300753
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>> No.16300765

>He said this in 1958
Imagine what he would say if he could see us now.

>> No.16300771


>> No.16300773

Wasn't there a Phlip Roth novel with this story?

>> No.16300813

Its a purity spiral. And ironically where academia is supposed to be exposed to all ideas and be able to refute the bad ones, but idpol retards have become so insulated in their dogma that anything even remotely outside their safe space cannot be tolerated to even be uttered. They're the real world "you can't say his name" NPC's in harry potter

>> No.16300849

Ted Kaczynski agrees.

>> No.16300886

Reminder that in the US, Arabs are white and have white privilege

>> No.16300899

It's funny because Bret Weinstein is an ultra liberal progressive

>> No.16300909
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>it's just like in Harry Potter!!

>> No.16300945

The reason they're so hysterical about shutting down any wrongthink is that they know subconsciously their views are ridiculous, and that if they just thought about the subject a little bit they'd end up being thought criminals, it's basically an 'infohazard'. You can actually see this happen if you talk to one of these people irl, as soon as the conversation comes close to a taboo subject their ability to reason disappears and they get agitated and start going on tangents.

>> No.16300976

>What the actual fuck is American academic culture?
Civil Rights culture. Victims must always be accommodated or face a Civil Rights suit

>> No.16301068

Most of the English professors at my school were explicitly telling graduating seniors not to go to graduate school for English. The situation is quite bleak. A lot of them seemed aware that they were in a withering field that was getting more parochial and absurd by the day, filled with increasingly shallow and narrow-minded students who were mostly just there to fuck around and maybe find a spouse. The sort of craziness you see now didn't hit a fever pitch until after I graduated, however. There were a few hysterical types, but they were largely ignored or disliked by everyone outside of their friend groups, and most students just tried to avoid any conflict whatsoever.

>> No.16301253

>actually look up the professor
>he’s wine multiple teaching awards, made the usc program number one in some specific communication focus
>he might get shitcanned for the equivalent of the “nae nigga nae nae song”
Wtf is wrong with commiefornians, seriously.

>> No.16301274

Whatever jannie

>> No.16301294

*Zionist White Supremacist Palestinian baby killer

>> No.16301314

>be european
>do academia
>work with the western canon
>get paid a respectable salary for doing phd
>be respected and reasonably paid for being an assistant professor
>spend your life cherishing the western canon
Not a day goes by where I don't thank God.

>> No.16301322
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>That's an unnecessarily toxic comment

>> No.16301323

You can do both, but your art will inevitably be mediocre if you work full time.

>> No.16301329

Who are you quoting? Maybe try reddit.

>> No.16301342

what happened

>> No.16301344
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>> No.16301346

Maybe read the OP

>> No.16301349

it's so that you can understand it too

>> No.16301372

He got accused of sexually abusing a student, and was keen to say racial slurs in the midst of a class, such as niggardly

>> No.16301380

Yep I'm thinking based.

>> No.16301390

I know 4chan and the internet right likes to shit on harry potter because basedboys love it but the V-word N-word comparison is spot on. I believe at one point some spell is cast that imbues the word Voldemort with a magical power so that anyone who utters it can be identified as a renegade. The word Nigger serves an identical function in the Western world today; in one sense it is just a word, in another merely having the courage to say it identifies you as an enemy of mankind (enemy of liberal capitalism and the State Department). In this way it is no exaggeration to claim that Nigger is a magical word akin to Voldemort.

>> No.16301398

that's what they call taking a risk, truly antifragile

>> No.16301408
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Based redpill poster

>> No.16301475

Everyone being pushed to go to college was a huge mistake. It's basically just an extension of highshool now, where you get to live away from your parents and party

>> No.16301484

It's like a form of blasphemy.

>> No.16301487

I don't even do that.

>> No.16301535

Jews don't directly name their god.

>> No.16301555


>> No.16301571

>It is not only a false oath that is forbidden. Instead, it is forbidden to mention even one of the names designated for N*ggers in vain, although one does not take an oath. For the verse commands us, saying: “To fear the glorious and awesome name.”1 Included in fearing it is not to mention it in vain.

>Therefore if because of a slip of the tongue, one mentions [N*ggers] in vain, he should immediately hurry to praise, glorify and venerate them, so that it will not have been mentioned in vain. What is implied? If he mentions N*ggers, he should say: “Blessed be People of Color for all eternity,” “People of Color are great and exceedingly praiseworthy,” or the like, so that it will not have been [mentioned entirely] in vain.2

>> No.16301572

Definitely DO NOT listen to anyone here. Just ask actually professionals, PhD students, those who stuck with it and those who left academia. Try to get a complete picture and don't listen to twitter

>> No.16301584

>ask people who are forced to walk on eggshells or lose their job due to retards like in the article
Yeah great idea

>> No.16301599

dunno anon

>> No.16301625

Anon I wanted to be a history professor at one point but thankfully I gave that up because I started to realize what I would be doing. Get an honest view from someone who tries to get in academia and they’ll tell you they all have no future because universities only consider giving them professor titles when they feel like it, basically give them slave jobs, they’re getting rid of tenure, you won’t have time to actually do research which is why you wanted the job, and you’re probably hundreds of dollars in debt. Its terrible just get something lower on the ladder and a avoid academia

>> No.16301647

You get a job that doesnt drain your energy, train driver or something, Or you work part time, But you will be poor.

Also life is short, but if you just read one hour a Day, and read alot on weekends, you will get pretty far.

>> No.16301677

So instead ask anonymous high school students and NEETs what their opinion on a twitter shitpost is? Sorry but you're a retard if you think there's a logical continuation between "professor presenting in class and getting canceled for reasons of SJWism" and therefore "all academics and all ex-academics are incapable of honestly expressing their opinions about academia because--" because what, they might get cancelled? What nonsense

>> No.16301684

Cringe and bluepilled take tbhwyfam

>> No.16301719


Do you think Weinstein was mistreated because he's a hideous looking freak? It seems to me that his appearance is well beneath being socially acceptable so it's easy for him to get ostracized

>> No.16301729

Because their entire life is at stake you fucking retard. They have completely enveloped themselves in academia, and if they say the wrong word and they are booted out from their castle, they will have to start from square 0. These academics have virtually no real world skills and would have to uproot their entire life if they say something that offends niggers, and the list of things that make niggers cry their little soulless eyes out grows longer by the day. So of course they're going to lie and say how much they love what they're doing, even if deep down they hate it. Because telling the truth means effectively ending your life

>> No.16301734

It’s because he’s a white Zionist oppressor.

>> No.16301747
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Alexander Pope was essentially pic related but euro aristocrats jumped on his dick on sight

>> No.16301749

in about 10 years there will be a huge wave of american refugees trying to get away from this shithole. get ready

>> No.16301770

American academia is beyond fucked in too many ways to describe in a single post on a laotian book binding site. Anybody who has taken some undergrad classes could tell you the future isn't looking bright

>> No.16301823

Where do you think this guy said "the wrong word"? Talking in a personal exchange to a prospective PhD student for his program? The funny thing here is that there IS obvious room for personal interest in that sort of discussion, but it's played out against the background of competition with other programs, economic considerations, personal prestige over what the professor studies, etc. You're just so obsessed with niggers that you think they would play a truly substantial part in that kind of discussion, which proves exactly my point about not trying to get an answer from here. Asking an academic you can at least expect them to have experience with whatever you're looking into, and therefore even if they're attempting to make a sales pitch you can understand something from the factual circumstances of their career, their work, their pay. While on 4chan all you get is a stupid projection of some incels poorly thought-out zeitgeist of university education and personal psychology.

>> No.16301828

>this post

big oof

>> No.16301907

this but it's civilization

>> No.16301978

Don't let them in. You might feel bad but before you know it you'll have "Roma Lives Matter, Stockholm Chapter" as a thing.

>> No.16302177
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This is the same guy who rants that the Roman Emperor Phillip the Arab was in fact not an arab.

This guy is just a bloviating and arrogant pseud. His opinion on most things is entirely emotional and reactionary, which is especially hilarious when you consider the types of subjects/people he constantly attacks.

I don't know why this board constantly talks about him. Maybe it's because this shitty board has become nothing but memes like every board since phone posting started.

>> No.16302196
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I plan on going back to finish my degree in Math then go far enough postgrad to be an adjunct

>> No.16302219
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He's a jew, no Christian would use those terms as if they carry no meaning

>> No.16302228

weinstein got what he fucking deserved he was for these ideas until they came for him

>> No.16302259

No he's trying to be quirky, like when faggots say "by the gods"

>> No.16302274

how embarrassing muttland will fall sooner than i thought

>> No.16302289

>Because telling the truth means effectively ending your life
lmao the US is truly a dystopia. "Land of the free" my ass.

>> No.16302294

>Everyone I don't like is le joo!
Fuck off back to >>>/pol/
Your shit is so tiresome

>> No.16302297

the guy said a chinese word and niggers thought it was some american racial slur top kek

>> No.16302301


>> No.16302304

>easy as fuck job
the guy is getting shit because niggers are ignorant and think chinese words are burger slang...

>> No.16302380
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The guy idolizes owls on twitter and in his home a Symbol of the Freemasons. He also holds the Talmud in his library.

Taleb is well read and is not stupid, he knows how to be quirky without including heavy names.

I like him because he thinks differently, but I don't agree with his beliefs. My point is to bring evidence towards this idea that he is a true Christian.

Pol was never my home board, nor was it the first board I visited.

Not everybody is aware of this. You can't silence the truth.

>> No.16302431

Time for your meds Mr. Schizo poster

>> No.16302452

Why are blacks so fragile?

>> No.16302453

I was going to say, when I heard about this I thought of The Human Stain

>> No.16302464

I would, but then I may become a target if it’s foreign policy

>> No.16302482

You didn't refute anything, everything I've laid out is open for you to research, it isn't some fictional rambling. Idiot.

>> No.16302489

The best point here

>> No.16302498

Lel. My boss is Chinese and I need to use him a lot to translate my questions to the engineers of the Chinese company that manufactured the machinery we're trying to assemble. His technical vocabulary is mediocre in English and abysmal in Mandarin, so there's a lot of times when he just stops and points at things and says "nigga...nigga...nigga...nigga...nigga..." It's fucking hilarious as a English-speaking bystander.

>> No.16302535

But I am a PhD student?

>> No.16302625

I don't even like this Arab but yes

>> No.16302627

No way this is real. Absolutely based.

>> No.16302645

>His Pronunciation of a Chinese Word Affected Their Mental Health
why are blacks so fragile

>> No.16303443

Stop being antisemitic, goy.

>> No.16303588

Because not only was every black person brought over as a slave by white people, they had to be freed by white people.
For 300 years, or so, they were enslaved and never successfully revolted, whereas the US, a fledging hippie backwater outpost, successfully rebelled against the most powerful empire in the world. It's humiliating. Black people's spiritual journey must either go through the Black Panthers or the church to reach dignity.

>> No.16303900


>> No.16303955

It's not a con in the sense that professors and administrators are knowingly trying to fleece you (well, most of them), but the system we've created doesn't have much to do with education or securing job prospects. Primarily, everyone working at a university is just trying to justify their own existence because if they don't they'll have their positions (if not their departments) cut, or, as in the case of administrators, they have to spend the money for fear of losing it. Add onto this growing administrator pools and salaries and decreasing room for tenured track positions, and we find ourselves with a system that isn't so much a grift, but is nevertheless unsustainable and not the place to put your hopes of a career in. If you are an absolutely astounding researcher with novel ideas and the drive to get published faster than everyone else in your cohort, you might make it. You may also need to suck some tenured cocks.

>> No.16303975

based dubs

>> No.16304023

Fucking 那个s

>> No.16304096

Become a Benedictine, bro.

>> No.16304570
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>> No.16304636

Are there any fields where academia hasn't become ridiculously hypercompetitive?
I'm not specifically talking about the USA, but the situation seems to be the same everywhere.

>> No.16304643
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Do you guys think he knows he's in Subahibi?

>> No.16305101

>I was thinking about getting a PhD in English literature to hopefully become a professor, but this worries me. Is it just a big con?
What are your chances? 1 in 100? 1 in 400?
You should talk to professors about that, to get a glimpse how to become a professor.

>> No.16306515

I remember Cum Town doing a bit about this and I thought the joke was that FOB Chinese kids were just wiggers

>> No.16307180

Good take but Taleb is wrong about IQ and the merit of psychological research https://ideasanddata.wordpress.com/2019/01/08/nassim-taleb-on-iq/

>> No.16307543
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That's why he supports Zion Don

>> No.16307720
File: 551 KB, 2860x1119, A4879C25-F515-493F-8DA4-EFA2088FBA3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tweeted at him about it but no response

>> No.16307722

>If you don't like truth, fuck off.
Guess it's time to read Antifragile again lmao

>> No.16308800

Taleb was so wrong about trump. Like all right wingers he lied about trump being some peaceful faggot.

>> No.16308923

Trump is the only American president in modern times to not start a war

>> No.16308941

To not start a war SO FAR. He can still do it in the next 4 years. And I think he will.

>> No.16308950

massive cope coming from some faggot who got BTFO

>> No.16308956

>Trump has both not invoked new wars and has wanted to even bring troops back from the Middle-East, which was met with derision

Yes, he's very anti-peace.

>> No.16308973

Are you going to pretend he didn't drone strike the defacto leader of Iran? Only corona stopped him from declaring war on them. That and them shooting down their own jet. Next time he'll probably call in the invasion.
He's a republican and 90% of Republicans start wars.

>> No.16309061

>getting a PhD
>actually trying to teach as a career
I hope you're not serious OP. The only reason to go to a university in the current year is if it's well-known like Ivy or Oxbridge and even then you should bail as soon as you get the rights to call yourself an alum. Unis only have value as status symbols and should not be taken seriously.

>> No.16309152


>> No.16309321

Ugh, low blow.

>> No.16309338

>Black people's spiritual journey must either go through the Black Panthers or the church to reach dignity.
But they always stop at chimpouts and store looting.

>> No.16309361

beyond based

>> No.16309365

>Imagine what he would say if he could see us now.
Don't worry anon. He watches us from heaven. And now he understands it all. There's no doubt in his mind that God will make it straight.

>> No.16309368
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I currently teach at a uni in lit, and I can tell you that you should do something else. What else? I am not sure. I am trying to figure that out, myself. But, unless you are exactly the right person with exactly the right ideas (not to put too fine a point on it), this is about the worst things have ever been, and I can't see where it could improve, because even tenured profs are cowards and quislings.

>> No.16309500
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>And I think he will
I hope so too dude

>> No.16309508
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>Black people's spiritual journey must either go through the Black Panthers or the church to reach dignity.
I just read Evola

>> No.16309522

Taleb is right about everything.

>> No.16309534

Holy fuck who is this based man

>> No.16309554


is it worth your time? or your money? most likely not, you aren't necesarily going to get a tenured position just because you're a phd

>> No.16309590

I went to a great high school with awesome teachers, so a lot of kids I went to school with went on to become teachers.

They all teach in the inner city and hate their lives.

>> No.16309740

>Ay yo dis lernin be hard n shiet. Wut if weez jus got dis cracka fired? Den we is not be needin to study no mo

>> No.16309771

>Promise to end the wars and bring the troops home
>Continues the wars and leaves the troops where they are

>> No.16309819

if you have to pay for your own PhD then you will never get a job in higher ed. the chosen get fellowships.

>> No.16309823

>>Continues the wars and leaves the troops where they are
You'd be surprised how many troops are glad for that.

>> No.16309845
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>Mfw my fine publication is posted upon this message board

You haven’t encountered any queers around here, have you Anon?

>> No.16309880

Baal was a very impartant god for phoenicians, and he is one.

>> No.16310247

>because even tenured profs are cowards and quislings.

can you really blame them? They've been in academia forever and don't know anything else so of course they're going to cling to their jobs no matter what

>> No.16310275
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>> No.16310281
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>> No.16310599

>no evidence for any claim you made
yeah thanks for this meaningless post faggot

>> No.16310617


>> No.16311523
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There's nobody who doesn't know that -stein is a jewish name anon, you're not adding anything to the conversation by parenthesising.

>> No.16313214

Which state are you in? In NYS, my old English high school teacher told me he was allowed to use any short story he wanted to use for teaching. This was public school btw, and not like a top level one. Just your regular suburban school district.

He also told me there was a list of novels that they could pick from to use for teaching. But there was a process in order to add a novel to that list. Nothing was John Green tier.

>> No.16313300

What is modern?
What is start a war?
Carter never started a conflict.

>> No.16313313

no one in this thread was alive when he was president.

>> No.16313322

All of them except Cyprus and Greece, and most of Turkey.

>> No.16313428

so is modern 1985 to today? Thats 6 presidents. not exactly a huge pool to compete against.

>> No.16313471

i'm not the original anon you were replying to, but what would you consider modern?

>> No.16313490

post WWII on. Don't have much of reasoning, but it feels modern. First thought was 1900 onward.

>> No.16313558
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Tell me some careers in which I can contribute to the societal super-organism, I would hate to be useless to my fellow robots, because what is the value of human life other than as a little factor in the societal whole

>> No.16313613

>still hasn't been refuted
Is he the king of /lit/? It's between him or Taleb, easily.

>> No.16313618

checked and correct

>> No.16313716

God damn he is so based.

>> No.16313800

Call me whatever, but I simply deny that this is a thing. I'm the demographic that piece is probably trying to call out; black, sjw, marxist etc and I live in these groups forcing universities to do better and none of this shit happens. At least, it doesn't happen as they report it. There could be billions of cases to what happened in actuality, but this is probably just spin.

>> No.16313804


>> No.16313822

Me again. The real reason to leave academia is that its just wage slavery for people so passionate about their work that they're (initially) willing to starve for the dream of influencing the wider academic world.

>> No.16313859

Don't report things. Bitch about them on social media, and you'll inevitably get whatever it is you want.

>> No.16313921

Academia in USA is a scam. Do not pursue a doctorate unless you go to Ivy or Ivy equivalents (UCLA, MIT, Berkeley are the equivalents NOT University of Michigan or any other "le ivy of le shithole" state university)

>> No.16314902

Mich is better than UCLA and on par with Berkeley in many disciplines

>> No.16314962

Ahh reminds me of reading the verse with 'niggardly' from Macbeth in High School

>> No.16315061

Taleb was already successful in academia by the time he bailed out and started writing popular literature for midwits so I guess.

I think for a lot of people academia is the only realistic way for them to have access to groups of people that can actually challenge and improve them intellectually. Even if they don't stay in academia.

>> No.16315068
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The Mountain and flyover hypeboreans will reclaim the coasts, to purge this all. Pic related.

>> No.16315439

What about MD programs?

>> No.16315454

but that's literally how chinese people pronounce that. the fuck

>> No.16315505

Why get an education when I could brainwash myself with internet propaganda?

>> No.16315518

the potential any of us have to 'contribute to society' is so minuscule that the idea that its absence would be a loss is ridiculous

>> No.16315541

>black MBA candidates
do you mean NBA?

>> No.16315599
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>> No.16315642

>They all teach in the inner city and hate their lives.

Fate worse than death IMO.

>> No.16315685
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They call it the University of Spoiled Children for a reason. The dumb black students are probably psyched to finally get victim status limelight, even if it's horseshit.

If this happened at a public university, the professor would probably have some recourse, but since USC is private he probably won't.

>> No.16315697

>They all teach in the inner city and hate their lives.

I often wonder at what point all the white teachers in the U.S. are going to get tired of educating niggers and Mexico's children.

>> No.16315738
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This makes me like him a lot better than I have up to this point.

>> No.16315791

the girl i am in love with has a name that resembles this slur very closely

>> No.16315841
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> black MBA candidates threatened to drop his class rather than “endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities”

Black fragility at its finest.

>> No.16316080
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He's being hyperbolic, but essentially yes. Academia is a hollow shell of its former self in large part due to a hideous case of sunk-cost fallacy.

I.E. the social sciences and neoliberal ideological underpinnings of modern academia have created an Academia which is absolutely terrible at its job. Diversity as strength, tabula-rasa convictions regarding intelligence and gender/race, the the obsession with decolonizing everything, it has all resulted in an educational body that is actually horribly uneducated and spends more time doubling down on the very cause OF this dysfunction instead of admitting that they were wrong and trying to fix it.

Because if it turns out that the Egalitarian ramblings of a bunch of white liberals from California turn out to have been 100% bullshit (which they are) that would mean that they spent decades fighting for intersectional and post-colonial restructuring of Academia based ENTIRELY on demonstrable falsehood, and they would then have to explain why they did this when it was so manifestly obvious that they were wrong.

Academia is no longer about knowledge, science or education, it's one huge damage control mechanism for itself, with everything from shuffling the diploma bubble under the rug to ignoring the fact that nobody with a degree actually works in their field anymore and that most of them don't even make more money where they DO work than people who drive garbage trucks for a living. All of that unfortunate reality has to be sterilized and spun because otherwise the huge number of inept Academicians who currently ride the gravy train and have built their entire worldviews around transparent apodictic lies are going to look really stupid.

But it doesn't matter how hard they scramble now, the damage is done. It is irreversable and when the toll comes due for this retarded kleptocracy of parasitic degenerates, there won't be enough student loans on the planet to bribe their way out of the guillotines they richly deserve.

>> No.16316165

well said.

>> No.16316323

I don't care about x deparment in umich being the best, the prestige of your school triumps over it
The hiring committee will invite the harvard history graduate over the michigan history graduate, regardless of how michigan history is the best ranked department ever
md is not academia

>> No.16316438

This is so accurate it hurts to read.

>> No.16316590

I work in academia and I approve of this message.

>> No.16316651
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Where do people learn to write this savagely?

>> No.16316682

what a fucking joke of a country

>> No.16316705

semite is a higher order category encompassing arabs
arabs are semites, you moron, of course he's semitic

>> No.16316726

I think it's more worrying they're having trouble coughing up "hundreds of dollars" than the fact that they're in debt.

>> No.16316727

Arabs love using euphemisms for their racial and ethnic backgrounds. It's why Iranians constantly refer to themselves as "Persians."

>> No.16316740

Iranians are not Arabs in any sense of the word. The cope you describe does apply to the true Arabs however.

>> No.16316744

You should read his original article instead. Made me lose all respect for that hack, it's incredibly poor.

>> No.16316777
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The Iranians have an actual legitimate claim to call themselves Persians, because they are an intact ethnic group and they are FAR superior to the Arabs, culturally, historically, and frankly racially. The Arabs are the Mexicans of the ME, and everyone including them knows it. The power gap between a Persian (Iraqi or Iranian) and an Arab is greater than the difference between a North Atlantid Aryan and an Aztec bean-person. The Persians have like 4000 years of culture, history and civilization, the Arabs couldn't even count past ten until the Persians taught them to.

Arabs are the ones who have to pretend to have more noble lineage. The Persians don't have to pretend, because their lineage is literally Aryan supermen. I still remember getting a taxi ride from an Iranian guy in America, and he was talking about his homeland and I said "yeah, that place sounds great, there are no Jews there," and he looked at me in the mirror, and I nodded and said "no no, we're with you, the fucking Jews right?" and we got into a 30 minute conversation about the kikes. I told him to stop at In and Out and got him a 4x4 animal style. Best ride of my life.

>> No.16316781

I fucking hate being reminded of this shit.

>> No.16316811

>Iranians are not Arabs

They're all Arabs to me.

You're Iranian, we get it.

>> No.16316825

If anything you have minimized the problem. American unis are completely fucked, but it isn't an accident. The Slow March through the Institutions was always intended to end with a scorched earth policy. It's not that they aren't aware that their worldview is horseshit, they know full well, the destruction of any sort of American intelligentsia was the goal from the story.

>> No.16316841
File: 5 KB, 335x99, Itsa mee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not an Iranian. I'm a white guy from Washington. Persians are different from Arabs ethnically, it's like saying that the Romanians and the French are the same. One is a serious people, the other is a joke race that has never done anything important.

>> No.16316853

You are an idiot

>> No.16316856

I tend not to place blame on the communists for this because communists are shit at everything and if you talk to them, they mostly bitch about how Academia threw them under the bus.

And this is true. Neoliberals dominate academia, Hard-Leftists are rarer than hen's teeth. Sure you get some of their kike lies involving gender theory and race, but they're a minority. Judeo-Capitalism is the dominant force in academia today.

>> No.16316866

Maybe. I hear that's not an easy thing to self-diagnose, but I'm being honest.

>> No.16316879

I love how the first reply shows exactly what is wrong with the modern academic attitude.

>> No.16316903

You're all cockroaches to me yet society largely considers you as humans.

>> No.16316941

>Wow big strong muscles!!!
A coward with a gun is more powerful than five of such men.

>> No.16316955

yeah but soldiers still have to train their bodies

>> No.16316981
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>One is a serious people, the other is a joke race that has never done anything important.

>> No.16317039

Agreed. The French are a bunch of clowns.

>> No.16317090

Holy based

>> No.16317136

my friend tried (and failed) to get into a PhD program for academic psychology, it was hilarious to listen to what he was attempting to research. it was some concept about death Invented by one of the bigwigs in the school system, and instead of coming up with some kind of internal concept involving this fear of death, they just decided to go the empirical route. they managed in their infinite wisdom to find out that people move slightly away from their loved ones who are in the process of dying/dead, as in they would not get close to them or lean away from them. your tax dollars paid for that shit

>> No.16317154

wow such science

>> No.16317178


he didn’t see anything wrong with it

>> No.16317192
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>> No.16317374

Market oversaturation is more of a concern than some Americans acting like uncultured clowns but it will be difficult for academia to carry on purposefully without the following:

1. Being elitist and insular (in the sense of Newman's The Idea of a University)
2. Trimming down the bloated administration
3. Getting rid of sports

>> No.16317648


>> No.16317675


>> No.16319334


>> No.16319501

I had a /lit/ teacher who had to put a feminist spin on everything we were reading. It got ridiculous when at one point we were talking about a story where a woman basically destroys a family and ruins lives by abusing the courts and she tried to spin it into a narrative about women being oppressed.

>> No.16319518

can you imagine giving free sex to slut students.

>> No.16319526

teaching racist languages shouldn't be allowed

>> No.16319923

Taleb made that statement because everyone in the academia makes fun of him. Taleb is a skilled mathematician who invented a retarded story to sell more books and enjoying the attention given by his midwit eco chamber. I hope he gets Sokal Affaired really quick nobody in the academia takes that retard seriously lmao and you are seriously thinking about your career because of him lmao

>> No.16319929

sounds to me like they're jealous of his success

>> No.16319937

Yeah selling books but being academically irrelevant is really a success

>> No.16319967

>academically irrelevant
>has a statistical distribution named after him
Pick one, imbecile.

>> No.16319973

based...can't stand his writing style and his books could be shortened to 20 pages, he's got decent taste in literature though

>> No.16320015

The fat tailed egomaniac midwit distribution?

>> No.16320133

>Carter never started a conflict.
But he did

>> No.16320253

should like cope from being dumber than an arab

>> No.16320595

fucking killed me

>> No.16320626

based chinks

>> No.16320641

>can you imagine giving free sex to slut students.

You gotta give up the A to get the A.

>> No.16320665

So happy continental Europe is immune to this bullshit. Anglo thought will always be characterized by spiritual poverty

>> No.16320702

Could be a bit more concise and I feel the issue is bigger than you describe, but agreed my friend

>> No.16320730

then you are denying reality, many of these types of incidents have been recorded or captured on video. For example the Yale Halloween incident. But ok, keep pretending it isn't happening until it slaps you in the face.

>> No.16320867

>wallace stevens

>> No.16320881

Become a playwright

>> No.16320911

The students, who identified themselves as “Black MBA Candidates c/o 2022” wrote that they had reached out to Chinese classmates as they were “appalled” by what they had heard.
“It was confirmed that the pronunciation of this word is much different than what Professor Patton described in class,” the students wrote. “The word is most commonly used with a pause in between both syllables. In addition, we have lived abroad in China and have taken Chinese language courses at several colleges and this phrase, clearly and precisely before instruction is always identified as a phonetic homonym and a racial derogatory term, and should be carefully used, especially in the context of speaking Chinese within the social context of the United States.”

>> No.16320921

Yeah it’s a con

>> No.16321172

>So happy continental Europe is immune to this bullshit.
France sounds like its beginning to go through its own culture war death spiral, and Sweden is definitely already there.

>> No.16321369

>Niggers are so obsessed with their négrite that they are traumatized by any phrase sounding vaguely similar to the name they call themselves on daily basis, if it's spoken by a white person.
Sounds about right.

>> No.16321402

I used to do blue collar work around black and latino guys. They literally just use "nigga" to mean "dude" or "man." I realized this one day when one of them referred to the Fast and the Furious Paul Walker as "that white nigga."

Consider the famous story about the rapper Chamillionaire, who, upon meeting his childhood idol Michael Jordan, asked to take a photograph with him. Jordan replied by saying "I don't take pictures with niggas." Obviously, being black himself, Jordan doesn't have a problem with black people. What he was trying to impart was that he doesn't take pictures with other men (he only prefers taking photos with ladies).

>> No.16322814

>Sokal Affaired

Are you familiar with the Sokal Affair? Sokal intentionally submitted nonsense to a postmodern journal, in order to show how useless the field was. This intentional hoax served to discredit postmodernism, not Sokal.

Please describe the analogy you had in mind, otherwise we will be forced to assume you are an idiot.

>> No.16323030

I hope he experiences something similar to the Sokal affair. Believe me it's gonna happen in my opinion by an economist or a statistician who doesn't have an egomaniac mental breakdown on Twitter every week. Taleb is really famous in the academia for talking about thinks he doesn't know like Deleuze did with mathematics

>> No.16323916

Notice the complete absence of shitlibs trying to contradict this because it is so obviously true.

>> No.16323998

is there anything American Blacks havent ruined yet?

>> No.16324088

It's in OP's image, retard.

>> No.16324115

It's not just spin when it constantly happens you stupid cunt. You are exactly the demographic who this shit benefits, so you would of course try to claim that it's "not that bad"

>> No.16324191

>You are exactly the demographic who this shit benefits, so you would of course try to claim that it's "not that bad"

Don't bother. All they know how to do is destroy things.

>> No.16324507

No. Arabs are legally considered white but treated like they're brown.

>> No.16325255

*phoenician, you fraud

>> No.16325463

Literally all of them bro.

>> No.16325632


>> No.16325682

The Turks are a different race, but the others are mostly Arab. Syria is run by Alawites because they're the only white people in the country and you can't trust Semites with anything.

>> No.16325700

>turks are arabs
>jews are arabs
>lebanese are arabs
>palestinians are arabs
>syrians are arabs
>egyptians are arabs
>greeks are arabs
open a history book for once in your life

>> No.16325780

>Consider the famous story about the rapper Chamillionaire, who, upon meeting his childhood idol Michael Jordan, asked to take a photograph with him. Jordan replied by saying "I don't take pictures with niggas."
damn, jordan's a dick

>> No.16326302

>really famous for talking about thinks he doesn't know

Like you and the Sokal affair. Got it.

>> No.16326396

woah now cool it with the racism there ole boy ! now we can say these particular people's were fragile little fucking cunts that I'd love to take a gun to. but it isn't fair to group all people with similar culture or skin color , in fact it's downright bad! heh !

>> No.16326407

a bunch of fucking gaycunts if you ask me

>> No.16326529

no writer who works a "real job"—in the modern job™ sense—has contributed anything of value to the arts, or to society. realistically your "real job" will be some spurious nonsense.

>> No.16326570

the reason they never rebelled is that most niggers were accepting of their station in life. there are two reasons for this. one is that most people are both naturally servile or can become servile and can find comfort in the security and simplicity of such a station. the other is that the beliefs most burgers and burnt burgers have about slave life are liberal propaganda when in reality it was not that bad and comically evil cotton barons antagonists from hollywood jew films
(pushing nonsense about muh freedom and the individual) should not be taken as a serious representation of life.

>> No.16326596


>> No.16326604

he would know

>> No.16326620

thats just related to the collapse of clear class division. the ivory tower was a good thing and we opened the front door for the plebs.

>> No.16327043

I want to go into academia because I have nowhere else to go. I just don’t have the skillset for anything else. I know it’s fucked, but I have no faith of finding a job elsewhere.

>> No.16327121

I’m extremely grateful to have attended college in the mid-to-late 2000s. I feel like I was in the very last American generation to have a normal college experience. I was also warned against becoming a professor. I can never repay the people who talked me out of it. Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.16327323

>Pinker, a professor, makes a few mistakes in statistics
>REEEEEEEEE IYI imbecile!!!!1
>Trump, the U.S. President, intentionally downplays a lethal pandemic
>*cricket noises*

Yeah, I’m gonna take whatever this angry arab says with a massive grain of salt

>> No.16327476

If you can't imagine learning more or getting better at something else by getting a more 'prestigious' education and would never participate or produce any kind of independent project you are hopeless even if you do get in to Yale or Harvard or whatever disgraced institution .

>> No.16327681

I wanted to work on the cures to diseases, I should have gone to trade school to do that right?
Don't need no education.

>> No.16327708
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>The University of Southern California has placed a communications professor on leave after a group of black MBA candidates threatened to drop his class rather than “endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities” following the instructor’s use, while teaching, of a Chinese word that sounds like a racial slur.

>> No.16327729
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 228642749411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect your truthpost has become pasta my eloquent fren

>> No.16327789
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-ideas-have-consequences-richard-m-weaver-133-69-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.16327819

What's based? He behaves like a child

>> No.16328248

I saved it.

I graduated in 2014 and things were still fairly normal. Had one white professor who in his class readings wasn’t afraid to read passages with “nigger” in them, and he didn’t get in trouble. There were some student groups trying to stir up shit then, but they weren’t that numerous and it hadn’t hit a crescendo yet. There weren’t a lot of black students at my university though.

>> No.16328309

>elitist and insular
Impossible. Even at the best universities in the world there exists a jarring divide where at any one time half the students are genuinely exceptional and belong there, and the other half is blatantly and painfully unqualified, but got in anyway due to diversity quotas and/or legacy admission favoritism. It's more likely a 75/25 split, favoring unqualified as well.

>> No.16329418

I don't know how it is in the US but it is pretty common to get a tenured position if you already have good contacts in the institution. Most often than not, STEM positions in the best universities here in Brazil are given to people that have good relationships with well connected professors. So it is basically a dead end if that is not the case.

If you are a student of as advisor that doesn't conform to what the rest of department thinks/wants you are not only "banned" from any real chances of employment in that university but also probably in others too. It is common practice to open new positions for general application but that are meant for a specific person, so the entire process is really a fraud. This is widespread and obviously criminal, since I am talking about public universities.

After I and others acknowledged that was how the game was played we basically were doomed. There is not enough money for projects to start with, but even if you had you are basically at the mercy of the most self-centered people you ever seen, that can essentially end your career over nothing. The best solution is just to move on.

If in STEM is this bad, I can only imagine how it is in humanities. So yes, I don't think there is any real chances in academia, there is no point really.