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File: 234 KB, 1000x665, Chasing-off-for-whales_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16298222 No.16298222 [Reply] [Original]

In Moby-Dick Ishmael talks alot about reading books on sailing and whaling. Can anons recommend any books on these subjects? And what might Ishmael/Melville have read?

>> No.16298225

Become rich, buy a submarine and start sinking every yatch in sight.

>> No.16298237

>Become rich
>buy a submarine
>start sinking every yatch in sight
y tho?

>> No.16298429

Because you were a currycel cucked by Chad Anglos

>> No.16298602
File: 291 KB, 440x686, Two_Years_Before_the_Mast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this thread on track. Has anyone read pic related?

>> No.16299400

This is not properly about sailing but Joseph Conrad had quite a career in the commercial navy. I only read In the heart of darkness but I think that there must be a book that is inqpired by his experiences.

>> No.16299450

He more or less tells you in the book. Also Melville was a whaler himself so the book is populated more with his irl experiences than anything he read.

>> No.16300185

moby dick literally opens with a list of the books that melville was reading about sailing and whaling

>> No.16300325
File: 3.49 MB, 1300x2303, nautical2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished Moby Dick and I made this chart (pic related). Also a tip, Dover has an imprint called Dover Maritime that publishes non-fiction books like the ones Ishmael may have read. All kinds of topics, from ships to knots to whaling, etc.

>> No.16300328

Lord Jim is one.

>> No.16300700

saved. looks great anon

>> No.16300786

he makes a few references to scorsby's "account of the arctic regions". i only know that because it was in the footnotes.