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16297505 No.16297505 [Reply] [Original]

Do protestants really

>> No.16297514

You liberal faggots let them

>> No.16297522

yes, protestants actually read the bible unlike catholics

>> No.16297558

Reminder that Protestantism came from a guy wanting to divorce his wife.

>> No.16297611

You're thinking of Anglicans

>> No.16297614

i actually have this bible, AMA

>> No.16297632

do the girls bible exist

>> No.16297640


>> No.16297648

this is american capitalism

>> No.16297649

Post the girls bible

>> No.16297653

Any approved catholic bibles or bust. Prot bibles omit many books anyway.

>> No.16297666
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They were the first protestants dummy

Oh no wait, those were the Catholics.

>> No.16297671

post exerpts so we can circlejerk

>> No.16297677

US has been a disaster for Christianity, they were non-believers from the start but love larping

>> No.16297684
File: 380 KB, 1370x1646, Screenshot 2020-09-06 at 10.08.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a based book

> I would rate this as very good for boys to cause them to open a bible and read. I have taught 5th and 6th grades at church for almost 10 years straight and love it...but am stepping down for a bit and see which direction the Lord has planned for me. What I have found in teaching is that in any lesson you pick something within that lesson that kids hang on to. We all are aware whether we like it or not is that they do like an element of the scary, unusual and gross. Rick Osborne knows how to address these areas...he was once a boy and remembers. I would also state that new Christians...even adults or adults who really have never gotten into the Word should not shy away from books labeled for children...even for girls when labeled for boys. Many adults are embarrassed to state they are not understanding...I see no problem for adults to read or be embarrassed in reading children's bibles or books for a place to start and understand.

>> No.16297734

Do they make one for homosexuals?

>> No.16297739


>> No.16297740


>> No.16297745

do you think a book like that exists anywhere else in the world?

>> No.16297758

>become more like Jesus physically
Holy based, we need more long-haired twinks

>> No.16297901

I don't see what's wrong with this tbqfh.
As a Spaniard Roman Catholic, I can confirm this is sadly cent per cent true.

>> No.16297931

It's really no different than some of the ways the Church used to teach prior to mass literacy, which is through pictures or songs.

>> No.16299116

Yes the regular one

>> No.16299166

>Luke 2:52
Heh, that's kinda cute

>> No.16299174
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>> No.16299178

>t. no practicante

>> No.16299361

The gospels themselves are tailored to specific audiences, like Matthew for the Jews or Mark for the Romans. This isn't some banjo at mass innovation.

>> No.16299662
File: 100 KB, 564x717, 1573289293918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to own this bible when I was in elementary school. Currently doing undergraduate studies in preparation for seminary. I wish I was better. Some days I wonder if non-existence is preferable to existence, if only because then I wouldn't be sinful. I hate myself for being so unclean. For personal reading, I read the ESV, but I'm studying Koine Greek for more advanced study of Scripture.

>> No.16300917

But why is this bad if it gets kids reading the Holy Book?

>> No.16300966

>Some days I wonder if non-existence is preferable to existence

I understand that self hate has lead you to think this way. Existence is preferable in all cases even if, Ecclesiastes 4:2 states, "And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive". To live is to suffer, as we Catholics pray this world is a veil of tears but God gives us meaning and provides us reward for our suffering. To be in God's eternal embrace is better than to suffer, but we must carry our cross just like Jesus did, and we must endure hardships before we are united with our creator.

Keep going anon, keep enduring, never stop and never give up. You will be greatly rewarded.

>> No.16300991

Catholics literally cannot comprehend owning a personal Bible and reading it. This is understandable -- most Catholics are Irish, Italian, or South American -- where most of the population is illiterate.

>> No.16301034

>I don't see what's wrong with this tbqfh.
There's nothing wrong with it. They're simply packaging it in a way that will interest adolescent and teen boys.

>> No.16301179

Catholics created the bible, sweety.

>> No.16301209

>Liberals poisoned the bible with codified toxic masculinity
No, this is the tradition conservative we Americans will pay with our very lives to protect. You are nothing but a cuck with a 2wd truck. Go to venezuela if you want libshit theology

>> No.16301227

>showing off catholic reading incomprehension
I wrote 'personal' for a reason.

>> No.16301258

> veil
Do Cath/lit/s really?

>> No.16301288

When are Catholics they royally fucked up on this and recognize they're solely responsible for the Anglican church.

>> No.16301884
File: 48 KB, 329x500, 52B469BE-2509-4772-B8F4-D6E47BCDFE2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good version?

>> No.16301911

I went to a Catholic school and was an altar-boy in my youth. We Catholics don't read the Bible cover to cover. It's all about crypto-paganism and popish idolatry.

>> No.16301930

Protestants don't read anything BUT the Bible.

>> No.16301998

Yeah I know that. I was just thinking in the sense of "having never been born would mean I would never have sinned against God," since I hate how filthy I truly am.

>> No.16302245

Depends, do you want an aesthetically pleasing translation or a more scholarly translation?
I love the KJV but for studying you should go RSV, ESV, or Oxford REB

>> No.16302408

This shit is why westerners kill themselves.

>> No.16302467
File: 120 KB, 1254x836, 2FD77CB3-ED97-4B4E-9964-BD742A5A57E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“As a Spaniard Roman Catholic, I can confirm this is cent per cent true, as it should be.”
>“They're simply packaging it in a way that will interest adolescent and teen boys.”

>> No.16302499

Damn, what's he thinkin so hard about

>> No.16302679

Reminder catholics get their assholes diddled by pedos in dresses and penis hats and then go on the internet and act self righteous with illegal porn minimized

Catholics just need to give up, it's over

>> No.16303018

You ever play the video game Blasphemous? Terribly off-topic considering the board, but it resonated with me in a surprising way because the developer studio was made up of Andalusian Catholics and lapsed Catholics (who still "felt" Catholic, since, as any Catholic knows, once you've been reared and encultured within Catholicism, you cannot de-Catholicize yourself), and long story short, the central theme of the game is a reflection of the inner turmoil of the game's makers, with exaggerated portrayals of self-mutilation and inwardly-directed hatred so endemic to Catholicism as a physically manifested force of evil within the game world, contrasted with the common folk who are largely positive portrayals of monks and priests and poor brothers - and the battle for the soul of faith, torn between a sort of almost idolatrous worship of self-hatred and an outward-looking love, provides the backbone of the game's story, which is told through item descriptions, gameplay sequences and character interactions in a manner very similar to titles like Dark Souls.

I'm way off on a tangent here - my rambling point, which the game is cogent to, is that - if your faith is such that your sense of filth and self-hate is a factor in it, then you should leave the seminary and do something else until such time as you resolve your inner issues. You can't guide people through the faith of loving God if you're centered in a place of hating yourself instead. God is mercy, not loathing. By loathing you indulge an inward-looking narcissism that draws your gaze away from God.

There's two cents from a random anon

>> No.16303230

I don't mean to have wasted your time, but the cause of my filth-focus is just my curse of OCD (and the lack of treatment since my parents never wanted me to take meds/seek counselling). I truly do enjoy religious studies, and the highlight of my week is usually the time I spend volunteering, but I keep getting into thought loops.
I really wish I wasn't born with this condition, since every winter I end up with dry/bloody hands from washing too much.
I'll check out Blasphemous, though, since it sounds interesting.

>> No.16303267

Why do catholics have all this weird guilt shit going on? My dad was raised catholic but I was raised baptist. He has all this bizarre mental guilt bullshit going on where he lashes out like a lunatic and then has a mental guilt-ridden breakdown when he realizes he's been a naughty boy and the priest isn't going to be happy at confession or whatever the fuck is going on with him

The baptist aesthetic is just good hymns, an old wooden church, happy people on sunday morning. It's all very positive, no trauma

>> No.16303276

Niggas going through a lot rn

>> No.16303283

I feel like I just got rickrolled by the Gospel of Daddy Issues.

>> No.16303293

This looks like a "Christianity General" kinda.
What is necessary to be a Christian besides just recognizing the divinity of Jesus Christ?
Why aren't Mormons Christian? Why aren't Jehova's Witnesses? What about Gnostics/Marcionites?

>> No.16303308


>> No.16303315

He's right anon.

>> No.16303376
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>> No.16303745

Look up the Nicene Creed. Mormons and JW’s have some non-Trinitarian beliefs. Believing Jesus is divine is not always the same as thinking he is God, or that he is equal to God the father.

>> No.16303765

In the name of the daddy, his girl, and the holy cummies amen.

>> No.16303910

ITT:retards and heretics
you're blind if you can't see the innate superiority of Orthodoxy

>> No.16304805

Good post

>> No.16304822

> US has been a disaster for [...]
Replace [...] by literally anything and it's still true.

>> No.16304855

>What is necessary to be a Christian besides just recognizing the divinity of Jesus Christ?

>> No.16305142

Is there any publication of the King James Version that features illuminations etc? Am I wasting my time even wanting to start with the KJV?